Phenom Nom

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Feel good food to desk or door

Phenom Nom Description

Feel good food to desk or door



ΓÙÂ∩╕§Winter Warmer! IΓÇÔve been getting asked for soup for a wee while now and as I am a very obliging little soul and it would freeze the nuts clean off ye, I have provided.
Curry Coconut Butternut Squash Soup! A wee addition to this weekΓÇÔs salads for ┬ú2 extra. Serving all week! ΓÙ¨∩╕§
... Was at St. GeorgeΓÇÔs market yesterday and bought beautiful giant kale bushels for todayΓÇÔs Kale Caesar! Unlike the rest of us apparently kale ΓÇ£loves a bit of frostΓÇÙ and if you put it in a pot of water outside it will live happily out there for weeks. At last, a plant I canΓÇÔt kill!
Have a tolerable Monday everyone.
Love G x
SEE MENU and order now! X
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Hi everyone,
Had every intention of being all outdoorsy today with the kids but as the miserable weather put paid to that idyllic parenting notion, this weekΓÇÔs menu is brought to you from the special kind of hell that is the generic soft play centre! ItΓÇÔs packed to capacity, it smells and all the toddlers are screaming! I knew we shouldΓÇÔve gone to the cinema!
So today this is my office and this weekΓÇÔs menu is go! PM me your orders (┬ú5 per box) and I will also be making cara...mel squares, muesli bars and energy balls! (┬ú10 per box)
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. IΓÇÔd be ever so grateful if you could like and share please.
G x
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≡ƒ‗è≡ƒ‗§≡ƒ¸ÏThe freshest, fastest, easiest way to get more veggies inta ye......... apart from a Phenom nom Lunch of course(See menu) .... is with smoothies!
I donΓÇÔt even have a Nutribullet, my ordinary blender does the job and I use it most mornings. ItΓÇÔs a great way to start the day and handy for drinking in car if pushed for time or when you get to work. I love that they are also a great way to BOF it up too! (Bottom of Fridge)≡ƒ‗¦≡ƒ‗‗≡ƒ‗ç
≡ƒ‗§≡ƒ‗îIf you just have an apple or a banana as your f...ruit base then any veg you add pretty much tastes good. Spinach is almost always going in but celery and cucumber blend well and are so cleansing and refreshing!
Your added liquid can be your choice of milk, yogurt or I often just use water or sometimes protein powder. ≡ƒ‗‗≡ƒ‗È≡ƒ¸Ê≡ƒ‗ô≡ƒ¸¸≡ƒ‗É≡ƒ‗ç≡ƒ‗À≡ƒ‗ë≡ƒ‗î≡ ƒ‗§≡ƒ‗ê≡ƒ¸Ù≡ƒ¸Ê≡ƒ‗À
HereΓÇÔs a wee tip that will give your smoothies a creamy texture without avocado and very low calorie. Cooked veg, carrots or sweet potatoes particularly are great for this! Cook them for this purpose and store in fridge or maybe there are leftovers from dinner.
Here are a few I made earlier....
ΓÙ¨∩╕§Mango, coconut milk and vanilla protein
ΓÙ¨∩╕§Beetroot juice, apple, avocado and spinach
ΓÙ¨∩╕§Frozen berries and banana
ΓÙ¨∩╕§Apple, cucumber, celery and lemon
ΓÙ¨∩╕§Carrot, orange, ginger almond milk.
Endless combinations and as you can probably tell I love taking pretty pictures of the finished product!
Get blending, Get liking, get sharing! ≡ƒ¤‗
PM me for a healthy, handy, lovely lunch delivered! £5 per box.
Happy Sunday
Gillian x
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≡ƒ‗¬≡ƒ‗░≡ƒÀéSconegate..... the saga continues! #Scone in 60 Seconds #Scone with the wind
Following on from last weeks post ΓǤRe:Missing SconeΓÇÔ after lunch the office was abuzz with chat about the scandal of the century!
... I heard the office manager across the office saying ΓÇ£itΓÇÔs just really disheartening to think that there is someone we work with who would steal and lie to us allΓÇÙ
Me, not being able to hold back any longer ΓÇ£Erm, seriously??? ItΓÇÔs a bloody sconeΓÇÙ
Her ΓÇ£itΓÇÔs not about the scone Gillian, itΓÇÔs the principle of the thingΓÇÙ
At this point I just want to blurt out ΓÇ£Look it was ME, I ate the fucking scone, OK!!!ΓÇÙ
But I couldnΓÇÔt, I was in too deep. Instead I went home that night with my stomach in knots and hatched a plan so cunning you could eat your dinner off it!
IΓÇÔd get up early, surreptitiously nip to the bakery (wig, dark glasses and trench coat optional) buy a replacement scone and before anyone arrives into work, wedge the scone between the cooker and the bin........... to be found by someone later....... Ahhhhh, they would all say..... there it has all been a silly mistake!
Genius right?
ItΓÇÔs hilariously embarrassing now but it speaks volumes about my state of mind whilst working in this madhouse!
Scone carefully placed, mission accomplished, feeling as smug as Balderick I got on with my day awaiting the big discovery email, announcing the matter is at an end!
Γ§▒An hour later..... nothing!
Γ§▒Teabreak...... nothing!
Γ§▒Lunchtime..... nothing!
Thinking it hasnΓÇÔt been found yet I leave for lunch and on my way out I notice a gathering around the BossΓÇÔ table. My heart sinks immediately as I hear someone say ΓÇ£thatΓÇÔs definitely freshΓÇÙ
IΓÇÔm about to breeze on out and he calls me ΓÇ£Gillian, come here a minute, have a look at thisΓÇÙ
Christ, heΓÇÔs tapping it off the table and holds it out to me to do the same!
ΓÇ£Does that feel fresh or stale to you?ΓÇÙ
Me tapping the scone off the table ΓÇ£erm IΓÇÔm not sure, IΓÇÔm not sure how a day old scone should feelΓÇÙ
Him ΓÇ£I think thatΓÇÔs fresh and someone has planted it thereΓÇÙ
Conjuring up the best Oscar winning performance of my life I threw my head back, guffawed and said ΓÇ£NO WAY, thatΓÇÔs mad!!! Who in their right mind would think of that, go to the trouble of buying a new scone and plant it there? I mean come on, itΓÇÔs pure lunacy!ΓÇÙ
Who indeed and yes it was! ≡ƒ¤é
I was never rumbled.....until now of course! Anyone reading this who recognised this story.....yes it was meeeeeeee, I plead guilteeeeeeee! #sorrynotsorry
So, hereΓÇÔs this weekΓÇÔs menu. I for one canΓÇÔt wait to eat clean all week, after an indulgent weekend I am craving it!
Please like and share if one would be so kind. Byeeee!
Gillian x
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≡ƒ‗░≡ƒÀé≡ƒ‗¬Office cake pushers! ≡ƒ‗⌐≡ƒ‗¼≡ƒ‗░
There is one in every office! Someone who unwittingly and kindly derails your health goals and obliterates your will bringing in cake, sweets or buns! If you work in a large office, between birthdays, people leaving and just cos itΓÇÔs Friday .... thatΓÇÔs a lot of cake!
In the worst and most mental place I have ever worked, it was Margaret! Nice enough lady, she often brought scones from the adjacent bakery!
...Continue Reading


ΓÙ¨∩╕§Blackberry Picking!
Blackberries make me smile, they arenΓÇÔt the absolutely sweetest berry or even my favourite ......... but they evoke lovely memories hence I love this beautiful Seamus Heaney poem. ΓÙ¨∩╕§
≡ƒÜ▓As a child, blackberry picking was a favourite past time for my bezzy mate and I. Hours weΓÇÔd be out on our bikes, miles away and come home with tonnes for our Mums ΓÇ£to make jamΓÇÙ! DonΓÇÔt think we ever did mind, my mum just stuck to Hartleys! ≡ƒ‗ô
... Seamus Heaney captures it perfectly ..... when you saw the fruits of your labour develop the ΓÇ£grey furΓÇÙ. Gutted!
Though Seamus doesnΓÇÔt mention getting murdered for destroying the pretty tartan satchel on his brand new bike by storing blackberries in it overnight out in the rain and purple water all pissing out of it the next day.
They were also great for throwing at windows (and occasionally people) as we sped off wetting ourselves laughing. ≡ƒ¤é≡ƒÜ▓
Now I love to pick blackberries with my kids, itΓÇÔs one of the few activities that always ends well and I feel like a wholesome Mother!
TodayΓÇÔs lunch has a lovely blackberry dressing, sauce, coulis.... whatever you call it! A box of green goodness with bursts of blueberries and cranberries. I hope you like it!
Use them up in smoothies too, I made this morningΓÇÔs with spinach and cottage cheese.
Byeeeeee G x
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Hi all,
IΓÇÔm back!
So Summer is officially over! ≡ƒ¤½Healthy eating and fitness habits do often go out the window in the midst of picnics, days out, BBQs and holidays!
... So whether youΓÇÔre down about it or jumping for joy to get the kids back to school ≡ƒ¨⌐September is all about getting back into routine and back on track! (IΓÇÔm a bit of both)
IΓÇÔve been working on some new dishes on the menu (┬ú5 per box) for you to try! The vegan Caesar Salad is the bizzo #stayhumble !
Muesli bars, caramel squares, balls etc available as usual. PM me your order if you fancy something a bit different for lunch and of course as always super nutritious!ΓÙ¨∩╕§
Oh please like and share menu for me to reach everyone. Thanks lovelies!
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≡ƒÀÎΓÙ¨∩╕§Belfast Grafitti Art! IsnΓÇÔt it gorgeous!
Γ¤Ë∩╕§I went for a run this morning in the pissy Belfast rain, that fuzzy rain that soaks you through and I took the notion for a city jaunt. The country is lovely but it can get a bit boring sometimes, all that green!
Sometimes I like the hum of the traffic and there being lots of people around and shops and cafes (and I will admit I like noseying in peoples windows going by).
... I really like running where stuff is going on, IΓÇÔm so street!
Some of the artwork on the walls is incredible if you stop to really look. A lot of it in back streets and alleys where you would never normally see it. Better to be an explosion of colour than a plain brick wall or electricity box I say.
Ended up going way too far and am exhausted now but the good news is I found a Zimmer frame in the street! What to do with pesky unwanted zimmers........och sure just buck it out in the street! Result! ≡ƒ¤é.
G x
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≡ƒ‗î≡ƒ‗ôHealthy Banana Oat Waffles! Topped with strawberries and a few wee choc chips this looks and tastes so decadent but is actually very nutritious! Great way to use up the couple of bananas that always go brown in the fruit bowl that nobody wants to eat.
Protein, slow releasing carbs, fibre, potassium and vitamins as can be topped with whatever fruit you want.
1 cup Oats... 2 ripe bananas 2 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla essence Blend and pour into waffle iron (donΓÇÔt pour too much in as I made an almighty bloody mess as it all oozed out everywhere) cook until golden. Turned out pretty good for a first time. If you donΓÇÔt have waffle iron this works as pancake mix too!
Lovely weekend breakfast!
G x
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≡ƒ¤ç≡ƒ¤ç≡ƒ¤çGood or bad food! Bad, sinful, naughty, guilty, forbidden, cheat meals etc etc ≡ƒ¤ê≡ƒ¤ê≡ƒ¤ê
Everyone uses these terms about food and more so in the health and fitness world.
