My Wellbeing Pal

Monday: 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 14:30
Wednesday: 12:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 14:30
Friday: 09:00 - 14:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About My Wellbeing Pal

A voice for holistic wellbeing promoting union with our body, mind and soul helping others connect hearts so we can move from ME to WE. Leigh is an Intuitive Wellbeing Coach , Reiki Master & Yoga Teacher (www.

My Wellbeing Pal Description

'The Food Intolerance and Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist…. treating the person as a whole rather than the symptoms'

Have you trouble loosing weight? Do you get regular headaches and back problems? Do you find yourself getting irritable or feeling low often? Does your skin often breakout? Are you finding it difficult to get pregnant?

If so, then My Nutritional Pal is here to help you and your family on the road to optimal health. Like cars our bodies need fuel in order to function but you wouldn’t put petrol in a diesel car so why put something in our bodies that disagrees with it. I advocate an holistic approach to Nutrition and believe that every one’s bodies are different so we need to look at the person as a whole and tailor a plan that suits their lifestyle. Holistic Nutritional Therapy treats everyone as an individual, seeking out and removing the cause of the disease rather than simply suppressing the symptoms using medication. None of us should be feeling tired, irritable, low etc. Any ailment you have no matter how small or major I can help address with just a few diet and lifestyle changes, you might even have an intolerance to a particular food without even knowing it and I can help identify the problem using my Di Etx Allergy Test and consultation.

I graduated from the College of Naturopathic Nutrition in 2009 with a diploma in Holistic Nutritional Practice and Diploma in Allergy Intolerance Therapy. I am currently studying a Diploma in Child Nutrition what with raising 3 young kids under four and am a member of the Federation of Nutritional Therapy.

Up until 2004 I led a very unhealthy lifestyle, eating junk food, socialising, working too hard and subsequently ended up with a very stressed out unhealthy body that culminated in me having a severe wheat and dairy allergy. I had a food allergy test and there began my journey to optimal health and I have never looked back. Surprisingly, apart from the physical symptoms disappearing my mental health (erratic moods) and energy levels improved which I did not think were related.

Mission Statement:

To empower people to take responsibility for their own health by tailoring a programme that suits the individual’s needs and what is achievable for them in order to live a happy, balanced and healthy life.

What I offer is a Di Etx Food Intolerance Test + Holistic Nutritional Consultation

Simple, painless food intolerance test that pin points potentially harmful foods that could be causing those symptoms and imbalances using a ball point pen touching the tip of your finger on an acupuncture point. It tests over 120 common food and drink using a bio electronic analyser, which measures the body's resistance to these substances. If a substance is causing an imbalance then it will affect the body's resistance. I offer guidance as well as a vitamin and mineral check, which is also provided alongside basic nutritional advice.



What an amazing consultation I had 6 week ago with Leigh. I am 58 and have been crippled with arthritis for the last 15 years to point where I was going to have to stop work. I also have been to the doctor with liver and bowel problems resulting in a touch of depression and low energy and have to say I have never felt better. Thank you for your very personalised consultation and treatment plan and giving me back my life. :-)


Well what can I say, after talking with a friend about Leigh I booked myself an appointment. I told Leigh I wanted to do some energy work as that was what my friend had done.

Leigh was so lovely, it was such a wonderful experience and I got so much more out of my appointment than I had ever expected, thank you so much Leigh and see you soon.


Thank you so much Leigh for making me feel human again. No one will understand until you are in such pain its unbearable. Compared to how I was when I walked into your office 4 weeks ago till today.... unreal. Such a change in my lifestyle, mood, diet and my outlook on life. No more bloating, stomach pains, weight gain... the list could go on. Here's to a guilt free Christmas and what a better way to see the new year in... healthy. Thank you again


Leigh looks into your life health history which makes a lot of sense. Identified foods that I had an intolerance through testing and this really helped with my overall well being. Told me which capsules to order online through a great company. Only needed two sessions with Leigh and I feel so much better health wise. Highly recommended


If you want to lose weight and feel fabulous by experiencing optimal health then make an appointment with My Nutritional Pal. Simple, easy to adopt technique and tips that don't seem like a lot of effort. Value you for money too as you will receive a full 90 mins consultation which includes a food intolerance test, vitamin & mineral check, nutritional consultation, food diary and treatment plan., Please rate My Nutritional Pal for yourselves.


