Greenmount Student Council

About Greenmount Student Council

Greenmount SRC organise social events and liaise between staff and students to provide the best college experience possible!

Greenmount Student Council Description

Representatives are elected from each class to join the Student Council, which is affiliated to the National Union of Students.
The Council provides a lively programme of social, sporting and cultural activities throughout the year, we are involved in working with local charities and organising fundraising events; this years chosen charity being Macmillan Cancer Support.
The annual Staff~Student Spring Formal and the End of Year Fun Day are without doubt the highlights of the social calender!



Our student council are running a coffee morning in the Cyber Café on Thursday 11 April to raise funds for this year’s student charity. We would really appreciate your support in helping us achieve our target.


QUB Agricultural Symposium 2019 - “ By 2100, will meat consumption be a thing of the past?”
📍 North Lecture Theatre, MBC Building, Queens University 📅Thursday 28th March 2019 ... ⏰ 6.00 – 9.30pm
See More

More about Greenmount Student Council

Greenmount Student Council is located at 45 Tirgracy Road, BT41 4PS Antrim, Antrim, United Kingdom