
About Munchkids

Cooking and creative fun for your wee ones!

MunchKids runs baking and cookery classes for children, making food fun and discovering new skills!

Munchkids Description


What we are – fun baking /cooking classes for small children to introduce them to the joy of creating the food we eat and giving them responsibility for their own nourishment.

What we do – themed weekly classes for small children (age 2-4 initially) to come together to create a range of foods, allowing them to get creative, provide sensory stimulation and provide basic learning in the areas of nutrition, body and cooking.

How we do it – fun themed weekly classes where kids are given the chance to make new foods, get messy and get crafty too! We do all the clearing and washing up so you and your child can focus on the fun!

Benefits we bring –children have a chance to try new foods and techniques in a laid back environment and with the encouragement of the other children. Parents who aren't confident in the kitchen give their children the chance to learn new skills and grow confidence around food; parents who do use the kitchen regularly will still watch their children enjoy creating and having fun with friends and leaving the washing up and mess behind!

Thursday mornings 9. 45am St John's Malone Church Hall, Malone Road, Belfast

Friday mornings 9. 45am Holywood Old School, Church Road, Holywood

More about Munchkids

Munchkids is located at Knightsbridge Park, BT9 5EH Belfast