Linda Burke Holistic Wellness Centre

Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Linda Burke Holistic Wellness Centre

Specializing in Functional Integrative Medicine and holistic therapy. . . root cause resolution. The medicine of the future.

Linda Burke Holistic Wellness Centre Description

Welcome to The Linda Burke Holistic Wellness Center
Linda Burke has been working as a dedicated health professional for over 30 years and it has been her all-consuming passion to facilitate personal empowerment and healing, and help transform physical and emotional disease and pain into vibrant health and peace of mind.
Initially Linda qualified as a Chartered Physiotherapist and ran her successful business in London, then home in her native Enniskillen. Linda became aware that a lot of her Physio clients were asking her to help them with other non-physio issues which were not getting better despite treatment from the doctor. She also has had some very challenging emotional and physical issues to overcome in her personal life. She soon realized that the Modern medicine prospective on health did not help people heal. . . it never diagnoses the root cause…it simply managed symptoms with medication while the person continued to deteriorate over the years into chronic disease.
Linda realised early on that the fundamental reason the NHS system is overwhelmed is because very few people are actually cured…they are managed with medication, and get worse over time, so keep returning to their doctor, or end up in hospital. If the existing paradigm worked society would be healthier than it was 50 years ago…instead it is overwhelmed with chronic disease like diabetes, heart disease and stroke, cancer, infertility, obesity, liver disease, autoimmune disorders etc. This sparked Linda’s compassion, and huge passion to find the root cause of disease, remove it, and facilitate the full resolution back to optimal health. . . the natural way.
Linda now offers an extensive range of natural complementary therapies and interventions which can be used signally or in combination for different conditions. However her passion has driven her to study and developed herself and her practice to include some of the most innovative natural, yet scientifically validated technologies and interventions in order to offer fast effective pain relief, healing and transformation. She has become one of Ireland’s leading Functional Medicine Consultants. Functional Medicine is becoming the new paradigm for treatment. It focuses on diet and lifestyle. But Linda offers much more than Functional Medicine… her transformational therapies include: Root Cause Diagnostic Health Scans, TCM Acupuncture, Physiotherapy, Reiki, Aromatherapy, Functional Nutritional Therapy, NLP (neruo-linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy, Hypnotherapy, EFT (emotional freedom technique), and Shamanic Traspersonal Counselling. Linda also offers transformational workshops and seminar programmers, and is a speaker and has written hundreds of published natural health articles. She was Raw Business Magazine’s health coach for some years.
Linda has developed her signature root cause diagnostic Meta-Integrated-Health Scan and Meta-Sync-Program. This health scan gets to the source of your disease or pain, enabling targeted treatment to remove the cause. Our Root Cause Diagnostic Health Scan combines Clinical Kinesiology diagnostics, Functional Nutritional Science, and Traditional Chinese Medicine principals to determine the root cause of your disease or disorder Once the root cause has been identified it is is followed by the Meta-Sync-Process. . . individually designed therapy plan to reboot the natural healing ability of your body using non-invasive, safe and effective natural therapies and interventions.
Linda and The Holistic Wellness Centre would truly love to be given the opportunity and the privilege to be of service to you, and help you on your healing journey.
Enjoy this Video and if you require any further information please call us on 028 6632 8200 or for more information of conditions treated. You can also find us on



Chemo kills more cancer patients than the cancer...FACT. This has been known for years but BIG pharma make more money out of cancer drugs than and other drugs so they keep pushing this outdated, cruel and deceitful rhetoric to doctors, and patients get killed as a result! Its criminal. There are many natural holistic approaches to cancer which work really well, plus prevention is absolutely possible by taking responsibility for souring good clean nutritious food, working on our emotional issues, and most of all getting connected to who you really are and realizing YOU have the power to heal your self with guidance.


Hi everyone. if you, like me are deeply concerned about the state of our planet, our climate, our over consumption of natural resources and what the future for our children and grandchildren has in store...and feel overwhelmed at times...please take a bit of time to watch this brilliant video. Its full of great practical ideas which we can all do. Even omitting to one of these will make a difference if we all commit. We are all one...the human family, the animal famil...y, and the plant family...interdependently independent. Each depending on the other to some degree...and as we are top of the food chain...we need ALL of them more than they need us! Please commit to helping heal the damage human beings have done to this beautiful world in which we live. We were told everything was bountiful and would never run out...they were SO wrong. We have been led blindly and unconsciously down a path to mass a few make money!! Time to wake up, stop being a sheep, and engage our hearts and brains to create the most amazing future for this blue planet. We are the lets choose to take responsibility and ACT NOW before the choice is taken away from us for ever. Everything in this video is simple and makes total sense. WE CAN DO THIS IF WE CARE ENOUGH TO BOTHER! What are you going to take on to change in your lifestyle to make a positive difference today...and from now on? Give it some thought...contribute to the healing thats required...and lets create a future worth living in to. Thank you.
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I’m going from vegetarian to vegan in the hope of contributing to the welfare and respect for our fellow sentient beings. Join me and make a huge difference for animals. Be kind, eat kindly, ware kindly. If you love animals then do something to help stop exploitation and cruelty PLEASE


Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful celebration with family and loved ones over Christmas. I firstly want to thank all of you for following this page over the years. My aim is to inform and empower you with an alternative natural and effective healing paradigm. I appreciate all your likes and sharing so much. Please continue to support my efforts and expand awareness.
2019 is almost upon us. it promises to be a year of challenges, breakdown of old structu...res, both personal and societal, resulting in breakthroughs into a new age of community, connectedness and contribution. How amazing will that be!!!
Struggle is a result of resistance to what is. It is a reaction from a place of fear...rather than a response from a place of full heart. The key to thriving in a world of chaos is to create alignment within your self. Become heart full. What are your top 5 values? The things your life would not be worth living if you didn't have them? My top 5 are Unconditional Love, Integrity, contribution, spiritual expansion and healing. Our values express who we are for our selves and others. What are yours?
If we live our lives from a place congruent with our highest values, no matter what is going on in the world, we will be at peace within, and in committed action without. Making a difference in the world in a very positive way.
My intention for 2019 is this: To expand and evolve my consciousness, and in becoming more, contributing more value and being of more service to our human family. Being a light of hope in a world of chaos. Leading by example and inspiring transformation and evolution at all levels of being. Being grateful for every challenge and blessing that comes my way.
I'd love to hear your intentions and thoughts. Have a wonderful evening xx
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Today we celebrate the winter solstice. The ancient Peoples, out ancestors, could feel and sense the energy change that occurs today and they ho outed Mother Nature in all her perfection and intelligence. If we get back in tune with the rhythms of Nature and respect the infinate love and intelligence behind her, we can reverse global warming, bring harmony and balance back to life, and thrive. Money, profit and Possesions are useless on times of chaos. Focus on what really D...zoES matter. Today light a flame and symbolically transmute old stale worries, needs, wants and ideas by writing them down on paper then burning it. Give it up to the light. Then write down what in your heart you really value and want to materialise in 2019 for the good of yourself, your loved ones, and our human family. Be greatful for its manifestation NOW and focus on the outcome you desire, not what you are trying to fix. Deep love and appreciation from me to you all.
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Hay folks look at this!!! Great news.


Be warned


The degree of criminal fraud within pharmaceutical research is all pervasive. Vaccines contain retroviruses which hijack out genetics and create disease. This is known, deliberate and it’s affecting millions of people. Please take a look at this video. It’s vital that we get informed. Please share. Thank you.


Danger danger danger. My daughter developed an abnormal smear AFTER she got the HPV vaccine and developed polycyclic overuse and I fertility. She was perfect before the vaccine. With my help she managed to reverse the vaccine damage and altho she needed ivf for her first pregnancy, she conceived normally for the second. This vaccine is seriously dangerous.


We can make a huge impact on climate change if we want to. Do t feel helpless and hopeless. Every person counts. If we all do a bit we can save the planet for our children. We have NO other option if desaster is to be avoided. Please take committed actions in your life. Please like and share this page and watch the video. Thank you.


Can we ever trust Big Pharma? I don’t believe we can. They have a sinister agenda and it’s nothing to do with keeping us welll. Quite the reverse. Get informed and stay safe.


Please note. Starbucks, Mac Donald’s subway and Sally beauty are on the list of the supply the most toxic products to. Please avoid these companies. They are damaging you and your kids. Please like and share with those you love . Thank you


Is your breakfast cereal damaging the health of your family? If you eat Kellog’s then it’s very likely to be. Unscrupulous, unethical and greedy food companies like kellogs do not want you to have the right to make an informed choice about what you choose to eat. They don’t care about you or your orcioys children, they only care about profit. Please share and like this post and warm those you love of the dangers of GNOs in Kellogs products. Thank you.


Viping causes nicotine addiction and much worse. It’s as dangerous as smoking. Be warned.


Please Join the ckeannup. Our future depends on it. Thank you x


Damaging our kids for profit


Please get jinfirmwd before youpvsubject your self or your beautiful precious kids to the dangers of vaccines. Vaccine damage is REAL and on the increase

More about Linda Burke Holistic Wellness Centre

Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -