Mallusk Harriers

About Mallusk Harriers

Running club in Mallusk for all ages and abilities. New members welcome.



A quieter week for running this week. Maybe you were all psyching yourselves up for the GoT finale instead. Maybe you were too busy planning your party for the annual unmissable train wreck that is the Eurovision ‚ÄúSong‚ÄĚ Contest. (Madonna ‚Äď please stop. Now. Thanks)
Firstly, taking on the parkruns this week were:... Valley parkrun: Neil Campbell 21:36, Noel Bloomfield 24:20, Stephen Semple 24:44, David Esler 27:10, Neill McGlinchey 27:15, Angela Stevens 28:38PB, Clare Teer 28:52, Gemma Fowler 28:53, Roisin Brooks 29:07, Lee-Anne Hutchinson 29:11, Karen O’Boyle 31:00, Yasmin Lynn 33:01, Jennifer Maguire 51:33
Waterworks parkrun: Danny Donaldson 21:05, Neil McCready 21:06, Kevin Donnelly 23:13, Emily Dowling 31:36, Tiffany Donaldson 38:19
Antrim parkrun: Alastair Houldsworth 20:21, Tina Steele 29:33
Queens parkrun: Elaine Kennedy 52:27
Stormont parkrun: Ben Davidson 22:28PB
Stranmillis parkrun: Ken McAuley 21:44PB, Susan Thompson 26:27
This week’s parkrun tourist was Stephen Weir who went to where the windscreen wiper was invented. Stephen completed the Newcastle (obviously!) parkrun in 28:47PB.
Waterworks junior parkrun: Leo McAuley 9:12PB, Joseph ‚Äúice cream with a flake‚ÄĚ Eager 9:34, Eloise McAuley 10:11
Jordanstown junior parkrun: Riley Kerr 12:13, Matthew Hawkins 12:24, Rhys Kerr 14:18
Tuesday night saw the first of the EAH Forest Trail Races at Woodburn. Running and eating midges for the Harriers were Alan Kerr 25:17 and Elaine Kennedy 28:17.
On Friday night, several Harriers took on the hill at the Les Jones 10k: Prof Alan Ladd 37:56PB, Kevin Donnelly 39:43PB, Alan Erwin 45:27PB, Paddy Brooks 47:18, Aidy Hughes 50:48
Our own Mairead O’Hare took on the latest EAMS Fatlad event at the 10k distance yesterday. I can’t find official results but believe she finished unofficially in 1:22:00
Team Brennan headed off this weekend to take part in the Great Manchester Run half marathon. Lord Brennan, ever the gallant, suave, courteous gentleman, let Suzanne beat him to the line, 1:57:53 to 1:58:26. Or else she just beat him. Again.
Slightly closer to home, Angela Stevens followed up her parkrun PB with a run in the latest instalment of the Pure Running Half Marathon Series. She completed the Portadown Half Marathon in 2:10:46.
Manchester, home of Alan Turing and Joy Division, LS Lowry and The Smiths. Portadown, home of Gloria Hunniford and Joyrider (See TOTP circa July 1996). You decide.
So, this week’s tune is for Madonna. I wanted to show her how a Eurovision interval act should sound. I could have used Riverdance, I should have used The Hothouse Flowers. But I’ve used the Wombles from 1974. Sorry.
Until next week, behave.
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Well done to Harriers Paul Skillen and Neil McCready who completed the tough but very scenic Tour of the Glens 100k cycle today.


Great running from Harrier Angela Stevens earlier, clocking 2:12.13 (unofficial) at the Portadown half marathon. Well done Angela.


Well done to Team Brennan at the Great Manchester Run half marathon this morning.
Suzanne Brennan 1:57.53 Ian Brennan 1:58.26


Les Jones 10k
Photos by Bob Given


A killer hill didn't get in the way of some excellent PBs from the men of Mallusk on a perfect evening at the Les Jones Memorial 10k. Well done guys.


Connemara, London and Belfast marathons have been and gone and let’s hope with the weather forecast for this week that the rain and hailstones are done and dusted too. Like the Runner of the month report there was a few nominations for May that will be carried over to next month.
A number of harriers were nominated for Harrier of the Month for the month of April and rightly so for going that extra mile for the club and its members.
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Can all members and supporters get behind the club and nominate Mallusk Harrier juniors for this scheme with Lidl. It's a fantastic opportunity not to be missed. Deadline for nominations is 30th May, so get shopping in Lidl!


A new race series in Woodburn Forest got off to a flying start yesterday evening. Well done to our two members, Alan Kerr, 25:17 and Elaine Kennedy, 28:17 who competed in the first event.


There are plenty of guys (and possibly ladies) from Mallusk Harriers who will be busting for this cool T-shirt.


