Portadown Baptist Church

About Portadown Baptist Church

Portadown Baptist Church exists to encourage the regular WORSHIP of God, to equip believers to grow in their WALK with Jesus and to empower believers for Christlike WITNESS.



SUNDAY SERVICES - 1st March 11:00am and 7:00pm We'd love to see you at our Sunday Services in Portadown Baptist Church this week, as we are joined by Edwin Ewart from the Irish Baptist College at 11:00am, and then we hear from one of our Church Elders, Stephen Archer at 7:00pm. Come along and be encouraged as you join with us in worship.
Our morning service is followed by Communion, and after the evening service you're welcome to stay for tea or coffee and a chat.
... 'Little Stars' supervised creche facility is available for all children up to nursery age every Sunday morning, while Kids of Primary School age can enjoy our 'All Stars Children's Ministry' during the morning service. We'd love to have you join us!
Sunday Prayer Times: 8:00am, 10:30am, 6:30pm in the Prayer Room behind the Pulpit. Sunday School: 9:45am in Church Halls, Tavanagh Avenue Brownstown Kids: 3:00pm in Brownstown Hall (opposite EuroSpar) Youth Fellowship: 8:30pm in Oakleigh House (Church Car Park)
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Monthly Prayer Focus - Friday 28th February Come when you can, leave when you must - but do join us for even just a short while between 8:00 and 9:00pm on Friday evening. We meet in the Prayer Room behind the Pulpit for our monthly prayer focus, as we seek God's blessing and guidance for our Church fellowship, with particular focus on our search for a Pastor.


Don't forget Tuesday morning is Open Morning at the Irish Baptist College!


ChurchNight - Wednesday 26th February 7:45pm in our Main Church Hall (Tavanagh Avenue) Come along to our weekly time of Bible Study and Prayer, as this week we'll hear from Anthony Irwin, one of our Church Elders, as he teaches us from God's Word. You'll be made very welcome! Refreshments served afterwards.


Our verse for the week at Portadown Baptist Church is from the well-known chapter of John's Gospel, chapter 14, verse 15: "If you love me, keep my commands". Take a moment to read the whole chapter!


GRIEFSHARE The sixth gathering of our GriefShare Support Group takes place on Tuesday 25th February, as we look at the all-important question we all ask: "Why?". We welcome anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one and is seeking support in getting through this difficult time. Join us from 7:30-9:00pm via the Side Door to the Main Church Building (access via top-left of Church Car Park).
For more information, please visit the GriefShare page on our website (http://www.portadownbaptist.com/ministri es/grief_share), speak to Bill Wharry or Iris Smith, or email online@portadownbaptist.com


SUNDAY SERVICES - 23rd February 11:00am and 7:00pm This Sunday morning we have a special Family Service with guest speaker Aaron Riddle from Baptist Youth. We look forward to seeing you all there, and sharing our service with all ages! Our Evening Service then takes the form of a 'Songs Of Praise' Night, as we enjoy favourite hymns and songs chosen by the congregation. Our evening service is followed by Communion.
'Little Stars' supervised creche facility is available for all... children up to nursery age every Sunday morning. As we have a Family Service this Sunday, there will be NO 'All Stars Children's Ministry' as the Kids stay with us during the morning service.
Sunday Prayer Times: 8:00am, 10:30am, 6:30pm in the Prayer Room behind the Pulpit. Sunday School: 9:45am in Church Halls, Tavanagh Avenue Brownstown Kids: 3:00pm in Brownstown Hall (opposite EuroSpar) Youth Fellowship: 8:30pm in Oakleigh House (Church Car Park)
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ChurchNight - Wednesday 19th February 7:45pm in our Main Church Hall (Tavanagh Avenue) Join us for our regular midweek time of Bible Study and Prayer. This week, Stephen Archer, one of our Church Elders, will bring a message from God's Word and lead us in prayer. We'd love to see you there! Refreshments served afterwards.


LISTEN AGAIN: Our guest speaker this Sunday was Christopher Clarke, who shared with us this morning on "Paradox, Pardon And A Publican" (Luke 18:9-14) and in the evening encouraged us with thoughts on"Providence And Personal Circumstances" (Acts 22:30-23:22). If you missed either of today's messages, or would like to listen again, recordings are now available on our Church website at http://www.portadownbaptist.com/media/aud io_download
Join us again next Sunday morning for a special Family Service with Aaron Riddle, and for "Songs Of Praise" in the evening. Don't miss ChurchNight this Wednesday at 7:45pm, as Stephen Archer leads us in Bible Study and prayer.


Our verse for the week at Portadown Baptist Church is from Psalm 51:1, the cry that must surely rise from the heart of every true believer in Christ:
"Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion... blot out my transgressions".
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GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Join us for the fifth week of our Grief Support Group on Tuesday 18th February from 7:30-9:00pm - find us via the Side Door to the Main Church Building (access via top-left of Church Car Park). These free seminars are open to anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one and is seeking support in getting through this difficult time. In Session 5 we consider the important area of "Grief And Your Relationships".
For more information, please speak to Bill Wharry or Iris Smith, or email online@portadownbaptist.com


Tuesday Fellowship Our Tuesday Fellowship meets on Tuesday 18th February at 3:00pm in our Minor Hall. We're joined this month by one of our Deacons, Richard Alhadeff, who is currently studying at the Irish Baptist College and will share from God's Word. All senior citizens are welcome to join us for this time of fellowship! PLEASE NOTE: Tuesday Fellowship has changed to the THIRD Tuesday of the month from now on.


HALF-TERM BREAK Parents please note that Morning Sunday School, Campaigners and Two-By-Two Parents and Toddlers are off for half-term break. Sunday School will NOT take place THIS Sunday (16th February), but RESUMES on Sunday 23rd February. Campaigners are off the week commencing Monday 17th, and resume week commencing Monday 24th. Two-By-Two will not take place on Wednesday 19th February, but resumes at 10:00am on Wednesday 26th.


SUNDAY SERVICES - 16th February 11:00am and 7:00pm Join us this Sunday as Christopher Clarke comes as our guest speaker for the day. Christopher is the former Associate Pastor of Millisle Baptist Church. Everyone is welcome to join us as we worship God and learn from His word!
Our morning service is followed by Communion, and after the evening service you're welcome to stay for tea or coffee and a chat.
... 'Little Stars' supervised creche facility is available for all children up to nursery age every Sunday morning, while Kids of Primary School age can enjoy our 'All Stars Children's Ministry' during the morning service. We'd love to have you join us!
Sunday Prayer Times: 8:00am, 10:30am, 6:30pm in the Prayer Room behind the Pulpit. NO Sunday School: (Off for Half-Term, Resumes 9:45am 23rd February) Brownstown Kids: 3:00pm in Brownstown Hall (opposite EuroSpar) Youth Fellowship: 8:30pm in Oakleigh House (Church Car Park)
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HOME GROUPS - Wednesday 12th February, 7:45pm Our first Home Groups study of 2020 takes place on Wednesday at 7:45pm. Please make your way to your assigned home if you are part of a group - if not, then we'd love to see you in our Minor Hall where the Church Group meets. We will start off the studies for a new year with a very appropriate look at "Real Prayer" as we learn about "Praying Confidently" from Hebrews 10:19-22 and 4:14-16.

More about Portadown Baptist Church

Portadown Baptist Church is located at 117 Thomas Street, BT62 3AH Portadown