On Point Massage

About On Point Massage

On Point Massage offers several different holistic therapies for you to choose from:
Aromatherapy Massage
Swedish Massage

On Point Massage Description

All treatments can be discussed with your therapist at any stage and all first treatments require a consultation beforehand to establish your needs, expectations and suitability to treatment. All further treatments will be discussed with you before, in full, to continue to meet your requirements and discuss any changes, and again at the end to establish outcomes.

What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy treatments have both physiological and psychological effects. The combination of massage and the medicinal and therapeutic qualities of the essential oils (molecules both inhaled [aroma] and absorbed through the skin) can soothe, revitalise, uplift the spirit, encourage positive thinking and boost the immune system enabling the body to heal itself.

Physiological Benefits – Aromatherapy massage can:

enhance lymphatic drainage – this helps to reduce fluid retention
induce a feeling of deep relaxation in the body
help to restore balance in the body
stimulate the body’s natural immune system
increase the oxygen and nutrient supply to the tissues by increasing the blood circulation

Psychological Benefits – Aromatherapy massage can:

promote a general state of well-being
calm and soothe the mind
help to reduce nervous tension
help to lift the mood and reduce feelings of depression

What can I expect?

Aromatherapy massage is a deeply relaxing massage and best received in the evening. A full body Aromatherapy massage usually lasts an hour to 1hr 15 minutes. If it is your first massage you may be required to take a patch test 48 hours before. Any area can be treated independly so if only a leg or back massage was required this would take between thirty to fourty five minutes. You will be asked to undress to varying stages, depending on area being treated, but only the area worked on is exposed at any given time.

What is Swedish Massage?

Swedish massage is a deeper massage than that of an Aromatherapy massage and hugely beneficial for all. It uses a combination of flowing movements, deep pressure and brisk vigorous techniques.

Here are just some of the benefits of Swedish Body Massage:

Promotes relaxation, thereby reducing stress and anxiety
Ease of muscular tension, soreness and stiffness
Improved skin tone, circulation and elasticity
Elimination of Toxins and swelling
Boosts immune system
Relieves tired and stiff joints
Increases energy levels by invigorating the body's natural systems
Aids better sleep and reduces insomnia

What can I expect?

A Swedish Body Massage can greatly improve any muscle tension as it is a very deep, and sometimes intense massage, but your therapist will only work as deep as you allow. A full body treatment can last an hour to 1hr 15 minutes but again, areas can be worked on indepentaly so a back massage would last between thirty to fourty five minutes. Again you will need to undress in accordance with the treatment, but only the area worked on is exposed at any given time.

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a form of natural healing based upon the principle that there are different reflex points on the hands and feet, which correspond to different organs, structures and systems in the body. It is an holistic treatment that aims to treat the mind, the body and the spirit, therefore creating a state of balance in the body, allowing it to heal itself both physically and emotionally.
Reflexology benefits any person, young or old, male or female, and may bring relief from a wide range of acute or cronic conditions.

What can I expect?

A Reflexology treatment will last between fourty five to fifty minutes, depending on your needs, and the only parts of your body to be exposed are the feet and legs. (Trousers can be rolled up if you don't want to undress. ) Loose comfortable clothing is recommended.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" therefore it is very gentle and the least invasive of holistic treatments. Reiki works on the physics priciple that everything is energy and that energy always seeks to balance itself.

Promotes personal growth and awreness
Works on all levels, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
Works on the underlying cause of an illness
Cleanses the body of toxins
Increases the body's own natural ability to heal itself

What can I expect?

As there is little to no physical contact during a Reiki session there is no need to remove any clothing. You simply lie on a couch and relax. If unable to lie down it can also be done in a seated position, as long as you are as comfortable as possible. The therapist gently places their hands non-intrusively in a sequence of positions which cover the whole body. The whole person is treated rather than specific symptoms. A full treatment usually takes an hour to 1hr 30 minutes.

A little bit about me

I have been a therapist since 2008 and am fully qualified in all treatments available. I was trained in the Southern Regional College and am a member of the FHT (Federation of Holistic Therapists). I have worked with the Warrenpoint Hurlers and Down Camogie team in the past and can say I have gained a wealth of experience from them.

Getting your first massage can be a daunting experience as you never know what to expect so I hope this information gives some idea as to what a treatment entails and spiked your curiosity enough to maybe want to give it a go. If you have any questions about any of the treatments, feel free to ask without obligation. There is nothing to be lost by getting any of the treatments offered and a world of possibilities by giving it a go.

All information stored about your treatments is in compliance with the Data Protection Act and will be treated as private, however you can feel free to talk about any of your treatments to other people!