Physique - Personal Training - Rosie O'Rourke

About Physique - Personal Training - Rosie O'Rourke

Rosie & Gym - Private, Ladies Only Gym in Coalisland, Dungannon
Personal Training & Fitness Classes
Specialist in Womens Fitness & Weight-Loss
Nutritional Coach
Online Coach

Physique - Personal Training - Rosie O'Rourke Description

Private Personal Training Studio in Derryvale, Dungannon
Specialist in womens fitness & weightloss
Individual & small group sessions
Nutritional Advisor



Hey All ūü¶Ą
I've had quite a few people asking about my upcoming Mini Cut & as some of you know I'm completing the Cancer Focus Seven Summits Challenge in June... ‚õįÔłŹ
So I thought I'd kill 2 birds with one stone and set up a group where I will provide lots of Mini Cut details, sample meal plans & workouts, and help you mini cut with me ūüėÜūüĎô‚ėÄÔłŹ
... For entry to the group I am asking you to make a donation to Cancer Focus using the link below ‚ú® I am super grateful for any donations ūüíú (and donations are still welcome even if you don't want to join the group) ūüíú
Please like, share & tag your buddies you would like to mini cut with you ūü•≥
Thank you ūüíö
Rosie xx‚ Ķ/cancer-focus-mour‚Ķ
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Have you ever felt bad after comparing yourself to 'perfect' people online?
#InstagramVsReality #WeAllHaveRolls&Pores #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek


When you learn how to "diet"... without really dieting at all ūüĒĎūüėĄ
To lose weight you need to create a calorie deficit ūüĎô
Creating a calorie deficit by making simple changes to your existing meals is a million times easier than creating a calorie deficit using a rigid meal plan full of foods you don't really eat or like ‚öĖÔłŹ
... Scrambled Eggs (top) - 2 full eggs scrambled in a pan with a little bit of butter / oil & milk, with regular bread, toasted & buttered ūüíö
Scrambled eggs (bottom) - 4 egg whites & 1 full egg scrambled in a pan with a little almond milk, reduced calorie bread, toasted with flora light ūüíö
Neither meal is 'right' or 'wrong' (I ate them both on separate daysūüėÜ)... But the lower calorie version could make losing weight that little bit easier ūüĎô‚ėÄÔłŹ (and it's just as fillingūü•≥)
And if you are trying to gain ūüí™ stick with the higher calorie version ūüĒĎ
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask ūü¶Ą‚ú®
Rosie xx
PS - investing in some non stick pans will save you tens of thousands of calories throughout the year - one of the simplest and most effective changes you could make ūüć≥ūüć≥ūüć≥
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Sculpt your Body, Burn some fat & get ready to be Body Confident this Summer with this fun but challenging, Ladies Only class ūü홂ėÄÔłŹūüĎô ‚ÄĘ ūüŹÜ Competition Below ūüŹÜ ‚ÄĘ 4 weeks - ¬£25 - starting @ 7:30pm on Tuesday 4th June 2019 - in The Junction (Dungannon) ūü•≥... ‚ÄĘ Spaces are strictly limited to 12 ladies per class to ensure you get a high level of coaching to help you reach your goals ūü¶Ą ‚ÄĘ Includes FREE personalized calorie & macro goals for those of you who would like to get focussed on your diet too ūü•≥ ‚ÄĘ Sign Up @ /ladieslightweights ūüíú ‚ÄĘ And it wouldn't be the start of a new class without a competition... ūüėÜūüŹÜūüí™ ‚ÄĘ Like, tag & share this post for your chance of winning a free space in the classes ūüćÄūü•≥ūüŹÜūüćÄ ‚ÄĘ Good Luck! ‚ÄĘ Rosie xx ‚ÄĘ (If the winner has already signed up you will receive a full refund) ūüėä
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User‚ Ķ/ladieslightweights


Suns Out Guns Out ūüėÜūü홂ėÄÔłŹ
Try this superset for your shoulders ūüĒ•ūüĒ•ūüĒ•
ūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ Upright Row X 15... ūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ DB Shoulder Press X 15
Repeat for 3 sets ūüĎô
Happy Tuesday ūü¶Ą‚ú®
Rosie xx
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Linda McCartney Pulled Pork style burger with green veggies & cottage cheese ūüíöūüíöūüíö
462 calories, 32g protein ūüćĎūüíö
You could easily save some calories by steaming your veggies instead (these are a prepacket version with butter already on it that needed used up after the weekend) ūüėĄ
... Happy National Vegetarian Week ūü•≥ūüíö
Rosie xx
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How to make your diet easy ūüĒĎ
Each Meal: ūüĆŅ Pick some fruits / veggies (e.g. salad) ūüí™ Pick a protein (e.g. Quorn)... ūüćě Pick a carb (e.g. bread) ūüßÄ Pick a fat (e.g. butter)
Put it all into a bowl & enjoy ūüíö
Rosie xx
P.S. Tracking it in My Fitness Pal is the easiest way to check if it's fitting your daily calories ūüĒĎ
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It's just started to feel real ūüėÜ‚õįÔłŹūüóĽūüĆĄūüŹĒÔłŹ
Thank you in advance for any donations ūüíú
I am hoping to get a fundraising class & a raffle organised ūüí™ I will keep you updated ‚ú®
... Please like / tag / share to help share the message or to anyone who might like to get involved ūüĆą
Thanks ‚ėÄÔłŹ
#sevensummits #challenge #cancerfocus #fundraiser
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Mini Cut Vs. Winging It ūüĆą ‚ÄĘ And a little reminder of why the scales are not the main thing you should be worrying about (the leaner pic is slightly heavier) ‚öĖÔłŹ ‚ÄĘ Equally happy in both shapes, but summer is coming so I'm going to start getting slightly more disciplined with diet & training - next Mini Cut starting in a couple of weeks ūüėĄūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüĎô‚ėÄÔłŹ... ‚ÄĘ ‚¨ÖÔłŹOn the left I was tracking all my calories, making sure I was getting enough protein & following my training plan to a T ūüí™ ‚ÄĘ ‚ě°ÔłŹOn the right I am eating well Monday - Thursday... Getting a bit loose on the weekends... And training on average 4/5 times a week... with the odd training session being missed for whatever excuse I make that day ūüôÉ ‚ÄĘ As the pics prove... The outcome is totally relevant to the amount of effort put in ūüĎô ‚ÄĘ Personally I don't think being super disciplined is sustainable (or worth the effort) 365 days a year... #balance ūüíÉūü•ā BUT if being super disciplined in the lead up to an event / holiday makes you feel better - then that's when it is 100% worth it ūü¶ĄūüŹÜ ‚ÄĘ I'm currently taking enquiries for the Summer Sculpt Online Coaching programme - if you are interested, please drop me a message & I will be in touch ūüí™ūüĆą‚ėÄÔłŹ ‚ÄĘ Happy Bank Holiday ‚ú® ‚ÄĘ Rosie xx ‚ÄĘ
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That was BIG week ūüĒ• #FridayVibes #FoodBaby #Fire #chilltime ūüíē


And the winner is...
Hannah Hughes ūüćÄūüćÄūüćÄ
You've won a free spot in the next set of LBT classes - starting tomorrow at 8pm ūüŹÜ PM me for more details ūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
... Thanks to everyone else who entered! ūüĆą If you are interested in signing up please follow the link in the attached post ūüĒ•
See y'all tomorrow! ūüí™ūüíē
Rosie xx
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Winner picked tonight ūüŹÜūüĆąūüćÄ


‚≠ēÔłŹFAT LOSS & WEIGHT LOSS‚≠ēÔłŹ - Old but GOLD. I had to re-share this even though it‚Äôs gone wild through instagram quite a few times. Oh well, for those who haven‚Äôt seen it.. there y‚Äôall go! - Did you know this? -... I bet all of you wonder why, even if you start dieting, your weight just doesn‚Äôt want to go down. And no, it‚Äôs not because you‚Äôre ‚Äúspecial‚ÄĚ, ‚ÄúGod hates you‚ÄĚ or whatever your reason might be.. the simple answer is: Water retention. - And besides the muscle gains that could happen for beginners [(and still impair WEIGHT) but not fat loss] let‚Äôs take a finer look at what happens to the fat cells once you start dieting. - When you start eating at a caloric deficit, meaning that you‚Äôre now providing less nutrients to your body, for it to use its internal stores of energy, your fat cells start releasing fat for the ‚Äúmissing‚ÄĚ energy not coming from your diet. - However, because these cells are VERY stubborn, they get refilled with water first, before saying the final goodbye. - It‚Äôs like a double check from your body which‚Äôs telling you: ‚Äúare you really wanting me to release this precious stored energy?‚ÄĚ - Yeah.. This means your weight could fluctuate alot and even go higher, freak you out more and make you quit, but you shouldn‚Äôt. I know how frustrating it is to see your weight either stall or go higher when you‚Äôre depriving yourself, but that‚Äôs just the way it is! - You‚Äôre just one step further from finally losing the water weight which is literally MASKING your progress, and finally reveal your hard work done in the past weeks. - As always consistency is key. In everything. - ūüĒ•ūüĒ•ūüĒ•TAG somebody who stresses alot over his/her weight! #pheasyque
#Repost @pheasyque ūüĒ•
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Full Day of Eating ūüí™ūüćĎ
Breakfast - Smoothie (details on Insta stories today) ūüćí Brunch - Turmeric Veggie Slices (recipe posted on 27th Feb if you scroll down) ūü•ö Lunch - 50g oats, 250g 0% fat Greek Yogurt, 15g strawberry jam ūüćď... Dinner - Linda Mc Cartney sausages & veggies ūü•¶ Snack - Grenade Protein Brownie ūüćę
Total - 1499 calories - 144g protein ūüĎô
I prepped a big batch of the Turmeric Veggie Slices, veggie sausages & veggies on Monday morning - it took about 30 mins... But it means each meal Monday-Wednesday will take no longer than 5 mins to make ūüíÉūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüĒĎ
#caloriedeficit ūüĒ•
Let me know if this is useful & I'll get more up ūüėĄūüĆĹūüĆą
Happy Tuesday ūü¶Ą‚ú®
Rosie xx
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And sometimes it's good to step out of your comfort zone ūüėÜ‚ú®ūü¶ĄūüĆąūüźėūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
Can't wait to turn nada hoop skills into lots of hoop skills ūü•≥‚ėÄÔłŹūüĒ•


Start your plan today ūüėÜūüí™ūüĒ• ‚ÄĘ What areas do you want to focus on? Business / Personal Life / Work Life / Fitness / Health / Body etc... Make a plan... You can't hit a goal you can't see ūüĒĎūüéĮ ‚ÄĘ As you've seen on stories I'm going to be posting my workouts this week ūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüĆą... ‚ÄĘ And to help motivate you to complete them I'm giving you the chance to win a month of free Online Coaching ūü•≥ ūüŹÜ ‚ÄĘ All you have to do is screenshot the workouts when you have completed them, post them on your walls / stories & tag me - the winner will be picked at random at the end of the week ūüćÄ ‚ÄĘ (Each post is an extra entry so you can enter as many times as you like) ūüíÉ ‚ÄĘ Happy Monday ūü¶Ą‚ú® ‚ÄĘ Rosie xx
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Who's Game? ‚õįÔłŹ‚ėÄÔłŹ
I've just signed up for this ūüėĄ if anyone else is signing up too let me know & we can arrange some training / carpools ūüĆąūüćÄūüĒ•
I'll also be organising a couple of fundraisers between now & then - if you have any ideas or if you would like to donate some help / class space etc - please let me know ūüí™ūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
... Please share ūüíö
Rosie xx
#cancerfocus #mournesevensummits #cancerfocusni #northernireland #mountains #fundraiser #teamwork #physique #personaltraining
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More about Physique - Personal Training - Rosie O'Rourke

Physique - Personal Training - Rosie O'Rourke is located at 37 Gortgonis road Coalisland, BT71 4QG Dungannon