I would recommend Leigh to the world. After working with my own GP for 13 months to control my thyroid my overall health was just so poorly. My last reading in July was an extremely bad reading, I went for an appointment with Leigh in August and really stuck to the advice she gave me and just went for my lastest blood work and I'm now in the 'normal' range! Its been tough but the results has been fab and well worth it! Now I'm finding it so much easier and no longer crave sugar. Leigh has so much patience with even a bad eater like me!


I highly recommend booking a consultation with Leigh for any of your health concerns. I couldn't believe how she was able to explain how symptoms that I have had for years are related to each other, she helped me understand how I could improve my overall health and feeling of well being by changing my diet. Her blogs and facebook comments are also fantastic for giving you ideas on healthier food options.


I have been suffering from a range of symptoms for over a year now - exteme bloating/distended abdomen and cramping to name a few! I have been to the doctor and referred to hospital but due to long waiting list I decided to pay Leigh a visit. Found out that I am temporarility intolerant to lots of foods due to antibiotics damaging my stomach and building up yeast in my body. After 4 weeks on a food plan that Leigh helped me with I have lost a stone, haven't had bloating after meals, no cramps and feeling full of energy! Would definitely recommend Leigh for brilliant advice, support and knowledge! I am very thankful that I invested in myself in this way and am on the way to understanding what I can and can't eat and the reasons why! Thank you Leigh!


I had the pleasure of meeting Leigh back in November 2017 as a curious client looking to better my over all health and practice more self love 5 months on I can safely say my life has changed for the better mind body and soul have been more aligned than ever before I have understanding of where my life is going and how not to have to control everything

My energy has sored in December my busiest month in my salon I decided to declutter my life so I started with my home getting rid of lots of possessions holding me back and then moving on to my work environment in this last week

I am more in tune with my feelings and emotions the reiki has really helped with this I have even went on to do my reiki level 1 with Leigh as I now know how powerful it is

I am super pleased to have met this lovely lady and for all the giggles we get


I had a consultation with Leigh 8 weeks ago as I had been struggling with a lack of energy. She tested me to see which foods I am intolerant too and advised me on healthy eating and also which supplements I should add to my diet. I have lost 15lbs during the 8 weeks and also have a lot more energy. I found Leigh to be very knowledgeable and professional and would recommend a consultation to anyone who is not feeling 100%


I attended Leigh following a recommendation from a colleague. Whilst I had no specific health problem areas I am an active person who tries to eat healthy but have always found my weight loss to become stagnant. Leigh was very knowledgeable during my appointment and gave me a comprehensive eating plan and shopping list.

I started to notice a difference in a matter of days not only with my weight but I felt great. I was sleeping better and had more energy - things I never really thought I had a problem with. I have been following my plan now for about 2 months, whilst not depriving myself and still loving it. My body shape has changed to what I've been aspiring to for years!

I can't recommend Leigh enough!


Highly recommend Leigh to anybody who wants great nutrition advice that's tailor made to your own needs, lifestyle and wellbeing . Following her advice has helped me tremendously in feeling better inside & out. This girl knows what she is talking about.


Having realised that this fantasticly healthy looking young woman (Leigh) was actually the same age as me, I was stunned. I've heard it say 'You are what you eat' and in her case it is very true, she looks about 10 years younger than she actually is. Obviously this is very much down to the food that let's enter her body and regular exercise.

Since my first visit to Leigh on 16th October 2014 I have managed to eliminate all of the foods that effected my body and mind in a negative way. I no longer go to bed at night with a hot water bottle to ease the stomach pains, I have newfound energy both during the day and in the evenings, my tummy is no longer bloated, my mood has lifted, and overall I feel great! I've even lost 10lbs which is an added bonus.

In short, I can't recommend My Nutritional Pal enough :-) Leigh is a great support, and provides advice and guidance throughout the whole process.


Having a consultation with Leigh is the best decision I have ever made! Went to the docs numerous times to be passed off with every tablet under the sun! But now that I know what the prob is I have changed my diet and am feeling SO much better! It's hard but so worth it!!


Had the pleasure of meeting Leigh 5weeks ago, had been with doctors with IBS all usual tests came back clear ... But all symptoms stayed I faced taking medication for cramps bloating etc, for life - not good as I didn't know what the triggers were.... 90 mins with Leigh sorted that, individual eating plan (not a diet, even steak&chips with a little tipple) just some adjustments ... No dairy, wheat, gluten, yeast..,, but Leigh explained it clearly & was only a email away it became easy .... Other issues like joint pain and sleeping, hot flushes cleared up as well... And 14lbs melted away, I'm so pleased if your struggling with any off the above go for a visit ... Well worth it


For the past 5+ years I have suffered from eczema - particularly on my hands. I have visited a number of Dermatologists and tried every cream/lotion available and every home remedy I could find to try to cure it, but with little to no success - some creams helped for a short while (1-2 weeks max.) but never actually cured the problem. In the past few months it had started to get even worse and I had given up on even trying to find a solution, until a friend suggested that I visit Leigh My Nutritional Pal). When I went for my consultation she was able to tell me the problem straight away! After doing an intolerance test and giving me a diet plan to follow within a few days my skin had already started to heal. And now only 2 months later my skin is almost completely healed!! I can't believe the difference just changing what I was eating has made. Although it has been difficult it has been sooo worth it! And I can't thank Leigh enough for helping me finally find the cure! :)


Cant recommend this lovely lady enough! Had my consultation 4 weeks ago, i have struggled with various health problems for a while & no doctor or hospital appointment could pin point the problem. Leigh gave great advice and has put me on a health plan that has made me feel 100% better within myself. Finally someone who cares, gives great advice and speaks sense!!


After feeling tired and groggy for quite a long time, I paid a visit to Leigh who recommended cutting certain foods out of my diet and making other positive changes. After the initial detox side effects , I started to feel like my old self again! I now have a healthy appetite for healthy foods � would highly recommend a visit x


After 4 years of issues that traditional medicine could not solve we brought our 10 year old for a couple of appointments. Six weeks on after a change in diet her system is finally working as it should, no more daily medicine and a happier little girl.

Thank you xx


What an amazing consultation I had 6 week ago with Leigh. I am 58 and have been crippled with arthritis for the last 15 years to point where I was going to have to stop work. I also have been to the doctor with liver and bowel problems resulting in a touch of depression and low energy and have to say I have never felt better. Thank you for your very personalised consultation and treatment plan and giving me back my life. :-)


Well what can I say, after talking with a friend about Leigh I booked myself an appointment. I told Leigh I wanted to do some energy work as that was what my friend had done.

Leigh was so lovely, it was such a wonderful experience and I got so much more out of my appointment than I had ever expected, thank you so much Leigh and see you soon.


Thank you so much Leigh for making me feel human again. No one will understand until you are in such pain its unbearable. Compared to how I was when I walked into your office 4 weeks ago till today.... unreal. Such a change in my lifestyle, mood, diet and my outlook on life. No more bloating, stomach pains, weight gain... the list could go on. Here's to a guilt free Christmas and what a better way to see the new year in... healthy. Thank you again


Leigh looks into your life health history which makes a lot of sense. Identified foods that I had an intolerance through testing and this really helped with my overall well being. Told me which capsules to order online through a great company. Only needed two sessions with Leigh and I feel so much better health wise. Highly recommended


If you want to lose weight and feel fabulous by experiencing optimal health then make an appointment with My Nutritional Pal. Simple, easy to adopt technique and tips that don't seem like a lot of effort. Value you for money too as you will receive a full 90 mins consultation which includes a food intolerance test, vitamin & mineral check, nutritional consultation, food diary and treatment plan., Please rate My Nutritional Pal for yourselves.


I would recommend Leigh to the world. After working with my own GP for 13 months to control my thyroid my overall health was just so poorly. My last reading in July was an extremely bad reading, I went for an appointment with Leigh in August and really stuck to the advice she gave me and just went for my lastest blood work and I'm now in the 'normal' range! Its been tough but the results has been fab and well worth it! Now I'm finding it so much easier and no longer crave sugar. Leigh has so much patience with even a bad eater like me!


I highly recommend booking a consultation with Leigh for any of your health concerns. I couldn't believe how she was able to explain how symptoms that I have had for years are related to each other, she helped me understand how I could improve my overall health and feeling of well being by changing my diet. Her blogs and facebook comments are also fantastic for giving you ideas on healthier food options.


I have been suffering from a range of symptoms for over a year now - exteme bloating/distended abdomen and cramping to name a few! I have been to the doctor and referred to hospital but due to long waiting list I decided to pay Leigh a visit. Found out that I am temporarility intolerant to lots of foods due to antibiotics damaging my stomach and building up yeast in my body. After 4 weeks on a food plan that Leigh helped me with I have lost a stone, haven't had bloating after meals, no cramps and feeling full of energy! Would definitely recommend Leigh for brilliant advice, support and knowledge! I am very thankful that I invested in myself in this way and am on the way to understanding what I can and can't eat and the reasons why! Thank you Leigh!


I had the pleasure of meeting Leigh back in November 2017 as a curious client looking to better my over all health and practice more self love 5 months on I can safely say my life has changed for the better mind body and soul have been more aligned than ever before I have understanding of where my life is going and how not to have to control everything

My energy has sored in December my busiest month in my salon I decided to declutter my life so I started with my home getting rid of lots of possessions holding me back and then moving on to my work environment in this last week

I am more in tune with my feelings and emotions the reiki has really helped with this I have even went on to do my reiki level 1 with Leigh as I now know how powerful it is

I am super pleased to have met this lovely lady and for all the giggles we get


I had a consultation with Leigh 8 weeks ago as I had been struggling with a lack of energy. She tested me to see which foods I am intolerant too and advised me on healthy eating and also which supplements I should add to my diet. I have lost 15lbs during the 8 weeks and also have a lot more energy. I found Leigh to be very knowledgeable and professional and would recommend a consultation to anyone who is not feeling 100%


I attended Leigh following a recommendation from a colleague. Whilst I had no specific health problem areas I am an active person who tries to eat healthy but have always found my weight loss to become stagnant. Leigh was very knowledgeable during my appointment and gave me a comprehensive eating plan and shopping list.

I started to notice a difference in a matter of days not only with my weight but I felt great. I was sleeping better and had more energy - things I never really thought I had a problem with. I have been following my plan now for about 2 months, whilst not depriving myself and still loving it. My body shape has changed to what I've been aspiring to for years!

I can't recommend Leigh enough!


Highly recommend Leigh to anybody who wants great nutrition advice that's tailor made to your own needs, lifestyle and wellbeing . Following her advice has helped me tremendously in feeling better inside & out. This girl knows what she is talking about.


Having realised that this fantasticly healthy looking young woman (Leigh) was actually the same age as me, I was stunned. I've heard it say 'You are what you eat' and in her case it is very true, she looks about 10 years younger than she actually is. Obviously this is very much down to the food that let's enter her body and regular exercise.

Since my first visit to Leigh on 16th October 2014 I have managed to eliminate all of the foods that effected my body and mind in a negative way. I no longer go to bed at night with a hot water bottle to ease the stomach pains, I have newfound energy both during the day and in the evenings, my tummy is no longer bloated, my mood has lifted, and overall I feel great! I've even lost 10lbs which is an added bonus.

In short, I can't recommend My Nutritional Pal enough :-) Leigh is a great support, and provides advice and guidance throughout the whole process.


Having a consultation with Leigh is the best decision I have ever made! Went to the docs numerous times to be passed off with every tablet under the sun! But now that I know what the prob is I have changed my diet and am feeling SO much better! It's hard but so worth it!!


Had the pleasure of meeting Leigh 5weeks ago, had been with doctors with IBS all usual tests came back clear ... But all symptoms stayed I faced taking medication for cramps bloating etc, for life - not good as I didn't know what the triggers were.... 90 mins with Leigh sorted that, individual eating plan (not a diet, even steak&chips with a little tipple) just some adjustments ... No dairy, wheat, gluten, yeast..,, but Leigh explained it clearly & was only a email away it became easy .... Other issues like joint pain and sleeping, hot flushes cleared up as well... And 14lbs melted away, I'm so pleased if your struggling with any off the above go for a visit ... Well worth it


For the past 5+ years I have suffered from eczema - particularly on my hands. I have visited a number of Dermatologists and tried every cream/lotion available and every home remedy I could find to try to cure it, but with little to no success - some creams helped for a short while (1-2 weeks max.) but never actually cured the problem. In the past few months it had started to get even worse and I had given up on even trying to find a solution, until a friend suggested that I visit Leigh My Nutritional Pal). When I went for my consultation she was able to tell me the problem straight away! After doing an intolerance test and giving me a diet plan to follow within a few days my skin had already started to heal. And now only 2 months later my skin is almost completely healed!! I can't believe the difference just changing what I was eating has made. Although it has been difficult it has been sooo worth it! And I can't thank Leigh enough for helping me finally find the cure! :)


Cant recommend this lovely lady enough! Had my consultation 4 weeks ago, i have struggled with various health problems for a while & no doctor or hospital appointment could pin point the problem. Leigh gave great advice and has put me on a health plan that has made me feel 100% better within myself. Finally someone who cares, gives great advice and speaks sense!!


After feeling tired and groggy for quite a long time, I paid a visit to Leigh who recommended cutting certain foods out of my diet and making other positive changes. After the initial detox side effects , I started to feel like my old self again! I now have a healthy appetite for healthy foods � would highly recommend a visit x


After 4 years of issues that traditional medicine could not solve we brought our 10 year old for a couple of appointments. Six weeks on after a change in diet her system is finally working as it should, no more daily medicine and a happier little girl.

Thank you xx


What an amazing consultation I had 6 week ago with Leigh. I am 58 and have been crippled with arthritis for the last 15 years to point where I was going to have to stop work. I also have been to the doctor with liver and bowel problems resulting in a touch of depression and low energy and have to say I have never felt better. Thank you for your very personalised consultation and treatment plan and giving me back my life. :-)


Well what can I say, after talking with a friend about Leigh I booked myself an appointment. I told Leigh I wanted to do some energy work as that was what my friend had done.

Leigh was so lovely, it was such a wonderful experience and I got so much more out of my appointment than I had ever expected, thank you so much Leigh and see you soon.


Thank you so much Leigh for making me feel human again. No one will understand until you are in such pain its unbearable. Compared to how I was when I walked into your office 4 weeks ago till today.... unreal. Such a change in my lifestyle, mood, diet and my outlook on life. No more bloating, stomach pains, weight gain... the list could go on. Here's to a guilt free Christmas and what a better way to see the new year in... healthy. Thank you again


Leigh looks into your life health history which makes a lot of sense. Identified foods that I had an intolerance through testing and this really helped with my overall well being. Told me which capsules to order online through a great company. Only needed two sessions with Leigh and I feel so much better health wise. Highly recommended


If you want to lose weight and feel fabulous by experiencing optimal health then make an appointment with My Nutritional Pal. Simple, easy to adopt technique and tips that don't seem like a lot of effort. Value you for money too as you will receive a full 90 mins consultation which includes a food intolerance test, vitamin & mineral check, nutritional consultation, food diary and treatment plan., Please rate My Nutritional Pal for yourselves.


I would recommend Leigh to the world. After working with my own GP for 13 months to control my thyroid my overall health was just so poorly. My last reading in July was an extremely bad reading, I went for an appointment with Leigh in August and really stuck to the advice she gave me and just went for my lastest blood work and I'm now in the 'normal' range! Its been tough but the results has been fab and well worth it! Now I'm finding it so much easier and no longer crave sugar. Leigh has so much patience with even a bad eater like me!


I highly recommend booking a consultation with Leigh for any of your health concerns. I couldn't believe how she was able to explain how symptoms that I have had for years are related to each other, she helped me understand how I could improve my overall health and feeling of well being by changing my diet. Her blogs and facebook comments are also fantastic for giving you ideas on healthier food options.


I have been suffering from a range of symptoms for over a year now - exteme bloating/distended abdomen and cramping to name a few! I have been to the doctor and referred to hospital but due to long waiting list I decided to pay Leigh a visit. Found out that I am temporarility intolerant to lots of foods due to antibiotics damaging my stomach and building up yeast in my body. After 4 weeks on a food plan that Leigh helped me with I have lost a stone, haven't had bloating after meals, no cramps and feeling full of energy! Would definitely recommend Leigh for brilliant advice, support and knowledge! I am very thankful that I invested in myself in this way and am on the way to understanding what I can and can't eat and the reasons why! Thank you Leigh!


I had the pleasure of meeting Leigh back in November 2017 as a curious client looking to better my over all health and practice more self love 5 months on I can safely say my life has changed for the better mind body and soul have been more aligned than ever before I have understanding of where my life is going and how not to have to control everything

My energy has sored in December my busiest month in my salon I decided to declutter my life so I started with my home getting rid of lots of possessions holding me back and then moving on to my work environment in this last week

I am more in tune with my feelings and emotions the reiki has really helped with this I have even went on to do my reiki level 1 with Leigh as I now know how powerful it is

I am super pleased to have met this lovely lady and for all the giggles we get


I had a consultation with Leigh 8 weeks ago as I had been struggling with a lack of energy. She tested me to see which foods I am intolerant too and advised me on healthy eating and also which supplements I should add to my diet. I have lost 15lbs during the 8 weeks and also have a lot more energy. I found Leigh to be very knowledgeable and professional and would recommend a consultation to anyone who is not feeling 100%


I attended Leigh following a recommendation from a colleague. Whilst I had no specific health problem areas I am an active person who tries to eat healthy but have always found my weight loss to become stagnant. Leigh was very knowledgeable during my appointment and gave me a comprehensive eating plan and shopping list.

