Presbyterian Church In Ireland

About Presbyterian Church In Ireland

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland has over 225, 000 members who belong to 539 congregations. PCI is the largest Protestant denomination in Northern Ireland.

Presbyterian Church In Ireland Description

The Presbyterian form of Christian faith is best described as 'Reformed' with its strong emphasis on the Sovereignty of God, the Kingship of Christ and the authority of the Bible.

Preaching the Word of God is central to Presbyterian worship services that are set amongst a mixture of prayer and praise. There is no fixed liturgy in Presbyterian services of worship. Prayers and hymns, psalms and paraphrases, Scripture readings and sermons are adapted to the needs of the occasion.

The word 'Presbyterian' itself describes the form of Church government, which emphasises the individual and corporate responsibility of members. Ministers and members share in the organising and running of every aspect of the Church's work. In the Presbyterian Church in Ireland this is undertaken at three levels:

Congregational (local)
Presbytery (regional)
General Assembly (denominational)

The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the Church. One of its roles is to elect the Moderator, the chief public representative of the Church who serves for one year. The current Moderator is Rt. Rev. Dr. Frank Sellar, who is minister of Bloomfield Presbyterian Church in east Belfast.

The Moderator, however, is not the ‘head of the church’. The Code, or constitution of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland clearly states that ‘The Lord Jesus Christ is the sole King and Head of the Church…’

The Church's administrative heart is Assembly Buildings, which is located at Fisherwick Place in Belfast.



Let's Pray >> Csaba and Ilona Veres are global mission workers in Romania.
Give thanks for the work of the Diakonia in Méra with Roma children and families.
Give thanks for good parenting seminars in November discussing issues related to alcoholism. Pray for those families who struggle to cope with an alcoholic family member. Pray for wisdom and grace and trust in Jesus.
... Pray for the compassion of the Lord to deal with those struggling with addiction and for the Méra staff as they support family members and children who sometimes get caught up in the crossfire. Pray for the ongoing work of the Reformed church’s mission to alcoholics.
Church of North India
With Christians accounting for only 2.3% of India’s 1.3 billion people, the Church of North India (CNI) faces many challenges in being an effective witness in a predominantly Hindu culture.
Pray that CNI will be courageous and faithful in its witness, service and preaching of the gospel; and particularly in speaking up for the marginalised and oppressed.
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Tomorrow is our third and final Herald Agent Day for 2019 in Assembly Buildings.
These events have been such a source of encouragement and it has been great for the Herald team to get alongside those who are working so hard on the ground promoting and distributing the Presbyterian Herald across Ireland.
Please pray for safety for those travelling to the event tomorrow and for a blessed time together sharing ideas and receiving feedback,
... #presbyterianherald #avoiceforpresbyterians #heraldagentday #heraldagents #heraldangels
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Don't forget that the PCI Calendar 2019 is available to buy, featuring scenes from the life and work of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, as well as key dates in the Church year.
With the option of being displayed either as a desk or wall calendar, it has two months to view, accompanied by specially selected Scripture verses.
Perfect as a gift for friends and family this Christmas, each calendar costs only £4/€4 (including postage).
... To order please go to –…/G en…/PCI-Calendar.aspx
To guarantee delivery before Christmas, place your order by Wednesday 12 December 2018.
#pcicalendar #pcilifeandwork
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Let’s Pray >> Timothy Vaughan serves as a community outreach worker in Garnerville Presbyterian Church.
Pray for Timothy as he continues to build good relationships with local people and seek opportunities to share the gospel.
Pray for wisdom and guidance from God in all he does.
... Pray too for the congregation of Garnerville as they continue to reach out to the people in the surrounding community.
Rev Rodney Beacom is the vacancy convener for Pettigo and Tempo Presbyterian Churches.
Give thanks that a call has recently been issued to Rev Gunther Andrich. It is hoped he will be installed in the three congregations in January. Pray that as he preaches the gospel, there will be a harvest of righteousness for the Kingdom of Christ.
Give thanks for the continued gospel witness through the pulpit supply preachers in the meantime.
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22.2.2019 - 22.6.2019 Lowe Memorial Presbyterian Church, Belfast; Union Road Presbyterian Church, Magherafelt
Emerge is a short-term training programme offered to emerging leaders within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.
... Emerge is a short-term training programme offered to emerging leaders within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.
This is gathering together of a group of emerging leaders, investing in them through high quality training and shared experiences.
This is an opportunity for those in their 20s or 30s and in a current leadership role within their congregation, for example, as a relatively new elder, member of congregational committee or a youth leader.
Participants will be part of a Learning Community in which they will join others on a journey involving:
• Practical action and reflection – including mentoring
• Focused devotional sessions on aspects of the spirituality of leadership
• Short talks and stories of congregational change leading to facilitated discussion
The course involves four sessions including a residential.
Dates The first three sessions are available in two different venues - Lowe Memorial Presbyterian Church, Belfast, and Union Road Presbyterian Church, Magherafelt. Participants should choose in advance which venue they will attend. Both groups will join together for the residential in the Hilton Hotel, Templepatrick.
Lowe Memorial, Belfast & Union Road, Magherafelt
Session 1: The Culture of Leadership Friday 22 February 6.30pm - 9.30pm (includes buffet meal)
Saturday 23 February 9.45am - 1pm (includes lunch)
Session 2: The Context of Leadership / The Challenge of Change in Leadership * Saturday 30 March 9.45am - 1pm (includes lunch)
Saturday 30 March 9.45am - 1pm (includes lunch)
Session 3: The Challenge of Change in Leadership / The Context of Leadership * Saturday 18 May 9.45am - 1pm (includes lunch)
Saturday 18 May 9.45am - 1pm (includes lunch)
Residential: The Chemistry of Leadership - developing relational awareness as a leader Friday 21 June, 6pm - Saturday 22 June, 4pm Hilton Hotel, Templepatrick * The content of sessions 2 & 3 are in a different order for each of the two venues
Signing up The programme is open to any emerging leader within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Total Cost is £100 or Euro equivalent including residential.
Places are limited and will be offered on a first come, first served basis. It is hoped that your congregation will support you financially in part or in full – there is a note on the registration form to request that your Kirk Session consider this. The registration form should be signed by your Minister or Clerk of Session.
Click here to download a copy of the registration form. Please note you must book your place before the closing date of Friday 18 January 2019.
If you need a physical copy of the registration form, or have any questions, please email
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This is a public lecture on the subject of 'The Making of the Hibernian Patriot: Jonathan Swift and Ulster Presbyterians'.
The lecture will be given by Ian McBride, Foster Professor of Irish History at the University of Oxford. His research interests include the history of Ireland in the Long Eighteenth Century and the history of Northern Ireland since 1920.
His publications include The Siege of Derry in Ulster Protestant Mythology (1997) and Scripture Politics: Ulster Presb...yterians and Irish Radicalism in the Late Eighteenth Century (1998), and Eighteenth-Century Ireland: The Isle of Slaves (2009).
His most recent book 'The Princeton History of Modern Ireland (2016)', edited with Richard Bourke, was selected by both RTÉ Radio and The Irish Times as one of their best books of 2016. Prof McBride is currently completing a volume on Swift’s Irish Political Writings for the Cambridge Edition of the Works of Jonathan Swift.
This is a free event and open to all. No booking is required.
For further information contact Union Theological College. Tel: +44 (0)28 9020 5080; Email:
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Let’s Pray >> Christopher and Nivedita Benjamin are global mission workers in the UK.
Praise the Lord for the monthly prayer meetings and the opportunities Christopher and Nivedita have to be able to meet others from the Gujarati community in London.
Pray for Christopher and Nivedita as they support people through difficult times.
... Pray for the outreach opportunities they have, that God will grant them wisdom and guidance as they share the gospel.
PCI partnerships with the Hungarian Reformed Church in Hungary, Romania and Ukraine
Pray for PCI’s partnerships with the Reformed Church in Hungary, the Reformed Church in Romania and the Reformed Church in Transcarpathia (Ukraine).
Pray for wisdom and guidance for the leadership of each church and for the training of new ministers and leaders.
Give thanks and pray for the Reformed Church in Hungary’s ministry to refugees.
Pray for the church in Transcarpathia in western Ukraine, and for the unity and stability of the country.
Pray too for the Reformed Church in Romania’s Diakonia Mission.
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Let’s Pray >> Peter and Jayne Fleming are global mission workers in Nepal.
Give thanks that Peter and Jayne have settled so well into work and life in Kathmandu, having begun their service there in January.
Pray for Peter in his work in integral development for United Mission to Nepal. Give thanks for recent encouragements and positive experiences of service in Nepal.
... Pray for Jayne as she teaches at Kathmandu International Study Centre. Pray too for the current and future needs for teachers at the school.
Pray too for safety in travel for Peter and Jayne.
World Development Appeal 2018 – ‘Seeking Safety’
The emphasis of this year’s appeal is on the long-term challenges and action needed for good and sustainable support in dangerous places, with a particular focus on the importance of gender justice.
Give thanks for the generous support given to the appeal last year.
Pray that this year’s appeal will also be well-supported, so that more people in need can be helped.
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Let’s Pray >> Hazel Reid is a PCI deaconess in First Broughshane Presbyterian Church, where Rev Ronnie Agnew is the minister.
The congregation voted recently to adopt revised building plans for their church hall. Pray as the plans go through the various procedures and committees. Pray that the congregation will see God’s vision for them, both in the church and the community.
Small groups have been meeting monthly on a Sunday evening to study Encounter- the PCI resource. Pray they think through the different aspects of Sunday worship that they would truly encounter the living God and honour him in their daily lives.
Pray for the congregation as they prepare for the election of new elders next year.
One of PCI's global mission partners is the Presbyterian Church of Pakistan (PCP)
Pray for the protection of the Christian community in Pakistan and for peace, justice and religious freedom for all in Pakistan.
Pray especially for the safety and protection of Asia Bibi (recently acquitted of false blasphemy charges after nine years in prison) and her family.
Pray for members of the PCP as they relate to their Muslim neighbours.
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In his blog Richard Russell, reflects on the extensive planning that went into the recent MAD weekend at the University of Ulster, Coleraine.
#pciyouth #MADweekend2018 #MAD2018 #20yearsofMAD


Rev Dr Yohanna Katanacho, dean of Nazareth Evangelical College, has been with us to look at the complex issue of identity in the Middle East and the region's rich Arab Christian heritage.
#pciglobal mission #pcinews


Let’s Pray >> An evening event on 4 December in Iveagh Presbytery will bring together key leaders in congregations to be envisioned and equipped for their life and witness.
Pray that participants will be encouraged and inspired as they gather to reflect on leadership, youth ministry, men’s ministry and discipleship.
... Many in our congregations care for loved ones who are ill or live with a disability.
Pray that they would be encouraged and sustained in their role. Pray that they will know Christ’s strength and compassion and will continue to care even when those being cared for make it difficult or reject the care being offered.
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Two years ago we made a short film to highlight 'Close to Home', a resource to help build an integrated, intergenerational community of God’s people, which can effectively pass on faith.
How do you seek to pass on faith in your home and within your church community?
To find out more about our 'Close to Home' resource go to –…/C l…/Close-to-Home.aspx
... #throwbackthursday #tbt #closetohome #covenanttheology
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Let’s Pray >> Rev Colin Megaw is PCI's chaplain in Woodlands Juvenile Justice Centre (WJJC).
Pray for the director of WJJC, the staff, the young people and their families.
At the harvest service in October a guest speaker from Fields of Life showed video presentations and the young people are now encouraged to engage in sponsored fundraising in support of a water project. Pray for the ongoing enthusiasm of the young people as they seek to make a positive difference to the of others.
Give thanks for the recently completed Youth Alpha course and pray for conversations about Jesus to continue.
Pray for this year’s carol service, especially for Colin as he delivers the devotional.
Rev Jim Lamont is the stated supply for Inch Presbyterian Church.
Pray for the congregation as they seek to witness for Christ to the island community.
Pray for the relational and spiritual needs of each member of the congregation.
Pray for health and strength for the senior members of the congregation.
Pray that the young people in the congregation will be strengthened in their faith and find God’s purpose for their lives.
To see more #LetsPray visit:
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As part of our #WorldDevWed social media feature and co-inciding with the #16days UN campaign of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, watch our 2018 World Development Appeal video highlighting the work of the Casa Noeli dos Santos safe house in the city of Ariquemes, Brazil.

More about Presbyterian Church In Ireland

Presbyterian Church In Ireland is located at Assembly Buildings, 2-10 Fisherwick Place, BT1 6DW Belfast
+44 (0)28 9032 2284