Official Lough View Integrated Primary And Nursery School

About Official Lough View Integrated Primary And Nursery School

Lough View Integrated Primary & Nursery School provides an integrated and child centred education in Belfast
http://www. loughviewintegrated. co. uk



FLAHAVAN's CROSS COUNTRY - ROUND 1 Well done to all of our runners who took part today. There were lots of great performances and a great team spirit. Many thanks to all of the parents and relatives who turned out to support the children. They really appreciate it.


Harvest Donations Year 6 Storehouse Visit.
Dear Parents/Guardians, • Harvest Contributions This year we will be supporting Storehouse at Harvest time. We would be very grateful for any tinned contributions for example meat, vegetables, fish and fruit. These can be brought in from now until Friday 19th October and left in the Key Stage 2 resource area. ... • Storehouse Visit The Y6 classes have been invited to visit Storehouse on Tuesday 23rd October to see how their harvest donations will be distributed. We look forward to posting some photographs on our website to show you how Year 6 have got on at Storehouse.
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OUR FUTURE RUGBY STARS Mrs Black's Year 2 children had a super day out yesterday at Instonians RFC taking part in a tag rugby event. Much fun was had by everyone and the hot dogs went down a treat!


Community Conversations are being held locally to look at future school provision in the South /Easty Belfast Area These meetings will be held at the following locations: • Castlereagh Civic Centre, 1 Bradford Court, Belfast, BT8 6RB • Ivanhoe Hotel, Saintfield Rd, Carryduff BT8 8BW • Mencap Centre, School Road, Castlereagh BT8 7US... Please see: https://southbelfastcommunityconversation
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GREEN FINGERED FOURS Mrs Skelly and Mrs Burnett have been helping the Year 4 children plant bulbs. This is practical way of our pupils learning about the growing cycle of plants and it also is a lot of fun!


CHILDREN'S COMMISSIONER VISITS LOUGH VIEW We were delighted to welcome Koulla Yiasouma, the NI Commisioner for Children and Young People, to our school today. Koulla showed the children her wonderful Rights Respecting Cape which is a unique way of showcasing the rights of children and the responsibility that Koulla has as their protector and advocate. Koulla was accompanied by Ken Smith who works at NICCY and is a Lough View parent. As usual our children were wonderful ambassadors for our school and took our visitors on a tour of the building and site. Thanks to Mrs Wallace for helping to make the visit happen.


Well done to everyone who took part in the Life Guards programme last year. We were delighted to hear that Lough View won the title of 'The Fittest Primary School' in NI- what an amazing achievement!! Well done to Josh and Olivia who both achieved top fitness scores and to everyone who worked so hard and challenged themselves.
Lough View sends a massive thanks to both Laurence and Luke for everything they do in school. What an amazing programme and what a superb achievement!
Go team Lough View!


Our wonderful school is 25 years old this year! What an amazing achievement and journey so far! Last Friday some of the Y6 pupils reminded us in assembly about just what it means to be part of our integrated community.Thank you to everyone who has played their part in making Lough View such a special place.
Go team Lough View!


While the high winds kept everyone indoors yesterday, we made sure that the children remained active. Lough View pupils are super fit!




Traditional Music Group
Wednesday 2.30-3.15p.m. Years 4-7 Anyone interested please contact Mrs Skelly


Choir – 2.30 – 3.15p.m. Year 5 – 7 pupils Contact ... Mrs Bovill (
Junior Dragons Years 5 – 7 2.30 – 3.30p.m. (10 weeks £40.00) email
Football Year 3 pupils 1.30 – 2.30p.m. (10 weeks £32.00) (
Football Year 5 -7 pupils 2.30 – 3.30 p.m. (10 weeks £32.00) (
Gymnastics Year 3 pupils 1.30 – 2.30p.m. (10 weeks £32.00) (
Gymnastics Year 4 -7 pupils 2.30 – 3.30p.m. (10 weeks £32.00) (
Football Year 4 pupils 1.30 – 2.30p.m. (10 weeks £32.00) (
Music Academy Year 3 and 4 pupils 1.30 – 2.30p.m. please contact directly(
Nature Detectives Year 6 2.30 – 3.30p.m. (10 weeks £20) (
Basketball Years 5 - 7 (10 weeks £32.00) (
Cross Country (Team training) 2.30 – 3.30p.m. Subject to trials. Judo Year 2 and 3 pupils 1.30 – 2.30p.m. Contact : 07812898665 or
Judo Years 4-7 pupils 2.30 – 3.30 p.m. Contact: 07812898665 or
Nature detectives Year 5 pupils 2.30 – 3.30p.m. (£20) (
Friday Club (come together to learn about different aspects of Christianity through stories, games, art, craft and fun activities.) Years 5 - 7 Contact Mrs Kerr ( or (
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Year 3 ARTISTS Our Y3 pupils have been painting beautiful self portraits.


TRY OUT FOR SCHOOL RUNNING TEAM We are holding try outs for the school running team after school this Thursday, September 13. This is only open to boys and girls in Year 6 and 7. An intial squad of 8 boys and 8 girls will be selected. Children can be collected at 3 p.m.


Dear Parents/Carers
Please note that following the 1.30 pick- ups, the school grounds should be vacated by everyone other than authorised staff and children. Already this term there have been reports of small children playing unsupervised in the nursery and other playgrounds. This is not permitted as it causes problems for our school from a health and safety/insurance perspective and also because it disturbs the teachers and children who are still working in cl...ass or around the grounds.
There is also a steady stream of children being sent by parents to use the toilets between 1.30 and 2.30, while they are waiting in the car park. While we have no objection to the toilets being used in an emergency, this should not be a routine.
Parents are welcome to enter the Y1 playground at the side door from 2.15 onwards but should endeavour to supervise any accompanying children.
Playground Car Park
Thanks to the kindness of parent volunteers, we should be able to continue to operate this facility this year. The only parents permitted in this area are those who have parked in it. Parents parked elsewhere should wait for their children outside the gate as it is dangerous for children to traverse this area while it is being used.
Thanks for your cooperation
Mr McKnight and the Board of Governors
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Dear Parents/Carers
At present we only have enough volunteers to open the ‘playground car park’ on Monday and Tuesday. If you intend to use this important facility please consider helping out. We need 6 additional helpers as we work in pairs. If you’re not sure of what it entails please see below.
... • You will be needed between 2.15 to 2.40 for 1 day per week. • Training is provided. • You will be guaranteed a parking space in the playground on the days you cover. • Your children can use Stay and Play from 2.30 – 2.40 and you can pick them up when your shift is completed. If your child is in Stay and Play from 1.30 to 2.30 they can stay the extra 10 mins. • You can make a commitment term by term, rather than for the entire year.
Thanks for any help you can offer
Mr McKnight
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More about Official Lough View Integrated Primary And Nursery School

+44 28 9040 1347