Queens Tai-Jutsu

Monday: -
Tuesday: 19:00 - 20:30
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 17:30 - 19:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Queens Tai-Jutsu

We are a street-focused martial art, combining effective jiu-jutsu with boxing, muay thai, etc.

We welcome all levels, from novice to advanced.



It's a holly jolly Christmas, the best time of the year (not counting gradings, obviously), and to celebrate we're giving you - and us! 🥺 - a well-deserved fortnight off.
Eat, drink and be Mary (if that's what tickles your tinsel). 🍗🥃🎄
... We were going to put on a nativity play but ran into casting issues: no problem finding a virgin, an ass, and even some Frankincense (thank-you Amazon), but 3 wise men...? 🤪🥴😵
Speaking of which, on behalf of the instructor team we wish the whole Tai-Jutsu family a very Merry Christmas. 🥳🥂🎅
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As with Brexit the end is nigh, but like Theresa we're still hanging in there (barely!). 🥴
Tonight is our last Friday session of the year, with next Tuesday being our last club night until 2019.
... So tonight, let's get festive!
Who wants their halls decked? 🤨 Anyone for a red nose? 🥊 And would it even be Christmas if we didn't crack a few baubles? 😲
Bring your gumshields! (Santa hats are optional.)
We'll see you on the mats at 5.30pm.
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Jingle Bells? 🥃
Or maybe you're having a healthy festive period, hitting the gym, and prefer ... a whey in a manger? 💪
... So we find ourselves post-grading and in the season of good will to all. That can only mean one thing: SPARRING. 🥊
And if you're very naughty/nice you might even get hugs*. 🐙
We'll see you on the mats at 5.30pm.
* all hugs must be consensual (we're not Ted Baker)
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Tomorrow is the 1st of December: officially the season of goodwill. 🎅
As a club we get to come together and celebrate our favourite time of the year with a traditional Queens Tai-Jutsu grading. 😁
... We've made our list, we've checked it twice, and tomorrow we find out who's naughty and who's nice. 👊
We'll see you on the mats at 5.30pm.
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It's that time of year again! 🎉
Each year we offer students fantastic 2-for-1 deals on bruises, contusions, the occasional abrasion, and (if you don't keep your guard up) the odd thick lip or bloody nose. 🥊
... Tonight is no exception and, with one week to go before grading, the higher belts are keen to test your mettle. 💪
Thanksgiving? You are welcome! 😁
See you on the mats at 5.30pm.
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It's almost time to separate the wheat from the chaff.
In just a fortnight we find out which of our club contents should be marked in bold*. 👊
... Five classes are all that stand between you and proving to the rest of the club you're truly one of us. Have you got what it takes? 💪
Let's find out on the mats at 5.30pm.
* if you've made it this far you're probably nuts anyway. 🥜
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- Black eyes - Bloody noses - Cut lips... - Bruised egos
Avoid all of these by learning how to spar properly! 😆
Anyone who's eager to learn (and is insured!), we'll see you on the mats at 5.30pm. 🥊
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## 29 SLEEPS ##
With Halloween over for another year we can officially start counting down the days until … GRADING! 🥋
It's a magical time of year when new starts get to claim your place in the club, low belts get the chance to trade up, and high grades get to test if you deserve to stand beside them. 🥊
... With just under a month to go let's find out if you've got what it takes. 👊
We'll see you on the mats at 5.30pm.
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With the clocks going back this weekend we all get an extra hour to spend in our 2nd-favourite place (after Queens Tai-Jutsu, of course).
Depending on your plans for the extra time in bed, you can either think of tonight's class as giving you something to recover from, or a great way to work on your stamina.
... Whichever the case, we'll see you on the mats at 5.30pm.
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Friday afternoons are already pretty great.
Whatever you're working on is about to become Monday's problem, the weekend's just creeping into sight…
... … and suddenly it hits you: I've got Tai-Jutsu this evening! 🎉
You know what else hits you? Nick. 🥊
We'll see you on the mats at 5.30pm.

