Diocese Of Derry And Raphoe

Monday: 09:00 - 16:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 16:30
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Diocese Of Derry And Raphoe

We are the Church of Ireland in the beautiful north west, spanning counties Londonderry, Tyrone, Antrim & Donegal. www. derryandraphoe.org

Diocese Of Derry And Raphoe Description

Derry and Raphoe is the Church of Ireland in the North West of Ireland / Northern Ireland. We have over 50 clergy serving 15, 000 people in 48 parishes from Kilowen to Ardara, and Omagh to Moville.

The Right Rev Ken Good is the Bishop of Derry and Raphoe and was consecrated in 2002.



The singing clerics, The Priests, brought the curtain down, metaphorically, on Saturday evening’s day of celebration marking the formal launch of St Columb’s School of Music in Londonderry. The school, at No. 1 St Columb’s Court, just off Bishop Street, was founded by Nicky Morton and Louis Fields, whose musical careers began as choristers in St Columb’s Cathedral.
The cathedral was an appropriate venue for ...two musical events which showcased young local talent alongside ‘big name’ performers to appreciative audiences who braved Storm Ciara to support the new venture.
The lunchtime concert saw the Foyle College Jazz Band perform with one of Ireland’s foremost jazz pianists, Scott Flanigan, on a specially erected stage at the front of the church.
Saturday evening’s gala was opened by the Thornhill College Chamber Choir, who won last year’s BBC Northern Ireland School Choir of the Year competition. They were followed by the renowned pianist Ruth McGinley, who performed a number of solo pieces, before accompanying the Derry-born tenor George Hutton, and finally The Priests on a number of sacred and popular pieces, as well as ballads.
Mr Fields and Mr Morton say the new school – which is self-funded – will give all young musicians in the local community the same opportunity they had to develop and pursue their art. The pair said St Columb's School of Music was part of the legacy of UK City of Culture 2013. “This is a great time to be interested in music,” they said, “and an even better time to be learning it.”
The school already has a huge outreach programme and aims to provide a dynamic and supportive environment that can help young musicians to discover their talents and flourish.
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More than 50 young people took part in this year’s Diocesan Confirmation Day at the Acorn Centre, St Peter’s Church, on the Culmore Road in Londonderry, on Saturday. The teenagers, leaders and clergy came from parishes across the diocese, stretching from Aghadowey to Stranorlar.
The Confirmation Day was facilitated by the Church of Ireland’s Youth Officer, Simon Henry, who talked to the young people about prayer and the Bible, explained to them what confirmation involved, and... discussed why church matters and why serving God matters. There were games and activities, too, and enough pizza to keep the spirits up.
The group were joined for a time by Bishop Andrew Forster, who spoke to the young people - individually and collectively - and also enjoyed some pizza.
Next on the agenda for DRY is the ‘Derry and Raphoe Youth INVITES’ event in Raphoe Cathedral on Sunday 1st March at 4pm. Worship will be led by the Dean of Raphoe, Very Rev Arthur Barrett, members of Derry and Raphoe Youth and the Mark Ferguson Band, and Bishop Andrew Forster will open God's word.
Remember, ‘Derry and Raphoe Youth INVITES’ is a Diocesan worship service; that means it’s not just for young people but for the whole Diocesan family, so everyone is welcome.
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The Diocesan Board of Social Responsibility's holding a seminar about domestic violence next month entitled ‘Love Shouldn’t Hurt’. The meeting - in the Diocesan Centre in London Street on Monday 9th March, 7.30-9.30pm - will be addressed by the Director of Foyle Women’s Aid, Ms Marie Brown MBE. It'll address themes such as spotting the hidden signs of domestic violence; removing the stigma; offering practical support; helping children; and how the Church can help.


St Canice’s Church, Eglinton, invites you to ‘An Evening with Graham Kendrick’ in Londonderry’s Waterside Theatre at 8pm on Thursday 19th March, 2020.
Graham - an internationally renowned hymnwriter - is one of the UK’s most prolific songwriters and singers. He's perhaps best known for his authorship of the lyrics and music of songs such as ‘The Servant King’, ‘Meekness and Majesty’ and ‘Shine, Jesus, Shine’, which are among the most widely-heard songs in contemporary Christi...an worship.
In 1995, Graham received a Dove Award for his international work while, in 2000, the London School of Theology awarded him and honorary Doctorate in "recognition of his contribution to the worship life of the Church".
Fellow songwriter Stuart Townend has said: "I have no doubt that in 100 years’ time the name of Kendrick will be alongside Watts and Wesley in the list of the UK's greatest hymnwriters".
Book online for ‘An Evening with Graham Kendrick’ at https://watersidetheatre.cloudvenue.co.uk /aneveningwithgrah… or call 02871 314000 Monday to Friday, between 9.30am and 4.30pm.
Tickets cost £15 with proceeds going to St Canice’s Hall Building Fund.
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Right. Get your diaries out.
Some people still have their Christmas decorations up and already Kilcronaghan Parish Church is advertising its big event for the next festive season - 'The Christmas Story' – which will run from Monday 23rd until Sunday 29th November, 2020.
This festival with a difference will tell the Christmas story through various handcrafted creative pieces.
... Visitors will be very welcome. Check out the flyer for dates, times, catering options and other details.
For catering, email Jennifer Evans at jenniferevans1964@gmail.com and for other enquiries contact Hilary Richardson at hilary473@btinternet.com
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This year, the Church of Ireland will be observing its sixth Day of Prayer for Young People and Youth Ministry right across the Church. The House of Bishops has approved the Sunday before Lent as the date for this annual Day of Prayer for our youth, with this year’s date falling on Sunday, 23rd February.
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4 verse 6)


