Craigavon Museum Services

About Craigavon Museum Services

Craigavon Museum Services based at Oxford Island. Responsible for the Barn Museum at Tannaghmore Gardens and Moneypenny's Lock.

Craigavon Museum Services Description

The museum operates over three sites – Lough Neagh Discovery Centre on Oxford Island,
the Barn Museum at Tannaghmore Gardens and Moneypenny’s Lockhouse on the Newry Canal.



Courtesy of the Ulster Folk Museum, Cultra, you can follow the story of James Rea of Kernan, Portadown, through a series of blog posts which will be published weekly over the next five weeks.
This week's post covers James' early years growing up in Kernan, Tamnafiglassan and Balteagh in the early 1900s. It can be viewed by clicking the following link: es-1


This Wednesday (18th December) Edenderry Cultural and Historical Society invite you to the launch of their new local history book focusing on the History of Portadown Gasworks.
The event will take place at the Millennium Court Arts Centre, Portadown. Start time is 7pm.
The book will be available to buy on the night at a cost of £10.


Join the Craigavon Historical Society this Tuesday (10th December) for the next talk of their 2019/2020 programme which will see Dr. George Legg of King's College London present an illustrated talk entitled:
'Geographies of Boredom and the New City of Craigavon'
In this talk Dr. Legg will examine the reasons behind the failure of the promised new city of Craigavon to materialise as planned in the 1970s. This talk is sure to provoke discussion about the successes and failures... of the Craigavon project, so do please come along to listen and share your views.
The talk will take place at the Craigavon Civic Centre
Start time for the talk is 7.45pm.
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Mystery solved! The man in the picture has been identified as John Lynn. Many thanks for all your help.
***************************************** **************************************** * Hi all. We need your help again! Can anybody identify the man who features in the image below.
... The image has been taken from a BBC archival news film, probably dating to the late 1970s/early 1980s, which features responses to a nationwide radio survey which ranked Craigavon as the 4th ‘most boring town in the UK’!
However our mystery man was determined that this would not be the case the next year, so he took it upon himself to launch a new society called 'Brighten up Boring Craigavon' - All tongue in cheek of course.
We think the gentleman's first name is John but we are not entirely sure, so we would appreciate any help!
The BBC are planning to make this film available online to view in the near future, but are anxious to put names to the faces who feature in the reports.
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Lurgan historian Dr. Frank McCorry is providing lecture tomorrow (Monday 11th November) evening in the Friends (Quaker) Meeting Hall, located in Johnston's Row (just off High Street).
The lecture is entitled 'Lurgan in Action, 1670 - 1713' and will explore Lurgan's remarkable recovery following the events of the 1641 rebellion.
The talk starts at 7.30pm and all are welcome.


The Brownlow Festival group are seeking your ideas for the future development of the annual Brownlow Festival
So give their page a like and get in touch to help shape next year's festival


The third in an autumn series of lectures exploring the origins and development of Lurgan takes place this coming Monday (28th October) at St. Peter's Parish Hall (next to St. Peter's Church) in North Street.


The first in an autumn series of lectures exploring the origins and development of Lurgan takes place tomorrow (Tuesday 8th October) at the Lurgan Library.


Join the Craigavon Historical Society tonight (Tuesday 24th September) for the opening talk of their 2019/2020 programme which will see Ann Donnelly present archive footage from the Northern Ireland Screen's Digital Film Archive showcasing how life has changed in the local area over the past 60 years.
This talk provides a unique opportunity to view rarely seen footage showing the industries, people and events which have shaped the development of the local area. Of particu...lar interest will be the events which surrounded the creation of the new city of Craigavon in the 1960s.
The talk entitled: 'Craigavon on Screen: Archive footage from the Northern Ireland Screen: Digital Film Archive' will be held at the Craigavon Civic Centre. The talk will start at 8pm.
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Hi all. We need your help! Can anybody identify any of the people who feature in the images below, taken in Brownlow in 1977 and 1978?
The images have been taken from BBC archival news films including a 1977 news report about Sunday opening at the Silverwood golf course and a report on the Craigavon Festival held in May 1978.
The BBC are planning to make the films available online to view in the near future, but are anxious to put names to the faces who feature in the reports.


The Barn Museum @ Tannaghmore Gardens
It's European Heritage weekend and the barn will be open from 2-5pm. Call in have chat with our visitor guide and discover what rural life was like in this part of the world. #EHODNI


The Barn @ Tannaghmore Gardens The Barn Museum at Tannaghmore Gardens will be open this Sunday 2-5pm.
Why not drop in and explore, there's lots to see and our friendly guide John will be happy to answer any questions you might have.


The Barn @ Tannaghmore Gardens
The Barn Museum at Tannaghmore Gardens will be open Sunday 2-5pm. Why not drop in and explore, there's lots to see and our friendly guide John will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

More about Craigavon Museum Services

028 38322205