Cloughwater Presbyterian Church

About Cloughwater Presbyterian Church

Cloughwater Presbyterian Church



How do we live well in a confusing world? Come along this Sunday morning at 11.30am as we worship God and look at Ecclesiastes 7. After the service we'd love to see you at our church picnic, bring your own picnic and enjoy food, fun and fellowship - everyone welcome!


One more night of Fit for Life at Cloughwater! Come along, bring a friend! Don’t worry if you haven’t made it yet, this is your chance. Look forward to see you!


This Sunday our young people will be helping to lead our morning and evening worship. Come along at 11.30am and 7pm as we go on a treasure hunt! Everyone welcome!


Ladies, don't forget Fit for life 2 tonight. Come along at 7.30pm, bring a friend!


Fit for Life at Cloughwater is almost here!!! We are running for 3 Thursday nights only, not to missed!!
Starting this Thursday 6th June @ 7:30pm.
7:20-7:30 Registration... 7:30 Aerobics & exercise stations with Sharon Hunter or a local brisk walk (or less brisk) 8:30 Healthy Snack 8:45 Talk - Rachel Aicken
A night thinking about fullness of life for mind, body & soul.
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We often say "Don't worry, be happy" - easy to say, hard to do in practice! The Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes helps us with that. Come along on Sunday at 11.30 to morning worship as we look at Chapter 4 and stay for tea/coffee to chat more - all welcome!


This Sunday we are looking at Ecclesiastes 3. In a world of confusion and busyness can we agree with the Psalmist saying "I trust in you, O Lord; I say 'You are my God', My times are in your hands" (31.15)? Come along to Cloughwater this Sunday morning at 11.30am. You'd be really welcome!


Fancy doing some reading this summer? Here's a great place to go with plenty of good books and resources. Why not enjoy the quiet of the library or take a few books out over the summer? Worth thinking about...


Attention all ladies, young and not so young!!! We are running a Fit for Life programme and would love for you to be there!!!
No booking, no charge. Bring a pal who needs out of the house too, for fun, fitness & fullness of life! If you’re a mum get a baby sitter lined up now.
Running Thursdays 6th, 13th & 20th June @ 7:30pm.. these are stand alone nights so even if you can only make one that would be fabulous!!
... Check out the flyer for more info and share with others.
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Come along this Sunday morning at 11.30, as we celebrate around the Lord's table. We'll be looking at Ecclesiastes 1&2 and discovering that only King Jesus truly satisfies! Tea/coffee afterwards also!


"I still haven't found what I'm looking for!" - We're all in pursuit of something in this life! This Sunday we are going to think about that more as we begin looking at the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes (why not read over Ecclesiastes 1.1-11, before you come?). You'd be really welcome to our service at 11.30am, we are celebrating 2 baptisms also!


Join with us this Easter Sunday as we celebrate the risen Jesus. Dawn service in Slemish carpark at 6.30am, Easter morning worship in Cloughwater at 11.30am and Joint evening service in Killymurris at 7pm. You will be really welcome!

More about Cloughwater Presbyterian Church