The Rev Jonathan McFarland has been appointed Rector of the Parish of Urney in County Tyrone, almost two and a half years after arriving there as Bishop's Curate.
Rev McFarland - who's pictured with his wife, Jacqui - was one of five priests ordained at a Service in Glendermott Parish Church in September 2017. Confirmation of his incumbency was shared with parishioners on Sunday morning.
The Diocese offers its congratulations to Jonathan and wishes him, Jacqui, their children and the parishioners of Urney God's blessing for the future.


Two new Diocesan Lay Readers have been commissioned for the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe.
Eleanor Craig from the Parish of Aghadowey and Brian Robinson from the Grouped Parishes of Aghanloo, Balteagh, Carrick and Tamlaghtard were commissioned by Bishop Andrew Forster in Christ Church Limavady on Saturday evening in front of scores of relatives, friends and members of other parishes.
The service, which was led by the Diocese’s Warden of Readers, Rev Canon Derek Quinn, took pla...
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The Most Revd Dr Richard Clarke, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, has issued the following statement following the death of Seamus Mallon:
"Seamus Mallon was by profession a teacher and then politician, a leader and risk taker. He was an outspoken opponent of violence, who saw a better way of living if the people of this island learned to understand each other better. He was a peacemaker firmly committed to building a better future for all.
"Sympathy and prayers are extended to his family and colleagues at this sad time."


Clergy at Christ Church Londonderry have said they forgive two men who desecrated the church during a break-in over two years ago during which damage estimated at £75,000 was caused.
25-year-old Harry Duffy, from Elmwood Terrace in the city, and James Anthony Kennedy, who is 24 and from Glenside Park, were jailed for two years and eight months. They’ll both serve part of their sentence on licence.
In a statement, the Rector of Christ Church, Archdeacon Robert Miller, and th...e parish's Pastoral Director, Rev Katie McAteer, said they forgave the two intruders and thanked the judge for the sensitive way in which he had dealt with “what has, for our parishioners, been a most distressing case".
Below is Archdeacon Miller and Rev McAteer’s statement in full:
“We are thankful that this matter has now been dealt with by the courts and grateful to Judge Philip Babington for the sensitive manner in which he has dealt with what has – for our parishioners – been a most distressing case.
“It is of some comfort to us to learn that, in Judge Babington’s words, there was no “religious or sectarian aspect to this offending”. Indeed, since the break-in, we in Christ Church have been blessed and encouraged by the sympathy and support shown to us by well-wishers from right across the community – most notably by our closest neighbours in St Eugene’s Roman Catholic Cathedral.
“We take no pleasure from the significant custodial sentences handed down to the two offenders. We do feel, however, that actions have consequences and that all of us should be accountable before the law.
“On behalf of the parishioners of Christ Church, we now consider this matter closed. As Rector and as Pastoral Director, we forgive Harry Duffy and James Kennedy for what they did and will be holding them in our prayers. We hope the two men can learn from this incident and that they will succeed in getting their lives back on track.”
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The Church of Ireland has issued the following statement on the restoration of the Northern Ireland Executive:
The Church of Ireland welcomes the recent restoration of the Northern Ireland Executive and the commitment expressed to resolve the many difficult issues affecting the community.
As MLAs resume normal business for the first time in three years, we offer them encouragement and the assurance of prayer. We support the ‘New Decade, New Approach’ agreement which, we feel,... captures the hopes for a new decade. If the parties to the agreement, including the two governments, live up to its spirit, it could prove transformational.
Responsibility, accountability and a transparent way of doing business are embedded in the new agreement. People are keen to work with their political leaders to turn around the social crisis in Northern Ireland. People want lasting foundations and sustainable progress. People are ambitious in their hopes and – in the best traditions of Northern Ireland – they are generous in offering the political parties the necessary space to make good on the commitments made. But people will expect results.
In recent years, too many have experienced job loss and financial hardship, have suffered because of under-investment in public services, been frightened by the prospect of welfare ‘reform’ and frustrated by the lack of political direction. That needs to change. We welcome the fresh commitment to address the huge problems facing the health, social care and education sectors, and the determination to tackle the crisis in mental health.
Above all, it is important that the restoration of the Executive brings fresh impetus to the task of building a peaceful, just and shared society. As a body composed of people from all parts of the island of Ireland, we reflect the importance of collective responsibility – moving forward together while respecting and recognising different cultural identities. We urge all in leadership to engage with each other with civility and respect. We are committed to engaging in civic dialogue and to supporting the Executive as it recommences its work in any way we can. We continue to uphold in our prayers all those who bear the onerous responsibility of elected office.
The statement was approved by the Standing Committee of the General Synod of the Church of Ireland, at its meeting in Dublin on Tuesday, 21st January.
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More about Diocese Of Derry And Raphoe

Monday: 09:00 - 16:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 16:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 16:30
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -