New Lodge & Carrick Hill Youth Empowerment Scheme



More photos from tonight's fantastic tour of the Crumlin Road Gaol.


Great night was had with the lads, lassies and their mummies, from the New Lodge and Carrickhill Youth Empowerment Scheme. A big thanks to the Crumlin Road Gaol for facilitating the visit, not to mention our tour guide Joseph who was patient and informative throughout. It was an educational visit, but the Craic was had too! Massive praise goes out to the girls and their mums who made tonight so enjoyable for us all.


Discipline and commitment pay off! We've only been weight lifting since August 15th. Haven't taken it too seriously, basically going through the motions with a lot of time spent learning form. Time lost with the return to school and work schedules in Sept. Mick is now benching 100kg (no spot) Eámonn will be up there with him in a couple of weeks. They're here because they stuck at it -showing the initiative required, not just for training but for life. So, With strength sorted, we can finally move on to proper training, focusing on nutrition stamina and fitness leading us right up until February. Any young person aged 14 - 24 is welcome to avail of the empowerment scheme and what it offers. These two lads are proof that it works 💪💪💪


Just been confirmed that the gym programme can continue until at least January. Responding to mental health issues with exercise is proven to help.
A night-time tour of the Crumlin road Gaol is iminent. The trip is for those who've completed the recent work shops but places may be available for other local youths who might be interested so do get in touch.
We do things a little differently in this youth project because of the extenuating circumstances we encounter. The support we are receiving will help us secure a premises and increase our intervention and action plan strategies. If aged between 14 & 24 and wish to be part of the scheme get in touch.


Shocking reading in this week's North Belfast News.


There is a major issue in relation to motorbikes/scramblers presently. The issue poses an immediate, serious health & safety risk to both young and old alike in our community. Y.E.S have commenced dialogue with local youths in the hope of resolving this issue.
We implore young people to please STOP & THINK about their own SAFETY as well as the safety of others in our community before taking motorbikes through a built up area.
Our outreach team are contactable through this page and are always willing to assist anyone on this or indeed any other issue relating to young people in the area.


Daily gym sessions are continuing at flex fitness gym between 5pm & 7pm. Age range 14 - 24 . A group attends daily -anyone is welcome to work in with it. There is also provision for individuals to attend, for example when someone just needs their head showered or maybe just want to check out the gym etc. Get in touch if interested in availing of this service.


Could those enrolled for the 'S.I.A licence course (beginning this Monday morning) please ensure to have 1 passport size photo and photographic ID for registration.

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The Youth empowerment scheme commenced at a point when a number of young people, who were involved in building an annual anti-internment bonfire in the New Lodge, were condemned by main-stream political parties in the media and in consequence faced exclusion from the daily/normal life of their community.
The idea is that; although marginalised young people often present with the symptoms of deprivation, they are not the cause of that deprivation and therefore, they should no...t be punished further for enduring it. Empowerment is about taking control of one's decisions as well as responsibility for them.
Since May the New-Lodge has been gripped by a cycle of mayhem and a crisis deepens. The success of this scheme thus far has been to confront sectarian violence at the North Queen Street interface. Y.E.S is presently engaged in organising cross-community work-shops with youth projects based in P.U.L communities.
*Facilitating a long-term discussion which ultimately prevented an Anti-Internment bonfire from being built and burned this year in the New-Lodge.
**Mediation in local disputes involving young people and protecting children from conflict as well as from the threat and fear of vinter-communal violence.
***Developing pro-social activity and providing a positive alternative to the street corner through operating a daily physical fitness programme at a ;ocal gym.
****Offering 24/7 emotional group support to marginalised youths who might struggle to cope with some aspects of life in a deprived area.
*****Providing training and employment opportunities to excluded youths while also assisting with benefit, housing and employment advice.
Y.E.S is a 24/7 project that requires a 24.7 commitment. There is no wage available and there are no expenses claimed. Any monies thus far obtained from various charities have been paid by those charities directly into the accounts of service providers only. All Y.E.S mentors work voluntarily.
At a time of increased social crisis, walking the streets at 1 or 2 am alone, or entering a place of conflict is evidently dangerous. It is completed in the belief that Y.E.S has earned the trust and respect of local people which is the only protection required by our mentors.
Y.E.S has faced criticism. "Y.E.S is rewarding bad behaviour by taking youths, who are involved in social disorder, on day trips or to concerts". This narrative fails to reason why we are doing so or indeed to account for those young people who have transformed or, who are presently transforming their lives as a result of Y.E.S participation.
We do not have our own facility to meet and we rely on a single privately owned vehicle for all transport. In spite of this we are always there. All Criticism is of course welcome but Y.E.S will henceforth be extremely skeptical of its intent unless it is forwarded from people who are likewise involved in community activism.
Mol an Óige agus Tiocfaidh sí.
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The lads back in action tonight @ flex fitness gym. A good evenings weights training with more and more bag work and cardio being done by the day- good to see, back tomorrow and it's leg day bígí linn 💪💪 mol an óige


Trance Vs harddstyle will provide the musical theme of today's gym session. Barrack bus be pumping. 5pm flax fitness. Focus will be on shoulders but there are days to make up for so anything goes providing you train hard. All welcome.


Nothing to do? Head melted? Tomorrow after 5pm Y.E.S returns to the gym for an hours training and Craic. Inspiring self-discipline encouraging routine and confidence. Tomorrow (Monday) is chest day and cardio. Relaxed approach led by young people themselves. Anyone is welcome to work in with us.


We seek to empower young people so that they can take both control of their own lives and responsibility for their decisions. We view this as a means to then assist the wider community in an overall empowerment process.
Marginalised working class young people exhibit many symptoms of poverty and deprivation. Not just in our community but all over the world.
Our response to this locally is not traditional, it is revolutionary and, naturally this causes many questions and lea...ds to critiques such as;"Why do you engage with people who are involved in non-social behaviour?" "You are rewarding bad behaviour, why?" etc, etc
Our approach to youth engagement is open to being questioned and we welcome all critiques. So let's get the debate going.
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Gym continued tonight. The boys were without the barrack bus this evening but made their own way round anyway. 👊👊 Put a full weights session in, assisting each other, ending with some cardio. Proud to see the progress they are making and the commitment they are showing. Well done the lads. Room for more, many, many more All Welcome.
"Mol an Óige agus tiocfaidh sí" - (Praise the youth and they will flourish.) P.H Pearse.

More about New Lodge & Carrick Hill Youth Empowerment Scheme

New Lodge & Carrick Hill Youth Empowerment Scheme is located at 46A Victoria Parade, Belfast BT15 2EN, BT15 2EN Belfast