Hair & Beauty House Cleopatra

Monday: -
Tuesday: 11:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 11:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 11:00 - 20:00
Friday: 11:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -

About Hair & Beauty House Cleopatra

Gel and acrylic nail extensions ; Eyelash Extension ; Pedicure & Manicure ; Spray tan; Piercing : eyebrows Henna spa; hairdressing, lash lifting , facial



Special summer offer ūüí£ūüí£ūüí£ to 1st of September ‚úĒ‚úĒ‚úĒ Full body massage just 25¬£ Back massage just 15¬£ Book you space now and have relax ūüĎĆūüĎĆūüĎĆ 07858433186 or 07835517151


Nail desk to rent fully qualified nail technician ūüď£ More info 07835517151 or write PM ..


Are you a salon owner keen to expand the services you can offer to your clients. We offer a wide range of fast track training courses in both nail and beauty. Within a matter of weeks you could be ready to offer every treatment you client needs with all our courses accredited through the beauty guild, Level 2 and Nail Diplom . Please PM if you would like any further information.‚Ä ¶


Anticeliutinńó procedŇęra ‚ÄěLiekninantys perlai‚Äú su Thalion kosmetika (40 min.) ¬£35
Turkio spalvos Thalion jŇęros perlai iŇ°tirpsta odoje, perduodami aktyvias vertingas medŇĺiagas. LieknńójimńÖ skatinanńćios aktyviosios medŇĺiagos iŇ°laisvinamos gilaus, tonizuojanńćio masaŇĺo metu, kuris yra atliekamas tikslinńóse kŇęno vietose: juosmens srityje, klubŇ≥ ir Ň°launŇ≥ zonoje. Aktyviosios medŇĺiagos:
‚ÄĘ BiologiŇ°kai aktyvios Ň°veińćiamosios dalelńós ‚Äď Ň°veitimo metu paŇ°alinami odos neŇ°varumai ir sustipr...inamas liekninanńćiŇ≥ ingredientŇ≥ poveikis. ‚ÄĘ Algoslim sistema ‚Äď aktyviŇ≥jŇ≥ medŇĺiagŇ≥ kompleksas iŇ°gautas iŇ° rudŇ≥jŇ≥ dumbliŇ≥, suaktyvina ne tik riebaliniŇ≥ lńÖsteliŇ≥ skilimńÖ, bet ir riboja jŇ≥ formavimńÖsi. ‚ÄĘ Kofeinas ‚Äď maŇĺina riebalŇ≥ sankaupas lńÖstelńóje, stimuliuoja riebaliniŇ≥ lńÖsteliŇ≥ skilimńÖ, kurios vńóliau paŇ°alinamos cirkuliacijos metu. ‚ÄĘ Polisacharidai ‚Äď iŇ°gauti iŇ° rudŇ≥jŇ≥ ir raudonŇ≥jŇ≥ dumbliŇ≥ pasiŇĺymi stipriu drńókinamuoju poveikiu. ‚ÄĘ Mentolis ‚Äď suaktyvina kraujotakńÖ, stimuliuoja, Ň°alina toksinus. Liepos 22d sekmadieni atvyksta kosmetologe I Beauty S. J. salona... galite rasytis jau dabar 07835517151
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Thalion Express Slimming 40min - £35
Effective slimming body treatment targeted at the abdomen, buttocks and waist areas. Massage with intensifying and deep movements, which tightens the skin for a while, makes the muscles toned, making the silhouette more slender. The special ingredient is concealed in special small beads that roll on the body during massage. By the end of the massage, the pearls will completely melt, the skin will be silky brilliant, and the special attention to the body becomes noticeably slimmer. Enjoy the refreshment with lightness! Sunday 22 July in salon Beauty S. J. coming beauty therapist... Book you space now 07835517151 or write pm


Next Individual Lash Extensions technology courses date 15 July ;20 July. This course is designed for the complete beginner. No previous experience needed. Course Content: ‚ÄĘ Hygiene, Health and Safety ‚ÄĘ Anatomy and Physiology ‚ÄĘ Disorders and Contraindications... ‚ÄĘ Product knowledge ‚ÄĘ Styling and Application Technique ‚ÄĘ Consultation and Client Preparation ‚ÄĘ Product Application ‚ÄĘ Aftercare Advice ‚ÄĘ Lash removal and Maintenance .Book you place now.. .. more information 07835517151 or

More about Hair & Beauty House Cleopatra

Hair & Beauty House Cleopatra is located at 1a Oaklea, BT71 6JY Dungannon
Monday: -
Tuesday: 11:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 11:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 11:00 - 20:00
Friday: 11:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -