Clear Your Fears

About Clear Your Fears

My passion is helping children and adults alike overcome the negative affects of the past. Using safe, tried and test techniques we can clear flashbacks, panic attacks, fears & phobias and restore emotional and physical health.

Clear Your Fears Description

I help people dissolve and clear limiting beliefs, uncover their self worth, and find peace of mind. I use safe, tried and tested techniques such as E. F. T. Emotional Freedom Techniques, Matrix Reimprinting and Clinical Hypnotherapy with clients and help them gain confidence and belief in themselves once again.



Rob knows how to help people and in his book he explains how to in plain language.


“The price of admission to any relationship is the forfeiture of all my needs, rights, preferences and boundaries.” This is taken from Pete Walker’s work where he highlights CPTSD, and the survival techniques of the ‘people pleaser.’ We believe in order to stay safe, to avoid injury, we stay on high alert, doing what it takes to stay safe, alive, out of harms wa, we must give up our needs and right of self expression. Might have worked as a child, but it no longer serves us and our mind and body bears the burden as we get older. Good news is we can clear the negative beliefs supporting people pleasing and maybe for the first time in our lives, live in line with who we really are.


You have possibly just come in from feeding, mucking out, and looking after your 4 legged friend. Spending your precious time and money. The thought of tacking up and having the fun element is not happening. This could change with attending this workshop. You are not alone. I have had nearly two hundred clients and I only do these workshops once in a while. You can book your space with a £10 deposit or pay in advance £20(saving £5). By PayPal Let’s make the change and have some fun


It’s started!!


...and when you clear the limiting belief, resource yourself with more empowering beliefs, then you automatically change your point of attraction and are less likely to encounter the same amount of negative people and circumstances.


'Emotional Freedom Techniques' have given many people the opportunity to improve their emotional and physical well being. Here are a few of the accredited EFT trainings taking place in a few months time, with more locations and dates to be announced soon. BANGOR, NEWRY, NEWTOWNARDS, OMAGH. Dates, times, venue address, course contents and methods to make payment to secure your place as numbers are limited, can all be found at, click EVENTS tab and follow the link. Thanks, Nigel & Karon.


Stigma. When our car needs serviced we think nothing of taking it to a mechanic. We have a toothache and we go to the dentist. However, when we suffer a trauma or have anxiety of some sort, we make a big deal of taking steps to clear it. To me, not seeking help is driven by a fear, it can stop us in our tracks and so we give our power away to that traumatic event.


Do you or someone you know suffer from stress? Would you like to learn how to both manage your emotional and physical health and clear negative thinking and feelings? EFTTapping Training Ireland with me Nigel Colmer and Karon Clements are offering accredited EFT Level 1 and Level 2 Practitioner training in April, May, June and September/October this year. Full details can be found at, and click on the EVENTS tab to follow the link. Your health at your fingertips. Best wishes . Nigel


Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT/ Tapping as it’s also known has been highlighted in the Belfast Telegraph as you can see in relation to local practitioner Alice Carder. Having read the article, it resonated with much of what I believe as an Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner myself and accredited EFT Trainer, offering EFT founder Gary Craig’s Classic EFT to people with no previous health training, through to counsellors, teachers, Trust staff, reflexologists, osteo...paths, cranial sacral therapists, to name just a few. I’m also a Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and I know first hand how effective these techniques are in addressing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, fears, phobias, depression, anxiety, physical pain and much more.
NICE has listed EFT on its website and the up to date scientific evidence supporting EFT can be viewed at One of the significant points in regard to EFT is when applied correctly it has been proven to lower cortisol, the main stress hormone that causes stress to be felt, times when the heart begins to race, mouth to go dry, stomach to go into knots, palms to get sweaty, and long term effects of stress can cause multiple conditions as we know. Further examples of how stress affects the body have been highlighted in the Belfast Telegraph article below and in detail on my website. Details below.
I am so pleased to see EFT becoming accepted by mainstream health organisations and reaching these shores. Both Karon Clements and myself run EFT Tapping Training Ireland and offer accredited EFT Level 1 & Level 2 Practitioner training, in addition to taster EFT workshops. More details can be found at
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Maybe you know of someone who might want to lower their stress and reclaim their emotional and physical health. 🙂
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There are many, many modalities out there that can help children, parents and any one else worried about their mental health, and I have found deep permanent healing using Emotional Freedom Techniques and other advanced energy psychology techniques. Health can improve with awareness, clearing of past negative events and balancing, so that natural resources can surface. For more info on what I am taking about, log onto

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