Janet Gracey Conscious Healing

About Janet Gracey Conscious Healing

You are already enough, you have just forgotten.
Intuitive, Conscious Coaching, Reiki & Energy Healing to help you remember who you really are.

Janet Gracey Conscious Healing Description

You are already enough, you have just forgotten.
Coaching and energy healing to help you remember who you really are.





Today we celebrate the Light 🌟, our amazing planet Earth 🌎 and the Sun 🌞 . Aspects of our world that none can claim to own. Instead, we celebrate it's bounty and wisdom that is shared with each of us equally, favouring none more than the other.
Have a wonderful day everyone xx


🤗 no better hug than that from your own baby 🥰


Ekk! Here is a sneak peak of my new online 7 week course "FULLY FEARLESS FREEDOM". It had taken me a full year to get this course out of my head and into an actual format, because 1:1s are so very "rich in content" and I wanted to ensure I could still capture that same essence for my online course. But here we are! 🙌🌟 The official launch of my course is 1st August 2019 and I can't wait!
In the meantime...
I am doing a pre-launch for 20 people only at 50% off the course value...! Why? Well, as this is a brand new course I want to ensure that all the "technical aspects work", so all the links work, you can access workbooks, it works in all browers and devices etc. So yes, its the exact same course, and the only commitment I ask from the 20 beautiful souls, is to let me know if something doesn't work 🥰
If you would like to be one of the 20 "first to try", your official launch date is July 1st 2019!
For full details on the 7 weeks of this course, what it entails and how it will push you deeper into a sense of self mastery, clarity and peace. You can click the link below ♥️ and of course if you feel you would like to work with me 1:1 I currently have space for 3 new people and in celebration of my course launching I will also offer this at a discounted rate xxx
http://janetgracey.com/fully-fearless-fre edom/
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Its the Solstice!!! . On this day on the Northern hemisphere, the Sun reaches its highest position in the sky, thus making it the longest day of the year and also marking the beginning of summer. On the Southern hemisphere, the Sun will reach its lowest position in the sky, thus making it the shortest day of the year and also marking the beginning of winter. . Whether you are in the northern hemisphere or the south, all Solstice rituals celebrate the Earth, the Light, and t...he Sun and are sacred occasions where we can connect with our seasonal and spiritual cycles, connecting with the Earth, the Sun, and the Cosmos. . In the northern hemisphere, it is Summer Solstice: aligned with the element of fire, passion, will and drive. This is the time to seek the right action, to choose to walk in alignment with your beliefs. The Summer Solstice gives us a window to step into the personal power we have cultivated this past year and to manifest it as a new habit, a new relationship, a new way of being in our body. .
In the southern hemisphere it is Winter Solstice; also celebrated with fire; and we celebrate the birth of the new solar year, the returning of the Light. We celebrate the birth of the spiritual sun within each one of us. For many cultures, the Winter Solstice is a celebration of Goddess (Moon) energy, as on this day, the Moon gives birth to the Sun. On the night of the Winter Solstice, you may choose to celebrate with a Goddess bath to help clear away the old and welcome the new. .
Wherever in the world you are, all the Solstice symbols remind us that the Sun is eternal, the cycle is renewing, and so are you. The Sun is a symbol of our inter-connectedness. It shines equally on all on our beautiful planet, and supports all equally. It is a time of finding unity with ourselves and with each other.
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Nature heals 🌿☘🍀


The recipe for life 🥰💜🕉


Or maybe its because you don't want people knowing your on a page "like this". I see you, I feel you, and I honour your journey 🕉💜🙏


Pre-launch tomorrow 🥰🕉💜


So, most of you will know me for my Reiki work, yet, the bulk of work I do is my coaching work. I haven't ever had to advertise my services (in fact, im just adding them to my website now), because, well, spirit has always just sent clients my way.
Of course, there is only 1 of me and my coaching work is 1:1, which often means I have to either a) put people on a waiting list or b) refuse the work.
Over the last year I have been working on my signature package (Fully Fearless... Freedom) to bring it into an online self coaching package and it is ready to be launched!
So tomorrow I will be releasing "pre-bookings" for my launch on the 1st August and I have decided to do the launch on the Solstice!
Solstice is a time for Self-reflection and change. Now is the time for you to look at the grander scope of your life and spiritual path and take note of what is out of alignment. What doesn't serve you? What things do you tell yourself or others that are not in line with what you preach? What things do you do that do not serve your personal and spiritual growth? So this energy is just AMAZING to make a commitment to your own self.
If you are ready to really devle into self-discovery, this course will profoundly help!
I am so excited about the release of this course and the only intention I set with this release, is that it will awake the hearts and souls of all who choose to complete it, so that each may live in Fully Fearless Freedom 💜🕉
Namaste wonderful souls xxx
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I was around 7 years old and my mum said "well, if they are talking about you, then they are leaving someone else alone who couldn't handle it" and at 7 years old, I knew this to be true. . I have always felt "strong", "independent", and "my own problem solver". All great qualities, but qualities, unless managed correctly can tip into unhealthy patterns. My "strength" mutated into never asking for help, my "independence" tipped into isolation and my "self problem solving" tip...ped into never showing my true emotions. In other words, my strengths became my weaknesses. . Over the years I have learnt to ask for help, I have learnt that I don't always need to be the strong one and I have learnt the value in sharing with friends. . If you need help, its ok to ask for it. If you need to scream, this is ok too. If you need to cry on someone's shoulder, just do it. . We are all in this world together and none of us should be "islands", lets really start to uplift each other, encourage each other and hold space for each other to just be ourselves. . Namaste x
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Change your thoughts, this will change your energy and then the universe reponds to the new frequency. 🙌🌟🙏




FREE DISTANT REIKI tonight 💜 for removing blocks to aligned manifesting 💜 . As we are still within the Full Moon energy, tonights free, collective, session, will focus on removing any blocks that we hold, which prohibit us from manifesting our desires. . This is a FREE session, offered as an act of ♥️ to all the inhabitants of our wonderful planet 🌎 The session will take place tonight at 10pm BST. As this is a distant reiki session, you don't need to be with me to receive, h...owever, to get the best from a Reiki session, it is important that you open your heart to receive this gift and spend some time in quiet contemplation on the intention. . If you would like to be part, simply comment "I accept" below. Xxx . P.s. apologies to all who attended last weeks chakra flush as I didnt get time to write the feedback report. Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoyed ♥️💜💙
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If your having a tough time at the minute these words are for you 🥰 We ARE braver than we believe. We ARE stronger than we seem. We ARE smarter than we think. . So keep these words in your heart as a little reminder that your going to be ok x


Be kind to everyone you meet 🌟 Our situations can change in the blink of an eye ♥️

More about Janet Gracey Conscious Healing
