Mor Fitness Personal Trainer

About Mor Fitness Personal Trainer

Body Transformation Coach

1 2 1 and Group Person Trainer

Diet plans /Workout programmes Available

HD Fitness Dungannon



Jan the busiest period for any gym without a doubt. Everyone including myself when I first took an interest in my general health and well being ( Getting big and shredded as i possibly could without knowing how) fell for every bullshit fad there was going from bro science workouts to the shittiest malnourished diets on the market.
It took me months upon months of trial and error to figure out exactly what worked for my body and what I enjoyed.
1.My advice never be scared to f...ail 2.Never be intimidated to ask someone in the gym for advice 3. Enjoy the journey it will be the most rewarding one you ever start. 4 Stay away from Shake diets they are for losers.
For Any Personal Training enquiries/Diets/Workouts drop me a PM
I have a very limited amount of Availability.
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With christmas fast approaching I have only one thing to say. Enjoy it. Your hard work throughout the year will not be destroyed by eating and drinking a few nights over the festive period. ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฅ‚ ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„


Tips to get in shape and stay in shape.
1. Forget all the " Fast track bullshit"
2. Pick a programme stick to it until you hit a,plateau then change it up.
... 3. Focus on getting your diet 100% suited to you.
4. Be consistent even when things are going shit.
5. Do your own thing and forget about what other people around you think of it.
If you cant do the above then you may forget about it.
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Quite possibly the realest cunt in the fitness industry


Difference between meeting goals and allowing yourself to fail.
Mindset Consistency Enjoyment
... If you don't have all of the above your wasting your time,
mindset stay positive even in your darkest days.
Consistency remain consistent with your diet, training and sleeping.
Enjoyment make sure you enjoy every moment of the journey it sure as hell beats doing something you hate
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Cutting when your simply not ready to?
Alot of young males and females have a desired image in their own head of how they should look.
Males... โˆšWashboard abs โˆšBulging biceps โˆš3D shoulders
Females โˆš Muscular thighs โˆšSlender toned stomach โˆšGlutes you could see from the moon.
However to achieve this physique you have to take time away from a caloric deficit and swap it for a surplus.
Here are my tips to building that perfect foundation for a good cut.
1. Stay in a caloric surplus for an extended period of time
2. . Focus on building strength with perfect form.
3. Most importantly stay consistent. Keep a log book to measure your progress.
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"Don't be a jack of all trades be the master of one"
True this goes for both diet and training.
If you look around the gym 90% of the people are there just to say they went, people sitting on machines texting, using the gym to catch up with those they may not have seen or just simply to get out of the house for an hour. Those are the people you hear complain the most about not suceeding in their own weight loss journey, however when you ask then what programme are you Or how long have you been dieting for? The answer is on and off for a few weeks or in some cases months.
What im trying to say is: 1.) Sit down pick a programme and diet which work around your schedule. 2.) Stick to the thing until you see the results you require. 3.) Rome wasn't built in a day so don't expect miracles
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Summer months in full swing.
Holiday season upon us and many people's thoughts.
How am i going to go on holiday without ruining all my hard work. Truth is a week in the sun eating, drinking alcohol will have a limited effect on your body.
... Holidays are for relaxing, you train hard throughout the year use the week off as time for your body to heal properly sometimes its for the best.
Go enjoy yourself and when your home pick up where you left off and i garuntee your body and mind will thank you.
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Focus, stay on track and stay active.
No matter who you are you will agree you work much better in a steady manageable routine. This is the same when planning a workout routine.
Keep it sinple, straight forward and straight to your goal needs. None of this fancy shit until you get the hang of it.
... If your looking to add mass lift heavy with correct form and eat in a caloric surplus.
Looking to lose weight lift heavy, add cardio and eat in a caloric deficit
Its that simple- over complicating life causes drama, stress and a lack of motivation. ( Nobody enjoys drama or stress unless your a dickhead)
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Skipping breakfast when dieting for weight loss?
If you like brekfast eat it, if you dont like it dont eat it.
Always remember that your body doesnt recognise what meal your eating instead it registers what calories that meal contains.
... That key word deficit if your looking to lose weight it is essential that you stay with in a deficit aka dont eat like a fucking horse 24/7.
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Weight reduction.
The most important thing to remember about weight reduction isnt so much your food consumption but more so the caloric intake.
Never think that just because you are eating clean automatically you will lose weight. Calories are Calories at the end of the day and if you eat too much of them your going to gain weight.
... Remember to stay in a deficit and your body will react in a postive manner when dropping weight
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Heres your help
Don't step on them


Fat loss? Easy to achieve?
Simple answer No
Fat loss requires alot of hard work both inside the gym and outside of it.
... Meal prep ๐Ÿ‰๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ Hydration ๐Ÿฅ›๐Ÿฅ› Sleep ๐Ÿ˜ด Consistent training/dieting
All key roles in you losing body fat ovet a period of time.
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Hows the diet going?
Typical response ( in photo below)
Dieting can be sometimes be seen as the devil (restrictive, boring plain dry foods). However that is the wrong way to diet espically in the long game.
... Tips to staying on track while dieting.
1. Stay hydrated throughout the day i find sparkling water keeps hunger at bay. 2. Eat fiberous fruit and veg to keep yourself full for longer. 3.Never restrict your body of a certain food group (Increases risk of craving) 4 utilise salad bowls they are full of dense veggies with a lower caloric count than high carb/Fat meals. 5. Track everything including sauces (A calorie is a calorie and what not)
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Summer Shred 8 week programme.
3 ร—30 minute training sessions per week
Diet Plan tailored to your requirements
... Fortnitely Body analysis checks ( Weigh in, Photos and Measurements)
24/7 Aftercare
Gym Membership included in price
DM me for more information
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Client Justin McGonnell.
Occupation-Full Time Bar Man
With justins fulltime job working in a bar meant that he was sleep deprived, lacking energy and his eating habits where not to be desired.
... 9 weeks into his body tranaformation it is clear to see how hard he is working, from his time starting his journey he has had several nights out drinking, deprived himself of no food group (Balance is key) and had a 5 day break in America.
This is only the beginining so more to follow.
Justin is no different to anyone else only difference is he made the move to change his physique
For Personal Training enquiries DM me.
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No secrets to it. To suceed at anything you must. 1 work hard 2 complain less 3 listen more 4 try, learn, grow... 5 don't let people tell you it cant be done 6 make no excuses
With gain there must always be a sacrafice. Training your body to become stronger, slimmer and overall more aesthetic you must have a degree of sacrafice now im not saying sacrafice everything and certainly not all of the time however a key word comes to mind
Discipline and that is all that is required for you to suceed.
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