Parish Of Kilwaughter And Cairncastle With All Saints Craigyhill

About Parish Of Kilwaughter And Cairncastle With All Saints Craigyhill

Facebook page for the Parish of Kilwaughter and Cairncastle with All Saints' Craigyhill (Church of Ireland)

Parish Of Kilwaughter And Cairncastle With All Saints Craigyhill Description

The Parish of Kilwaughter and Cairncastle with All Saints' Craigyhill is a Church of Ireland Parish within the Diocese of Connor. The Parish comprises two Churches: St Patrick's in Cairncastle and All Saints' in Craigyhill. The current Priest in Charge is Revd. Harold Sharp.

St Patrick’s Church in Cairncastle was built in 1815 and celebrated its Bicentennial year in 2015. Looking out over Ballygally Bay on a site that has been a place of Christian worship for at least 800 years. Located on Ballymullock Road, the Sunday Service is at 11. 30am.

All Saints' Church, located on Linn Road, Craigyhill, celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2012. The Sunday Service is at 10am.

Sunday Club meets on the 3rd Sunday each month in All Saints Church Hall from 10-11am and any child currently at pre-school or primary school is welcome to come along and join us. We learn together through hearing bible stories, singing upbeat songs, and doing related games, crafts and activities.

Messy Church runs on the 1st Sunday of the month at 11. 30am in All Saints' Church Hall. Messy Church is a fantastic form of church for the whole family and usually includes lots of messy arts and crafts, bible stories, upbeat songs, games and activities. Everyone is welcome to come along and join us (children must be accompanied by an adult).

CAMEO Group (Come and meet each other) is a group of ladies who meet on the 1st Monday each month to share tea, coffee and tray bakes, to chat and enjoy each others company. They meet at 10. 30am in the Robinson room at St Patrick's Church and everyone is welcome to come along for the craic!

More about Parish Of Kilwaughter And Cairncastle With All Saints Craigyhill
