Frankfit / Brian Cahill

About Frankfit / Brian Cahill

Strength and Movement Coach / Online Personal Trainer / Nutritionist.

Get Fit - Get Strong - Get Mobile

Frankfit / Brian Cahill Description

Strength and Movement Coach / Online Personal Trainer / Nutritionist.

Get Fit - Get Strong - Get Mobile



Warm up line dancing this morning.


Morale boosting Monday's done right.


Current leg training moves I've been consistently hitting. 1. Adductor Raises +kg - these are scary at first & you'll get plenty of weird looks if your are training them in a commercial gym just smile & give them a wink 😉. These have really helped with my middle splits, my straddle in HS, I am also now only 2 fingers off a belly to floor pancake & of course balancing out the muscles in my legs. 2. RDLs - Mixed angle Romanian Deadlifts. Your hips need to hinge like a well o...iled door period but why just do your standard commercial one dimensional up & down move. Is life really like that? I'm all about the angles & here you can see me working the middle along with hinging to the left, right & also alternately hinging while taking small steps forward while maintaining upper back engagement & the flow of the movement. 3. Kneeling Hinges. Again hip hinge movement however now we are alternately kneeling between legs while keeping that back engagement with added weight. Getting that hinge right fires up the glutes turning them on & firing like champions. Not to be underestimated & for me much more beneficial than heavy up & down back squats. Train these well & next time you kneel for something you'll really feel the difference in muscle activation throughout your hips, legs etc. 4. Wide Weighted Hip Hinges. Similar to number 2 however I have widened the space between my feet. Still the same key points though 1. Neutral spine 2. Slight bending of the knee at the side you hinge too. 3. Maintaining upper back engagement.
I'm using 50kg for 2,3 & 4 but started off with all these movements much lighter at 10kg working on the flow, consistently & the confidence of the moves. If you try any let me know how you get on. I should mention I've been consistently hitting calves raises too xo #GetFrankfit
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I've been there lacking motivation with no real vision or goals of where I wanted to get too.
Lost in the big 3 moves: Squat, Deadlift and Bench or thinking that the only way my training qualified as a solid workout was if I was drenched in sweat. Regularly getting injured with poor movement patterns. I wish I had joined a solid training group of like minded people who were willing to put the effort in with a quality knowledgeable coach who was able to point out my flaws & me with what I needed to do to achieve my goals. To not get lost in a mixture of excuses of why I haven't gained this number or that. To hold myself accountable & accept my weaknesses & put in the effort needed to actually work towards them.
I have some spaces available in my group sessions.
Monday and Wednesday 6pm/7.30pm
Tuesday & Thursday 9.30am
Friday 10am SENIORFIT 65+
Each session is Calisthenics based were the focus is on Strength, Mobility & Muscular Balance. Posture & flexibility with direction on where you need to improve.
Train to truly understand strength, mobility & balance.
There will be training related games throughout & accountable homework set for you to practice.
Constantly complain. Struggle with commitment - (No commitment = No progress!) Continually fail to practice what you are advised to. Need constantly motivated. If you are a won't go without my friend type. Think it will be easy to progress without truly applying yourself. Refuse to hold yourself accountable when not putting in the effort required. Not willing to put in extra mobility if needed too. Have little drive for training.
Anyone not in this bracket please get in touch. Gains for life await.
No time wasters please.
Thank you
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SENIORFIT Fridays 10am
Move - play - push - pull - assist - get strong - get fit - get mobile.


I have been working hard on my traps this summer nice to see them popping out to say hello 🤘😄💪


I have worked my ass off to get good at handstands. They where a weak point for years. I always seemed to train something else never putting in the long-term effort required. This time round I put them first, I prioritized the skill. I continued what has seemed like endless shoulder mobility & practiced drills 6/7 days a week. My shoulders now feel great. Bad posture & training habits have been reversed. It's been a great journey & I won't be stopping until it's over. Keep er lit! 😄🤘🙌


Great post. Read, relate & understand. ❤️👣
Reposted from @correcttoes - This week, we are featuring a three part series by Dr. Ray McClanahan that sheds light on the Hereditary Bunion Myth.
Part 1️⃣ – Shoes Shape Feet ... Bunions are non-hereditable, preventable and reversible progressive dislocations of the big toe joint, caused by the tapering toebox of footwear. They do not represent a bone structure problem, a growth of bone, nor a calcium deposit. They are also not fixed with surgery, nor are they slowed by arch supports or orthotics. They are, in fact, prone to continued symptoms, reoccurrence and failure when these methods are applied without the new, scientifically credible method of bunion prevention and reversal. This new method is natural, successful, cost effective, and avoids many of the known risks inherent to the commonly accepted methodology. 🔎 For an in-depth look into part one of the Hereditary Bunion Myth and how Correct Toes can help, follow the link in bio. 📷: @lemsshoes - #regrann
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Handstand priorities at Frankfit. Amazing feeling seeing everyone improving.


Awesome vibes tonight at FF.
Everyone improving, developing & progressing in the right direction. 🙌😊✌️❤️


Amazing repost from @myfootfunction
About footwear & the effects the choices you make have on your feet & body. 👣👣
*Conventional shoes change the shape of your feet - Fact!
... In most cases we are able to reverse this with carefully selected shoes, exercises & spending more time on just our feet.
We know this because this is what we do every single day of the week! If you are experiencing difficulties in understanding how to bring back the function in your feet then just message us & we'd be happy to help! *
The problem is people are generally unaware & happily pay ££ to wear shoes that basically fuck their feet the foundation of their body over.
I myself am onto my 4 pair of healthy feet shoes since I started 4 weeks ago & all 4 together for under £100. My conventional shoes aren't even getting a look in.
Loving every moment.
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Yesterday's split off my my other half.


I have been wearing barefoot minimal shoes for a week now & I am completely loving it. I already train & do lots outdoors barefoot so have been reaping the rewards. At first I was put off by the ridiculous prices of some of the companies pushing them. £100-£150. Don't get me wrong there are now some very fashionable barefoot styles available now for every situation & maybe I will purchase a pair at some point but right now I'd rather have 2 or 3 pairs for half the price of 1.... I recently saw @thefootcollective posting about availability for quality shoes a fraction of the price on Amazon. I've bought a couple now. 1 at £20 & my 2nd arrived today for £30. My feet & ankles feel so much better. Road, hill, beach, stoney paths. The difference is phenomenal. I'm running, training, moving better. It's amazing. I can't believe I never really thought about why my feet hurt after wearing thick soled & narrow toed shoes. I can't believe I did for so long. Next time you have your feet out put them beside your feet & spread your toes out. Do they match up with your feet? I still have a few pairs but their use is now very limited. You won't believe it until you try for yourself. There is so many options to choose from, colours, styles, sizes etc. If you get a pair break yourself in slowly increasing time as you go. Don't put it off any longer. Get on it. 😄♥️
Do it for yourself. 👣👣👣👣👣👣👣
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Sun's finally out & I'm feeling good. The positive vibes from training & being outside so much are paying off. Had a great season playing rugby, played the most games I have & ended it without any injuries. My pre season has started already. Let's call it pre pre season. Working hard on skills I would like to master & fitting in agility & explosive Calisthenics exercises wherever I can.
5 years of solid mobility has paid off now with good times & bad. I've sorted out my roun...ded shoulders. I gave up regular benching, I got into the car one day & struggled to get my arm across to put my seat belt on. This was the turning point for me. Training for the wrong reasons. Get to know your body. Get some help from someone who knows. Understand mind to muscle connection. Don't just train for aesthetics. Learn new skills & practice with new people.
Get outside every chance you get. Go barefoot as much as possible. Stop wearing shoes that hurt your feet. Fuck them all out or else limit their use 😂.
Have a super Thursday.
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Eccentric pull ups (negatives) with an added static pause. Once you have a solid controlled negative pull up. Start pausing for 3-5sec & building up from there. Pause at the top, middle & 3/4 down.
If on rings try twisting your wrists a little this will help strengthen throughout your forearms & around the connecting joints. If on bar try palms towards you, away & switch grip. Keep the rep range low about 5 sets of 2 reps taking a solid 2min+ break between sets.
... These are tough & most likely you'll start with the rings much closer to your body rather than wide out.
Notice I push my shoulders up then squeeze them back & down towards my torso. You really want to connect with your back muscles to make gains here. We need that mind muscle connection every rep. I have my hips engaged & I'm squeezing hard from my hips to my toes. Try adding weight once you feel like you are completely owning the movement. 😄👍 Expect solid gains in return. ♥️
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Top vibes last night with the Wednesday night crew. #manfit & #Calisthenics Bootcamp


Introduction to rings training tonight with FRANKFIT Bootcamp Squad.


Early Bank Holiday session this am. Fun, sun & gains.

More about Frankfit / Brian Cahill

Frankfit / Brian Cahill is located at 10 Cullyburn Road, bt365bn Newtownabbey