Gavin Cusack Coaching & Wellness

About Gavin Cusack Coaching & Wellness

Level 4 PT.



Keep your oil in check to keep your car’s engine running smoothly 👍🏼 Keep your selenium levels in check to keep your thyroid running smoothly 👍🏼 Brazil nuts are high in selenium... 👍🏼 2-3 of them per day will do the job 🥇 #deesnuts
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My training over the past few months came to a bit of a standstill. Just wasn’t feeling it. 10-20 minute sessions here and there. Not great. Sometimes you get that 😯 Don’t worry or panic though. The hunger will come back. Yesterday was my 8th day training in the last 10. Feeling good for it 😎 Added these Heel Elevated Dumbbell Squats in yesterday for the first time. They really challenge the glutes in the lengthened position (in the hole) no pun intended ... 👀🍑 Initiate the upward part of the lift with the glutes (even better if you can come to a dead stop, dumbbells hitting the floor) then squeeze the quads as hard as you can to finish the drive upward. Always in control on the eccentric (way down) last rep was touch and go here 💪🏽 Get back on the wagon and give them a try your next leg day 👌🏻 If you’re training in @clubvo2 and need some assistance with them, let me know.
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Just a little tip when buying your Vitamin D for the colder, autumn/winter months. ☃️ Check the STRENGTH! 800ius wouldn’t bite ya. We’re all deficient in Co.Armagh, Northern Ireland. Aim for a daily minimim of 3000ius. ☀️ There are so many benefits of Vitamin D Supplementation. Immune health, bones, brain, mood, libido and for men looking a BOOST in the gym, it has been shown in studies to increase TESTOSTERONE 💪🏽 ... 🍆 Vitamin D is a key micronutrient. Are you using it? Any questions? DM me. 😊
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Getting in shape and becoming healthier is not an overnight thing.
Nor will it happen in a 4 week blast of a fad diet and hitting the gym 3 times a week.
Many people give up when they don’t see results after 8 weeks. Thing is...they’re probaby not working hard enough.
... It takes time.
Be consistent.
You need to commit to change for the long haul.
Loved ones will support you. If they don’t.... well.
Ask yourself... “are you ticking the boxes?”
Laura ticks them ✔️
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‘Toilet Tips’ (thoughts that came into my head when at the bathroom today 👍🏼)
5 Tips for FATLOSS 👇🏼
1. What’s the best exercise for burning fat? It’s actually less exercise for that one. Give the chewing muscles a rest. Stop eating so much. There is NO ‘best exercise’ for fatloss...end of! 🍔
... 2. Don’t look for other options or aids. Fat burners for example. If you’re still eating like a whale.... well 🐳
3. Stop worrying about what your mates will think. YOUR behaviour is what matters. You need to be well behaved 🤓
4. Nobody gives a f*** about you in the gym. Nobody is watching you (unless you’re a fella wearing tights with no shorts on 🍆🤦🏻‍♂️) So get busy. Hard work is a must! 🏋🏻‍♂️
5. Detox diets are balls. All they might do is make you eat LESS. Eat LESS = CALORIE DEFICIT. Don’t fall for these scams. You’re smarter than that👙
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As we all know, maybe some of us won’t want to hear it, maybe others can’t wait... but it is 12 weeks to Christmas from 1st October.
So here’s a thought...
... Why not look and feel the best you EVER have at Christmas?
Want to develop habits and strategies that will ensure you look and feel great over the gluttonous, festive period and into the new year?
Let me help.
I am now offering a 12 week personal training package with a MASSIVE 25% off!
Start date: Monday 1st October 2018.
What’s included:
🔘 3 personal training sessions per week 🔘 Meal and nutrition plan with 24 hour guidance 🔘 Full mobility assessment 🔘 Bodyfat readings and health assessments every 4 weeks 🔘 Discounted gym membership at Club Vo2
Only 3 slots available.
Those who invest fully, financially in a training and nutrition plan at the start, often yeld the best results.
BUT... I do know that sometimes this just isn’t possible, so cost CAN be spread out to suit various budgets, if required*
If you are interested in hard graft, commitment and a challenge for the better, get in touch.
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Done a little bit of research. This thyroid supplement comes highly rated. Will it cure my brain fog and my cold hands and feet?? Probably not... but it may well help 🙌🏼 - Always remember... don’t expect a supplement to work if your diet is up the left. Sort your nutrition out before you even think about supplementation 🥔 - Tag a friend with a thyroid condition 😀


