Da.Mo.Fo Design

About Da.Mo.Fo Design

Mexican Graphic Designer residing in the UK. Design, creativity and conceptual development are bone of my bones! Here you can see a glimpse of my work.

Da.Mo.Fo Design Description

Foca in Spanish means Seal, when I was a kid the bullies used to call me Foca because I have cleft lip and palate, so this is my way to embrace my particularities and be grateful with what life has given me.

I am a Mexican, passionate, raving, joker, acid-ironic, music lover and good chatter. I enjoy what I have, more or less, good or bad, we always have to get juice from, for me, there is only one way, and is going up. I think we should learn from everything all the time, and I like to do it!

Design and its creative and conceptual development are the bone of my bones, for me we should design for the audience, not for yourself, sometimes even I can say no to the clients, because if our audience doesn't "consume it", is useless, no matter how "beautiful" the design is.

I like the honesty and criticism, and therefore, they are values that, together, are part of my philosophy of life!

If you like what you see, do not hesitate to contact me!



It's been ages since the last time I posted something, but hey, here we are. You can check some stuff I've been working in the last couple of years!
I'll be posting more stuff soon, promise! :D


All sort of promotional material


Here you can follow new the music that is filling my ears during this 2017!


Here's some of my work developing the image of some people and companies, and also developing the image of their products and ideologies.


Here's some of my work developing the image of some people and companies, and also developing the image of their products and ideologies.


Little tribute I did to my son Hanaki (who has DS and ASD), he's one of the big motors of my life and my big hero!
© All Rights Reserved Damo Robles A.K.A MotherFoca, 2016


Some advertising work I've done as freelancer and in the different workplaces I've been.


First branding for myself (when i was called Rafiki)
© All Rights Reserved Damo Robles A.K.A Motherfoca


Here's some of my work creating the artwork for some music albums. Music is one of my biggest passions, I really enjoy doing this, hope you like it.


Redesign for Nonprofit Organization
© All Rights Reserved Damo Robles A.K.A Motherfoca, 2009


Image Consulting for Literature and History Professor Kerry Marsden.
© All Rights Reserved Damo Robles A.K.A Motherfoca, 2009


Image Consulting for Literature and History Professor Kerry Marsden.
© All Rights Reserved Damo Robles A.K.A Motherfoca, 2009


Branding for Independent Music Company
© All Rights Reserved Damo Robles A.K.A Motherfoca, 2009

More about Da.Mo.Fo Design