This week’s schedule:
Monday 13th April 6:30 @ Academy Club ‚Äď Circuits with Paul Tuesday 14th May 5:45 @ Playing Fields ‚Äď Juniors with Paul Tuesday 14th May 6:30 @ Playing Fields ‚Äď Intervals with Neil & Jennifer... Thursday 16th May 6:15 from Playing Fields ‚Äď Club run, hills and tempos with Lee & Suzanne Sunday 19th May 2:00 @ Academy Club ‚Äď Juniors with Noel & Laura R
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Some Harriers spent the week recovering from last Sunday’s marathon. Others hit the racetrack again. Some wound down with a 55 mile ultra. Takes all sorts I suppose.
Firstly, taking on the parkruns this week were:... Valley parkrun: Prof Alan Ladd 19:34, Alan Erwin 22:47, Paul Skillen 23:45, Anton Piatek 27:08, Neill McGlinchey 27:19, Stephen Weir 30:44, Sharon ROTM Dunn 33:31, Marie McFarlane 35:17, Lorraine Forsythe 56:42,
Waterworks parkrun: Ken McAuley 21:20, Ramunas Stanevicius 23:54, Jim Hewitt 26:08, Susan Thompson 26:09, Galina Stanevicius 26:57, Angela Stevens 28:35PB, Dermot Boyd 31:09, Anne Boyd 47:49 And congratulations to Mr McAuley on completing his 100th parkrun. Still claiming he’ll go slow every single time. Still melting them, every single time….
Antrim parkrun: Tina Steele 28:23
Armagh parkrun: Elaine Kennedy 30:16
Portrush parkrun: Suzanne Brennan 25:45PB No result for Lord Brennan? He’s all talk and no trousers that one!
Waterworks junior parkrun: Eloise McAuley 9:43PB, Joseph Eager 10:23, Leo McAuley 19:47
Jordanstown junior parkrun: Matthew Hawkins 11:17, Rhys Kerr 13:59, Riley Kerr 13:59
Our vest in the west was buzzin’ after his marathon relay run on Sunday and managed two more races in the week. Aidy Hughes, for it is he, ran the Dungannon CHS 5k mid-week in 24:27 and then the Termoneeney 5k on Friday night in 22:55PB.
Friday night also saw the latest Scrabo Striders Run the Runway events at Newtownards Airfield. Making it look like ‚Äúplane‚ÄĚ sailing were: 10k Ramunas Stanevicius 38:39 (and 6th place overall), Louise Ladd 56:40, Hannah ‚ÄúI‚Äôm back‚ÄĚ Hope 59:06 5k Angela Stevens 27:30
On the same night, Neil McCready was running a mile with Mary Peters finishing in 5:43. I believe Neil beat her. Bit harsh given the track is named after her. Ruthless.
Yesterday saw our very own King and Queen of different, Danny and Tiffany Donaldson, decide that last week’s Belfast ultra was not tough enough and so headed to Scotland for the Cateran Ultra. This is just a 55 mile trail race over the Scottish Highlands. Sort of like the hill at the Valley parkrun, just longer…. They made the journey together (aahhh) and finished in 14hrs 49 mins.
So, this week’s tune is for our very own vegan promoting, tattoo sporting, Adam Ant liking, street performing, lamb saving, ultra running headers. Donaldsons, we salute you.
Until next week, behave.
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Runner of the month - April 2019
After a long winter it is always great to get into April with the better weather and extended nights. So it was rather disappointing to get pelted with hail stones in our first training session back at the playing fields in a scene that took me back to our XC race in 2018 (nicknamed ‚ÄėIn the bleak Mallusk winter‚Äô).
If the weather didn’t hot up then at least the performances from our runners did. As always there were plenty of different races to...
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Just incredible running from Team Donaldson, with Tiffany & Danny completing the tough Cateran 55 mile ultra rave in the Scottish Highlnads. Congratulations to both.


Well done to our 'vest in the west' Aidy Hughes, who's been having a busy week taking part in the mid-week Dungannon 5k (24:27) and then last night's Termoneeney 5k (22:55).


Mallusk Harriers at the Scrabo Striders Running Club Run the Runways. Happy running folks.


Good luck to everyone running ūüŹÉ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüŹÉ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ over the weekend. Lots of events on offer, and there will be Harriers clocking up plenty of miles! Best of luck to Tiffany Donaldson & Danny Michael Donaldson taking part in the Cateran 5ÔłŹ‚É£5ÔłŹ‚É£ mile ultra tomorrow in ūüŹīů†Āßů†ĀĘů†Ā≥ů†Ā£ů†Āīů†ĀŅūüŹīů†Āßů†ĀĘů †Ā≥ů†Ā£ů†Āīů†ĀŅ, while there will be a few going to run just 1ÔłŹ‚É£ mile with Mary Peters this evening. Also, expect to see a few Harriers ‚úąÔłŹ‚úąÔłŹround the runways later at the Scrabo Striders event in Newtownards, as well as the Termoneeney events. Another option is the annual Darkness into Light charity event which takes place in the early hours ‚Źį‚Źį of tomorrow.
Whether you're at parkrun or any of these events, for some inspiration, watch Harrier Matt Allen's now legendary finish this time last year at the Mary Peters Track ‚ŹĪÔłŹ‚ŹĪÔłŹ

More about Mallusk Harriers

Mallusk Harriers is located at Mallusk Road, BT36 4QE Newtownabbey