Gestalt Centre Belfast

About Gestalt Centre Belfast

Developing Gestalt theory, methodology and practice in Belfast and beyond.



If this interests you the book The Empire of Trauma is the book for you. The context of traumatic experiance ie as important as the impact
Palestine’s head of mental health services says PTSD is a western concept
Olivia GoldhillJanuary 13, 2019...
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We don’t need “self-care”, we need boundaries! Wise words that apply to therapists too!…/we-don-t-n eed-self-care-we-nee…


The Gestalt Centre Belfast is pleased to announce its 2019 programme of workshops, to take place between March and November. Please read to the end!
All workshops are experiential, that is, the participants’ here-and-now experience will be central to the workshop’s content and process.
All workshops explore the embodied experience, by giving attention to the sensory and physiological, intellectual, affective, imaginative, behavioural and relational. Particular attention will paid to the sensory and physiological to reflect recent understanding developed in neuroscience.
These workshops reflect the Gestalt approach to relationships, including but not only, therapeutic. Some workshops are aimed at those who already work as counsellors and psychotherapists as part of their continuing professional development (labelled CP), some are open workshops for anyone working with people (PP) or interested in personal development (PD).
Email for application form. The Belfast venue will be confirmed closer to the date. The fee for per workshop is £110. There are reduced fee for GCB Associate Members, former and current students, as well as organisational teams. Contact GCB for details.
2-3 March 2019: The dance of ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ (PP, PD and CP) A 2-day experiential workshop to allow you to explore the human capacity for approach and avoidance through the polarities of ‘yes’ and ‘no’, and ‘yes/no’ – ambivalence or indecision…
13-14 April 2019: Field Of Dreams (PP, PD and CP) The dream as projection, the dreamer as its focus. Participants will be working with dreams in the present moment, explore and consider personal and group dreams and working with actual (including awake) dreams.
18-19 May 2019: The Phenomenological Stance - What’s That? (PP, CP) This 2-day event explores the phenomenological stance, that is, when one person’s experience meets the imagination of the other, and both engage with the emerging meaning and ensuing change.
8-9 June 2019 : It’s all psychosomatic! (CP) Exploring how developments in neuroscience influence the work of counsellors and therapists. . This 2-day event will explore the bottom-up/top-down understanding of the central role of physiology in all experiences.
5-6 October 2019: Working with groups (CP, PP) This workshop focuses on group process and dynamics, by looking at emerging themes and concerns arising in the moment and which shape the experience of the group and its participants.
9-10 November 2019: Heart for the Arts (CP, PD) This 2-day event uses various forms of artistic expressions to expand our sensitivity and imagination when working phenomenologically.
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A brief introduction to the nervous system responds to trauma


Dr Se√°n Gaffney, Gestalt Centre Belfast lead trainer, describes the main features of the Gestalt approach.

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A contribution to the understanding of what it means that our experience is embodied:…/it-is-not-all-in-your -head-sometimes-its-…


Worth a read posts/725474411150871/


We at the Gestalt Centre are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Bud Feder. Bud visited Belfast and delivered training for us in 2007, on the theme of Gestalt therapy groups. We enjoyed his dry humour, his direct manner, and his gracious way of working with boundaries. He kept in touch and visited Ireland again several times, mostly to work with Sinéad Kavannagh and other Gestalt practitioners in the West. Over the years we and our trainees have appreciated and been influenced by his writings and the books he collaborated in, such as ‘Beyond the Hot Seat’. His words and his voice live on. Heartfelt condolences to Bud’s family and wide circle of friends and colleagues - we’re thinking of you all.


A GREAT TRAINING OPPORTUNITY! Recruiting for the Gestalt Practitioner Diploma is ongoing. We have been running one-day group forming events, which one can also attend as one-off taster workshops without any obligation to enrol for the Diploma. To participate in the next one-day event facilitated by Se√°n Gaffney PhD, our lead trainer, which will take place in Belfast on Saturday 17 November, email us at A small number of places still available.


Gestalt Practitioner Training: introduction weekend!
GCB is organising a two-day event for all those interested in our Gestalt Practitioner Diploma course. This will take place on 15-16 September 2018, at 83 University Road, Belfast (Mediation Northern Ireland premises).
This will give participants a flavour of working in a Gestalt group, and will help those of you considering enrolment in the course to decide whether it is for you.
... This day will be led by experienced Gestalt practitioner Dr Se√°n Gaffney - the lead trainer on the course faculty.
You can ask for an application form for the two-day event by emailing
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This is interesting especially for people just starting out as Gestalt therapists .‚Ä ¶/‚Ķ/Elinor-Greenberg‚Ķ


Latest offering from our Senior Faculty! ‘Family Matters: Fragments and Pieces of an Emerging Suite’ is the second book of poems by Seán Gaffney. Here’s hoping for an Autumn launch in Belfast?


Gestalt Practitioner Training: taster and pre-selection event!
GCB is organising a one-day event for all those interested in our Gestalt Practitioner Diploma course. This will take place on 18 May 2018, at 83 University Road, Belfast (Mediation Northern Ireland premises).
This will give participants a flavour of working in a Gestalt group, and will help those of you considering enrolment in the course to decide whether it is for you.
... This day will be led by experienced Gestalt practitioners Se√°n Gaffney and Marie Quiery - both of whom are on the course faculty.
The course outline can be obtained by emailing, and it contains an application form for the one-day event.
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We are immensely proud to announce our second running of the training programme, the Gestalt Practitioner Diploma. Starts this September, recruiting now, email us for details and application form.


A beautiful extract of Goodman’s ‘Language And Poetry’:…/…/1 3/paul-goodman-silence/


The Gestalt Practitioner Diploma, our two-year programme, has reached mid-course! In September the participants will begin to practice working with groups, with Seán Gaffney PhD as the lead trainer, and Marie Quiery, Bríd Keenan and Joëlle Gartner also on the faculty.
The next Practitioner Diploma is now being applied for, start date 17 September 2018. For application forms email us at

More about Gestalt Centre Belfast

Gestalt Centre Belfast is located at BT11 8BG Belfast