Healthy Eating Hints

About Healthy Eating Hints

Tips on how to eat the right healthy foods for health and fitness and to improve your immune system to keep free from illness. Better energy, skin, life

Healthy Eating Hints Description

Tips and hints about healthy eating and lifestyle to improve your health and fitness. Easy ways to increase your energy levels , improve skin , hair and nails and your ability to fight off illness. The healthier you are the better yopur quality of life . Good food is the way to a better life .





A BIG Thank you to everyone who has liked this page - I am working on new content to share with you all - little things that make a difference to our health . so keep an eye out and please let me know what you think


yo ho ho its the 12th day hint Beans are brilliant !!! Chickpeas, butterbeans , green lentils , kidney beans and brown beans - The best vegetable protein you can get . Low in Fat - High in fibre - low GI to keep you fuller longer and a great source of iron for energy..... all that for a low price . Have fun trying out different recipes and ways to use beans ( hot or cold ) in your sandwiches , lunch boxes , salads and casseroles.
... Happy bean day
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Day 11 Hint Pizza can be healthy !!! try and get - Wholegrain crust or keep it thin - Add extra tomato sauce ( if fresh ) as is full of Vitamin c - Go easy on the cheese ... - Replace pepperoni with chicken or turkey - Load up with great vegetable ( peppers / corn/ spinach , mushroom , onions ) - Have a mixed salad as your side order
Happy healthy takeaway
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Day 10 Hint Introduce the spice Cinnamon into your life as often as possible It has a range of health benefits including helping control blood sugars, boosts brain activity, is an excellent source of fiber while also a good source of calcium.
Sprinkle and add it to whatever you can :... - to hot drinks like green tea/ coffee ( before brewing ), soymilk, soups etc . - to oatmeal and cereals - to toast - to black beans - to curries…/cinnamonspice -chickpea-curry-reci……/cinnam on-chicken-curry-5140
Happy healthy spicing up your food
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Day 9 Hint Did you know that the type of glass you use can affect how much you drink !!!! It party season and so drinks and cocktails are flowing . If you want to watch your calorie intake from and alcohol and soft drinks try choosing a long thin glass over a short tumbler .
Research shows that we pour ( and therefore drink ) at least 25% more into a short tumbler over a long thin glass .
... Happy healthy partying
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Day 8 Hint Go Big on Breakfast Yes we are all in a hurry in the morning and sleepy … but making a bit of time for breakfast can fuel your body for the whole morning , stabilise those blood sugars and stop mid-morning cravings. -- more energy – less snacking !!! Pack in the protein – eggs , cheese , fish ( mmm not for me in the morning ) beans , Yoghurt , seeds and nuts .
... Scrambled eggs or omelette with wholemeal toast
Yoghurt with fruit and seeds
Porridge with banana , nuts and seeds
Make up a smoothie or a “ Licuado “ to have on the way to work – Milk , fruit ( fresh or frozen ) a little honey and you can even add a fresh raw egg . Its quick , delicious and nutritious . Happy Big Breakfast
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Day 6 Hint Watch the salt !!! max 6g per day -- that's about the size of a teaspoon On average men eat 11 g salt a day and women 8 g , because its hidden in our bread . sauces , biscuits , breakfast cereals etc . Try using extra herbs, spices, citrus juices (lemon and lime), mustard or vinegar to flavour foods so you can use less salt in your recipes. All the taste - none of the danger . If you must use salt try sea salt and rock salt instead of the processed salt - i...n moderation of course .
Happy healthy cooking
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Day 6 Hint Get the Green Tea habit - its packed with antioxidants that help protect you against a load of illnesses including diabetes and arthritis
Green tea - can help lower blood pressure - prevent bad breath ... - make your immune system stronger - helps burn fat !!
Why not swap some of your daily cups of coffee for a green tea - it still has caffeine but lots of health benefits .
Oh and you can use the tea bags when you are finished for a soothing beauty treatment for tired eyes !!
Happy healthy drinking
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Day 5 Hint - Try and get more Vitamin D - It helps build healthy bones and most people are deficient in this important building block Where do we get it ?? 20+ minutes a day of good exposure to the sun - not easy when you live in a county like Ireland !!! From certain foods like :
Fatty fish - including salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna, and eel. Canned tuna fish and sardines both contain vitamin D
... Portobello mushrooms
Egg Yolks
Cod Liver oil
Happy building bones
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Day 4 Hint - Drink more water - become a waterbaby Why ? because its like a miracle substance and its free !!! What does it do ? It can help - Reduce hunger pangs , increase your energy level , help your concentration , reduce/ relieve headaches , improve bowel movements , make your skin look great
How much water ? As much as you can - 6-8 glasses a day if possible
... How ? - keep a bottle in your car / bag/ at all times - always have a glass of water after coffee and with every snack or meal - Add a slice of lemon / orange/ berries to liven up the taste - keep it beside your bed and drink first thing you awake .
Just increase the amount of water you drink and let us know what changes you are seeing . Happy healthy water drinking
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Day 3 Hint ..... Eat a rainbow every day and you will be healthy and strong Different colours in fruit and vegetables mean different nutrients that your body needs .Just choose a variety Red: Keeping our hearts healthy and supports our joints! ( tomato, watermelon, apples, red peppers, cherries, strawberries,radishes ) Orange: The orange group helps keep our eyes healthy! (remember carrots, oranges, pumpkin , peaches , squash etc ) Yellow: Great for our skin and our ...digestive system! (Lemons, corn , pineapple) Green: Helps our entire body and strengthens our immune systems which means less colds.( Peas, spinach , avocado, beans, lettuce, celery ) Purple/Blue : These feed our brain food helping us with our memory and also help keep some cancers away! ( beetroot , grapes ,red cabbage , eggplant ) Happy creating a rainbow on your plate .
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Day 2 Hint and a challenge if you are up to it !! Eat more carrots -- because ........
1. They help your eyesight - to keep it healthy and even improve it because they have beta-carotene , alpha-carotene and lutein.
... 2. Carrots help keep your movements regular by helping clean out the colon. Healthy colon - healthy body - healthy life
3. Carrots act like a tooth brush, scraping off plaque and food particles and their minerals prevent tooth damage.
4. University studies show that people who ate more than six carrots a week ( are you up to the challenge ? ) are less likely to suffer a stroke than those who ate only one carrot a month or less.
5. The high level of beta-carotene help slows down the aging of cells. Its a cheap and healthy way to stay looking young.
To keep as many nutrients as possible its best to eat the carrots raw or steamed .
Let me know if you are up to the challenge of eating 6 carrots a week for your health and how you eat them -- Salad ? juice? grated over your meal ?
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As the Holidays approach I thought I would do the Healthy Eating Hints twelve days to Xmas . Small changes can make a difference and it doesn't have to be difficult - so why not give it a go .DAY1 Hint - Swap unhealthy high calorie snacks ( you know those things we eat in between meals ) for a healthier option SWAP - salted nuts for unsalted nuts -- easy peasy - Crisps/ chips for unsalted popcorn or Kale chips or mini rice cakes. I know, I know, your body i...s now screaming for that salt, but bear with it, and it will soon hate salt as your system gets used to proper tasting food . - Yoghurt- coated raisins for plain raisins - they are sweet enough - Chocolate bar for a protein bar ( make sure its not loaded with sugar ) - Muffin/ cookies for fruit slices with a spoonful of peanut butter- yummy or just plain fruit of any kind Its a good idea to have a snack emergency kit in your car / handbag / briefcase just to help you resist the temptation of those sugary, salty snacks we usually buy . Mine is .... - A small tin of nuts ( all kinds ) - a small tin / bag of mixed seeds ( sunflower, pumpkin and sesame ) - a protein bar - bag/ small box of raisins - fresh fruit ( banana , grapes , apple, clementines ) Happy healthy snacking -
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Who says fast food is bad for you - can't get much faster than an apple!!

More about Healthy Eating Hints

Healthy Eating Hints is located at 38 Ashley Drive, BT9 7BE Belfast