Embody Therapies

Monday: 14:30 - 15:30
Tuesday: 12:30 - 13:30
Wednesday: 10:30 - 11:30
Thursday: 14:00 - 15:00
Friday: -
Saturday: 11:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Embody Therapies

Massage Therapy. Effective pain relief through high quality, cutting edge clinical and sports massage techniques, combined with intuitive healing

Embody Therapies Description

UR-time Holistic Wellness offers a range of therapeutic Massages designed to help people who suffer from chronic pain find relief, improvement and increase flexibility. Japanese Reiki Therapy is also offered to help with anxiety, depression, healing and relaxation. UR therapist has worked in the field of massage therapie for over a decade and is happy to advise you on the right choice of treatment. We also offer regular certified Reiki Workshops. (Usui System ).



Send me a personal message or text me from today to Easter Saturday to avail of this offer. One treatment per person only.


Have a wonderful weekend


Show yourself some love today! We all know that our minds habitually come up with critical thoughts, fear thoughts, judging thoughts and disturbing thoughts of some discription. STOP right here Begin to SLOW down and notice all those thoughts. They live INSIDE your head What are they doing TO YOU?... Do they make yoou FEEL good? Do they make you HAPPY? Do they spread a sense of LOVE? .......what to do with them is up to you Play Experiment Enjoy Have a lovely love-filled weekend!
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Can Massage help with fibromyalgia? FM is a very complex condition and treating it demands a lot of flexibility, intuition and a sound understanding of the basic facts of this pathology. I have worked with FM clients over the years and every treatment approach is different. Most commonly I suggest to begin with a shorter treatment time, to use a variety of gentle techniques and apply some heat. Massage is seen as a long term support for the client to manage symptons and to experience improvement and gain a sense of control over the condition- it does not aim to cure it.


Massage Therapy and touch- a vital aid in promoting overall mental health and wellbeing. What does mental health mean to you? Is it simply a state of being free from a diagnosis that describes a mental health problem? Or does it incorporate a feeling of inner calm, being positive, feeling loved, being creative and feeling part of something? ( A group, a project, a community) I personally go for the latter, and I am aware that a lot of us struggle with being and remaining ment...ally healthy and balanced. Mental health underpins everything in our life, from our relationships to our career to our ability to be positive and find solutions and coping strategies when life throughs a curve ball at us. What do you fall back onto? Do you have a personal fix? And if so, what is it? Wine? Food? Mindless distraction? Avoidance? One way to build inner resilience and balance , a savings account you can rely on when emotional challenges hit you, is a regular mind- body practice. As a massage therapist I highly recommend regular treatments to "stay on top of stress factors " to put it simply. Massage is much more than an occasional pamper treat! However, in order to see those benefits we need to incorporate it regularly into our life.
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How important is touch for our well-being? In our modern society where touch tends to be as rare as an empty seat on a rush hour train, we miss out on experiencing the benefits regular touch offers. We all know that it feels good to have a hug from someone close to us, or to receive a pat on the back for a job well done. There are physiological reasons behind why touch makes us feel good, and which explain why – far from being a luxury of a ‘nice-to-have’ – Massage therapy ...can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression.
When we receive touch our brain receives a signal, which then triggers the release of the hormone oxytocin – commonly known as the love hormone – as well as the two other happy hormones, Serotonin and Dopamine.
The intentional, informed ‘touch’ of Massage Therapy goes further. Along with boosting the happy hormones, it has been proven to lower the hormone cortisol – a key component in our stress response. Slowly but steadily, Massage Therapy is now starting to be seen as a valuable element in health care, because it has been shown not only to decrease pain and tightness in muscles, but also to help relieve symptoms of anxiety, stress, and sleeping disorders.Have questions? Get in touch!
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Trigger Points Why should we treat them? Trigger points are associated with tight and weak muscle tissue, stiffness of joints, physical pain and decreased mobility. Trigger points also create a myriad of other issues such as headaches, dizziness, blurred vision or sinus problems- you wouldn't think it but they do! Massage and other soft tissue techniques are understood to help decrease their activity, thus improving pain, tension and stiffness.


Sometimes selfcare can take a differernt form. There is more to it than a bubble bath and regular massage. Personally, I love the above a lot, but I often go into a more symbolic, ritual space to give myself love. Its love for the soul or the mind. Creating a sacred space with candles, flowers or crystals and aromas is a great way to set up for your internal selfcare. I love meditation and I always feel it is more deep and immediate when done infront of a shrine or altar ( I know that is a bit of a loaded word- but it is what it is). Concentrating on the breath can be transformative to the way you feel after just a few minutes. And it's free! Let me know what you do, or would like to try as a different form of selfcare? I am curious to hear!


Do you want to walk with elegance, grace and lightness? But at the moment you're too glued up internally? You feel a bit heavy overall? Those limbs seem stuck to the ground? My suggestion is to try some fascial release work sometime soon. This way of a deep, focused and slow bodywork, combined with gentle indirect coaxing of the tissue to release itself can work wonders on the post-winter wake-up!


Good morning lovelies! I have a last minute appointment available today at 3pm or 3.30pm- for a one hour or 90 minutes slot. Please contact me to take advantage of it! Personally, I can’t wait to get on a treatment table on a day like today! Remember- HOT Stones are an option! Yes


Sometimes I get asked WHY I am a massage and Reiki therapist, or it is assumed that this was my "side-job", my hobby, so to speak. Well, you know in a way it is correct- giving treatments is a kind of "hobby", or better, an activity I love and enjoy doing. I feel so grounded, connected to life itself and harmonious inside after giving treatments. It fills me with joy to see the positive changes I get to observe in clients. I feel on purpose. And I couldn't imagine doing a 9-5... job. Therapeutic, mindful, focused and intentional touch is "my thing". Helping clients to get to know their own body in a different way and understanding how we hold emotional tension in the layers of tissue is fascinating and rewarding. Holding a safe space for transformation, healing and release is part of the parcel. I certainly know from my own ecperience as a client, how precious it is to have therapists offering what they do.Curious?
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A recent study conducted by Chiety University in Italy found that individuals receiving MINDFULLY given touch have a different reaction inthe brain to those who receive careless/ mechanical touch. .Mindful touch can modify the functional connectivity of the brain in different areas and thus improving brain function. One of the best ways -in my opinion- to receive mindful touch is through a massage treatment. What you need here however is a focused practitioner and an attentive receiver.


The benefits of massage therapy reach far beyond the physical realm. Emotional and psychological well-being are greatly enhanced through body work. Levels of anxiety and depression can be decreased, stress hormone level diminishes. Our physical reality is a mirror of our psyche and mind.


Give yourself some love- YOU deserve it! If your body is seeking attention by knocking the door of your awareness with aches and pain and and soreness- open the door and listen. Receiving a massage is an act of self love!


Happy St Patrick’s day to those who celebrate it. I am happy to say that after an unexpected absence from Belfast, I have returned and you can book in for treatments with me as usual from tomorrow onwards. Looking forward to reconnecting with you all!


Dear clients. I will have to cancel appointments for next week- my mother broke her right wrist and I will have to stay in Germany until she had her surgery and I have arranged for short term care. Unfortunately I do not have my appointment diary with me- so can’t contact each of you individually. Sincere apologies.


Pain and tightness in lower legs- really sore, interfering with lots of activities.... I wrote this post 3 years ago..


Ursula is a fabulous Massage and Reiki therapist. She is thoroughly tuned in to you and works holistically. She continually updates her skills and her treatments are very powerful and healing. I could unreservedly recommend her.


Thank you Ursula for my wonderful treatments. You really helped my lower back & side pain. So much more than massage, excellent detailed muscle work , in expert hands. Can't wait for my next treat!


Ursula is a fabulous Massage and Reiki therapist. She is thoroughly tuned in to you and works holistically. She continually updates her skills and her treatments are very powerful and healing. I could unreservedly recommend her.


Thank you Ursula for my wonderful treatments. You really helped my lower back & side pain. So much more than massage, excellent detailed muscle work , in expert hands. Can't wait for my next treat!


Ursula is a fabulous Massage and Reiki therapist. She is thoroughly tuned in to you and works holistically. She continually updates her skills and her treatments are very powerful and healing. I could unreservedly recommend her.


Thank you Ursula for my wonderful treatments. You really helped my lower back & side pain. So much more than massage, excellent detailed muscle work , in expert hands. Can't wait for my next treat!


Ursula is a fabulous Massage and Reiki therapist. She is thoroughly tuned in to you and works holistically. She continually updates her skills and her treatments are very powerful and healing. I could unreservedly recommend her.


Thank you Ursula for my wonderful treatments. You really helped my lower back & side pain. So much more than massage, excellent detailed muscle work , in expert hands. Can't wait for my next treat!


Ursula is a fabulous Massage and Reiki therapist. She is thoroughly tuned in to you and works holistically. She continually updates her skills and her treatments are very powerful and healing. I could unreservedly recommend her.


Thank you Ursula for my wonderful treatments. You really helped my lower back & side pain. So much more than massage, excellent detailed muscle work , in expert hands. Can't wait for my next treat!

More about Embody Therapies

Embody Therapies is located at 54 Ladas Drive, BT6 9FT Belfast
Monday: 14:30 - 15:30
Tuesday: 12:30 - 13:30
Wednesday: 10:30 - 11:30
Thursday: 14:00 - 15:00
Friday: -
Saturday: 11:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -