
About Glentoran

Glentoran FC este un club de fotbal dn Irlanda de Nord care în prezent joacă în IFA Premiership. Clubul a fost fondat în anul 1882 și a jucat primul meci pe stadionul The Oval din Belfast. Culorile clubului sunt de culoare verde, roșu, și negru. Palmares Irish League /Irish Premier League /IFA Premiership: 23 1893 /94, 1896 /97, 1904 /05, 1911 /12, 1912 /13, 1920 /21, 1924 /25, 1930 /31, 1950 /51, 1952 /53, 1963 /64, 1966 /67, 1967 /68, 1969 /70, 1971 /72, 1976 /77, 1980 /81, 1987 /88, 1991 /92, 1998 /99, 2002 /03, 2004 /05, 2008 /09 1913 /14, 1916 /17, 1920 /21, 1931 /32, 1932 /33, 1934 /35, 1950 /51, 1965 /66, 1972 /73, 1982 /83, 1984 /85, 1985 /86, 1986 /87, 1987 /88, 1989 /90, 1995 /96, 1997 /98, 1999 /00, 2000 /01, 2003 /04 1988 /89, 1990 /91, 2000 /01, 2002 /03, 2004 /05, 2006 /07, 2009 /10 1900 /01, 1901 /02, 1908 /09*, 1910 /11, 1915 /16, 1917 /18, 1924 /25, 1930 /31, 1939 /40, 1940 /41, 1943 /44, 1949 /50, 1950 /51, 1951 /52, 1956 /57, 1967 /68, 1970 /71, 1977 /78, 1984 /85, 1986 /87, 1998 /99, 1999 /00, 2000 /01, 2001 /02, 2002 /03, 2007 /08''' 1896 /97, 1898 /99, 1910 /11, 1911 /12, 1913 /14, 1914 /15, 1915 /16, 1916 /17, 1918 /19, 1931 /32, 1950 /51, 1952 /53, 1956 /57, 1964 /65, 1966 /67, 1969 /70, 1972 /73, 1974 /75 1916 /17, 1941 /42, 1950 /51, 1959 /60, 1961 /62, 1965 /66, 1976 /77, 1977 /78, 1982 /83, 1986 /87, 1991 /92, 1994 /95, 1998 /99, 1999 /00, 2000 /01 1950 /51, 1952 /53, 1966 /67, 1976 /77, 1981 /82, 1982 /83, 1983 /84, 1988 /89, 1989 /90 1987 /88, 1989 /90 1987 /88 1913 /14 1943 /44 1972 /73 1958 /59†, 1985 /86†, 1986 /87†, 1989 /90†, 1992 /93†, 1995 /96†, 1997 /98†, 2001 /02†, 2002 /03† 1894 /95†, 1898 /99†, 1909 /10†, 1913 /14†, 1916 /17†, 1918 /19†, 1931 /32†, 1941 /42†, 1962 /63† 1965 /66†, 1966 /67†, 1979 /80†, 1986 /87†, 2000 /01†, 2001 /02†, 2002 /03†, 2004 /05† 1904 /05†, 1908 /09†, 1910 /11†, 1914 /15†, 1918 /19†, 1932 /33†, 1937 /38†, 1957 /58†, 1965 /66†, 1966 /67†, 1989 /90†, 2000 /01†, 2001 /02† 1889 /90†

Glentoran Description

Glentoran FC este un club de fotbal dn Irlanda de Nord care în prezent joacă în IFA Premiership. Clubul a fost fondat în anul 1882 și a jucat primul meci pe stadionul The Oval din Belfast. Culorile clubului sunt de culoare verde, roșu, și negru. Palmares Irish League /Irish Premier League /IFA Premiership: 23 1893 /94, 1896 /97, 1904 /05, 1911 /12, 1912 /13, 1920 /21, 1924 /25, 1930 /31, 1950 /51, 1952 /53, 1963 /64, 1966 /67, 1967 /68, 1969 /70, 1971 /72, 1976 /77, 1980 /81, 1987 /88, 1991 /92, 1998 /99, 2002 /03, 2004 /05, 2008 /09 1913 /14, 1916 /17, 1920 /21, 1931 /32, 1932 /33, 1934 /35, 1950 /51, 1965 /66, 1972 /73, 1982 /83, 1984 /85, 1985 /86, 1986 /87, 1987 /88, 1989 /90, 1995 /96, 1997 /98, 1999 /00, 2000 /01, 2003 /04 1988 /89, 1990 /91, 2000 /01, 2002 /03, 2004 /05, 2006 /07, 2009 /10 1900 /01, 1901 /02, 1908 /09*, 1910 /11, 1915 /16, 1917 /18, 1924 /25, 1930 /31, 1939 /40, 1940 /41, 1943 /44, 1949 /50, 1950 /51, 1951 /52, 1956 /57, 1967 /68, 1970 /71, 1977 /78, 1984 /85, 1986 /87, 1998 /99, 1999 /00, 2000 /01, 2001 /02, 2002 /03, 2007 /08''' 1896 /97, 1898 /99, 1910 /11, 1911 /12, 1913 /14, 1914 /15, 1915 /16, 1916 /17, 1918 /19, 1931 /32, 1950 /51, 1952 /53, 1956 /57, 1964 /65, 1966 /67, 1969 /70, 1972 /73, 1974 /75 1916 /17, 1941 /42, 1950 /51, 1959 /60, 1961 /62, 1965 /66, 1976 /77, 1977 /78, 1982 /83, 1986 /87, 1991 /92, 1994 /95, 1998 /99, 1999 /00, 2000 /01 1950 /51, 1952 /53, 1966 /67, 1976 /77, 1981 /82, 1982 /83, 1983 /84, 1988 /89, 1989 /90 1987 /88, 1989 /90 1987 /88 1913 /14 1943 /44 1972 /73 1958 /59†, 1985 /86†, 1986 /87†, 1989 /90†, 1992 /93†, 1995 /96†, 1997 /98†, 2001 /02†, 2002 /03† 1894 /95†, 1898 /99†, 1909 /10†, 1913 /14†, 1916 /17†, 1918 /19†, 1931 /32†, 1941 /42†, 1962 /63† 1965 /66†, 1966 /67†, 1979 /80†, 1986 /87†, 2000 /01†, 2001 /02†, 2002 /03†, 2004 /05† 1904 /05†, 1908 /09†, 1910 /11†, 1914 /15†, 1918 /19†, 1932 /33†, 1937 /38†, 1957 /58†, 1965 /66†, 1966 /67†, 1989 /90†, 2000 /01†, 2001 /02† 1889 /90†

More about Glentoran

Glentoran is located at Belfast