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…or, by his given name, Adrian. 😜
On a day like that it's not a question of IF you'll end up on the sofa wearing a hoodie and binge-watching, it's just a matter of WHEN.
... Why not cap off your week properly and feel like you've earnt it?
For those of you brave enough to venture out, including Adrian, we'll see you on the mats at 5.30pm.
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One week in and many of you have already been on both sides of a slap in the face, courtesy of Queens Tai-Jutsu.
That's pretty much our litmus test. If it's not your thing, fair enough. But if it is, you're just getting started! 😉
... Haven't been down yet? No problem! We welcome new starts all year round.
And if you've given us a go and like it so far, bring a friend! It's so much more fun hitting people you know. 😆
We'll see you on the mats at 5.30pm.
🍻🥂 # SOCIAL! # 🥂🍻
After class - and a quick shower, if we're doing our job right - we're heading to The Jeggy Nettle on Stranmillis.
Why not join us, and find out a little more about the people behind the punches?
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Great seeing a bunch of new (and old) faces down last night.
Hope you all enjoyed your introduction to Queens Tai-Jutsu!
It'll be fun finding out how many have got what it takes to make it to the end of the semester. 😆


## WELCOME!! ##
Already heard the sales pitch at Freshers? "Street-based martial art… practical self-defence… perfect for beginners… fun training environment… great for fitness…", that kind of thing?
Admit it, you're curious. 🤔
... Well tonight's your first chance to see if we live up to hype. 👊
We train Tuesdays (7-8.30pm) and Fridays (5.30-7.30pm) in the Queens PEC, upstairs in the Minor Hall.
Your first class is free, and all you need are comfortable clothes you'd wear to the gym.
If it's your first time, come down 15 minutes early for a quick intro.
Can't make it tonight? Don't worry, we welcome new starts all year round.
See you on the mats! 😉
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Tonight is Culture Night in Belfast, and so you face a tough choice:
1. Have a cheap night out where you get jostled by a friendly crowd, listen to questionable music, generally have a great time, and at the end of it all feel a little bit smug for having been a part of it.
... 2. Go to Culture Night.
For those who prefer their Arts in the Martial form, we'll see you on the mats at 5.30pm.
Bring gumshields, gloves & groin guards. And opera glasses. 🧐
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Following extensive consultation* with Jean-Claude Juncker, we are pleased to announce you will not need a special permit to enter the club.
However - as anyone who's missed training over the summer will discover - you will have to pay a heavy toll for roaming. 😅
... Whatever your passport status, we'll see you on the mats at 5.30pm.
* okay, so communication was mostly in the form of "Who is this?", "How did you get this number?", and "What is this 'very particular set of skills' of which you speak?". And that's why he's only my second favourite Jean-Claude. 😠
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This week we lost the man who made the moustache cool, the Pontiac Firebird Trans Am even cooler, and taught us to fear the sound of banjos.
But before we lose the whole weekend to a Burt Reynolds movie marathon, we'll see you on the mats at 5.30pm.
... 🚛 - Bandit, what's your twenty? 👨🏻 - The great bearskin in the sky.
10-4 😥
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In just four short weeks we open our doors to this year's influx of noobs.
The question is: are you ready to give them the Queen's Tai-Jutsu welcome they deserve?
... Grab your gi, check your gumshield and pack your gloves.
Let's get ready to show them what we do best.
We'll see you on the mats at 5.30pm.
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Where to being! It all began with a glance, an extremely seductive glance. I was simply in awe over how good everyone looked. Broken noses, black eyes and bruises. Everything I dreamed of in a club. I thought to myself 'damn nuggets that is were you belong.' And so my journey began, one class at a time. I have never looked back since.

Tai Jutsu is best summed up by the phrase 'please sir can I have some more.'


Training at Queen's Tai-Jutsu is a bona fide martial arts experience. If you're looking to learn an effective martial art, improve your fitness and make some new friends along the way, this is the best place to do it.


