Northern Ireland Foundation

About Northern Ireland Foundation

Working for a progressive and outward-looking Northern Ireland society in a setting of tolerance and reconciliation

Northern Ireland Foundation Description

Our vision

The Northern Ireland Foundation is an organisation working for a progressive and outward-looking Northern Ireland society, where local people take responsibility for their own futures, in a setting of a culture of tolerance and reconciliation among all individuals and all identities.

We will advance initiatives that strengthen positive attitudes of ourselves and others; facilitate programmes that develop leadership capabilities and mutual understanding among current and future politicians, policy-makers and opinion-formers; and apply best practices and lessons through appropriate international research.
Our values and beliefs

We will be guided by the following values and beliefs:

* We believe in the principle of consent — that it is up to the people of Northern Ireland to determine their constitutional status and relationships.

* We believe there are valuable lessons to be learnt from the experience of others, particularly in conflict and post-conflict societies across the world.

* We believe that if people can better understand other cultures and traditions through respectful dialogue, they are more tolerant and accepting of differences.

* We believe that debating public policy on socio-economic matters affecting all people is better than the contest of ethnic identities.

* We believe that local communities and neighbourhoods are best placed to take decisions and responsibility for choices on the provision of services.

For success, we will establish and build upon collaborative efforts with other like-minded organisations. This is all the more relevant for us as a lean, non-grant making foundation. We do not seek to displace, duplicate or diminish anyone else's efforts. Meanwhile, we will use our independence to bring forward fresh thinking — with imagination, creativity and providing space for the development of risk-taking and innovation.

We are committed to progress Northern Ireland beyond mere co-existence, towards a shared and better future for all.

More about Northern Ireland Foundation

028 9089 1799