≡ƒ‗ÛIn the last few years Bread has definitely found itself in the BAD category. Anyone into health and fitness stopped eating white bread years ago, myself included.
... ≡ƒ¸É≡ƒ‗Û≡ƒ¸û≡ƒ¸Î≡ƒ¯ÇHaving been in France lately I ate quite a lot of bread, pastries, cheese and wine and I thought, a few years ago that wouldΓÇÔve sent me into a panic about ruining my nutrition. I ate it and nothing happened!
My friend was recently telling me she was at a function and all there was were white bread sandwiches and she felt herself panic thinking ΓÇ£oh christ, IΓÇÔm going to have to eat this, they are going round with trays, thereΓÇÔs nothing else and I will look like a weirdoΓÇÙ!
We laughed, when did bread become the Devils delicacy? She ate it...... and nothing happened!
White bread is not very nutritious, we know this but like all foods in the ΓǤbadΓÇÔ category, if it crops up and youΓÇÔre hungry and fancy a bit of of it.......HAVE A BIT! It wonΓÇÔt kill you (unless youΓÇÔre celiac obvs) , it wonΓÇÔt make you blow up, it wonΓÇÔt derail all your fitness efforts in one day!
Cake, sweets, chips, wine, whatever! They are not nutritious and the majority of your food should be but it still has a wee place in your life if you want it! Eat it and bloody MOVE ON GUILT FREE!
ItΓÇÔs not bad or good itΓÇÔs JUST FOOD. You shouldnΓÇÔt feel guilty about food! Emotions shouldnΓÇÔt come into it! You donΓÇÔt need to exercise it off, exercise should not be the punishment for eating ΓǤBADΓÇÔ foodsΓÇÔ. ItΓÇÔs so bad for your mental health never mind eating the food in question .
ItΓÇÔs 80/20, be flexible and relaxed. No foods have to be off limits! Just eat consistently healthy and occasionally include some not so healthy foods if you want them and Eyyyyy, FORGET ABOUT IT! (Said in Mafia boss accent).
Gillian x
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≡ƒç½≡ƒç╖≡ƒç½≡ƒç╖≡ƒç½≡ƒç╖ Party time in France! ≡ƒÀé≡ƒ¸é≡ƒÔî≡ƒ§╝ Am in the French countryside for my friends 40th! 16 friends in the middle of nowhere, loads of food and drink in the sun! Perfick!
Although went out for a beautiful scenic walk and have never been so lost in my life as it all looks the same, ran out of water, phone battery died and I canΓÇÔt speak French! I was at one point getting concerned IΓÇÔd be on the news as missing!
Happy Birthday Aidan. Xxx.


ΓÙ¨∩╕§Healthy Choc Chip Chickpea Chia Cookie Dough!
Try saying that without your teeth in. This is to diiiiiieeeeee for, I swear to God and so easy bar getting out your blender!≡ƒ¤ï
All you need.....
... 1. A can of chickpeas 2. Peanut Butter 3. Chia seeds (optional but great texture) 4. Maple syrup (or honey) 5. Choc chips
≡ƒ¸ùEating healthy meals is no problem for me but I have a fierce sweet tooth. I need to end every meal with a little somethinΓÇÔ somethinΓÇÔ.
I feel the urge rising just as am finishing the last forkful of my meal.≡ƒ¸Ù≡ƒ‗ô≡ƒ‗Ê Fruit as lovely as it is just does not cut it for me as a dessert.
With this, I can feel good I am getting some good stuff and without a major sugar tsumani.
≡ƒ¤¼Now, the only small pain in the arse with this is that itΓÇÔs much better if you take the time to slip the chickpea skins off first. ItΓÇÔs acceptable otherwise but the texture just isnΓÇÔt as good. If youΓÇÔre prepared to do this itΓÇÔs a much smoother cookie dough-esque result!
Blend the chickpeas, a tablespoon of pnb, a tablespoon chia seeds and sweeten to your taste. A wee drop of vanilla essence is a nice addition just if you have it.
Add a few dark Choc chips and da dahhhhh!
2 or 3 spoonfuls of this satisfies me after dinner. I popped it in the freezer in wee balls to have on hand. Kids even liked it although there was great suspicion.
ΓÇ£Are these healthy?ΓÇÙ
ΓÇ£No, is it nice?ΓÇÙ
ΓÇ£Yes. Are you sure itΓÇÔs not healthy?ΓÇÙ
ΓÇ£ItΓÇÔs not I swearΓÇÙ (fingers crossed behind back)
Lies damn lies! Enjoy!
G x
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Γ¤Ç∩╕§Γ¤Ç∩╕§Γ¤Ç∩╕§Still scorchio and the demand for ice lollies ever rising I thought its time to do the classic Mum thing and ΓÇ£make our ownΓÇÙ! (I did actually hate it when my mum said that, it just involved pouring Orange dilute into the moulds when I wanted a ΓǤFabΓÇÔ)
Just shoved whatever fruits I had in the fridge and freezer into the moulds and topped with fresh OJ and these were a big hit! ≡ƒ‗ô≡ƒ¸Ù≡ƒ‗è≡ƒ‗È≡ƒ‗ô≡ƒ¸Ù They look so pretty!
... Think I will have to hit the shops for more moulds as canΓÇÔt keep up to these! #fiveaday.
Gillian x
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≡ƒ‗ô≡ƒ¸³≡ƒ‗ïThis weekΓÇÔs menu!
Γ¤Ç∩╕§Γ¤Ç∩╕§Γ¤Ç∩╕§Loving this scorchio weather! So many posts with everyone out enjoying it and saying ΓÇ£if only it was like this all the time!ΓÇÙ
IΓÇÔm not so sure about ALL THE TIME though because I reckon I would be an obese alcoholic and my house would be a wreck!
... It is so much harder to exercise in the heat, cleaning the house seems ΓÇ£a sinΓÇÙ when itΓÇÔs sunny outside, then there are all the BBQs and a wee drinky poo feels so lovely even on a week night when the sun is out!
With new bikinis now purchased and 30 days to go until my holiday I am clamping down despite the weather, no mid week garden drinks and I am going to exercise outside once itΓÇÔs cooled down. More fruit, more veg, more protein, more water, more exercise!
Anyone reading this with wine in hand and BBQ lit will be thinking ΓÇ£f*ck right offΓÇÙ ha ha I can feel it!
I just step it up a bit pre holiday so I feel my best for the beach! Daily small changes will make a difference in a month! Starting today.... go!
Please like and share menu, thanks a mill!
Gillian x
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≡ƒ‗‗Pineapple Turmeric Sauerkraut! ≡ƒ‗‗I canΓÇÔt get enough of this lurid yellow colour! Love it! This was in todayΓÇÔs lunch with baby potatoes, walnuts, peas, spinach and pesto dressing.
Now to clean up all those sesame seeds I just bloody spilt everywhere!
Gillian x


≡ƒî»ItΓÇÔs a wrap!
≡ƒ‗à≡ƒ¸È≡ƒ‗‗≡ƒ‗¦ Another quick, healthy meal full of colourful veggies, protein and fibre!
Cooking for a living as well as day to day family life, I tend to have loads of itty bitty wee bits of various foodstuffs left and I detest throwing food out! I hate the waste! (The amount of unworn clothes I have in my wardrobe is a different story).
... WeΓÇÔve all had the ΓÇ£starving children in AfricaΓÇÙ lecture and now I too throw the same ineffective line at my kids. I even once after a particularly exasperating fussy eating phase, forced my kids to watch a ΓǤ Save the ChildrenΓÇÔ video on YouTube in an futile attempt at showing them how ΓÇ£fortunateΓÇÙ they are to actually have food. I know...... lost it......not my finest hour! TheyΓÇÔll be sharing this with a therapist in 20 years!
Despite this and the Government banging on about reducing food wastage, we still waste an incredible one tonne of food per year per household! ThatΓÇÔs about 20% if all the food you buy ends up in the bin.
ΓÙ¨∩╕§Wraps are my favourite way of using up bits and bobs that wouldnΓÇÔt make a meal. I usually have a pack in the freezer or run to the garage.
Half an onion...... Chuck it in! A tomato....... Chuck it in! Kidney beans...... chuck them in too! Sweet potato .... aye why not! Pineapple ......... go on then!!
Chickpeas, rice, tuna, chicken, falafels, ham, sweet corn, sundried tomatoes, jalape├▒os, cheese! Whatever! Even banana for some people! Ew. ≡ƒî╜≡ƒî╢≡ƒ‗à≡ƒ‗¦≡ƒ¸ô≡ƒ¯Ç≡ƒ‗ê≡ƒ¸Ï≡ƒ‗à≡ƒî╢≡ ƒ‗¨ Lovely just as they are but if fried slightly (can be dry fried in non stick pan) in a wee tiny bit of oil it then reaches a whole other level. A Quesidilla if you like to call it by itΓÇÔs proper fancy name.
≡ƒ¯ÇMelty cheese acts as glue keeping it altogether.
≡ƒ¤ïUse yoghurt, hummus, salsa, mayo, relish, sweet chilli sauce, ketchup or even mint sauce as a dip (I ΓÙ¨∩╕§). Literally use up anything you have.
When you say you have no food, look again≡ƒÈÇ
This is a favourite dinner in our house and the beauty of it is that they are so quick and made to suit all tastes! Hoovered, yum!
Gillian x
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≡ƒÀ¨Korma Korma korma korma, korma Chameleon!
Sorry. ≡ƒ¤Û IΓÇÔll get my coat!
So, Chicken Korma for a healthy, easy weeknight meal. ≡ƒ¤ï I like a hotter curry but in the interests of children eating it am going the mild route!
... ΓÙ¨∩╕§Easiest, quickest but ΓÇ£best dinner everΓÇÙ tonight apparently and I didnΓÇÔt even have to go to the shop for anything.
Korma (or mild) curry powder 3 Chicken breasts Coconut milk (mine was light)
ΓÙ¨∩╕§At its most basic thatΓÇÔs it! Also used.....
Onion Spinach Peas Sweet potatoes Chickpeas
All the above were various leftovers I had in fridge so you can chuck in whatever veg you have but these are a lovely addition.
≡ƒ‗▓Just fry chicken and onion, stir in the powder, add the coconut milk, then the veg and simmer. Spinach only needs to go in last minute.
≡ƒ¸¸I added coconut powder too which is lovely for texture.
≡ƒ‗ÜServed with jasmine rice. This took 20 mins at the most.
HomeworkΓÇÔs were done while all was simmering away. Clean plates all round. Dishwasher loaded.
ΓǤToday was a good day...ooooooh ahΓÇÔ≡ƒ¤Ç
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≡ƒ¤ïThatΓÇÔs lunch sorted for the week! See menu attached.ΓÙ¨∩╕§
For someone who makes lunch for a living I have to confess to quite often scarfing down any leftovers on the move as an afterthought. A meal right bang in the middle of the day when there are a gazillion other things to do sometimes doesnΓÇÔt get a lot of love.ΓÙ¨∩╕§
... It does not make for a great afternoon for me and is a reminder that making more time for a substantial healthy lunch is crucial to avoid afternoon narcolepsy ≡ƒ¤┤, snack attacks≡ƒ¨É and letΓÇÔs just call it ΓÇ£low moodΓÇÙ (aka full blown hangry psycho)! ≡ƒ¤´≡ƒ¤´≡ƒ¤´
£5 per box to your desk or door! Dm me for free local delivery and please like and share if you would be so kind.
Gillian x
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