One Therapy Reflexology

About One Therapy Reflexology

Ireland & Northern Ireland's Very First Specialist Nerve Reflexologist.
Phone 07701 071128 Email sarah@one-therapy. co. uk
Website www. one-therapy. co. uk

One Therapy Reflexology Description

Ireland & Northern Ireland's Very First Specialist Nerve Reflexologist.
Phone 07701 071128 Email sarah@one-therapy. co. uk
Website www. one-therapy. co. uk



One more sleep and I’m off 🛫 to Bristol for more Advanced Nerve Reflexology....❤️ it! . . . #OTRHealthClinic #OneTherapyReflexology #NerveReflexology #Bristol #LoveLife #Pain #Illness #MentalHealth #Reflexology #Learning #NervousSystem


The same person, on very different days. Three photos one taken Christmas Day 2004, one taken end of April 2018 and another taken a day or two ago, all very different.
I’m posting this and it makes me so uncomfortable however I feel after catching a short clip of an article on This Morning about women and anxiety that it’s the right thing to do.
My battle with mental health issues has never been a secret. My story is on my website blog for all to read. I always tell everyon...
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⚠️ Now this is a science one!!....please just scroll on if that sort of thing isn’t for you, BUT, I do know I have a lot of like minded people who follow my page, possibly other professionals who will enjoy this read. Okay, Yes it’s about The Vagus Nerve again, but, this time with regards to the key role it plays with cancer.
I have personally treated a huge amount of cancer patients to date and some quite complex cases and have found the manipulation of the vagus nerve ref...lex points to be incredibly important during such treatments, I have actually witnessed, first hand, the changes brought about in my clients during and after their treatments. 🙌🏼 exciting as a passionate Nerve Reflexologist!!
Here is an article that is truly jam packed full of information. So if you are as nerdy about anatomy and physiology as I am then please have a read, you will enjoy! ❤️
“.......,We propose that the vagus nerve may fulfil all these requirements. Vagus nerve stimulation reduces oxidative stress [9], informs the brain about inflammation [10], and profoundly inhibits inflammation [11], and of course the vagus nerve inhibits sympathetic activity since it is a major branch of the parasympathetic nervous system [12]. A recently discovered new pathway revealed that vagal nerve stimulation increased TFF2, a suppressor of MDSC; thus, vagal nerve stimulation may increase cellular immunity [13]. For these reasons, we hypothesized that vagus nerve activity may have a prognostic and protective role in cancer [14, 15]. This article will review the epidemiological evidence for its protective role in cancer.......”
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“The report continues: Immersion in cold water evokes a stress response: a set of physiological and hormonal reactions that evolved millions of years ago to cope with a wide range of potential threats.
Animal attack, jumping in cold water and sitting an exam all elicit a similar response. Heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate all increase and stress hormones are released. But if you immerse yourself only a few times in water of 15C or less, this stress response is reduced......”


“Well, structurally we may have one; but cognitively we have two. You see, there’s the “thinking” brain and the “non-thinking” brain. Our brains are wired to worry first and think second.....”


Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram, for more from behind the scenes at One_Therapy_Reflexology. Sarah 💋 xx


❤️ I always, always knew it! Even celebrities do natural sometimes.... Weleda, Skin Food, MY handcream of choice and if it’s good enough for Victoria Beckham then it’s definitely good enough for me! Oh, and you lot as I have it in stock in two sizes in my OTR Health Clinic. Small RRP £7.99 ... Large RRP £12.99
#WeledaSkinFood #OTRHealthClinic #HandCream #VictoriaBeckham #OneTherapyReflexology
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Halloween 👻 means plenty of fireworks, a difficult time for our pets, however as always, if I can help I will! This wee remedy just in can “calm the emotions and lift spirits” with all natural ingredients. RRP £4.99
#OTRHealthClinic #Halloween #HighlyStrungPets #Boo #Fireworks #Bioforce


Florisene is back in stock!! 💪🏼 Call this morning between 10am - 11am, OTR Health Clinic doors are open to all... See you soon 💋 xx RRP £16.99.


“We do not have the enzymes to break it [gluten] down. It all depends upon how well our intestinal walls close after we ingest it and how our immune system reacts to it......”


