River Of Life Healing Centre & Church

About River Of Life Healing Centre & Church

Non denominational, Spirit filled church.

Sunday 11. 00am - Morning service
Sunday 7. 30pm - Evening service
Wednesday 8. 00pm - Healing meeting



Your past life may have been dogged by failure but this is your day to break the mould others poured you into, a day to break out and be the person Christ thought worthy enough to die for. This is the day God has chosen for you to be at one with Him, being ‘a doer of God’s word’ James 1:22 and not just listening to dead sermons for ‘the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power’ Colossians 4:20 Embrace your future, write your own story, drive your own car, and own your own... home, achieve great things for all these things and more for ‘all things are possible to them that believe’ You with the Lords help can change your life no matter how great a mess you have made of it; re-invent your life, see yourself through God’s eyes not through past failings. Mark 9:23 Leave your past behind where it belongs for in Christ 'you are a new person, the old man or woman has passed away and the Lord has made all things NEW! 2nd Corinthians 5:17-19
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Just because your life has been troubled does not mean that there is no hope of change because Christ in you is your victory and your praise. He alone faced Satan by himself and defeated him on your behalf, he took your sin and destroyed its power over you, child of God. He defeated man’s last enemy death, so in Christ you can be assured of eternal life. Remove all the negative words that the foolish speak over you saying; ‘once a drunk always a drunk, once an addict always ...an addict or even one a failure always a failure’ for ‘in Christ you are a new creation and that old lost sinner has passed away’ and has no say or control over your life. 2nd Corinthians 5:17 You are no longer a victim, you are not powerless, not confirmed by another’s lowly opinion of you; you are who and what Christ say’s you are, nothing more but certainly nothing less. Break down the barriers that you have come to believe in, tear down the walls that stand between you and your destiny, destroy foolish thinking and ‘have the spirit of your mind renewed by the washing of God’s word’ Ephesians 4:23
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'The blood of Christ has never lost its power but His church seems to have lost faith in its ability to heal, protect, deliver, to separate us from evil and to enable us 'to overcome the devil' makes you think doesn't it? Revelation 12:11


Let me share what my mum drummed into me for years; it became the bedrock on which I have been able to believe for the impossible; ‘THERE IS NO SUCH WORD AS CAN’T! It enabled me to smile at those who said I was a no-body, it enable me to close my ears to those who told me I would never amount to anything in life and here I am at 76 years still proving my discouragers wrong, still winning my race by God’s amazing grace. Even today when my ‘encouragers’ still tell me, ‘it can’t... be done, it’s impossible, you’re too old’ I find myself whispering, ‘I can and I will by God’s grace’ for there is ‘nothing impossible to them that believe’ Mark 9:23 When they say, you are not educated enough to preach God’s word I remind them that neither were the disciples and ‘they turned the world upside down for Christ’ Acts 17:6 When they say’ you are a hopeless case I simply agreed and tell them at least ‘Christ in me is the hope of glory’ and with him ‘I have overcome the devil by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony’ Colossians 1:27, Revelation 12:11
You will find some people who feel it is their life’s goal to destroy your dreams and belittle your passions, whatever they say remind yourself that ‘Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world’ 1st John 4:4 Rise up and walk away from the nay-sayers and doubters they are not on Gods business!
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Why seek man’s approval? you are approved of God, you don’t need to make a name for yourself you already have a name; ‘a child of God’ you need never to strive to rise higher than others for you are already ‘seated in heavenly place in Christ Jesus’ Ephesians 2:6 You need never worry about failing for only quitters fail, keep watering your dreams, keep feeding your passion, keep listening to the Lords leading until the moment the race finishes and you enter heaven and home.


Always remember ‘the race is not to the swift nor to the strong’ Ecclesiastes 9:11 it is for those who throw off the weight of doubt and fear, self-confidence and self-esteem and trust in God alone. It is for those who run with patience and perseverance ‘looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith’ Hebrews 12:2 Win child of God it is your destiny, win souls, win every battle, win until there are no more victories for you to win, ‘fear nothing and no one for the Lord your God is with you, a mighty God and terrible’ Deuteronomy 7:21 ‘he goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you’ Deuteronomy 20:4


Christ alone; your role model in life
Please share and encourage others to run their God inspired race from earth to glory


God’s good!


People who have absolutely nothing, Giving thanks to God!!
No electric, Bits of wood for seats,... Not knowing where their next meal is coming from.... Amazing!
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What an amazing experience in Filipino church today!
Here’s a 4 hour service in under 8 minutes!


Healings still happening week after week where the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, Arthritis, Rheumatism, fibromyalgia and many other illnesses have been banished and the depressed have found a new life.
We invite all who are sick to come and be healed In Jesus name. With David Robinson and John Greenaway
... WHERE: Dobbin Street Community Centre; 11a Dobbin Street, Armagh, WHEN: SATURDAY 13th APRIL: 8.00 pm
ONE NIGHT ONLY! Music by: Bobby Abraham
Everyone will be made most welcome to this life changing experience NO CHARGE!
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Written by Katie Kee one of the most amazing Spirit Filled Christians it has been my great fortune to meet, a daily devotional with a difference born out of experiences. A must read filled with real life stories of battles fought and won. David.
'HIS Warrior, HIS Heart is a devotional that shares God’s wisdom, His knowledge, and His love. It teaches God's truth that will increase your faith as His victorious child as you embark upon the road that leads to your final home—Hea...ven. It is a road with mountaintop adventures, but also a road on which, from time to time, you will encounter bondages, pitfalls, dark valleys and unseen danger and you will be called to fight spiritual warfare battles. Of the many stories shared, not everyone will be able to relate to every situation, but they will see portions of themselves in many of the stories presented. May this devotional help believers take up their swords and not fear the battles. Now available from AMAZON as paperback and Kindle format
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GOOD NEWS for those who prayed for our recent Divine Healing meeting in Cookstown.
Your prayers worked as walking sticks were abandoned and many were healed of various illnesses; above all 4 people gave their life to Christ; so please accept our sincere thanks for your part in the Lords work. Our next meeting is planned for Armagh Community Centre 11A Dobbin St, in Armagh City. BT61 7QQ... Saturday 13th April usual time 7:30-10.00 so please keep praying for us as we seek to b...ring the gospel in all it's fulness to the lost and to the sick... Please share with those who are in need David and John.
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Healings still happening week after week; the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Fibromyalgia, have been banished and the depressed have found a new life.
... Come and be healed In Jesus name.
With David Robinson and John Greenaway
When: SATURDAY 23rd March. Time: 7:30
Music: Bobby Abraham
Everyone will be made most welcome to this life changing experience...
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More about River Of Life Healing Centre & Church

River Of Life Healing Centre & Church is located at 80 Clonmore Road, Dungannon. BT71 6NB, BT71 6NB Dungannon