This place is awesome! I've only started, and it's hard work, but totally worth it �


This club has it all - great atmosphere, friendly people, and experienced instructors. The one thing that I personally enjoy about it is that the instructors actually take the time to explain to you all the processes of what makes for a great punch, kick or a technique. It makes it all that one bit more interesting instead of just whacking things senselessly.


Started back to Tai Jutsu over a year ago after a 16 year break. Friendly instructors who take pride in seeing students achieve things that they thought they couldn't do. Each class is hard work but worth it.


Queen’s Tai Jutsu is fantastic! The quality of teaching is second to none, you are always encouraged to be your best and to push yourself to your limits. Everyone is immensely friendly and eager to learn, making excellent partners to train with. I have been to around 200 classes since my very first session and have never looked back, every class has been amazing. As a bit of a veteran of the mats I honestly couldn’t recommend Queen’s Tai Jutsu enough! Definitely worth trying if you’re even slightly interested!


Joining the Tai-Jutsu club at Queen's has been one of the best things I have done since starting here. Stephen and Stuart are both top instructors who really know their stuff and always seem to be on form in making the classes fun and focussed. Not only that, but attending the classes is good exercise and an excellent way to unwind whilst doing something productive. There's a nice mix of people who attend the classes too.


It's hard to describe how much Tai-Jutsu has taught me over this past year. If you're a looking for a way to become fit, confident in yourself and a street fighting machine then this is the martial art's style for you! Both the instructors are a perfect blend of friendly and demanding with each session teaching something new and exciting. I plan on staying at the club for many years to come with all the battle hardened mates.


I started tai jutsu about a year ago and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have tried most of the other martial arts clubs at Queens - they are all great - but none compare to tai jutsu. What sets this club apart is the wide range of skills the highly experienced sensei's possess from muay thai kicks and elbows, a variety of Japanese styles (karate, judo, aikido, jui jitsu), krava maga and more. This knowledge allows them to pick and choose the most effective and practical tools for self-defence in real world scenarios. Despite their effectiveness, the moves are relatively simple to learn and in a matter of a few months, men, women and children of all shapes, sizes and experience levels can significantly improve their fitness levels and chances of defending themselves on the street. The senseis offer a fun and most importantly safe place to train. The first couple of classes are free so there is nothing to lose and so much to gain!


I started Tai-Jutsu last October after weighing up the different martial arts clubs on offer at queens and I love it, the past year has been amazing. It's street based self defense so training involves blocks and strikes, kicks, throws, locks and restraints and ground fighting. There's a bit of everything and the instructors always teach how what you learn on the mats can be applied in real world scenarios. No matter your level of ability or fitness if you're interested in learning a martial art the instructors train you from the basics up so for that first lesson all you need to worry about is showing up. Highly recommended, kept me sane throughout 3rd year of uni.


I started Tai-Jutsu a year ago and been enjoying it since, A great class covering a wide range of techniques and good for improving fitness to. Everyone is cool and friendly to provide a great training atmosphere.

The bruises always provide a great talking point at parties to!!


I love Taijutsu

Cool ppl

Nice training

All i need in my life



I came to Queens a nervous first year with little combat experience and I am beginning second year being able to throw another person over my shoulder and having 2 belts (and many bruises) to show for it. My confidence and skill have grown massively and the discipline and respect we have for one another never ceases to amaze me. Tai-Jutsu not only has excellent teaching quality but they make you feel like you're part of the family (a dysfunctional family that hits each other, but still a family). I recommend it to anyone that wants to challenge their self, and learn an incredible new skill.


Great club that not only helps you improve your fitness, fighting skills and confidence but also offers you the opportunity to build lasting friendships with fun, like-minded people. 4 years, 5 belts and many fond memories later, I’m still as excited to show up for every class as I was that first time I slapped Eoghan during my yellow belt grading.


