Co-Incident Ulster University Mfa Photography Graduate Show

About Co-Incident Ulster University Mfa Photography Graduate Show

The 2018 graduation exhibition celebrating the students of the MFA Photography department at Ulster University, Belfast.
June 8th - 15th

Co-Incident Ulster University Mfa Photography Graduate Show Description




We are really excited to share our work with you this evening at the Belfast School of Art. The exhibition opens today at 6pm.
For more information on the exhibiting artists please have a look at the exhibition catalogue.ŌĆ”/Ō Ć”/mfa_gourp_show_issuu


Mike Bors
'dead ends and disappointments'
I keep returning home... ItŌĆÖs almost like traveling back in time Other lives are being lived out, while IŌĆÖm not there IŌĆÖm back in a place that IŌĆÖve never been before I roam the space and time And then I leave again... I leave to go back home
Working with the familyŌĆÖs collection of photographs, alongside newly made images has become an examination of the transitions that, not only the photographs, but most notably the family goes through over time. Family photography is still the most commonly practiced genre of photography and the family album is its main instrument of self-knowledge and representation.
This autobiographical work, compiled of images from the family album and photographs made during multiple visits to the family home, uses personal narratives to speak about broader social issues. Through collages and a series of notebooks, this ongoing body of work explores the themes of family, identity and memory. The notebooks, reminiscent of minimalist scrapbooks, create a psychological landscape of multiple experiences of separation, breakdown of family bonds, displacement and death.
See more of Mike's work online at
or on Instagram @mike.bors
Co-incident, the MFA Photography Graduate Exhibition 2018 at the Belfast School of Art, Ulster University, 5-51 York St, Belfast BT15 1ED.
Opening Reception on Friday June 8th, 6pm - 9pm. The exhibition continues daily until June 15th, 9am - 7pm.
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Steven Chavez
'RUNNING WATER: The L.A. River's Journey
The Los Angeles River runs 48 miles from its source in the San Fernando Valley to its mouth at the Pacific Ocean in Long Beach. This project documents the L.A. RiverŌĆÖs full-length journey from every street bridge that crosses the river.
... The project was implemented using a predetermined set of parameters that included taking all photographs from the centre mark of every bridge and only on days with cloudless blue skies. All photos were taken at eye level with a prime 50mm lens.
See more of Steven's work online at
or on Instagram @stevenechavez
Co-incident, the MFA Photography Graduate Exhibition 2018 at the Belfast School of Art, Ulster University, 5-51 York St, Belfast BT15 1ED.
Opening Reception on Friday June 8th, 6pm - 9pm. The exhibition continues daily until June 15th, 9am - 7pm.
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Kayleigh Corrigan
'Forest Acres'
Through ŌĆśForest AcresŌĆÖ Kayleigh Corrigan presents an introspective study on the events and tangible items in connection with the night of her rape in 2009. The photographs are produced in both a forensic and diaristic fashion and focus on items of ŌĆśevidenceŌĆÖ that were never collected, from a crime scene that was never investigated, as a result of the night she was raped and never reported it. The work is both a strategic, clinical examination ...and a memoir of agonizing nostalgia.
See more of Kayleigh's work online at
or on Instagram @kayleigh.corrigan
Co-incident, the MFA Photography Graduate Exhibition 2018 at the Belfast School of Art, Ulster University, 5-51 York St, Belfast BT15 1ED.
Opening Reception on Friday June 8th, 6pm - 9pm. The exhibition continues daily until June 15th, 9am - 7pm.
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Niamh Crowley
'Change of State'
Niamh Crowley examines the everyday experience of mental illness. Using a domestic space as a landscape, she employs methodologies of fixation and repetition to create a disrupted narrative and build an atmosphere of interrupted thought, inability to retain focus, obsessive compulsive disorder and the overwhelming barrage of thoughts that come with episodes of mania.
... See more of Niamh's work on Instagram @niamhywonder
Co-incident, the MFA Photography Graduate Exhibition 2018 at the
Belfast School of Art, Ulster University, 5-51 York St, Belfast BT15 1ED.
Opening Reception on Friday June 8th, 6pm - 9pm. The exhibition continues daily until June 15th, 9am - 7pm.
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Lauren Duddy
Lauren Duddy explores obsessive image making in selfie culture and the curation of the self through image sharing on social media platforms. Duddy uses self-portraiture in a studio environment to create heavily constructed images that emulate the repetitive and often laboured image making required to establish an idealised representation of oneself online.
... See more of Lauren's work online
on Instagram @laurenduddy
Co-incident, the MFA Photography Graduate Exhibition 2018 at the Belfast School of Art, Ulster University, 5-51 York St, Belfast BT15 1ED.
Opening Reception on Friday June 8th, 6pm - 9pm. The exhibition continues daily until June 15th, 9am - 7pm.
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Trevor F. Ferris
'The Garden of Eden'
Air pollution is on the rise and the air we breathe is under severe threat, not just in highly populated cities and towns, but in the landscape and beyond. This is a threat to something so essential to our survival; something we often take for grantedŌĆöuntil itŌĆÖs gone. These concerns have given me cause to examine the quality of the air and highlight the invisible toxins that are present in its make-up and the hidden consequences of global... warming on our health, environment and wildlife.
In this body of work I have investigated air pollution within a small local community allotment garden, and have found evidence of areas under threat and in photographs and text documented the industrial landscapes that cause concern and are contributory to it.
See more of Trevor's work at
Co-incident, the MFA Photography Graduate Exhibition 2018 at the Belfast School of Art, Ulster University, 5-51 York St, Belfast BT15 1ED.
Opening Reception on Friday June 8th, 6pm - 9pm. The exhibition continues daily until June 15th, 9am - 7pm.
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Gianfranco Gallucci
'Where Water Comes Together With Other water'
ŌĆ£Where water comes together with other waterŌĆØ is a project about history and memory. It is a story without a plot, a modern tale about a place. An occasion to talk about Auschwitz from a completely different perspective, the temporal one, to make a mirror out of our contemporary society as a way to acknowledge the existence of the event, even if not showing any trace of it photographically. Looking at the past ...from the perspective of the present moment shows how the past is not something detached from today, but extremely contemporary, and how actually history and memory represent those tools able to depict the present as the only place in which everything confluences and exists. Based upon the polish town of O┼øwi─Öcim, the work tries first, to restore dignity to a place marked by a handful of years of Nazi occupation, showing it as it is, a normal place, with an ordinary life, as everywhere else, but also, through this, suggesting how much forgetting is important, to better remember, and how photography could help doing this, together with memory and history, as fundamental tools for the future of society.
See more of Gianfranco's work online at
or on Instagram @gianfranco_gallucci
Co-incident, the MFA Photography Graduate Exhibition 2018 at the Belfast School of Art, Ulster University, 5-51 York St, Belfast BT15 1ED.
Opening Reception on Friday June 8th, 6pm - 9pm. The exhibition continues daily until June 15th, 9am - 7pm.
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Leeza Kane
This work had grown out of sightings made by individuals whose condition leads them to see imagery that we ourselves cannot see.
In this collaborative work, I am given drawings, writing, letters and conversations that I then draw upon and combine with my own experiences. Rather than attempting to define a reality, by depicting this imagery, this work is interwoven with experimentation and suggestion in an attempt to explore something of what those with Charles Syndrome see.
See more of Leeza's work online at or on Instagram @leeza_kane
Co-incident, the MFA Photography Graduate Exhibition 2018 at the Belfast School of Art, Ulster University, 5-51 York St, Belfast BT15 1ED.
Opening Reception on Friday June 8th, 6pm - 9pm. The exhibition continues daily until June 15th, 9am - 7pm.
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Jim Maginn
'The O'Neill and Allsopp Memorial Flute Band'
Having spent several decades photographing traditional musicians as part of an on-going personal project, Maginn was keen to look at another element of the music culture here.
... The new work looks at a marginalised group within the sphere of Irish Music. Republican marching bands, they represent a small sub-set of music culture in Ireland. Using a documentary approach, the political philosophies and the bandŌĆÖs function as a way to celebrate and reinforce a collective identity are explored. He hoped to reach a better understanding of the sub-culture and celebrate it as part of the diverse musical culture on the Island. The work looks at the schedule of intensive rehearsals the members of the OŌĆÖNeill and Allsopp have to commit to be members. It also documents the various high points of the year when the band marches to commemorate and celebrate key dates in the Republican calendar.
ŌĆśI wanted to photograph a band that drew its membership from the part of North Belfast that I made my home. The OŌĆÖNeill and Allsopp Memorial Flute Band from The New Lodge in Belfast generously allowed access for me make the work. I hope the work shows the value of the band in fostering a positive, common culture and re-enforcing a cultural identityŌĆÖ.
See more of Jim's work online at
Co-incident, the MFA Photography Graduate Exhibition 2018 at the Belfast School of Art, Ulster University, 5-51 York St, Belfast BT15 1ED.
Opening Reception on Friday June 8th, 6pm - 9pm. The exhibition continues daily until June 15th, 9am - 7pm.
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Brendan Maher
The Hill of Tara, undistinguished for altitude or picturesqueness of form, contains within its geography traces of IrelandŌĆÖs histories. These traces connect the present with a past that is both real and imagined.
... One way, we as individuals and wider society come to know ourselves is through the institutions of the State. My work explores the role of archeology and the artefact in the shaping and direction of historical scholarship, collective memory and national identity.
See more of Brendan's work
on Instagram @bp_maher1978
Co-incident, the MFA Photography Graduate Exhibition 2018 at the Belfast School of Art, Ulster University, 5-51 York St, Belfast BT15 1ED.
Opening Reception on Friday June 8th, 6pm - 9pm. The exhibition continues daily until June 15th, 9am - 7pm.
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Steve McCullagh
'Diane's Mirror'
DianeŌĆÖs Mirror is a response. The work functions as parallel narratives of grief: that of Diane, my pet Lovebird, who lost her Lovebird partner; and my own, having lost a close friend. It considers the phenomenology of space, specifically mental space, and ventures to conceptually connect this to the perceived space proffered by a mirror.
... Using mirrors block colours are reflected to represent memory engrams - hypothetical permanent changes in the brain, accounting for traces of memory. The photographs study intangible mental space, memories and emotions, showing them as mirrors. Both spaces share commonalities; prohibitive haptic access, inverted or distorted imagery, and infinite depth. One, a space guarded by glass, the other, a space without any physical properties, both connected by grief, mine and DianeŌĆÖs.
See more of Steve's work online at
or on Instagram @ssttevve
Co-incident, the MFA Photography Graduate Exhibition 2018 at the Belfast School of Art, Ulster University, 5-51 York St, Belfast BT15 1ED.
Opening Reception on Friday June 8th, 6pm - 9pm. The exhibition continues daily until June 15th, 9am - 7pm
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Vincent OŌĆÖCallaghan
'Draining the Swamp'
On Donnybrewer Level, I observed Southern Cross 14, a mechanical creature draining water from veins cut into the soil. Grafted onto land reclaimed from Lough Foyle this creaking alien harnesses energy from the wind for survival. In constant battle with rain and sea the kinetic machine regulates water flow on the Level. ŌĆśSouthern Cross 14ŌĆÖ is a film about a system of defense. A system that helps maintain a constructed environment. It is... set at a place where the mechanical and the natural interact.
See more of Vincent's work at
Co-incident, the MFA Photography Graduate Exhibition 2018 at the Belfast School of Art, Ulster University, 5-51 York St, Belfast BT15 1ED.
Opening Reception on Friday June 8th, 6pm - 9pm. The exhibition continues daily until June 15th, 9am - 7pm.
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Frankie Quinn
'I Wanted a Caravan'
Frankie Quinn has had a long term fascination with the world of urban families using stationary caravans as a summer retreat.
... I Wanted a Caravan is a photographic exploration of IrelandŌĆÖs oldest caravan park. This project asks the question of whether the medium of photography can evoke an unseen form of life.
The work raises questions around the themes of caravan subculture, poetics of living spaces, and the architecture of social class.
The project is an examination of the caravan park as a microcosm of modern culture where the joys and mundanities of life converge.
See more of Frankie's work online at
Co-incident, the MFA Photography Graduate Exhibition 2018 at the Belfast School of Art, Ulster University, 5-51 York St, Belfast BT15 1ED.
Opening Reception on Friday June 8th, 6pm - 9pm. The exhibition continues daily until June 15th, 9am - 7pm.
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Pauline Rowan
'Under a Vaulted Sky'
Rowan explores sanctuary, as well as home, through landscapes, settlements and our underpinned relationships with belonging and abandonment.
... Over a period of 18 months Rowan has been working closely with a small community of people and their relationship to a deconsecrated convent and its abandoned gardens, all of which were marked for demolition. Her collaborators consisted of the convents transient residents and its previously evicted nuns. The project looks at our relationship to home, primarily the garden and our cultural repetition of the need to control land. It also considers the struggle and acceptance of those people involved, all knowing that their home and sanctuary would be soon destroyed. As a consequence severing a long standing, ancient link of the site with nature, worship and propagation.
See more of Pauline's work online at or on Instagram @poilin_ni_ruain
Co-incident, the MFA Photography Graduate Exhibition 2018 at the Belfast School of Art, Ulster University, 5-51 York St, Belfast BT15 1ED.
Opening Reception on Friday June 8th, 6pm - 9pm. The exhibition continues daily until June 15th, 9am - 7pm
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Aoife Shanahan
This project consists of a series of photograms made with the drug Oxycontin®, a strong narcotic and the prime suspect in the current opiate crisis sweeping across the United States and Europe.
... The full statement for this work has been censored by Facebook and deemed to be in breach of their policies. It can be accessed on the artist's website:
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Edward TM Smyth
This work has a life span which began fifteen years ago. Struck down by a totally incapacitating condition (Guillain-Barr├® Syndrome) I was paralysed from the neck downwards. During weeks of immobility I began to undergo a series of surreal experiences that ultimately led to the desire to, one day, record the event. As a coping measure, I employed self-hypnosis to remove myself mentally from this horrible predicament and began to access my Fre...udian unconscious where all sorts of repressed feelings were stored.
Many of the episodes depicted in this work are associated with music. It is extremely important to associate the lyrics within the appropriate section of the work. Words expressed in the lyrics are intimately bound to the narrative and one should have the appropriate music in mind as one views this work.
Since this life-changing event occurred I have had places concealed in my mind that were excluded from normal comprehension. Over the years this troubled me greatly. For years friends and colleagues have encouraged me to write about the experience. The MFA Photography degree has been my response. In creating this work, I have achieved a major degree of catharsis.
The past is no longer a problem.
See more of Ed' s work at
Co-incident, the MFA Photography Graduate Exhibition 2018 at the Belfast School of Art, Ulster University, 5-51 York St, Belfast BT15 1ED.
Opening Reception on Friday June 8th, 6pm - 9pm. The exhibition continues daily until June 15th, 9am - 7pm
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More about Co-Incident Ulster University Mfa Photography Graduate Show

Co-Incident Ulster University Mfa Photography Graduate Show is located at 25-51 York Street, BT15 1ED Belfast