Psni Magherafelt

About Psni Magherafelt

News & updates from your local Police.
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Magherafelt NPT on anti burglary patrols at various locations across the district this evening. #kps


Outside our patch but causing a lot of delays for you guys coming home tonight.
M22 closed at J2 Randalstown for traffic heading this way due to a four vehicle collision.
M22 and Moneynick has seen a far too many collisions over the last few months from minor shunts to major incidents.
... We all want to get home but - especially on the Moneynick - ease off on the speed and keep proper distance between the vehicle in front of you.
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Male today convicted of assaulting the bus driver of the Ulsterbus Goldliner 212 as he got off at the Castledawson stop.
Comprehensive CCTV on the bus captured the assault.
Officers then used the images and video to track down the male.
... Sentenced to a four month prison sentence suspended for three years and fined at Magherafelt Magistrates Court today.
Individuals who assault bus drivers are, and will continue to be, prosecuted.
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With the better days and brighter evenings more cyclists are back in the saddle and out on the roads. As we are continuously reminding people roads are a shared space for BOTH motorists and cyclists and each have to follow the highway code. Remember cyclists you are easily recognisable and represent your clubs and you should abide by the rules of the road. Please take a moment to reminder yourselves of the rules for cyclists…/the-highwa…/rule s-for-cyclists...-59-to-82 Especially Rule 66 You should:- keep both hands on the handlebars except when signalling or changing gear keep both feet on the pedals never ride more than two abreast, and ride in single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends not ride close behind another vehicle not carry anything which will affect your balance or may get tangled up with your wheels or chain be considerate of other road users, particularly blind and partially sighted pedestrians. Let them know you are there when necessary, for example, by ringing your bell if you have one. It is recommended that a bell be fitted.
#sharetheroads #highwaycode
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Another 'No Cold Calling Zone' established today by NPT and PCSP in the Springhill area of Moneymore. Remember the following on how to handle unwanted cold callers; 1 Think before you open the door. 2 Ask callers for proof of I'D 3 If your not convinced, don't let them in.... #kps
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Mid Ulster Officers from Magherafelt, Cookstown and Dungannon on Public Order training refresher today.
A long but enjoyable day covering a large range of tactics including crowd control, area clearance and arrests.
All Public Order officers, if required, work in formed up units and can be deployed anywhere in Northern Ireland.


If anyone is interested or would like any information on Neighbourhood Watch scheme, No Cold Calling zone or Farm Watch for their area please contact Constable Doone from Magherafelt NPT on 101 ext 52151. #crimeprevention


Magherafelt NPT out this morning patrolling park and rides across Magherafelt and Maghera. The message is simple: Remove all items of value from your vehicle and then lock it. It really is that easy. #crimeprevention


Yet again we find ourselves picking up the pieces after another selfish drunk got behind the wheel and drove.
How we aren’t picking up the pieces of a broken family or families is simply a miracle.
As if this wasn’t bad enough the driver then left the scene with the assistance of others in the hope they wouldn’t get caught. A nearby crew tracked their movements and arrested the driver some distance away from the scene.
... Almost four times over the limit.
It’s pathetic that we have to continually post about drink drivers in this district.
If you drink and drive we will catch you. Our focus is catching you before you become a killer.
If you are in any doubt that you’ll be caught pay a visit to Magherafelt Court on any sitting and you’ll see for yourself how relentless we are at catching these individuals.
#WiseUp #EnoughIsEnough #ZeroTolerance #CSection
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So how was your Saturday night?
Ours was one of great frustration and yet again a major strain on our resources.
This was the scene outside Craigavon Area Hospital, with a similar one at Antrim Area Hospital.
... Now you might think, ‘some Police cars, and?’
All those cars and the ones at Antrim Area Hospital are Mid Ulster cars, last night 19 Magherafelt and Dungannon officers were required in the two hospitals. That’s nineteen officers many miles away from district, nineteen officers removed from Policing your area, nineteen officers unable to respond to calls and carrying out anti burglary patrols.
We were there with individuals who’d been arrested for drink driving, domestic abuse, assaults and road traffic collisions due to drink.
The A&E department itself was like an Eastenders Christmas Special meets Jeremy Kyle, with additional local police required to deal with that side of things.
It’s part of a wider debate about Police resources and Police being a general catch all service expected to plug endless gaps.
As is so often the case most of these boil down to individuals and personal responsibility - or rather a severe lack of it, with the expectation that Police will just pick up the pieces.
The mindset needs to change, it is not sustainable.
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Confused and frustrated by the constant roadworks on the A6? So are we. But catapulting yourself on top of the Big O roundabout is not the answer. With the almost weekly changes to the road signage and diversion routes it's easy to get lost and you'd be forgiven if you got disorientated, but no sympathy due here for this selfish driver who was promptly arrested for driving with excess alcohol.
Drink driving is never acceptable. What's worse still is the driver involved is, you may know them, went to school with them, work with them. But they show no regard for their community or the people in it, putting you, your children and others at risk when they selfishly get behind the wheel knowing they are intoxicated.
On this occasion the driver involved will be charged to court to answer for their actions. We continue to send out the message that drink driving can not and should not be tolerated, we need your support to spread that message.
#ourcommunity #keepingpeoplesafe
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And our work here is done! Really good night, excellent vibe from everyone and no stupid stuff.
All we had to deal with all night was one very brief fight, someone urinating in the street and a very drunk guy with a big mouth.
A great effort from everyone out tonight to just go out and enjoy themselves with plenty of you stopping to have a chat.
... A big thank you from us.
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Who’s heading into town tonight? Gona be a very busy one with a number of different gigs on in town and out at The Elk.
C Section and NPT are on pubs and clubs duties tonight. If your aren’t a regular to the town heres our handy cut out and keep guide to how we do things in Mid Ulster.
1. Welcome to Magherafelt, show respect and it will be returned in equal measure.
... 2. Know what bus you are on and where it is leaving from. Taxis are hard to find, if you’re going to need one book it now.
3. Everyone’s looking forward to a good night, including us. Don’t be the drunken idiot that ruins it for everyone else.
4. No, we aren’t a taxi service.
5. Don’t arrived blocked, you won’t get in.
6. Fight, we’ll lift you.
7. Doorways and walls aren’t toilets. It’s an on the spot fine.
8. We operate zero tolerance policy on aggression and anti social behaviour. Do it and you’ll get arrested.
9. Crying for Mummy after getting arrested is not cool.
10. See number 1.
Enjoy the night
#CSection #NPT #ZeroTolerance
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Do you know this man? Have you been speaking to him via Skype?
He’s William Smith and is currently looking assistance, or is he Dr Eddie Adams? No, he’s Mark Nelson or maybe its Michael Cambry?
He’s actually whoever he needs to be to empty the bank accounts of unsuspecting females. We’re still finding ourselves dealing with females being sucked into an emotional minefield then cleared out of their money.
... Chances are there’s someone in this district currently chatting to this non existent person and being sucked in by the sob story.
Its a simple but effective scam.
1. Contact made via Facebook, suggests its easier to chat via Skype 2. Actual video Skype call takes place but its a recording not real 3. Sob story about being a general in the American army stuck in Syria / Damascus / General conflict zone 4. There then follows multiple pictures of him in army uniform, walking with Obama, leading troops in battle etc (hideously poor photoshoping) 5. Need money, cash points are broken due to war 6. Money gets sent via MoneyGram, generally around £800 a time so as not to alert the automated scam detectors 7. Promises to come visit, needs more for airfare etc and the process continues
Sounds so simple doesn’t it yet we have dealt with ladies in this area who have sent thousands and thousands of pounds. Lost, never to be returned. Even when presented with all the evidence by us some victims still refuse to believe and continue to send money.
Yes its easy to mock but the scammers put hours and hours of work into brain washing and sucking people in, it could easily be your Mum, Sister, Aunt.
The shame felt by the victim means it’s often a son or daughter contacts us.
We appreciate scam warnings are tediously boring with many people reading them and thinking ‘🙄 Idiots’ but tell your family about these when you see them. The more are alert to it the harder it is for the scammers.
Oh and lads you may laugh but thats your inheritance being given away to the scammers.
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Magherafelt NPT have been out attempting to detect speeding offences outside of schools in Mid Ulster. Speeding remains one of the most common causes of injuries and death on our roads. We would urge members of the public to always drive to the conditions of the road and to always remember, the limit is not a target. Driving over the speed limit not only increases the chance of a collision but also the severity of the consequences. #Keepingpeoplesafe


Magherafelt NPT out this evening in Draperstown on anti burglary patrols. #kps


Lorry has shed its load on the Creagh Road between Toome and Magherafelt. Expect delays until its cleared.

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