Thank you ALL so much to those who came out this afternoon to hear me talk briefly on Me and my world. Your support was greatly appreciated and your comments and feedback was lovely! 🎉 Thank you Kaye for the gorgeous flowers 💐 xx I hope to see you all again soon. Love to all, Sarah 💋xx


“Every single day I encounter patients who are suffering from some form of stress-related illness. They have typically been feeling this way for an extended period and have realized that it is not normal to feel tired, lethargic, moody, anxious and unmotivated.
It is my role as a practitioner to find the cause of their symptoms and develop a plan to bring them the energy and vitality they rightfully deserve. Before we do this, we must identify what stress is and what forms it comes in. Stress is a word that is all encompassing and typically relates to your body being put under strain, tension or pressure. It manifests itself in both an internal and external manner.......”


Happy Friday!!!! Talking Burnout folks..


“Bottling up emotions makes a person a sitting risk: the mind works in such a way that you cannot ignore emotional turmoil in any way. Your mind will wander right there where you need it to not go.....”


“Although magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in a human body, the body cannot manufacture it and it must be obtained from foods and supplements.
Many diseases develop due to this reason—not eating foods that contain magnesium to replenish usage in the body. Many other factors also contribute to deficiency in this very important mineral, while at the same time, eating foods high in calcium causes various inflammation in the body.......”


“The researchers then used magnetic resonance imaging to examine the brain structure of 33 Facebook users. Turel and his colleagues found that time spent on Facebook was positively related to grey matter volume in the left and right posterior superior and middle temporal gyri and left posterior fusiform gyrus.
In other words, people who spent more time on Facebook tended to have greater gray matter volumes in these brain regions compared to those who spent less time on Facebook.....”


“The study, published today in Nature Communications, is one of the first to explain how a parent's genetic markers have a direct impact on their children.....”


“Apple cider vinegar has been used for its health and medicinal properties for thousands of years, known for aiding digestion and lowering blood sugar levels.
More recently it has been used for its weight-loss properties, with the liquid said to help speed up weight loss.
The liquid contains a certain type of acid which is known to promote weight loss and give plenty of health benefits.....”
... Available to purchase at the OTR Health Clinic!!
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“Of those who suffer chronic crippling migraine attacks, the vast majority are women. They are as many as 85 percent, according to the Migraine Research Foundation.....”


Took my Wee son this morning for the Wee reflexology and my other Wee son came along too, the experience from I walked in until I left was second to none, both boys lay up like Wee lords and both got their feet done and absolutely loved it and I was amazed at how accurate everything Sarah said about the boys by their feet! I will most definitely be back have already recommended it to my sister and can't wait to try it myself, and no doubt the boys will look forward to going now after the experience we received today! I cannot praise Sarah enough Thanku so much xx


The things Sarah was able to tell me by my feet was unbelievable! I can't begin to say how amazing she is! Felt so comfortable as soon as I walked in, she's so happy & full of life! Will 100% be back


Sarah has such a gift with people. She's such a lovely person to work with and trust. She's come such a long way herself and is a complete mine of information and skills. I know Sarah through working with her as a colleague and she's quite an incredible lady. She has such a professional and clear approach that is kind, loving and respectful. She really knows her stuff and is highly skilled. Her results are inspiring. Lucky clients indeed!

Thank you for connecting through reflexology. Sue ���


Relexology was recomended to me. Sarah at One Therapy came highy recommended when I looked about on fb. I contacted Sarah for an appointment as I was 36 weeks pregnant and was suffering with PGP. Sarah, even though was fully booked, took great sympathy on me and managed to get me booked in for a session that Monday. As soon as I walked in I felt very welcomed and relaxed. Sarah is lovely and professional and boy did I feel great during and after my reflexology. Three days later my baby boy was born naturally weighing 5lb 7oz. I have had another session 2 weeks after my baby arrived as I still had Pelvic pain. It was amazing to have an hour of "me" time and the pain has now ceased. This will not be the last of my sessions as I am now going to treat myself at least once a month.


Recommended to Sarah through my parents who have been long term clients of hers. I had always heard good reports about their sessions, but I was not expecting to be so thrilled with the session I had with her!

Sarah is very professional and also very personable. Made me feel relaxed and gave me lots of feedback and hints on how to improve my health in the future.

I will definitely be back! Fully recommend anyone to try it!


Pleased to say i had my first appointment with Sarah today and Ive just booked my next 4 appointments, shes absolutely brilliant at what she does...!!! She was able to tell me so much about my body and health just from my feet even things that after numerous tests my G.P. couldnt even figure out, I couldnt believe how spot on Sarah was, I was amazed to say the least..!!! If your feelin anxious or stressed I recommend you have a visit, I cant remember the last time i felt this relaxed, Ive felt like ive been floating on clouds all day. Sarah really made me realise its time to listen to my body and do whatever it takes to help - In Sarahs words 'its time to stop existing and start living' which I couldnt agree with more..!!! I cant thank you enough Sarah and i cant wait to my good nights sleep and my next appointment..!!! Thankyou xxx


Last night I met the amazing Sarah for my first appointment. The moment I walked through the door I knew I was in the right place. As Sarah began her questionnaire before the treatment it was like she totally got it! Lots of people seem to be able to understand some of my symptoms but are totally lost to get how anyone can be (i.e) afraid to lift the phone to make a call. I usually feel so stupid even saying it but Sarah absolutely totally gets it. She has an amazing understanding of mental health problems and the pain and other symptoms of fibromyalgia.

She was so easy to talk to that I had trouble being quiet for the treatment! As Sarah began manipulating my feet I began to relax. She has an absolutely amazing touch and was able to tell various areas of my body that needed healing.

I now understand why it is so difficult to get appointments with this lovely lady. I came home and booked for May, June & July!

Thank you Sarah for putting me at ease and for understanding the issues I have. Can’t wait for my next appointment!


I went to see Sarah for the first time when I was 34 weeks pregnant and suffered from sciatica back pain. I am now 38 weeks and I haven’t had a sciatica pain in almost 4 weeks, that’s how amazing she is! She is definitely passionate, professional and so friendly. I would recommend her with no doubt, she knows what she is at.


I went for my first Reflexology treatment ever this morning. It was an absolute amazing experience! Sarah is genuinely lovely and will make you feel 100% at ease! So professional and so knowledgable! As a personal trainer myself, having the want to help others I can tell Sarah is the exact same!The love and passion Sarah has for her job is on a different level! She is the real deal and one of a kind. I will be back!

Thanks Sarah!


I really enjoyed my time with Sarah this morning so relaxing . Sarah was lovely


I have purposefully waited 5 months to write this review, as I happily would have given Sarah 5 stars back in December. However, I was amazed back then how Sarah was able to give me detailed information about my health - both physically & emotionally, via reflexology.

I had suffered from poor health over the last few years..prone to viruses that took months to get better. This affected my whole life, however, I have to say I have never felt physically better. Not only is Sarah amazing at what she does, but she is an encourager, an observer & mentor to me on a personal level. I am always ensuring I book months in advance as she is incredibly busy, but always greets me with a smile & positive vibes. Thank you, Sarah, for sharing your amazing abilities. You make lives better just by being you! I am so priveledged to have the opportunity to go to you every month. Thank you xxx


I have just finished 6 weekly treatments with Sarah at One Therapy Reflexology and would just like to say that I have never, ever, come across a more professional, personable and practical therapist in my life! When you are in her 'snug' of a treatment room, you might as well be on a foreign sun-drenched beach because the atmosphere and ambience are so idyllic! Sarah is knowledgeable of life and her specialism, which m,eans that she is 'grounded' in her approach, which is something that I really respect. I am, by both her and my estimation, 'a work in progress', and I want to maximise the benefits already achieved ... so I have committed to a maintenance regime ... :) Thank you Sarah xo


I had my first reflexology I have been having a lot of neck, back and shoulder and nerve pain and thought nothing else is helping its time for a holistic approach!

After one session I have had some relief more than any painkillers have been giving me. I know it will take more than one session but il take that over tablets, surgery and injections! If you have nerve pain it's worth booking in with Sarah she has magic hands. Thanks again :) x


I go to Sarah regularly as part of my ‘self care’ routine. I couldn’t do without this therapy and regular sessions keep my IBS in check and just help me relax!


I attended one therapy clinic reflexology for the first time as my partner had recommended that I give it a go after he couldn't speak any more highly of Sarah and her therapy.

The experience was brilliant from start to finish made very welcome such a joyful lady always a smile on her face. Time past so quickly and I look forward to my next visit, was given great advice that I will take on board and try my very best to stick to.


I always had an interest in Reflexology but when I met Sarah at a Reflexology marathon that she was doing to support a local charity I knew that I had to make it part of my everyday life. Talking to Sarah and how passionate she was I realised that the passion I felt for it was real. A couple of years later and I am now a qualified Reflexologist and Complimentary Therapist myself for which I am thankful for. That may not have been the case if I had not met Sarah and she had not triggered that want in me. I still see Sarah every month for my hour of rest and relaxation, cause after all, even a Reflexologist needs a Reflexologist ;) Thanks Sarah x


Had my first session with Sarah today and I know it defiantly won't be the last. She was warm and welcoming as soon as I walked in. So professional but also so friendly, felt like I knew her for years. The information she could tell me just by my feet is amazing. Goes into every detail you could ever think of. So happy now I have someone to help me with my depression. Looking forward to this journey with Sarah. Could not recommend her enough.


Had my first session of reflexology with Sarah which was totally professional & relaxing � I would definitely recommend!! Spot on with details regarding my health & advice i was given I have taken onboard. The best nights sleep i had that night in a long time � Thank you Sarah so much, for accommodating me with an earlier appt than scheduled for. � x


Had my first appointment with Sarah yesterday and can say that I was absolutely flabbergasted by what she told me about my body . It actually brought a tear to my eye that from all the years of doctors and every treatment under the sun I finally have the answers. I cannot recommend her enough . Thank You for everything sarah I can actually see a happier positive future now and am so looking forward to my next visit. And u r right I was defiantly a cheep date last night lol xx


Took my Wee son this morning for the Wee reflexology and my other Wee son came along too, the experience from I walked in until I left was second to none, both boys lay up like Wee lords and both got their feet done and absolutely loved it and I was amazed at how accurate everything Sarah said about the boys by their feet! I will most definitely be back have already recommended it to my sister and can't wait to try it myself, and no doubt the boys will look forward to going now after the experience we received today! I cannot praise Sarah enough Thanku so much xx


The things Sarah was able to tell me by my feet was unbelievable! I can't begin to say how amazing she is! Felt so comfortable as soon as I walked in, she's so happy & full of life! Will 100% be back


Sarah has such a gift with people. She's such a lovely person to work with and trust. She's come such a long way herself and is a complete mine of information and skills. I know Sarah through working with her as a colleague and she's quite an incredible lady. She has such a professional and clear approach that is kind, loving and respectful. She really knows her stuff and is highly skilled. Her results are inspiring. Lucky clients indeed!

Thank you for connecting through reflexology. Sue ���


Relexology was recomended to me. Sarah at One Therapy came highy recommended when I looked about on fb. I contacted Sarah for an appointment as I was 36 weeks pregnant and was suffering with PGP. Sarah, even though was fully booked, took great sympathy on me and managed to get me booked in for a session that Monday. As soon as I walked in I felt very welcomed and relaxed. Sarah is lovely and professional and boy did I feel great during and after my reflexology. Three days later my baby boy was born naturally weighing 5lb 7oz. I have had another session 2 weeks after my baby arrived as I still had Pelvic pain. It was amazing to have an hour of "me" time and the pain has now ceased. This will not be the last of my sessions as I am now going to treat myself at least once a month.


Recommended to Sarah through my parents who have been long term clients of hers. I had always heard good reports about their sessions, but I was not expecting to be so thrilled with the session I had with her!

Sarah is very professional and also very personable. Made me feel relaxed and gave me lots of feedback and hints on how to improve my health in the future.

I will definitely be back! Fully recommend anyone to try it!


Pleased to say i had my first appointment with Sarah today and Ive just booked my next 4 appointments, shes absolutely brilliant at what she does...!!! She was able to tell me so much about my body and health just from my feet even things that after numerous tests my G.P. couldnt even figure out, I couldnt believe how spot on Sarah was, I was amazed to say the least..!!! If your feelin anxious or stressed I recommend you have a visit, I cant remember the last time i felt this relaxed, Ive felt like ive been floating on clouds all day. Sarah really made me realise its time to listen to my body and do whatever it takes to help - In Sarahs words 'its time to stop existing and start living' which I couldnt agree with more..!!! I cant thank you enough Sarah and i cant wait to my good nights sleep and my next appointment..!!! Thankyou xxx


Last night I met the amazing Sarah for my first appointment. The moment I walked through the door I knew I was in the right place. As Sarah began her questionnaire before the treatment it was like she totally got it! Lots of people seem to be able to understand some of my symptoms but are totally lost to get how anyone can be (i.e) afraid to lift the phone to make a call. I usually feel so stupid even saying it but Sarah absolutely totally gets it. She has an amazing understanding of mental health problems and the pain and other symptoms of fibromyalgia.

She was so easy to talk to that I had trouble being quiet for the treatment! As Sarah began manipulating my feet I began to relax. She has an absolutely amazing touch and was able to tell various areas of my body that needed healing.

I now understand why it is so difficult to get appointments with this lovely lady. I came home and booked for May, June & July!

Thank you Sarah for putting me at ease and for understanding the issues I have. Can’t wait for my next appointment!


I went to see Sarah for the first time when I was 34 weeks pregnant and suffered from sciatica back pain. I am now 38 weeks and I haven’t had a sciatica pain in almost 4 weeks, that’s how amazing she is! She is definitely passionate, professional and so friendly. I would recommend her with no doubt, she knows what she is at.


I went for my first Reflexology treatment ever this morning. It was an absolute amazing experience! Sarah is genuinely lovely and will make you feel 100% at ease! So professional and so knowledgable! As a personal trainer myself, having the want to help others I can tell Sarah is the exact same!The love and passion Sarah has for her job is on a different level! She is the real deal and one of a kind. I will be back!

Thanks Sarah!


I really enjoyed my time with Sarah this morning so relaxing . Sarah was lovely


I have purposefully waited 5 months to write this review, as I happily would have given Sarah 5 stars back in December. However, I was amazed back then how Sarah was able to give me detailed information about my health - both physically & emotionally, via reflexology.

I had suffered from poor health over the last few years..prone to viruses that took months to get better. This affected my whole life, however, I have to say I have never felt physically better. Not only is Sarah amazing at what she does, but she is an encourager, an observer & mentor to me on a personal level. I am always ensuring I book months in advance as she is incredibly busy, but always greets me with a smile & positive vibes. Thank you, Sarah, for sharing your amazing abilities. You make lives better just by being you! I am so priveledged to have the opportunity to go to you every month. Thank you xxx


I have just finished 6 weekly treatments with Sarah at One Therapy Reflexology and would just like to say that I have never, ever, come across a more professional, personable and practical therapist in my life! When you are in her 'snug' of a treatment room, you might as well be on a foreign sun-drenched beach because the atmosphere and ambience are so idyllic! Sarah is knowledgeable of life and her specialism, which m,eans that she is 'grounded' in her approach, which is something that I really respect. I am, by both her and my estimation, 'a work in progress', and I want to maximise the benefits already achieved ... so I have committed to a maintenance regime ... :) Thank you Sarah xo


I had my first reflexology I have been having a lot of neck, back and shoulder and nerve pain and thought nothing else is helping its time for a holistic approach!

After one session I have had some relief more than any painkillers have been giving me. I know it will take more than one session but il take that over tablets, surgery and injections! If you have nerve pain it's worth booking in with Sarah she has magic hands. Thanks again :) x


I go to Sarah regularly as part of my ‘self care’ routine. I couldn’t do without this therapy and regular sessions keep my IBS in check and just help me relax!


I attended one therapy clinic reflexology for the first time as my partner had recommended that I give it a go after he couldn't speak any more highly of Sarah and her therapy.

The experience was brilliant from start to finish made very welcome such a joyful lady always a smile on her face. Time past so quickly and I look forward to my next visit, was given great advice that I will take on board and try my very best to stick to.


I always had an interest in Reflexology but when I met Sarah at a Reflexology marathon that she was doing to support a local charity I knew that I had to make it part of my everyday life. Talking to Sarah and how passionate she was I realised that the passion I felt for it was real. A couple of years later and I am now a qualified Reflexologist and Complimentary Therapist myself for which I am thankful for. That may not have been the case if I had not met Sarah and she had not triggered that want in me. I still see Sarah every month for my hour of rest and relaxation, cause after all, even a Reflexologist needs a Reflexologist ;) Thanks Sarah x


Had my first session with Sarah today and I know it defiantly won't be the last. She was warm and welcoming as soon as I walked in. So professional but also so friendly, felt like I knew her for years. The information she could tell me just by my feet is amazing. Goes into every detail you could ever think of. So happy now I have someone to help me with my depression. Looking forward to this journey with Sarah. Could not recommend her enough.


Had my first session of reflexology with Sarah which was totally professional & relaxing � I would definitely recommend!! Spot on with details regarding my health & advice i was given I have taken onboard. The best nights sleep i had that night in a long time � Thank you Sarah so much, for accommodating me with an earlier appt than scheduled for. � x


Had my first appointment with Sarah yesterday and can say that I was absolutely flabbergasted by what she told me about my body . It actually brought a tear to my eye that from all the years of doctors and every treatment under the sun I finally have the answers. I cannot recommend her enough . Thank You for everything sarah I can actually see a happier positive future now and am so looking forward to my next visit. And u r right I was defiantly a cheep date last night lol xx

More about One Therapy Reflexology

One Therapy Reflexology is located at 160a Lurgan Road, BT67 0QS Magheralin