Donacloney Presbyterian Church

About Donacloney Presbyterian Church

We gather together to express our praise of God, to encourage our partners in the faith and to exercise our priesthood in prayer.

Donacloney Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland
Registered Charity in Northern Ireland (NIC 105113)

Donacloney Presbyterian Church Description

We are a Church.

We are part of the visible church, the Body of Christ in the world.

We are a presbyterian church. We believe that the Bible gives the pattern for the local church to be overseen by a body of presbyters, or elders. Currently there are ten ruling elders who oversee the congregation. They, together with the minister, make up our Kirk Session.

We are part of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, associated to the Presbytery of Iveagh.

We are made up of families and individuals. Some of our families have been connected to the church here for generations; others have joined us in the last few years. Roughly speaking, we live within the diamond of Moira, Dromore, Banbridge and Lurgan. There are over 200 households connected to us. That translates into about 600 individuals of all ages. On average, about 165 will be found here on a typical Sunday morning, and 40 or so on a Sunday evening. We are a collection of different people - different faces, different accents and different backgrounds, brought together by the grace of God through the power of His Word.

As a church, we worship God. His call to us is to offer our bodies as living sacrifices. This includes our head (knowing Him), our heart (loving Him) and our hands (serving Him). So:
•we worship God as we come to know Him through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ;
•we worship God as we love Him and love our neighbour as ourselves;
•we worship God as we serve Him in all that we do – both in our weekly work and our Sabbath rest.

We engage in worship together especially on the Lord’s Day when we have two times of meeting here. At each, we express our praise of God through psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, and prayer. We also intercede in prayer as we seek God’s grace for the needs of one another and for others beyond ourselves. We encourage one another in the faith, not just by our presence together, but by the preaching of God’s Word. The reading and the preaching of the Word are central to our times together on Sundays. Its message of God’s grace in Jesus Christ is signified and sealed through the sacraments of baptism and of bread and wine. Baptism is administered as required, and we meet around the table for the communion of the Lord’s Supper three times a year.

More about Donacloney Presbyterian Church

Donacloney Presbyterian Church is located at 56 Moygannon Road, BT66 7PN Donaghcloney
028 38820548