Jsw Flooring Solutions Ltd

About Jsw Flooring Solutions Ltd

JSW Flooring Solutions ltd is a company that specialises in commercial flooring and hygienic wall coverings, we have particular expertise in healthcare.



600m2 of Polyflor forest fx vinyl starting this week in Wales....


380m of vinyl competed this week in Leeds, not many photos due to the service users being in the rooms but the client is very happy.....


Commercial kitchen flooring finished this morning in Hampshire, this one had to be done on night shifts as the hospital kitchen was live during the day, (sorry about the poor image quality)
We also received this great feedback from the service manager this morning....
“The flooring is perfect, credit where credit is due both your guys done an amazing job and left the kitchen all back together and cleaner than it was before they started”


New Danfloor carpets going down in a carehome in Wales this week.....


Another flooring job completed in Hampshire this week for a care provider. This was a combination of Equinox tones carpet and Polyflor forest fx vinyl....


It’s been a while since we uploaded some pictures.... here’s some before and after pics of a carpet job we completed in Harrogate before the Easter holidays......


230m2 of carpet finished this week at an elderly care home....


Week 1 completed and clean up commenced, leaving it safe for the service users over the weekend.
450m2 of new carpet going down in an elderly Carehome in Lincolnshire.....


Our new winter jackets are here....... we like them so much we may even give one away in a competition....... 🤫🤗


A busy first week back for us, another job completed this week. A mixture of carpet and vinyl going into this student accommodation for a mental health care provider....


We are now closed until the 7th of January.
We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy new year...


The Christmas rush is well and truly on, the last of the flooring jobs getting finished ahead of the well deserved Christmas break.....


Meeting a new client today to help them decide on their new flooring colours..... ☕️ #healthcare