I started to notice a difference in a matter of days not only with my weight but I felt great. I was sleeping better and had more energy - things I never really thought I had a problem with. I have been following my plan now for about 2 months, whilst not depriving myself and still loving it. My body shape has changed to what I've been aspiring to for years!

I can't recommend Leigh enough!


Highly recommend Leigh to anybody who wants great nutrition advice that's tailor made to your own needs, lifestyle and wellbeing . Following her advice has helped me tremendously in feeling better inside & out. This girl knows what she is talking about.


Having realised that this fantasticly healthy looking young woman (Leigh) was actually the same age as me, I was stunned. I've heard it say 'You are what you eat' and in her case it is very true, she looks about 10 years younger than she actually is. Obviously this is very much down to the food that let's enter her body and regular exercise.

Since my first visit to Leigh on 16th October 2014 I have managed to eliminate all of the foods that effected my body and mind in a negative way. I no longer go to bed at night with a hot water bottle to ease the stomach pains, I have newfound energy both during the day and in the evenings, my tummy is no longer bloated, my mood has lifted, and overall I feel great! I've even lost 10lbs which is an added bonus.

In short, I can't recommend My Nutritional Pal enough :-) Leigh is a great support, and provides advice and guidance throughout the whole process.


Having a consultation with Leigh is the best decision I have ever made! Went to the docs numerous times to be passed off with every tablet under the sun! But now that I know what the prob is I have changed my diet and am feeling SO much better! It's hard but so worth it!!


Had the pleasure of meeting Leigh 5weeks ago, had been with doctors with IBS all usual tests came back clear ... But all symptoms stayed I faced taking medication for cramps bloating etc, for life - not good as I didn't know what the triggers were.... 90 mins with Leigh sorted that, individual eating plan (not a diet, even steak&chips with a little tipple) just some adjustments ... No dairy, wheat, gluten, yeast..,, but Leigh explained it clearly & was only a email away it became easy .... Other issues like joint pain and sleeping, hot flushes cleared up as well... And 14lbs melted away, I'm so pleased if your struggling with any off the above go for a visit ... Well worth it


For the past 5+ years I have suffered from eczema - particularly on my hands. I have visited a number of Dermatologists and tried every cream/lotion available and every home remedy I could find to try to cure it, but with little to no success - some creams helped for a short while (1-2 weeks max.) but never actually cured the problem. In the past few months it had started to get even worse and I had given up on even trying to find a solution, until a friend suggested that I visit Leigh My Nutritional Pal). When I went for my consultation she was able to tell me the problem straight away! After doing an intolerance test and giving me a diet plan to follow within a few days my skin had already started to heal. And now only 2 months later my skin is almost completely healed!! I can't believe the difference just changing what I was eating has made. Although it has been difficult it has been sooo worth it! And I can't thank Leigh enough for helping me finally find the cure! :)


Cant recommend this lovely lady enough! Had my consultation 4 weeks ago, i have struggled with various health problems for a while & no doctor or hospital appointment could pin point the problem. Leigh gave great advice and has put me on a health plan that has made me feel 100% better within myself. Finally someone who cares, gives great advice and speaks sense!!


After feeling tired and groggy for quite a long time, I paid a visit to Leigh who recommended cutting certain foods out of my diet and making other positive changes. After the initial detox side effects , I started to feel like my old self again! I now have a healthy appetite for healthy foods � would highly recommend a visit x


After 4 years of issues that traditional medicine could not solve we brought our 10 year old for a couple of appointments. Six weeks on after a change in diet her system is finally working as it should, no more daily medicine and a happier little girl.

Thank you xx

More about My Wellbeing Pal

My Wellbeing Pal is located at 80 Templepatrick Road, BT39 9 Ballyclare
Monday: 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 14:30
Wednesday: 12:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 14:30
Friday: 09:00 - 14:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -