Creative Natives

About Creative Natives

Playful Art Experiences
Art Sessions for education, parties & events.



Creative Natives took a spin (рҹҳң) at Trinity Nursery in Bangor this month! Their theme was mini beasts & snails so we magically turned our spin art into shiny shells with little google eyed snail heads and tails! рҹҗҢ The Trinity kids absolutely loved it, so if you know a local nursery whoвҖҷd like to see us visit, get in touch рҹҳҠ #creativenativesni #creativenativesatschool #shinyshell #spinart #kidsworkshops #nurseryart #kidsartclass


Well that was an interesting attempt to make an insta story! рҹҳ… I ended up perched on the piano with Go Jetters blasting in the back ground рҹӨ·рҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ A true reflection of life at the mo! In summary, IвҖҷve missed you & making workshops happen, but will be attempting to roll out some new ideas in 2019 and canвҖҷt wait to see some old and new faces when that happens! Exciting рҹ’– Thanks for the support in 2018, see you all after a lovely Christmas рҹҳҳрҹҳҳ#creativenativesni #seasons #familyfirst #creativenatives #infantartworkshops #childrensartworkshops #whatsonni #ni4kids #bangorni #juniorartists #storytime #creativekids #everykidsanartist


Good morning Creative Natives followers - ah youвҖҷre still there! рҹ’“And so are we!! рҹ‘ӢрҹҸјвҳәпёҸ
This weekend IвҖҷll be popping up a wee video in stories with a catch up from me personally- keep an eye out for it, happy Saturday folks!
... This was some super talent from our last illustration class for 6 years old, colour, shading & line love!! рҹ’–
- #creativenativesni #aspectsfestival18 #bangortimes #ni4kids #kidsartclasses #bangorlibrary #bangorcarnegielibrary #artworkshop #littleartists #felttippens #whitepaper #inspired #storytelling #kidillustration
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Did you know we did a Junior Illustrators Workshop last month? It was amazing to watch little 4-6year olds going crazy creative with their drawings. We used various media and told stories with our pictures, such a good time рҹ’–#creativenativesni #aspectsfestival18 #juniorillustrators #ni4kids #creativekids #kidsdrawingskills #imaginativekids #artclub #bangor #northernirelandblogger


We were saving the Whale at this sensory station on Saturday рҹ’ҷ Using gloopy slippy slimey scoops of life saving вҖҳwaterвҖҷ for our beached whale, I think he loved it, the kids loved it, and the tropical fish were happy too рҹҳқ
Working with a slow flowing media like this is really relaxing for kiddos and encourages their fine motor skills as well as building their concentration рҹҗӢвңЁ #creativenativesni #snailandthewhale #sensorystation #liftwantedaroundtheworld


We had a Whaley amazing day today doing the Aspects Festival Sensory Story - can you guess what it was?! The Snail and the Whale! We love that tale рҹ’ҷ WeвҖҷll keep posting pics of our sensory stations, maybe you could create your own versions at home? Thanks to all who came along, it was a full house вҳәпёҸрҹ’Ұвқ„пёҸрҹҗірҹҗҢ #creativenativesni #aspectsfestival18 #ni4kids #whatsonni #creativestorytelling #storytellingni #thetaleofthesnailandthehumpbackwhale #thesnailandthewhale #liftwantedaroundtheworld


We are prepping like crazy and getting so excited for this weekends Young Aspects Festival Events, in association with Creative Natives! Our sensory story of the Snail & The Whale is sold out, also our new workshop Reading to your Little One! If youвҖҷre booked, woohoo, see ya then! рҹҗӢрҹ“ҷ
We still have a couple of tickets for the Junior Illustrators Workshop at 12noon on Saturday, follow the link if you have a 4yrs+ who loves to doodle!!
... ItвҖҷs lovely to see your support for these events, itвҖҷs gonna be a blast as always рҹӨ©рҹ‘ҸрҹҸј
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Throw back to last September when we made a magical sensory Story out of вҖңWeвҖҷre going on a bear hunt!вҖқ Were any of you there? It was pretty fun!! I do recall a moment of flying spaghetti too рҹӨ— We know itвҖҷs likely to have a little bit of crazy, itвҖҷs a kids event after all! Worth every second! рҹӨӘ вҖў Our next sensory Story is for Aspects Festival on Saturday 29th Sept at 10:15am in Bangor Carnegie Library - tickets via Aspects website xx
... #creativenativesni #aspectsfestival18 #sensorystory #sensoryplay #storytime #youngaspects #creativenatives
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Just a quick run through of details for our events in September! вңЁ Thanks to everyone whoвҖҷs already booked рҹҷҢрҹҸј


We hope youвҖҷve had a wonderful summer! рҹ’ӣ
We are delighted to be announcing our September Sessions in association with Aspects Literary Festival рҹ‘ҸрҹҸј
Book via their website - limited places so get in early вҳәпёҸ
... We canвҖҷt wait, itвҖҷs going to be great, so please SHARE this with your friends!
Looking forward to seeing you all in September вңЁ
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WeвҖҷre heading to the beach too... Sorry folks, but by the looks of things youвҖҷre all at the beach! Ticket sales have been a bit slow for this Summer session so weвҖҷre *cancelling* our ROCKPOOL PARTY. рҹҰҖрҹҰҖрҹҰҖ Sincere apologies to the 20 of you who had booked your tickets, so sorry to disappoint, but thank you! YouвҖҷll be refunded this week. вҳҖпёҸ... IвҖҷm sure weвҖҷll be back at it later in the Summer and September, as always, weвҖҷll be in touch, next term will be a new era for Creative Natives!
Enjoy the sunshine lovely customers рҹ’– Top tip: If you want Sunday the 22nd July to still be a fun day out, pack a picnic and go enjoy the free live music at the Band Stand in Ward Park instead!
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рҹҰҖOur ROCKPOOL PARTY is a perfect way to spend a Summer Sunday morning with your little one! We always plan our sensory stations and art spots so that you can be with them 1:1 and make the most out of the time! LifeвҖҷs busy and events like this force us to slow down with them and take it all in, theyвҖҷre not little fish for long рҹ’• Tickets & info via the link in bio, thanks to all who have booked - weвҖҷre getting excited! рҹҗ вңЁ Sunday 22nd July вҖў
#creativenativesrockpoolparty #creativenativesni #ni4kids #ni4tots #toddlerseventsni #creativeparty #sensoryplay #letthembelittle #parentingmoments #slowdown #sundaymorningsforfamily


BLUUUUUUE is the magic colour рҹҳҮрҹ’ҷрҹҷӢрҹҸјвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹҗҹрҹ’ҰрҹҸқ рҹ‘ҮрҹҸј(Our slippy bubbles!)
Sparkly seas and sandy knees, dolphins who dip and sharkies? Yes please! рҹ”·рҹ”№ Did you see our latest event tickets are selling? ROCKPOOL PARTY вңЁ Sunday 22nd July, 10am or 11:30am sessions, ВЈ10 a kiddo рҹ‘¶рҹҸј + Adult рҹҷҶрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮпёҸ
вҖў Let your babies and toddlers experience the rockpool wonder in our sensory set-up, they will enjoy a morning of art, exploring, socialising and special time with You рҹ’һ Click the link in our bio f...or tickets рҹҺҹ
#creativenatives #infantartclub #babysensory #ni4kids #sensoryworkshops #socialskillsbabystyle #playtogether #playtolearn #reggioinspired
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Tickets are now LIVE for our Rockpool Party! рҹҗірҹҗірҹҗірҹҗірҹҗірҹҗірҹҗірҹҗірҹҗірҹҗір ҹҗірҹҗірҹҗірҹҗірҹҗі
Arty starfish sensory fun for your little folk!
... Sunday Morning, 22nd July. 10:00 or 11:30 am Sessions The new Hamilton Road Community Hub, Bangor
Celebrating the summer in Creative Natives style, itвҖҷs the perfect time to meet up with friends and make a family day out of your sunny Sunday!
вңЁрҹ’ҷрҹҰҖрҹ‘¶рҹҸјрҹ‘§рҹҸҪрҹҗҫрҹ§”рҹҸ»рҹ ‘©рҹҸјрҹҢһрҹҚЎвҳ•пёҸвңЁ
Click the link to get more info on our Summer Event and book. рҹҗҷ When you book your tickets youвҖҷll be given info leading up to the event, plus a map of where to go рҹ‘ҚрҹҸј
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рҹҗЎрҹҗЎрҹҗЎрҹҗЎ рҹҰҖрҹҰҖрҹҰҖрҹҰҖрҹҗ рҹҗ рҹҗ рҹҗ
Woop! рҹҳҺ Get your sunnies on kids, weвҖҷre throwing you a ROCKPOOL PARTY this July!!
WeвҖҷve invited a few Starfish and Sharks too for the fun, so please show up with your buddies and have a good time! рҹҢҙ вҳәпёҸрҹҗ¬
... Tickets will go on sale later this week, itвҖҷs on the SUNDAY A.M 22nd JULY рҹҢә
Suitable for babies from 6months to preschoolers - super family friendly event! рҹ’–
#creativenativesni #creativenatives #sensoryplay #babyart #toddlerart #creativelearning #montessoritoddlers #letthembelittle
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SAVE THE DATE Summer feet!
Sunday the 22nd of JULY is the date for our Summer Sessions! вҳҖпёҸ
Two morning time options of 10am or 11:30am, babies from 6months to pre-schoolers!рҹҗ¬
... WeвҖҷll be emailing you as soon as tickets are live, so put it in your calendar! рҹ“Ҷ Also keep an eye out for our theme reveal by the end of the week, woo! рҹӨ©
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WeвҖҷve had a lovely sunny May break and now weвҖҷre back on track for our Summer session!! Dates to be announced very soon and ofcourse the theme for our Summer event вҳҖпёҸрҹҳҺ Keep an eye on your inbox - mailing list get first dibs рҹ‘ҚрҹҸј If you want to add your email address, send us a DM xx вҖў
#creativenativesni #babysensoryplay #toddlerartists #letthemplay #creativenativesspringhop


This is a last minute shout out to any of you who want to give our SPIN ART a whirl tomorrow night!! WeвҖҷll be spreading the spinny joy from 6-9pm! рҹҢҖрҹҢҖрҹҢҖрҹҢҖрҹҢҖрҹҢҖрҹҢҖрҹҢҖрҹҢҖрҹҢҖр ҹҢҖрҹҢҖрҹҢҖрҹҢҖ Arts Night at The Museum has something for all the fam and will be full of creative fun for all the family, babies to nanas! вӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸвӯҗпё ҸвӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸвӯҗ пёҸвӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸ

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