As you were... 1 year on.
If you’re throwing weight around like some balloon who thinks they know what they’re at...thing is, you probably could’ve been in the condition you’re in now, a year sooner, probably with bigger calves to boot, had you known the key principles to building muscle (hypertrophy).
... I still have a few slots available for personal training.
Tag a mate who spends hours in the gym with nothing to show for it 😉
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As of today, I am delighted to say that I am back working with clients as a personal trainer on a full time basis.
Now, I have a lot more time on my hands to focus solely on my clients and their goals.
... It also means that space has opened up for an intake of NEW clients 🙌🏼
If you’re interested in fast-tracking your health and fitness goals, get in touch for a free consultation.
If you DO decide this is for you, you might just receive a special gift, from me to you:
⚡️FREE 1 month membership at Club Vo2*⚡️
*this offer only applies to block bookings of 8 weeks or more.
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Got Dragon Feet?
Quite a few people have been in touch the past few days, asking about my new choice of footwear. For me, gone are the days of keeping up with the Jones' by means of having the latest fashionable footwear, ie ‘Air Max’, 'Ultraboost' to name but a few. In fact, ever since I ditched the more cushioned sole just over a year ago I have had ZERO knee problems, having been plagued by them for around 2 years.
Is this footwear type a cure for all knee pain and a guar...antee that I will never have knee issues again...of course not, but they CAN be a great tool for improving movement health. For sure.
A ‘minimalist’ shoe basically allows the foot to work how it’s supposed to. Foot muscles, joints and toes can freely perform the jobs they were designed for.
Here are 2 quick tests to make this post a little bit more 'interactive'...
Test 1:
Can you hold your foot out in front of you and separate all of your toes. No... well, you should be able to. Unless you have webbed feet.
Test 2:
Girls... maybe some fellas, if you have a hi-heel nearby, especially an open toe pair, narrow at the front, go and put one on and watch your toes squirm tightly together into a very unnatural position as you wincefully, force the heel in. Then you have your bunions. Your foot is trying to tell you something.
Something to think about.
Minimalist shoes mightn't be for everyone but they're definitely a worthwhile consideration when purchasing your next pair of footwear.
Now, this is important.
If you DO decide to go down this route, do NOT jump the gun. Jumping straight from a pair of 'Superfoams' to a more minimalist shoe could cause you some issues. 'Plantar Fasciitis' being quite common. I have been prepping my feet for a while now (3-4 months..maybe longer) with a few different strategies that also can be some takeaway points for yourself.
1. Walk barefoot (no socks) when the opportunity arises. 2. Be more aware of walking pattern (gait). Try to reduce/avoid 'heel strike'. 3. Improve your ability to separate your toes. 4. Incorporate some exercises to help strengthen arches. 5. Cut your toenails. Rat ye. 😝
Tag someone with dragon feet 🐉
Take it easy ❤️
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🇮🇪 Co. Carlingford 🇮🇪
If anyone here is planning on a trip to Carlingford in the future, make sure you stop off at Stranfield on the way in first.
Not only do they do amazing coffee, food and flowers they also have a TOP NOTCH health store, with a ton of ingredients, spices, organic goods etc.
... The best part is, most of the produce have descriptive labelling, educating you as to how they can benefit the human body. Nice.👌🏻
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My longest serving client @laura_parks13 finished up with me this morning after almost 10 months of 1-2-1. 👊🏼. . It has been a pleasure and it has been very rewarding personally, witnessing the changes in both body composition and mindset in that period. 💯. . Laura will remain with me in an online capacity for accountability and guidance purposes, when needed... but the tools are there for her to now go it alone 🙌🏼 ... . Make sure to keep an eye on her and her continued progress @laura_parks13 💥
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In conjuction with the Healthy Kidz Summer Camp at Portadown People’s Park, we are running FREE, daily health and fitness initiatives for the WHOLE community, everyone is welcome 😁
Simply have a look at the flyer below to find out what suits you. EASY. Tag a friend, a relative, tag your partner. Come along for a bit of craic and get a little bit fitter at the same time...WIN WIN 💪🏽
... Each session will be led by me personally, so if you have any questions, make sure to get in touch...
*especially if Monday interests you, you will have to do something for me beforehand* 😉

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Saw these 2 fellas yesterday, just casually squatting and chatting, so I went over and joined in 😛 I asked them a few questions
“Ever had sore knees? Back? Ankles? Hips?” ... “no never” 🙌🏼
“How long can you sit like this for?” ... “30 mins, 1 hour easy”
... Take away... sore back? Knee? Prevention instead of the remedy...
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Being a PT with clients and delivering PE lessons in Primary Schools all year round is a lot of work. Hence why I restricted myself to a maximum of 3-4 PT clients throughout that timeframe... so I remained as fresh as possible, ensuring I would continue to deliver a service of a high standard...
With that being said, schools are OFF, I am feeling rejuvenated by this sunshine-break and I’m excited in the hope of taking on some new clients on my return.
If YOU are keen on getting started, here at Club Vo2, getting educated a little whilst developing some new psychological, physical and nutritional habits... get in touch 🙂


☀️ Summa Holidays ☀️
Since my trip to Mexico last year I have worked well over 2200 coaching hours. That’s a pretty decent shift.
Could I imagine working hard all year and not rewarding myself with a week or 2 away?
... No.
There are MANY benefits to getting away from it all. Recharge 🔋 What’s the point in working all year with no reward? In my opinion, there isn’t one.
So if that’s you...the ‘all work, no fun’ person, you really need to hit yourself a slap up the face and smell the bacon... treat yourself.
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People of Lurgan and Portadown. - If somebody set 2 dishes down in front of you: 1 a full Irish Fry with all the trimmings or an intelligently constructed, perfectly seasoned pasta and meatball dish with 50g protein, 50g carbs, 10g fat and 10g fibre.... which would you choose? - I already know the answer. 🐷... - Did you know that @alexferentinos7 here, is one of the UKs top fitness professionals and nutritionists. Go check his Insta. He has created a fantastic, healthy food menu aimed at athletes and improving the wellbeing of the general pop, and is based in Palomo, Lurgan?? @bodyandsoulfoodlurgan 🥩 Now you know. Takes a lot of balls starting a business venture like this, so hats off. Respect that a lot. - Gym-goers and GAA/Soccer/Rugby players your support. This menu is IDEAL for your nutritional needs👏🏼 - Alex is a great bloke and as you can see, I have just tried the pasta meatball dish. Top top drawer. 👌🏻
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Diet experiment: ‘The Carnivore Diet’ - For the past 2 days I have eaten nothing but meat and eggs and drank nothing but water. Strict Carnivore diet. I had planned to continue this way for a minimum of a week. I have already given up. Why? Pure bollox. - PROS.... 🤥... - CONS.... NO carbs, NO weetos, NO salads, NO beer, NO carbs, NO ice cream, NO carbs, NO avocado, NO bagels, NO life. - Put simply, this is a very unsustainable approach to nutrition. It had intrigued me for a while, I’ll be honest, with all the success and health improvement stories I have seen and read online (from Carnivore enthusiasts and meat junkies 🤔), but after only 2 days... how can someone commit themselves to a life of meat? - Vegetarian was simple, as was vegan...but this is simply balderdash!
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What’s it like to be a PT?
What do you expect from a PT?
Is YOUR PT ticking all the boxes?
... Is this guy talking rubbish?
Has this opened your eyes a little?
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What I like most about training with Gav is that from the get-go there's been an emphasis on LEARNING.

Realistically (IMO) the whole point in going to a PT is to learn about yourself.

I'm healthier, leaner, stronger and mentally more disciplined & positive than I've been in a long while. I've learned what type of training my body responds well to, and clearly identified my bodies weaknesses- (The areas I've needed to train more in order to balance out my body)

We have addressed posture, mobility, mental attitude, as well as preparation and understanding of the correct nutrition & the best kinds of exercises for my specific goals.

If you wana have a great laugh and also get a lot of shit done, while learning a lot about your own body's strengths & weaknesses, (aswell as what macros, metcons, Val slides TRX rows, battle ropes & EDT's are) then look no further.

Actually, Here's a sixth star. �


Top quality professional service. This man knows his stuff. Movement screening is vitally important to avoid injuries and maximise performance / outcomes and this man has it down to a fine art - not many (if any) people can do this. I thoroughly enjoyed the journey which helped me to transform my life. Would highly recommend to anyone to give it a go!


So im only on my 4th session and already I have gained more confidence on the gym floor/equipment (a place I dreaded for a long time) being so used to group classes this was quite daunting for me but have to say, Gavy really makes you feel comfortable and at ease. Everything is explained and advice is always top notch! Enjoying learning so much and working towards goals! A brilliant coach who does his job superbly. ��


I have just completed almost 20 weeks on a one to one personal training programme with Gavy and I would just like to say thanks.

I thought that with a 6am start 3 mornings a week that it would be a bit of a chore but I cannot praise Gavy enough for his professional attitude and his encouragement,motivation and friendship given to me through out the programme. He made the training sessions interesting and varied and I actually looked forward to them to the point that I am still going to the gym on 3 mornings a week at 6am.


In conjuction with the Healthy Kidz Summer Camp at Portadown People’s Park, we are running FREE, daily health and fitness initiatives for the WHOLE community, everyone is welcome 😁
Simply have a look at the flyer below to find out what suits you. EASY. Tag a friend, a relative, tag your partner. Come along for a bit of craic and get a little bit fitter at the same time...WIN WIN 💪🏽
... Each session will be led by me personally, so if you have any questions, make sure to get in touch...
*especially if Monday interests you, you will have to do something for me beforehand* 😉

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What I like most about training with Gav is that from the get-go there's been an emphasis on LEARNING.

Realistically (IMO) the whole point in going to a PT is to learn about yourself.

I'm healthier, leaner, stronger and mentally more disciplined & positive than I've been in a long while. I've learned what type of training my body responds well to, and clearly identified my bodies weaknesses- (The areas I've needed to train more in order to balance out my body)

We have addressed posture, mobility, mental attitude, as well as preparation and understanding of the correct nutrition & the best kinds of exercises for my specific goals.

If you wana have a great laugh and also get a lot of shit done, while learning a lot about your own body's strengths & weaknesses, (aswell as what macros, metcons, Val slides TRX rows, battle ropes & EDT's are) then look no further.

Actually, Here's a sixth star. �


Top quality professional service. This man knows his stuff. Movement screening is vitally important to avoid injuries and maximise performance / outcomes and this man has it down to a fine art - not many (if any) people can do this. I thoroughly enjoyed the journey which helped me to transform my life. Would highly recommend to anyone to give it a go!


So im only on my 4th session and already I have gained more confidence on the gym floor/equipment (a place I dreaded for a long time) being so used to group classes this was quite daunting for me but have to say, Gavy really makes you feel comfortable and at ease. Everything is explained and advice is always top notch! Enjoying learning so much and working towards goals! A brilliant coach who does his job superbly. ��


I have just completed almost 20 weeks on a one to one personal training programme with Gavy and I would just like to say thanks.

I thought that with a 6am start 3 mornings a week that it would be a bit of a chore but I cannot praise Gavy enough for his professional attitude and his encouragement,motivation and friendship given to me through out the programme. He made the training sessions interesting and varied and I actually looked forward to them to the point that I am still going to the gym on 3 mornings a week at 6am.

More about Gavin Cusack Coaching & Wellness

Gavin Cusack Coaching & Wellness is located at Club Vo2, Mayfair Business Centre, BT62 1HA Portadown