Conor O'Neill - Know Yourself Nutrition - The Gaelic Athlete Programs

About Conor O'Neill - Know Yourself Nutrition - The Gaelic Athlete Programs

Performance Nutritionist helping GAA Athletes to get lean, build muscle and fuel their performance.



"My nutritional knowledge has increased massively - I'm much more aware of calories and macros as well as making better food choices to compliment training and lifestyle!
I could have done better on the eating side of things, but I was happy with my progress.
The program was flexible, which suited me, and I would definitely recommend it."
... Ronan came to me having gained an extra few pounds, and not being happy with how that was affecting his performance and general feeling about himself.
His aim wasn't to get himself a 6-pack in the 12 weeks, but he did want to strip some of his excess bodyfat, whilst maintaining his strength for powerlifting, with the aim of learning enough about nutrition to keep losing fat even after the program finished.
He lost a steady 4kg, whilst *gaining* strength!
Losing bodyfat doesn't have to mean sacrificing performance. In fact, even out of those who are focussed on fat-loss, most of the athletes on the GAA Lean Athlete Online Coaching Program end up getting stronger, fitter and faster, as a result of getting their nutrition and gym-work right.
The athletes on the most recent intake to the GAA Lean Athlete Online Coaching Program just started their program today, but you can find out more about what's involved, pricing and how to apply for the next intake by going to< br> See More


With the spaces almost all filled, and sure to be filled by the end of today, this is your final chance to get on the GAA Lean Athlete Online Coaching Program.
12 weeks from now, you could be in the same shape, at the same level of fitness, and wishing you'd started to get your nutrition and gym-work on point, or you could have spent 12 weeks improving your body composition, increasing strength, and learning how to fuel your performance, with the newfound knowledge to continu...e making progress well into the future.
To apply, go to< br> Looking forward to getting started!
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Tomorrow is the final day to apply for the GAA Lean Athlete Online Coaching Program.
With just a few spaces left on the program, are you going to let this chance slip by, and put off getting in shape and learning how to fuel your performance?
To find out more about previous athletes' stories from the program, what's involved, pricing and how to apply, go to< br>


"Firstly, in events that are shorter than 5 minutes in duration, raising carbohydrates above normal rates doesn’t seem to have a performance benefit, and may even reduce performance, since water is stored in the muscle alongside carbohydrate, which can lead to a higher bodyweight, which may be detrimental, for speed sports for example, where it’s obviously more difficult to reach your highest speed with an extra few pounds of weight on your body.
In events above 90 minutes, c...arb-loading does delay the onset of fatigue, and fatigue in these events usually coincide with a glycogen in the body reaching low levels.
In between those two time frames, (for example, in events like a football or hurling match) the performance improvement seems to be dependant on the intensity level. For moderate-intensity activities, like an hour-long jog, performance doesn’t seem to be effected. However, in events that are of high-intensity, there can be a performance benefit to having greater than usual amounts of glycogen stored in the body.
In short, athletes involved in sports that last longer 90 minutes, as well as high-intensity sports that last less than that can benefit from a carb-loading approach, so it would likely be a good approach for most GAA Athletes."
You can check out the rest of this week's Article of the Week by going to g
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With the spaces filling up on the GAA Lean Athlete Online Coaching Program, and the program starting a week from now (16th July), if you're ready to get leaner, build muscle, get stronger and faster, and learn how to manage your nutrition, now is the time to sign up! (the next intake won't be until 6 weeks down the line.)
To find out more about previous athletes' stories from the program, what's involved, pricing and how to apply, go to< br>


Just 3 days left to get yourself onto the GAA Lean Athlete Online Coaching Program!
Whether you're in-season, preparing for the season ahead, trying to get back into shape to play, or trying to go from the sub-bench to the starting 15, getting into shape and fuelling your performance is going to have a huge impact on your ability to do so.
That is the focus of the program.
... To find out more about previous athletes' stories from the program, what's involved, pricing and how to apply, go to< br> See More


“My GAA performances would not have been where they were without your coaching. Getting to the final and being made team captain are a reflection of that.”
"Last summer, I was playing no football, for no team, and and had zero goals. But I made a choice to ask yourself for help, and I'm currently starting games consistently for my senior team, being chose ahead of lads who were playing regularly. I have been playing the best football of my life to date."
"Thanks Conor... you ...have really opened my eyes to the importance of nutrition in sport, I only wish I had known all this in my twenties!"
"I'm absolutely chuffed with the results and cant wait to keep improving thanks to your help and I know I can improve even more now on my own with the knowledge I've gained.
The biggest benefits were learning more about nutrition as well as the weekly check-ins and feedback process.
I would absolutely recommend the program to others!"
Those are the words of some of the previous athletes on the GAA Lean Athlete Online Coaching Program.
Now is your chance.
To find out more about previous athletes' stories from the program, what's involved, pricing and how to apply, go to< br> See More


Applications for the July intake of the GAA Lean Athlete Online Coaching Program close in just 5 days!
If you've ever wanted access to the nutrition and gym-work advice that is usually confined to those at the top levels of the game, this program may be perfect for you.
To find out more about previous athletes' stories from the program, what's involved, pricing and how to apply, go to< br>


Applcations for the next intake of the GAA Lean Athlete Online Coaching Program are now open!
To find out more about what's involved, previous athletes' stories, pricing, and how to apply, go to
The program starts on the 16th July, and applications close a week from now (11th July).
... The program is limited to 25 spaces, and with the applcations already starting to come in, it's worth applying as soon as you can!
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"When it comes to body composition, the first thing we usually want to talk about is calorie content. In this case, a black coffee has very few calories, but if we start to add other ingredients to it, such as milk, cream, sugar etc, the calories can start to add up. For this reason, whether coffee consumption leads to weight-gain from a calorie point of view, really depends on what other ingredients are being added to it. It is also worth noting that people often feel the ne...ed to consume confectionery foods such as chocolate or biscuits with coffee, so if that is the case, then these extras have to be taken into account also. It is also worth mentioning that caffeine is often also found in sugary drinks, and these will also contain extra calories.
On the other hand, coffee does slightly increase the metabolic rate, meaning that you burn slightly more calories in a given time, after consumption of caffeine, but probably not enough to justify that muffin you might have had alongside it. This increase in metabolic rate is the reason that caffeine-rich fat-burners are said to ‘work’, and to a certain extent they do work for this reason."
You can check out the rest of this week's Article of the Week by going to
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"I was very happy with my results. I lost about 8kg and saw more definition throughout my physique, particularly in my back.
Having a point of contact was a big plus, and I liked that the program could change and bend with ease.
I learned that sometimes the smallest improvements and changes can make the biggest differences!"
... John came to me wanting to go through a fat-loss phase, but he didn't want to comprimise his performance on the pitch or in the gym.
Thankfully, The GAA Lean Athlete Online Coaching Program is set-up with those goals in mind.
We didn't cut out carbohydrates. We didn't give him a strict meal plan. We didn't get him eating bland, tasteless food. We didn't get him to cut out his take-away at the weekend. We didn't have him taking tupperware to the social events he had during the program.
Instead, we got him to start tracking his food, hitting a level of energy intake that allowed him to fuel his performance, whilst dropping bodyfat. We got him to start eating enough protein to fuel his recoery, enough carbohydrates to fuel his training, and enough fat to cover off the health requirements as well as to keep the diet enjoyable. On top of that, we got him eating a wide range of foods to make sure he was getting in enough micronutrients.
He put in the work, developed the right habits, trained hard on and off the field, and adapted his nutrition around social events.
His hard work paid off, and continues to pay off, as he continues to make progress with the new-found knowledge around fuelling his training and recovery.
I'm glad to say the applications are now open for the next intake of the GAA Lean Athlete Online Coaching Program, which starts on the 16th July!
Applications close on the 11th July, so now is the time to get your application in!
Go to to read about what's involved, previous atheltes stories, pricing and how to apply!
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At this time of year, we often think about getting in shape for holidays, but we rarely think about how we're going to stay on track when we're there.
In this episode, I delve into 6 steps that you can use to avoid ruining progress you've made in the previous weeks and months.
Listen to the episode below, or go to to find links to where else you can listen and where you can subscribe!


At this time of year, we often think about getting in shape for holidays, but we rarely think about how we're going to stay on track when we're there.
In this episode, I delve into 6 steps that you can use to avoid ruining progress you've made in the previous weeks and months.
To listen to this episode, go to , or search for Know Yourself Nutriton on your podcasts app!
... Share this post if you know someone else who would want to listen!
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"Firstly, creatine is not a steroid, regardless of what you may have read elsewhere. It is actually a combination of amino acids and it is found in foods like beef and fish, as well as being naturally produced within the body.
Although creatine can be produced in the body and consumed through food, the amounts that we can get in these ways isn’t close to what we can usually get in supplemental form, and up to a certain point, the extra creatine that we can get from creatine, is beneficial.
It has been shown to be beneficial in activities in the 0–10 second range, including sprinting, lifting weights, jumping etc, as well as improving strength and muscle gain."
You can check out the rest of this week's Article of the Week by going to

More about Conor O'Neill - Know Yourself Nutrition - The Gaelic Athlete Programs