Online Social Media Marketing & Training

About Online Social Media Marketing & Training

Customer acquisition through Social Media. Fully managed service or tailored training. Gain real results, fast.

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Online Social Media Marketing & Training Description

Social Media Training & Management. Online and live courses, ready-to-use downloads, 1-1 and peer groups support. Ask how we can help you optimise your social media now.



Imagine if you could create all your content without the stress?


Facebook released their Alexa enabled home-camera. Would you have it in your home?


Yesterday we talked about how overwhelming getting started with digital media can be. Business advice is no different! When I started my first business every man & his dog had some sage advice for me. If I'd listened to it all I'm sure I'd still be going in circles all these years' later!
Ultimately, the best bit of advice I was given turned out to be pretty basic but hugely important. That advice was that "80% of any business is analysis". That's when my inner-nerd did her cartwheels and things really started to grow for me. The insights and information we have now is amazing. What we do with it? Well, that's down to us!


Are you suffering from online marketing overwhelm?! So many business owners I meet are baffled by the sheer complexity of digital marketing. There are hundreds of options that make choosing what you actually need a lot more complicated than it should be!
There are some basics you just shouldn't do without.
1. Facebook's pixel on your website / blog site
... 2. At least 2 custom audiences building in the background. I would always start with one 'all visitors' and another 'didn't complete checkout' audiences.
3. A compelling reason for them to return to your site / finish the checkout process that you can use to retarget them.
4. An email list on a platform that let's you segment or tag that you can use to communicate with them.
5. Just a few basic emails ready to be sent automatically whenever anyone joins you.
How many of these do you have in place?
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Build a Better Blog!


Little bit of insta-trivia this morning! This is a great example of why digital media is such a superb investment. Every tiny detail can be measured, tweaked, adjusted and refined to make sure you squeeze every last ounce out of your spend.
What's your fave filter?
... #instagram #socialmediatips
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How many headlines do you write before you hit on *The One* ?
I was speaking to a professional copywriter recently who told me that she will write 15-20 headlines for each article. Sometimes I struggle with just one!
The headline is the first, and often only, opportunity you get to grab attention. It has a pretty hard job to do, it has to;
... - halt you in your scrolling - be relevant to you in that instant - make you want to click 'read more...' - not be cheesy or clickbait - give enough info that you know what's coming
When you consider all of that it seems fair to give it your best shot!
Do you give the headline enough attention?
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This is the future of shoppable adverts and it’s here, now! 😎 When you click on the sunglasses ad your camera opens to let you try them on!
All kinds of awesome 😉 give it a go and let me know what you think. Would you be more likely to buy something after trying it on ‘virtually’ ... Tiffany & Co. #digitalmarketing
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Google+ is closing the doors. While the platform has never really been embraced, the SEO value will be sorely missed!
Do you post your blogs on G+?
#google+ #socialmedianews


Why can't I just put out an advert that people click?


I’m know I’m not the only social media coach out there, but I do believe I have something different to offer.
There are hundreds of courses and thousands of workshops where you can learn the ropes.
What they don’t do is knit the theory with the practical. Or, in other words, learning is only half the journey; it’s the doing that makes the difference. I work hard to establish one-on-one relationships with my clients and maintain constant accessibility for troubleshooting... and tech help to ensure you get full-on results.
Sound like something you’d like? I’d love to meet you!
Learn more at or leave a comment and I’ll follow up personally.
#socialmedia #scfacebookchallenge #SME
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Hey locals! Where else is good to use as an 'office' for a few hours? Taking inspiration from my surroundings and getting out a bit more before the winter closes in!


Who is responsible for sales in your business?


Today’s the day Catherine Ingleby - Art & I run our Business for Artists workshop in beautiful Henley at The Henley on Thames School of Art.
It’s a full house and we’ve got a packed deck to deliver!
New dates released soon - sign up for the waiting list to be notified first!
... n-page
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"We devote a lot of resources that help you produce a strategy, a plan and give you time to make the refinements as you go."


How to brand your Instagram Story Highlights


A little Friday fun! Who knew the ancient civilisations invented emojis 🤷‍♀️


Guest Blog: Blogging SEO for beginners by @JoanaMarketing

More about Online Social Media Marketing & Training

Online Social Media Marketing & Training is located at Social Media HQ, SL5 Windsor, Berkshire