Great Fun

Great People

Great Times



First came to Belfast 2 years ago and Tai Jutsu was recommended to me by a friend. I have enjoyed every minute of it since then and its all to do with the crowd that come down to the mats on a regular basis. All of the people who go create a really welcoming atmosphere and the instructors Stuart and Stephen drive you to achieve the best you can. They are also really encouraging and welcoming to all levels of prior experience. I really cannot recommend this club highly enough and it's an excellent workout to break up the week.


Cannot recommend Queens Tai-Jutsu enough!! I've been training on the mats for about 18 months and have thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it!! Learned so much from the instructors Stuart and Stephen!! They are so knowledgeable and passionate about Tai-Jutsu and their students! It's an honour to be a part of this club! Great bunch of people!!! Highly recommend anyone to come down and join in!!!


Friday afternoons are already pretty great.
Whatever you're working on is about to become Monday's problem, the weekend's just creeping into sight…
... … and suddenly it hits you: I've got Tai-Jutsu this evening! 🎉
You know what else hits you? Nick. 🥊
We'll see you on the mats at 5.30pm.

See More


Where to being! It all began with a glance, an extremely seductive glance. I was simply in awe over how good everyone looked. Broken noses, black eyes and bruises. Everything I dreamed of in a club. I thought to myself 'damn nuggets that is were you belong.' And so my journey began, one class at a time. I have never looked back since.

Tai Jutsu is best summed up by the phrase 'please sir can I have some more.'


Training at Queen's Tai-Jutsu is a bona fide martial arts experience. If you're looking to learn an effective martial art, improve your fitness and make some new friends along the way, this is the best place to do it.


This place is awesome! I've only started, and it's hard work, but totally worth it �


This club has it all - great atmosphere, friendly people, and experienced instructors. The one thing that I personally enjoy about it is that the instructors actually take the time to explain to you all the processes of what makes for a great punch, kick or a technique. It makes it all that one bit more interesting instead of just whacking things senselessly.


Started back to Tai Jutsu over a year ago after a 16 year break. Friendly instructors who take pride in seeing students achieve things that they thought they couldn't do. Each class is hard work but worth it.


Queen’s Tai Jutsu is fantastic! The quality of teaching is second to none, you are always encouraged to be your best and to push yourself to your limits. Everyone is immensely friendly and eager to learn, making excellent partners to train with. I have been to around 200 classes since my very first session and have never looked back, every class has been amazing. As a bit of a veteran of the mats I honestly couldn’t recommend Queen’s Tai Jutsu enough! Definitely worth trying if you’re even slightly interested!


Joining the Tai-Jutsu club at Queen's has been one of the best things I have done since starting here. Stephen and Stuart are both top instructors who really know their stuff and always seem to be on form in making the classes fun and focussed. Not only that, but attending the classes is good exercise and an excellent way to unwind whilst doing something productive. There's a nice mix of people who attend the classes too.


It's hard to describe how much Tai-Jutsu has taught me over this past year. If you're a looking for a way to become fit, confident in yourself and a street fighting machine then this is the martial art's style for you! Both the instructors are a perfect blend of friendly and demanding with each session teaching something new and exciting. I plan on staying at the club for many years to come with all the battle hardened mates.


I started tai jutsu about a year ago and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have tried most of the other martial arts clubs at Queens - they are all great - but none compare to tai jutsu. What sets this club apart is the wide range of skills the highly experienced sensei's possess from muay thai kicks and elbows, a variety of Japanese styles (karate, judo, aikido, jui jitsu), krava maga and more. This knowledge allows them to pick and choose the most effective and practical tools for self-defence in real world scenarios. Despite their effectiveness, the moves are relatively simple to learn and in a matter of a few months, men, women and children of all shapes, sizes and experience levels can significantly improve their fitness levels and chances of defending themselves on the street. The senseis offer a fun and most importantly safe place to train. The first couple of classes are free so there is nothing to lose and so much to gain!


