Evolve Health & Performance

About Evolve Health & Performance

I started Evolve because I wanted to create a gym experience like no other. Our sole aim is to help as many people as possible upgrade their lives and build better bodies without the fear of being judged.

Evolve Health & Performance Description

I started Evolve because I genuinely believed that people were getting short-changed by their gym experience. I wanted to create a gym that brought fitness to life, a place that was member-centric and service driven.



🀩 Team Training Champs 🀩
Well done to everyone this morning on our last team training session for a week! πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ˜ƒ
Next up we have:
... βœ… Test week βœ… Easy strength βœ… 30 day inBody scans
Have a great weekend everyone! πŸ‘ŠπŸ»
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πŸ‘‰ Personal growth becomes addictive once you realise your capable of so much more than you can imagine..
Try us before you commit to us: https://aaronmcc.wufoo.com/forms/30-day-t rial/


Harder to Kill πŸ’ͺ🦍
Spending your gym sessions on the phone and watching the soaps is one thing πŸ₯΄
Putting work in to becoming a better version of yourself and making yourself harder to kill is another thing altogether 🀫
... Sounds a bit macho🦍
But it’s quite the opposite let me explain why πŸ€“
As we get older we need stability and mobility to help us prevent falls and to help us recover quicker from injury and illnessβœ…
That might seem a long way off but here’s what I know, how you live your 30s will shape your 40s and how you live your 50s will shape your 60s etc πŸ”₯
The big problem I see everyday is that most people just end up just giving up on themselves and feel terrible for it πŸ‘Ž
All them bad habits can really start to make an impact a lot quicker than you realise 😦
How many diseases are onset through low activity levels and poor diet? πŸ€”
How many of us are paying the price of aching joints as we age?πŸ‘Ž
How many of us have ignored our mental health?πŸ€”
The harder to kill concept isn’t about becoming a superhuman πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ
It’s about becoming your best self βœ…
It’s about having the mobility, strength endurance and mental toughness to handle whatever life has to throw at you βœ…
Run a mile in case of emergency 🚨
Lift something heavy to help a friend or loved one πŸ’ͺ
Spend time playing with the kids πŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ
Don’t take your life for grantedπŸ˜€
Becoming harder to kill is about, prioritising your health, eating well and having a better understanding of what to eat and why, moving more to prevent stiffness and joint pain and getting stronger to combat illness and maximise health both mental and physical 🎯
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πŸ‘‰ β€œYou're met with such warmth and encouragement by this amazing bunch of individuals that make evolve what it is....”
This is Linda. Linda was spending her evenings watching the soaps and eating junk food and started to feel low, a couple months later Linda is now back to feeling her positive self while getting stronger..
β€œBefore I joined Evolve I was stuck in a rut. Every evening was spent sitting in front of the telly eating crap. Because I was eating badly it had a knock... on effect on my mood, I was constantly feeling low, I had no energy or motivation. I had always been more active and positive but I felt like I'd lost the person I used to be, id started having bad anxiety and I was on this downward spiral. I knew I had to change things and take back control of my life.
Scrolling through Facebook one day I came across Aaron's ad for Evolve. I wouldn't normally have gone for a gym like this but I felt like I needed someone to give me a push. Evolve is completely different to any other gym I've been to. There are no big egos, no mirrors, it's not intimidating when you walk through the door for the first time. Instead you're met with such warmth and encouragement by this amazing bunch of individuals that make evolve what it is. You're constantly setting yourself little goals and it's such a great feeling when these little goals add up and you realise you've reached some of your bigger goals.
I upped my weights very quickly, much quicker than I would have ever thought. I put this down to being taught the correct technique. I used to hate sweat sessions when I first joined, it was a reminder of how much fitness I had lost and I really had to push myself to go to the gym on those nights. I've stayed consistent and now I enjoy these sessions (sometimes!) πŸ˜… physically I'm so much stronger than I was, I've got a better shape and I'm looking forward to getting more results in the coming months. Mentally I'm top of the world, I've got my energy bk, I'm motivated, I love being out and about again.
Joining a new gym can be so daunting. Evolve is not your regular gym. No matter what your fitness levels are, everyone fits in. You will find that you have so much support from not only the coaches but also the members. I can't even put into words how good evolve is. The coaches are top class, they're always on hand to give advice or give you that little push when you need it. I have come so far in the last 6 mths and I'll never look back.
If you're thinking about joining a gym I would 100% recommend Evolve. You'll find a completely unique experience to your regular gym. You'll be loving getting fit, we're all on this journey together.”
- Linda πŸ’™
Did you used to be active and positive but find yourself stuck in the same old boring rut? Try us for 30 days and start feeling more confident, positive and stronger πŸ‘‰ https://aaronmcc.wufoo.com/forms/30-day-t rial/
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πŸ‘‰ What you focus on, you feel.
& why a negative mindset will cripple your success ❌
Does this sound like you? πŸ‘‡


What is Evolve?πŸ€”
Evolve is an independent results based fitness facility πŸ’ͺπŸ˜ƒ
What do we do? πŸ€”
... We want to make sure everyone that comes into contact with us achieves life changing results that they keep 🎯😁
How do we do it? πŸ€”
We make sure this happens by educating and empowering our people with knowledge and support every step of the way inside and outside the gym so that we can massively improve the quality of their life for years to come
Our culture and community feel will have you right at ease our people are so supportive this alone will leave you feeling motivated inspired and eager to keep coming πŸ”₯🎯😁
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πŸ‘‰ The SET UP of a kettlebell swing is one of the most important factors when it comes to the kettlebell swing❗️
❌ Please, please do yourselves a favour and NEVER just go over to a kettlebell (no matter how light or heavy it may be) pick it up, stand up straight and just start trying to swing it between your legs to create momentum. ❌
🀯 This is where 99% of people hurt their backs with kettlebells. But they blame the entire movement for it.
... At Evolve we’re very fussy when it comes to kettlebell swings because... βœ…
1. We want everything to look sexy πŸ”₯
2. We want to make sure everyone is injury free while training πŸ™ŒπŸ»
3. We want our members to lay a solid foundation with their movement patterns. πŸ’ͺ
1️⃣ Firstly, before any kettlebell work you need to know how to hinge and how to hinge well.. a lot of people get this confused with a squat movement.
- the difference between the squat and the hinge is the squat uses both the knee and hip joints whereas the hinge is a hip joint movement.
⚠️ You need to start your kettlebell swing in the hinge position, this enables your hamstrings to fire up then transfer the load to your glutes at the top of the swing. Loading your hamstrings and glutes correctly ensures that your lower back isn’t doing all the work ⚠️
πŸ‘‰ Always set yourself up for success going into any movement, with correct form and technique your movement will feel amazing!
Try us for 30 days for safe and effective training where your coached through every single session your in πŸ‘‰ https://aaronmcc.wufoo.com/forms/30-day-t rial/
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πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ Cardio is Hardio 😩 ...But it’s also Very Important 🎯
Here is the breakdown on WHY it’s so so important you do your conditions sessions....
... Hopefully this will make you think twice about skipping a cardio session βœ…
Your aerobic capacity refers to the maximum amount of oxygen consumed by the body during intense exercises, in a given time frame. It is a function both of cardiorespiratory performance and the maximum ability to remove and use oxygen from circulating blood.
This is also referred as your VO2max. ( V = volume O2 = oxygen Max = maximum.
Studies show that your vo2 max (your ability for your lungs and heart to carry oxygen to muscles)during workout decrease as we age.
As we age over 25 years our VO2 max capacity decreases 10% per decade (so your body’s ability to transport oxygen to your muscles effectively).
Your vo2max will be 10% less than you where 10 years ago.
Doing interval high intensity workouts can improve your vo2 max and reverse the process of ageing.
Study has shown that by training interval style with 20 sessions over 8 weeks your vo2 max increases by 12%. Which is over a decade worth! πŸ™€πŸ™€
If that doesn’t make you want to do conditioning sessions then I don’t know what will! πŸ™ŒπŸ»
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πŸ‘‰ What if I told you there was something you could do today that can have an immediate positive benefit for your brain that includes your mood and your focus?.... 🧐
...And what if that same thing could last a long time and that it could protect your brain from conditions like depression, Alzheimer’s and dementia? 😲
The simple activity of movement and exercise can have immediate long lasting, protective effects on your brain and can transform your brain by improving your:
... βœ… Mood βœ… Energy βœ… Memory & βœ… Focus.
🧠 The two most important parts of the brain is also the two parts that are most vulnerable to neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive decline in ageing.
πŸ€“ These two parts are called the β€˜Hippocampus’ (this is deep in the temporal lobe which is important for long term memory) & the β€˜Prefrontal Cortex’ critical for things like decision making, attention and your personality.
πŸš΄β€β™€οΈ Exercise is the most transformative thing you can do for your brain today.
One single workout can immediately transform your brain to increase neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin and adrenaline.
Exercise has been shown to improve your ability to shift and focus your attention for at least two hours after a workout and also improve your reaction times. πŸ™Œ
The most transformative and the most important effect exercise can do on the brain is improve and increase it’s protective effects on the brain.
Just like a muscle, the more you train it the stronger it becomes and this is similar to the brain.
πŸ’ͺ The more you exercise the more your brain produces new cells and increases its volume. Just like a muscle, the bigger it is, the stronger it is.
Now this will not stop neurodegenerative diseases from happening but what your doing is building bigger and stronger parts of the brain that will slow down the process of being subjected to these diseases.
You can benefit from this from just 30minutes of exercise 3-4 times a week, as long as your getting your heart rate up! πŸ‘
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πŸ‘‰ How to CUT YOUR CALORIES IN HALF & still enjoy the same foods...
🍊Switch your bottled Orange juice for an actual orange, not only are you saving 90 calories your also getting the fibre benefit from the fruit.
πŸ₯“ Switch your sausages to bacon this will save you around 120 calories. Or you can double up on the bacon and still save calories!
... 🍞 Not all foods where created equal, keep an eye on your bread label as some breads can contain over twice the amount of calories than others. Switching your nutty Krust to a lower calorie option can save you over 100 calories.
🍿🍫 You can still enjoy your snacks for the day just be a little smarter when it comes to it. Switching your crisps to popcorn and your normal chocolate bar to a smaller one can save you over 250calories alone!
πŸ™ŒπŸ» Just by making these simple swaps each day you can cut your calories by nearly 600 calories! 😱 that’s enough to create a deficit in your energy intake and drop the lbs without even realising!
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πŸ‘‰ Why you should lift weights to lose body fat πŸ‘‡


”I just need someone to Motivate me..”
πŸ‘‰ Sound like you?
As coaches a big role we play is to inspire lead and motivate our people toward the desired result.
... However it’s very difficult to motivate someone to do something they don’t want to do or more importantly go somewhere they don’t want to be as the saying goes β€œyour environment dictates performance”.
This factor alone plays a huge role in how Evolve is different and the impact we are able to have.
You see rather than being greeted by a sea of treadmills, demotivated staff and feeling lost and overwhelmed on every visit.
We like to maximise our open space, and guide you every step of the way through every workout you do inside the gym by looking after all your personal training and programme design while also designing your very own personal blueprint in house so that your fitness journey is no longer an overwhelming daunting process.
Instead it becomes something with structure that compliments your day to day life leaving you feeling energised and inspired to keep moving forward and if the wheels every fall off the wagon.
Our expert team are there to make sure it doesn’t roll down the hill
At Evolve we are changing how fitness is done.
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πŸ‘‰ β€œI thought my days of training were over...”.
This is Darren. Darren had a few injuries and has chronic lower back pain. He thought he would only ever be able to lightly train at home. A month later he has become more stronger, disciplined and motivated.
β€œI used to train at home and that stood me on good stead. However, I wanted to push and challenge myself a bit further.
... My problem was I had suffered a couple of serious injuries, a fully ruptured left pec major and a SLAP tear on the left shoulder too. I am also left hand dominant. I have chronic lower back issues on a daily basis. I thought My days of training were over.
I managed to slowly return to light training at home and that is where I thought I would remain. That was a tough pill to swallow both mentally and physically. However, I was wrong.
My wife discovered Evolve and told me about the great things that they were doing there. I went along had a chat with Aaron the owner and booked myself in. I haven’t looked back since. I have proved to myself that although my injuries are real they don’t have to hold you back, you can work with them and you will feel amazing for doing it. If I can return to training then you can too. Evolve had the facility and trainers to help me with that.
I don’t like normal gyms. All treadmills and weight machines, I prefer free weights and natural movements. Evolve had everything I needed in that respect. The trainers are there beside you throughout every workout, guiding you, encouraging you and pushing you further. Making sure your doing the exercise correctly. That doesn’t happen in standard gyms and it certainly doesn’t happen training at home!
Since joining I have become stronger, more motivated and disciplined. I have challenged my injuries and feel great! Nothing can’t be worked with or worked around. I want to continue this journey, and I will. I want to get stronger, fitter and hopefully improve my health for the future too. I have always believed that exercise and training with weights is the best form of medicine.
I would say to anyone, it doesn’t matter what your level of fitness is, if you want to change something then just do it, give it a try. And if you are going to give it a try then I can’t see anywhere better than Evolve, training tailored to your needs, help, encouragement, motivation and supervision in every session.
I recommend Evolve over any other run of the mill gyms every time.”
- Darren πŸ’ͺ
Everything we do at Evolve can be tailored to suit yours needs so you can still have a place among us. Try us before you commit to us πŸ‘‰ https://aaronmcc.wufoo.com/forms/30-day-t rial/
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Are you all in?πŸ€”
Or do you constantly find yourself trying to retreat?❌
Starting and stopping?❌
... Lacking direction? ❌
At Evolve we promise to give you😁
Guidance βœ… Support βœ… Accountability βœ… Transformation βœ…
You can go faster alone, But further together πŸ”₯
Together we are stronger here’s to another epic week with an epic picture 🎯πŸ’ͺ🦍
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πŸ‘‰ You can’t transform on your own. You will only hold yourself to a standard your used too...
πŸ”₯ Get around amazing people who will hold you to a higher standard
πŸ‘πŸ» https://aaronmcc.wufoo.com/forms/30-day-t rial/


🎯 Fantastic week from everyone at Evolve! here’s our members weekly wins! 🀩
Lisa O’ πŸ‘‰ 5 sessions starting to front squat with weight, have bruises to prove it πŸ˜‚x
... Danika πŸ‘‰ 4 sessions and done the 2 sets of 50 front squats and bridges with RossπŸ˜€
Edele πŸ‘‰ A few long standing personal goals finally met πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ 😊 - two consecutive chin-up at last βœ… - 15 push-ups in row βœ… - front squat over 50 kg (up to 52kg) βœ…
Aaron πŸ‘‰ 5 sessions
David πŸ‘‰ Four sessions - 50 squats ( thanks Aaron McClelland ) πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼
Ellise πŸ‘‰ Panicked about my Inbody todayπŸ™ˆ ....Lost more body fat and built more muscle. πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ» Upped my floor press weights. πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈNearly getting the hang of these kettlebell swings now thanks to Amy ! 😁
Kate πŸ‘‰ 4 sessions, put alot of effort in, and really enjoyed the week, great positive environment to be in. Thanks
Noella πŸ‘‰ First session done and I didn't faint or throw up so that was definitely a win for me πŸ˜‚
Hilary πŸ‘‰ Breaking the mental barrier on Monday night with aaron and keeping on rowing even tho my head was screaming at me to stop!
Natalie πŸ‘‰ Floor press 39kg for 8 reps, next time I will get 40kg for 8 reps I’m determinedπŸ˜‚ and passed my medicalπŸ™ŒπŸΌ
Rachael πŸ‘‰ 3 sessions...floor press up to 26kg...goblet squats 17.5kg...UA row 12.5...tension plank fresh hell# learning all the time. 15000 steps yesterday, listened to Jack- home 1st complimented by gym...gonna track like a demon xx
Karen πŸ‘‰ Six sessions πŸ™Œ with a double on Wednesday. Floor press 33kg. πŸ’ͺ🏻Loads of steps and meps πŸ‘ŸπŸ‘Ÿ
Arran πŸ‘‰ 4 sessions done, floor press up to 80kg, just few targets to try and meet with front squat etc tough week but feeling better for it!
Craig πŸ‘‰ Floor press 50kg for 8 reps
Kerri πŸ‘‰ First week of 4 sessions πŸ€— Front squat and back squat 35kg and I can still just about walk after all those squats this weekπŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ˜­
Kiara πŸ‘‰ Came in best time for both challenges Tues and Thurs so I'm all bizz done my measurements after another great inbody scan and down 13.5inches couldn't be happier with diet and training atm 😍
Phyllis πŸ‘‰ Four sessions and can really feel the difference!!!
Susan πŸ‘‰ Had a really good week😊 and got my 40kg floor press🀩
Siobhan πŸ‘‰ 6 sessions and dropped a whole dress size and had to buy a whole new wardrobe πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
Steven πŸ‘‰ 5 sessions. Amazing being back after a couple of weeks off.
Casey πŸ‘‰ 4 sessions, 43kg front squat and started the warm up to work towards a pull up πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—
Miriam πŸ‘‰ First week of 5 sessions, up in weights on several exercises ( thank you for the push 😝) , my mood has improved and I have more energy 🀩
Donna πŸ‘‰ Didn’t have the use of my arms and legs yesterday so something was worked hard. 3 sessions.
Michelle πŸ‘‰ Survived 5 sessions this week and upped my weights too 😊
Jacqui πŸ‘‰ 4 sessions & dropped the 4 lbs gain from birthday celebrations last weekend πŸ₯³
Darren P πŸ‘‰ really enjoyed squats this week
Try something new and never get bored of going to the gym ever again πŸ‘‰ https://aaronmcc.wufoo.com/forms/30-day-t rial/
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πŸ‘‰ Not sure if these guys are happy because they trained or because it was the end of the session πŸ˜‚
Super work this morning in our team training from everyone!
Enjoy your weekend πŸ™ŒπŸ»

More about Evolve Health & Performance

Evolve Health & Performance is located at Unit 9, Enkalon Industrial Estate, Randalstown Road, BT414LD Antrim, Antrim, United Kingdom