Dietician Online



“You should try paleo” “You should stay away from carbs” “You NEED carbs” “You shouldn’t eat fat” “You should ONLY eat fat!”... Yes, these statements contradict each other. But these are all things that I have been told, or heard whilst trying to lose weight. I remember one day, talking about the potato that I planned to have at lunchtime and have someone tell me that by eating that potato, I would get fat. I also remember watching people sit and eat slice of cake, every lunchtime and refusing to eat anything else, in the hope of losing weight. Because you know, “one slice of cake contains less calories than a bowl of pasta…” Really?! Nice try! Although, nothing would surprise me! Nowadays, the diet and weight loss industry is a multi-million pound business, because we ALL want one thing: to look good, and for most people, that means losing weight!
Personally, I think we are too paranoid about our weight. A healthy mind and body should be all we have to aim for, but then again, if you are like me, you know you are healthy, but wouldn’t mind shifting the odd few pounds to feel a bit more comfortable.
We are constantly being thrown information from everywhere and everyone and it’s all getting a bit chaotic. Well, I am going to tell you a secret…
The secret to feeling better about food is not in magazine, diet pills or cake (unfortunately!)…
It’s not obsessing! I have tried many a diet, and reached points where I wouldn’t eat a thing, to points where I did nothing but eat! From one extreme to another, but I never lost weight for good. I would always put it back on because of one key thing: I was unhappy. My relationship with food was a mess, and it needed a little more than some marriage counselling…If you need a help with healthy diet plan and diet-coaching call and make free first consultation:) 7522083927
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Health magazines and portals can predict well in advance what will soon become a fashionable must-have that will be desired by each of us. Even though trendy things very often are marketing tricks but some of the novelties are worth familiarising with and using for a longer period of time. I gathered some information on the topic of diet products which will be ever-present in the coming months. Maybe it's worth being the first to check whether any of them will make our life easier?


I would like to help anybody who wishes to eat healthier but has some difficulties with this. I will tell you exactly what kind of meals you should grab from our shelfs in Chill Foodhall to reach your goals. Just text me and try the easiest way of healhty eating with Chill for free! Individual meal plans are waiting for you!:)


New year, new me… How many of us were repeating these words over and over again. And how are all those promises right now? Because it’s not about how to start – everyone knows this. It’s about keep going and focusing on our goals. The most popular resolutions were about healthier lifestyle, losing weight or get fit. So at the end of February, when we don’t feel any pressure any more, let’s do something with our eating! That’s why I have decided to help everyone who would lik...e to change his eating habits. And we will have few ways to do that To get started I would like to ask you to like and share this post and write me a private message about free two day meal plan based on products you can easily buy near your house or already made meals by your local shops like Chill Foodhall. We will start step by step and you will see how easy and enjoying it is! Eating healthier doesn’t mean to sacrifice, this means to enjoy the flavor of your food! Do let’s do this together and show everyone that we can!
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If you're stuck for some healthier meal ideas and need some help getting started, our healthy line meals can help! To be considered in our Healthy Diet collection, main dishes have 350 calories or less, 7 grams or less total fat per serving. All of these recipes are great choices for healthy weight control and weight loss over the long term. Best of all, you won't have to sacrifice flavor for lowered calories! If you would like to know more I'm happy to help you:)


Despite being nutritious, healthy and affordable, chick peas have never found the deserving renown. So, with an ambition to tout the nutritional benefits of chick peas, United Nations have declared 2016 as “International Year of Pulses”. Apparently, we have never understood the significance of these protein-filled seeds in our diet and heath. Rich in fiber and carbohydrates and low in fat, chick peas are excellent substitutes for meat. They are also rich in vitamins, zinc, ir...on, magnesium, folate and other minerals. And to too boot, chick peas do not contain any harmful fat or lipids, which makes them healthier food option. In addition to providing essential nutrients, the chick peas also help fight various diseases like diabetes, heart diseases and different types of cancer. These edible seeds also have huge dietary benefits for people who are suffering through obesity, diabetes, constipation, celiac diseases or high blood cholesterol levels. Moreover, chick peas contain certain antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic elements. The world is ready to sweep up chick peas as healthy and sustainable food alternative, are you? Kick off your International Year of Pulses and buy high-quality chick peas at Chill Foodhall:):)
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Do you need sweets to get through the day? Is your next sweet fix constantly on your mind? If so, you need to know how to beat your cravings for sweets!:) On day 1, do Tip 1. On day 2, follow tips 1 and 2, etc for 5 days. Then, after that, continue to stick to all of these strategies for at least 14 days. By the end of two weeks, you should have conquered your cravings:) 1. Nix all sources of liquid sugars in your diet. Since sodas and other sweetened beverages provide about ...half of all the added sugar in the typical diet, they’re the first to jettison. They don’t contribute to fullness so you won’t miss them. 2. Avoid using sugar substitutes. Sugar substitutes are more intensely sweet than cane sugar, once you get accustomed to their level of sweetness, it takes more natural sweeteners to be sweet-satisfied. They may also affect the natural hunger hormones as well, making it harder to control your appetite. 3. Become a Sugar Sleuth. For one week, read the Nutrition Facts and ingredient list for everything you eat and drink. If “sugars” on the label are more than 8 grams, go directly to the ingredient list and skip it if you see a form of added sugars in the ingredient list. If there is no sugar in the ingredient list, it means that the food or beverage contains natural sugars; we don’t worry about them because they’re not “metabolically equivalent” to added sugars. 4. Start Each Day Sugar-Free. Starting your day off right is one of the best ways to stay on track with any diet. Eating for breakfast eggs doesn’t cause the same blood sugar and insulin response as a carbohydrate-rich breakfast. 5. Learn to Love Natural Sugars. Don’t think about what you can’t have; focus on what you can eat and drink. For sweets, try dried fruit, fresh fruit, roasted veggies, and caramelized onions. There are many foods that provide natural sweetness. 6. Live Sugar-Free for 2 Weeks!!! After 14 days sugar-free, your desire for sweets should be vastly reduced. If you want to reintroduce small amounts of added sweeteners, start by incorporating them into meals, as sugars eaten with other foods are less harmful than when they’re eaten alone.
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Hi, My name is Justyna Iglicka and I'm dietician. I have started this profile because I am just like you:) I am stressed, work too much, have killer cravings, struggle with emotional eating, and have to watch what I eat or I will pack on pounds. Luckily, I have the training and education that help me make the most out of every bite. My clients want to know what I eat, my favorite new foods or how I eat right when Iam traveling or eating out. Here, I will share with you – bite for bite – how I strive to eat healthier in the real world of food. If you would like to get some advice just like my page and write me a massage:)


You'll never suffer like that with Dietician online- Enjoy watching:) sI


Protein. It’s the nutrient everyone wants more of to weigh less. But it’s not always that easy. A new survey reported that 54% of adults are trying to get more protein in their diets, yet some 71% don’t know how much they should eat. While protein may be gaining in popularity–just look at the number of food products that now claim to have more protein on the labels–the fast majority of us get enough protein and just eating more of it, may lead to weight gain. Many protein se...ekers don’t understand that you can eat too much and the only way protein helps you get leaner is when you cut total calories and it can only help you build muscle when you are strength training to stimulate muscle repair and synthesis. the body can’t store excess protein for use later, it’s important to distribute protein intake evenly throughout the day. Research shows that about 20-30 grams is sufficient and will maximize the benefits protein provides. Because of this, I recommend 25 grams of protein as part of your breakfast, lunch and dinner. 1 oz of fish, lean meat or poultry has about 7 grams of protein so a 3.5 oz serving (about the size of an iPhone) will equal 25 grams of protein. What’s more, most scoops of protein powder have 20-25 grams of protein. If you’re eating Greek yogurt, an 8 oz serving of plain has more than 20 grams of protein, making it an easy way to meet your protein needs at breakfast. For most people trying to lose weight, shirting to 1.2 grams protein/kg body weight or even up to 1 gram per pound of lean body mass can help dieters retain their lean tissue while they maximize the amount of fat lost.
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I am dietitian. I love food. I love to eat. I love the experience of eating. For some, the food-loving dietitian idea is a bit of a paradox. I hate the word diet in the context of general healthy eating and weight loss. I feel that word is more appropriate for somebody with a medical condition, i.e. therapeutic diets. I don't like restricting food groups for weight loss and general healthy eating. I don't like superfood obsessions. I want a healthy relationship with my food... because I feel like food is culture. Food is history. Food tells a story. At the end of the day, healthy eating and weight loss doesn't need to be complicated. Listen to your body. Avoid processed foods. Stay hydrated. Watch out for added sugars (fruit has natural sugars, that's okay). Increase your fruit and vegetable intake. Lean meat and fish are great, but so is vegetarianism when properly executed. Go for whole grains instead of refined products. Allow yourself to enjoy a treat from time to time. Get your body moving. Sleep! Find what works for you. This is my manifesto for general health. When it comes to specific disease states, the discussion is more complicated. Part of being a health professional means advocating for patients. I believe it is every dietitian's responsibility to reach out to the powers that be to influence nutrition and health policy.
I hope my blog illuminates issues surrounding nutrition, dietetics, and the health. Please comment, ask questions, and share!
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The Best Way to Eat Protein to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle!!:) Most women are making this protein mistake: eating too little at breakfast and too much at dinner. Women get about 10 grams of protein at breakfast compared to having about 30 grams of protein at dinner. Studies show that protein-rich breakfasts that have around 30 grams of protein stimulate satiety hormones to keep you fuller longer. A study with men recently found that eating eggs and toast at breakfast trimmed ...some 331 calories from the daily diet, compared to when the men ate equal-calorie breakfasts of cereal and milk and toast (high-carb) or croissants (high-fat)! Eating about 30 grams at breakfast, lunch and dinner will help keep your appetite in check and is enough to optimize lean body mass if you’re working out. Research published in the Journal of Nutrition reported a 25% increase in muscle protein synthesis when protein is divided into three, 30-gram doses at breakfast, lunch and dinner. What’s more, after a eating a breakfast with 30 grams protein, muscle protein synthesis was 30% higher compared to when subjects ate 11 grams protein at breakfast:) Divide your daily protein into three equal servings of somewhere between 25-30 grams protein. If you need to lose weight, you can’t just add more protein to your diet, you need to reduce total calories. To do this, cut out low-quality calories from added sugars, processed and high-glycemic carbohydrates.
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Need some help to curb your appetite? Add these five natural appetite suppressants to your shopping cart. If you suffer from hunger and cravings, there’s good news: Several new studies have identified compounds in certain foods that trigger the release of hormones in the stomach that help you feel full and neurotransmitters in the brain that suppress appetite and reduce cravings. Eating more of these foods can help keep your hunger in check, even as you cut calories to peel... off pounds. It’s a weight loss win-win!:):) 1. Apples- A medium apple has 95 calories and 6 grams of fiber. Be sure to eat the whole apple, as the ursolic acid as well as beneficial antioxidants are concentrated in the skin. 2. Beans- Beans, peas, lentils, and chickpeas are a triple threat against hunger because they contain a lot of fiber; are excellent sources of slow-to-digest protein; and have a low glycemic index to keep blood sugar and carbohydrate cravings in check. 3. Eggs- eating a breakfast that’s rich in protein (20 to 30 grams) suppresses ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates your appetite. In fact, studies have found that an egg breakfast may help control hunger for a full 24 hours. 4. Greek Yogurt- How could thick and creamy Greek yogurt whittle your middle? The researchers believe that the protein, calcium, and probiotics may all play a role. Plain Greek yogurt is your best bet because it has roughly twice the protein as traditional yogurt and half the sugar. 5. Mangos- Mangos are not only delicious, they’re also diet-friendly. This stone fruit contains many bioactive ingredients, including mangiferin, a compound that has been shown in preliminary research to help reduce body fat and control blood sugar levels. A cup of sliced mango has just 100 calories and 3 grams of filling fiber. Say mmm, mango!:)
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It’s easy to understand why people ask me if they should follow a Paleo or low carb diet. It's fast weight loss and recommend by personal trainers and very popular. As a dietician I want to ecourage you to balanced eating. It’s not a diet, but a lifestyle that’s individualized to meet each person’s specific needs. Foundation of my approach is eating real food, including all three macronutrients, in a healthy balance. It certainly can be Paleo and/or low carb, it just doesn’t ...have to be, nor is it specifically intended to fall into either way of eating. It’s completely individualized and really,I just like to consider ourselves balanced. Most of my clients are coming to me with a history of dieting and restricting their bodies. I find what works best to help them past this kind of destructive eating is working with them to stabilize their blood sugars through regularly eating in balance. I believe that if I focused on fasting or not eating frequently, it wouldn’t be beneficial, and in fact it would set my clients up for binging and restricting, and it would likely put them back in that vicious cycle of carbohydrate and sugar addiction. This is why I encourage all of my clients to “Eat every 3”, meaning eating a combination of protein, carb and fat every three hours. Certainly I meet all of my clients where they are in their journey and work with everyone individually, but I’ve found this to be immensely helpful for those who have a history of dieting and/or restricting. My approach is balancing blood sugar levels, which I believe is the underlying key to nearly all aspects of health, such as consistent energy levels, positive moods, improved mental clarity, supported metabolism, decreased sugar cravings, and when your blood sugar is balanced, you avoid getting hangry. When blood sugar levels are too high or too low, we are sure to experience consequences like increased blood pressure, inflammation, anxiety, insomnia, mood swings and more. To stabilize blood sugar levels, I teach my clients to eat protein, fat and carbs consistently throughout the day. If you want to know more specifically what this looks like in daily practice start healthy personal catering with Just Good in Coleraine, tel. 07761 234086!
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“Do I have to eat before I workout?” “Is it always beneficial to have a protein shake after I lift weights?” “How long after I workout should I eat?” These questions are often on the minds of my clients. Yes, nutrition should live in harmony with activity, but it doesn’t have to be so complicated. A properly nourished body performs well during tough workouts and doesn’t have to suffer with soreness and fatigue the next day (or two or three days…). Navigating the latest trends... in food and fitness can be quite confusing as there are many mixed messages. The goal of a pre-workout snack or meal is to improve performance. Depending on the timing of your workout, you may find it beneficial to add a small snack before you begin if the prior meal doesn’t carry you through. Snacks should include quality protein (hard boiled egg, beef stick, turkey slices), some healthy fat (avocado, nuts, seeds, etc.) and an easily digestible carbohydrate (fruit is a great option!). Most people need at least 15 minutes of digestion time prior to starting exercise. If you are someone who works out first thing in the morning, and you feel energized and able to make it through the workout successfully, this may be the one time you can skip a pre-workout meal. Remember; always go back to listening to your body and what works for you. Pay attention to your energy level, brain fog, and/or muscle cramping during the workout to assess if you need more protein, fat or carbohydrate prior to exercising. Muscle cramping can also be related to water, electrolyte imbalance and magnesium deficiency. No need to run and grab a sports drink-instead start by adding electrolyte rich foods to your meals and snacks with my recommendations below. Consider these examples: Sweet potatoes and coconuts = potassium Spinach and sunflower seeds = magnesium Beef and olives = sodium A general rule is to wait 20-30 minutes post exercise before you eat to allow your body to get into the “rest and digest” mode to promote the best possible nutrient absorption and utilization. And don’t forget to get your fat in after your activity to improve your body’s healing and repairing ability! Post exercise nutrition is key for not only decreasing soreness and fatigue but also the build up of new muscle tissue. Eating whatever you want because you worked out defeats the purpose and will only set you back further from your goals. We know it’s not just about quantity of calories, but the quality matters a ton! A balanced meal of chicken breast, green veg and whole carbs is an easy post workout meal. For an on-the-go option, a protein shake is great! Try our workout meals at Chill - a simple way to view nutrition that fuels your fitness goals.
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English people are pretty well-informed when it comes to nutrition … most of the time! But one you day you read, hear something, the next day it changes! See if you fall prey to any of these common nutrition myths. 1. Gluten free is healthier. For those of you with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, this is true. For the rest of us – no. Many gluten free foods are higher in calories, fat and sugar than the regular products containing gluten. Gluten free foods tend to cost ...more too … and many products don’t taste as good! 2. A calorie is calorie. Not really – it’s really a little more complicated than this. First, you actually burn more calories digesting some foods (called diet induced thermogenesis) than others. The thermogenic effect of fat is 0-3%, carbs are 5-10% and protein is 20-30%. This means you would burn ~ 25 calories when digesting 100 calories of protein. Second, studies have shown the calories from natural food are handled differently in the body as compared to calories from processed foods. One study showed that 50% fewer calories were burned when digesting processed foods versus natural foods. This can really add up if your diet includes a lot of processed foods. 3. Eating late at night leads to weight gain. Total caloric intake is what is most important when it comes to your weight versus the time you eat. The reason why night eaters tend to gain weight is often due to excessive calories from large dinners or too much evening snacking. Eating minimally during day tends to make you over hungry at dinner! Try to eat regular meals during the day to keep your metabolism moving and energy levels up and enjoy a moderate sized dinner. 4. Agave is the healthiest sweetener. Agave was the rage a few years ago because of the “all natural” and low glycemic index claims. While it’s true that it’s made from a plant, it’s still processed like most other sweeteners. Nutritionally and functionally, agave syrup is similar to high-fructose corn syrup and sucrose syrup. Sound good? Probably not. Consuming fructose may be less healthy than consuming similar amounts of glucose and may promote greater gains of unhealthy visceral fat, increased insulin-resistant and increased risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. Fructose from fruit is a much healthier option that fructose from a sweetener. Bottom line, consume all added sugars in moderation!
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As I sit here to write something at early morning, I realize that once again, I’ve broken my New Year’s Resolution. My resolution was eat regulary (I have to betternorganise my work). I did it for a few days but I am back to my old habits. I bet many of you are in the same boat. Whether your resolution is to lose weight or exercise more, it’s estimated that only 8% of people are successful in meeting their resolution. So I’ve decided to take a new tactic on how to keep my New... Year’s Resolution. And the first step is not to call it a “resolution”:) The word resolution sounds “all or nothing”. So instead, I’m going to think of it as a goal and come up with strategies on how to meet it. MY TIPS ON how to meet your goals 1.First, think about what is really important to you and come up with a goal. It doesn’t have to be the usual weight loss/fitness goals. Think about WHY this goal is important to you. And make sure the goal is realistic! Setting unrealistic goals will guarantee you will fail. Me: I would like to go to the gym four times a week. It is important to me because I want to build muscle (to improve metabolism), have more energy, strong immune function, increased relaxation, better sleep and mood, . 2. Put your plan in writing. Me: I’m fan of writing goals on a calendar. I have a large calendar hanging on my wall and will write in my weekly goals and check off whether or not I met them. 3. Learn from the past. If you decide to make the same resolution (i.e. weight loss) that you’ve made in previous years, analyze what went wrong in the past. Obviously something went wrong otherwise you wouldn’t be setting the same resolution! We need to learn from our past mistakes and try a different technique. Me: I am now setting more concrete goals as my vague New Year’s Resolutions haven’t worked so well in the past. I think for me, the key is to set really small concrete goals and keep thinking about the benefits I will get from meeting these goals. By breaking your goals down into small attainable changes, you will be able to meet your long term goals! By making an effort each day to achieve a small goal, you’ll find it’s easier to see positive results.
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For anybody who would like to slightly change something in his way of eating, I could prepare some tips what to buy in Chill during the week to feel better all you need to do is like my page Dietician Online and text me asking what could you change! Remember, you don't need a huge change to feel a lot better, have more energy and sleep like a baby during the night:)

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Dietician Online is located at Coleraine, Coleraine, United Kingdom