Micheal Colhoun - Nlp Belfast

About Micheal Colhoun - Nlp Belfast

This is a group for anyone interested in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Personal Development. All skills levels welcome from Beginner to Trainer



Everyone can feel motivated on a good day. We can connect the dots and see where we are going. Making Progress. What happens on those bad days? You know, the days when things don’t follow The Plan. We get frustrated, upset, hurt, angry. The mistake most people make is to look for the cause outside of ones self. Instead, look at what’s wrong with The Plan. Did you underestimate time? Maybe you got the pricing wrong? Maybe , deep down you didn’t believe it was possible? Maybe... you are not getting enough sleep or healthy food. Or perhaps your Mindset is in the wrong place. So. Make a change and make a decision for how you want to feel instead. Take Responsability for How you Feel Every Day. Own your Shit. It’s all you.
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Become the silent witness to your experience. Become the observer. Train you mind to see opportunity. Most people don't know how. It all starts with intention. Do you intent to find the negative in the experience or do you look for the possibilities. Every cloud has a silver lining. But if you are looking for rain you probably won't look up. When you train you mind to look for opportunities you find opportunities everywhere. . . . .... . .
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"Why does this keep happening to me?" "Nobody Loves me" "They don't care about me" "No one want to help me" "Everyone is out to get me"... "I never won anything"
What's the common pattern in all these statement? They are all beliefs based on a very small collection of evidence. They are experiences turned into problems.
Train you mind to see opportunity. Most people don't know how. It all starts with intention. Do you intent to find the negative in the experience or do you look for the possibilities. Every cloud has a silver lining. But if you are looking for rain you probably won't look up.
When you train you mind to look for opportunities you find opportunities everywhere. . . . . . .
#mindset #success #motivation #believe #inspiration #nlp #entrepreneur #goals #focus #action #selfmade #ambition #takeaction #growth
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Question: When is the best time to Plant a tree? - Answer: 20 years ago. - Question: When is the second best time?... - Answer : Today . "I really wish.." is the most common phrase I hear when we talk about successful people. So many people are wishing their life away as they comment on how others are lucky, fortunate or have an advantage over others.
To me, it's a matter of focus. Where your attention goes your energy flows. If you attention is on The House of Cards or Celebrity Chef every evening while others are quietly working away on their side hustle then expect to be bypassed.
Are you working to plant the seeds of your legacy or just waiting for things to improve?
Put in the work and you will reap the reward. . . . . .
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The Dahla Lama says. "When you wash the dishes, do not think about the peach you will reward yourself with on completion of the dishes. Otherwise you will not enjoy the peach and instead you will be thinking about what's next. Wash the dishes to wash the dishes. Then eat the peach to eat the peach. "


So many people are Lost. Lookind for direction, or worse, know what direction they want to go but have no idea where to start. 10 years I had a vision. I felt like it could really change the world. Initially, when I spoke to people about it, enviably they would not believe me. "That's impossible" they would say, or "How do you think little ole you is going to make a difference".
Every vision starts with a Dream. Our goals are no more than Markers or Milestones along the j...ourney to create that bigger dream.
The mistake I see too many people make is that they don't dream big enough or simply don't have a plan to get there. We need dreams. But we need plans too. A dream without a plan is just a dream.
Have you ever had a dream? Did you give up on that dream because someone didn't believe in you? What would it be like if that dream became a reality? Would it be worth it? Would your life have more purpose?
Are you willing to commit to that dream again and play at 100% to make that dream come true.
Then make a plan.
. . . . . #dreambig #dreams #believe #lifeadvice #mindset #success #motivation #inspiration #nlp #entrepreneur #goals #focus #action #selfmade #ambition
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When going through Change, don't see it as something bad or something good. Most people see change as a loss and that creates pain in their life. Because of this they fear Change, resist change or deny that change is happening.
Other people see Change as an Opportunity, with associated excitement or even as a sense of adventure but may see it as short lived.
I believe we need to see "Change" as a Process of moving from where we are right now to where we want to be instead. ... We need to put ourselves in the driving seat. Don't react. Act. Take Responsibility and take action. That means recognising that there are steps involved. That means recognising that we need to let go of something to allow something new in instead. If you see change in this way it becomes a Process of Personal Evolution.
When you experience yourself going through the process of change, drop Judgement. Instead embrace the moment. See what serves you in the moment and see what you need to let go of. That means an objective look at what's happening all around you. Look at the top five people you share your time with. Look at your last ten text/fb messages.
Jim Rohn once said "You're The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With". Are you inspired by what you see? If not? Then maybe it's time to change. . . . . . #Change #leadership #mindset #inspiration #nlp #focus #selfmade #discipline
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Your opinion is only important to you. What's more Important is your experience of the moment and what you can learn from that experience.
That's called opportunity.
What opportunities are you missing out on because of your opinion?
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In the moment of the experience we have a choice. We can react or ask if there is something to learn.
We we ask better questions we get better answers.
What's are you looking for? πŸ’šπŸŒ±βœ…
... #mindset #success #motivation #believe #inspiration #nlp #entrepreneur #goals #focus #action #selfmade #ambition #takeaction #growth #excellence #change #positive
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I see two common approaches to Change.
1️⃣ The first is that people will do anything they can to avoid change. The will distract them selves or delay making a decision or just ignore what's happening right in front of their face rather than deal with what's happening. That's not useful.
2️⃣ On the other exteme, you have people that want to change the world overnight. They have no patience and want overnight Success. That's equally not useful. There are no shortcuts.
... 🎯 Here is what we have been doing. We set massive goals that are outlandish and unbelievable and then we break them down to bite sized chunks and then we fully commit to making our outcomes happen.
It requires long term vision and short term tactics. Then, everything becomes aligned with our vision. πŸ’―
If you decide that you want to make a difference in the world you have to start with a long term vision and then every day take a tiny step in that direction. πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£
Remember this: A 1% improvement per day will result in a 3800% gain or x38 in one year. πŸ“ˆ Think about this, when you start your day. πŸŒ„
Change by the Yard is Hard. Change by the Inch is a Sinch.
What's your focus for today. πŸ˜Žβœ…
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Time flies when you are having fun. We all want to enjoy life and be happy. The problem most people make is they have mistaken happiness for reward. It is not the same thing. I see so many people think that they deserve the reward because they have put in the hours.
Everyone has the same number of hours. 24 in every day. It's not the hours that count, it's what you do with those hours to make them count.
This is my motivation for wanting your to start planting the seeds of ...your legacy. When you do this and then take steps toward making your legacy a reality instead of seeking reward, you experience fulfillment, satisfaction, joy and most importantly, you experience Flow. The rewards then comes but is a byproduct and not the focus.
That's how you change the world. That's how you find your Passion.
What are you going to do today that allows you to Plant the Seeds of your legacy? Just Do it.
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I often get asked "What's my purpose?"
I usually answer by saying "if you could do one things for the rest of your life, what's would it be?"
Then I saw this. Wow, it's elegant, isn't it?
... Find your purpose. The world will thank you. . . . . #purpose #mindset #success #motivation #believe #inspiration #entrepreneur #goals #nlp #focus #action #selfmade #ambition #takeaction
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We ran our best training ever last week.
Let me tell you a secret though...
It was out best training ever because we changed some things. We added an extra 5 weeks of live webinars, phone support and online media to explain, inspire and motivate our students to be the Very Best version of themselves. Not only that, we totally committed to doing whatever was possible to ensure they had a massive Transformation. And each and everyone did.
... One person didn't quite get to commit as much as I would have liked. It made the training more challenging. I could have blamed the student for leaving things so late. But instead I over committed. Why? Because they showed up. They did In fact commit.
It worked. Massive Transformation.
That's not the secret though...
The secrets is that 5 people didn't turn up. They didn't commit. They paid the ferryman but they never got on the boat. I never got any communication from them since they signed up!
Crazy, isn't it? I mean imaging buying a ticket to your success and not getting on the boat??
I hoped and prayed they would finally turn up on the day.
On day #1 I was honestly a little sad. Not for myself but for them. Because I knew they had missed a chance of a lifetime. They didn't commit.
We do everything to ensure your success but we can't do it for you. It's up to you to commit.
Folks. If you are wondering about stepping up and find yourself constantly using delaying tactics, and deferring making a decision, then Remember this:
Life is short. Commit to what you really want and make it happen. There is a huge world out there just waiting for your success. Stop sitting on the fences and commit to life.
Just do it.
. . . .
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Ever stop to wonder what would life be like if you said "Yes!".
It's amazing how great you'll feel.
#gratitude #future #vision #inspiration #mastery #performance #believe #hope #leadership


There is a time for Patience and a Time for Action.
Developing Craftsmanship takes patience.
Stepping out of your comfort zone takes Action.
... Are you too comfortable?
Know the difference and you will know if you have bitten off more than you can chew or if you are missing out on an opportunity to change your life.
The difference is knowing yourself.
#selfawareness #intention #mastery #performance #legacy #empowerment
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More about Micheal Colhoun - Nlp Belfast

Micheal Colhoun - Nlp Belfast is located at Europa Hotel, Belfast