I started Tai-Jutsu last October after weighing up the different martial arts clubs on offer at queens and I love it, the past year has been amazing. It's street based self defense so training involves blocks and strikes, kicks, throws, locks and restraints and ground fighting. There's a bit of everything and the instructors always teach how what you learn on the mats can be applied in real world scenarios. No matter your level of ability or fitness if you're interested in learning a martial art the instructors train you from the basics up so for that first lesson all you need to worry about is showing up. Highly recommended, kept me sane throughout 3rd year of uni.


I started Tai-Jutsu a year ago and been enjoying it since, A great class covering a wide range of techniques and good for improving fitness to. Everyone is cool and friendly to provide a great training atmosphere.

The bruises always provide a great talking point at parties to!!


I love Taijutsu

Cool ppl

Nice training

All i need in my life



I came to Queens a nervous first year with little combat experience and I am beginning second year being able to throw another person over my shoulder and having 2 belts (and many bruises) to show for it. My confidence and skill have grown massively and the discipline and respect we have for one another never ceases to amaze me. Tai-Jutsu not only has excellent teaching quality but they make you feel like you're part of the family (a dysfunctional family that hits each other, but still a family). I recommend it to anyone that wants to challenge their self, and learn an incredible new skill.


Great club that not only helps you improve your fitness, fighting skills and confidence but also offers you the opportunity to build lasting friendships with fun, like-minded people. 4 years, 5 belts and many fond memories later, I’m still as excited to show up for every class as I was that first time I slapped Eoghan during my yellow belt grading.


Great Fun

Great People

Great Times



First came to Belfast 2 years ago and Tai Jutsu was recommended to me by a friend. I have enjoyed every minute of it since then and its all to do with the crowd that come down to the mats on a regular basis. All of the people who go create a really welcoming atmosphere and the instructors Stuart and Stephen drive you to achieve the best you can. They are also really encouraging and welcoming to all levels of prior experience. I really cannot recommend this club highly enough and it's an excellent workout to break up the week.


Cannot recommend Queens Tai-Jutsu enough!! I've been training on the mats for about 18 months and have thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it!! Learned so much from the instructors Stuart and Stephen!! They are so knowledgeable and passionate about Tai-Jutsu and their students! It's an honour to be a part of this club! Great bunch of people!!! Highly recommend anyone to come down and join in!!!


Friday afternoons are already pretty great.
Whatever you're working on is about to become Monday's problem, the weekend's just creeping into sight…
... … and suddenly it hits you: I've got Tai-Jutsu this evening! 🎉
You know what else hits you? Nick. 🥊
We'll see you on the mats at 5.30pm.

See More


Where to being! It all began with a glance, an extremely seductive glance. I was simply in awe over how good everyone looked. Broken noses, black eyes and bruises. Everything I dreamed of in a club. I thought to myself 'damn nuggets that is were you belong.' And so my journey began, one class at a time. I have never looked back since.

Tai Jutsu is best summed up by the phrase 'please sir can I have some more.'


Training at Queen's Tai-Jutsu is a bona fide martial arts experience. If you're looking to learn an effective martial art, improve your fitness and make some new friends along the way, this is the best place to do it.


This place is awesome! I've only started, and it's hard work, but totally worth it �


This club has it all - great atmosphere, friendly people, and experienced instructors. The one thing that I personally enjoy about it is that the instructors actually take the time to explain to you all the processes of what makes for a great punch, kick or a technique. It makes it all that one bit more interesting instead of just whacking things senselessly.


Started back to Tai Jutsu over a year ago after a 16 year break. Friendly instructors who take pride in seeing students achieve things that they thought they couldn't do. Each class is hard work but worth it.


Queen’s Tai Jutsu is fantastic! The quality of teaching is second to none, you are always encouraged to be your best and to push yourself to your limits. Everyone is immensely friendly and eager to learn, making excellent partners to train with. I have been to around 200 classes since my very first session and have never looked back, every class has been amazing. As a bit of a veteran of the mats I honestly couldn’t recommend Queen’s Tai Jutsu enough! Definitely worth trying if you’re even slightly interested!


Joining the Tai-Jutsu club at Queen's has been one of the best things I have done since starting here. Stephen and Stuart are both top instructors who really know their stuff and always seem to be on form in making the classes fun and focussed. Not only that, but attending the classes is good exercise and an excellent way to unwind whilst doing something productive. There's a nice mix of people who attend the classes too.


It's hard to describe how much Tai-Jutsu has taught me over this past year. If you're a looking for a way to become fit, confident in yourself and a street fighting machine then this is the martial art's style for you! Both the instructors are a perfect blend of friendly and demanding with each session teaching something new and exciting. I plan on staying at the club for many years to come with all the battle hardened mates.


I started tai jutsu about a year ago and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have tried most of the other martial arts clubs at Queens - they are all great - but none compare to tai jutsu. What sets this club apart is the wide range of skills the highly experienced sensei's possess from muay thai kicks and elbows, a variety of Japanese styles (karate, judo, aikido, jui jitsu), krava maga and more. This knowledge allows them to pick and choose the most effective and practical tools for self-defence in real world scenarios. Despite their effectiveness, the moves are relatively simple to learn and in a matter of a few months, men, women and children of all shapes, sizes and experience levels can significantly improve their fitness levels and chances of defending themselves on the street. The senseis offer a fun and most importantly safe place to train. The first couple of classes are free so there is nothing to lose and so much to gain!


I started Tai-Jutsu last October after weighing up the different martial arts clubs on offer at queens and I love it, the past year has been amazing. It's street based self defense so training involves blocks and strikes, kicks, throws, locks and restraints and ground fighting. There's a bit of everything and the instructors always teach how what you learn on the mats can be applied in real world scenarios. No matter your level of ability or fitness if you're interested in learning a martial art the instructors train you from the basics up so for that first lesson all you need to worry about is showing up. Highly recommended, kept me sane throughout 3rd year of uni.


I started Tai-Jutsu a year ago and been enjoying it since, A great class covering a wide range of techniques and good for improving fitness to. Everyone is cool and friendly to provide a great training atmosphere.

The bruises always provide a great talking point at parties to!!


I love Taijutsu

Cool ppl

Nice training

All i need in my life



I came to Queens a nervous first year with little combat experience and I am beginning second year being able to throw another person over my shoulder and having 2 belts (and many bruises) to show for it. My confidence and skill have grown massively and the discipline and respect we have for one another never ceases to amaze me. Tai-Jutsu not only has excellent teaching quality but they make you feel like you're part of the family (a dysfunctional family that hits each other, but still a family). I recommend it to anyone that wants to challenge their self, and learn an incredible new skill.


Great club that not only helps you improve your fitness, fighting skills and confidence but also offers you the opportunity to build lasting friendships with fun, like-minded people. 4 years, 5 belts and many fond memories later, I’m still as excited to show up for every class as I was that first time I slapped Eoghan during my yellow belt grading.


Great Fun

Great People

Great Times



First came to Belfast 2 years ago and Tai Jutsu was recommended to me by a friend. I have enjoyed every minute of it since then and its all to do with the crowd that come down to the mats on a regular basis. All of the people who go create a really welcoming atmosphere and the instructors Stuart and Stephen drive you to achieve the best you can. They are also really encouraging and welcoming to all levels of prior experience. I really cannot recommend this club highly enough and it's an excellent workout to break up the week.


Cannot recommend Queens Tai-Jutsu enough!! I've been training on the mats for about 18 months and have thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it!! Learned so much from the instructors Stuart and Stephen!! They are so knowledgeable and passionate about Tai-Jutsu and their students! It's an honour to be a part of this club! Great bunch of people!!! Highly recommend anyone to come down and join in!!!

More about Queens Tai-Jutsu

Queens Tai-Jutsu is located at Queen's Sport, BT9 5EX Belfast
Monday: -
Tuesday: 19:00 - 20:30
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 17:30 - 19:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -