Ryan Mcconnell Personal Training

About Ryan Mcconnell Personal Training

Level 3 Personal Trainer. Qualified in Movement + Mobility and FMS Testing. I specialise in Fat Loss, Muscle Hypertrophy and aim to help my clients receive results both effectively and sustainably, while educating them along the way.

Ryan Mcconnell Personal Training Description

Product /Service



What 4 Years of Lifting and eating like an Adult (70% of the Time) looks like. _ I train on average 5 Days a week. That’s 1042.56 workouts (the 0.56 was probably a leg day 😂). _ That’s fucking crazy to think about and it’s actually kinda scaring me as I write this. Goodness knows how many sets and reps that is. Hundreds of thousands no doubt.. millions? ... _ I am so glad that I’ve invested my time this way. I get to wake up each morning and feel confident in myself. I like what I see. I know how that sounds and I certainly don’t mean to sound that way. _ Not many people get to the point to where they are happy in their own skin and that’s sad in my opinion. To be self conscious and hate yourself because you loathe the skin your in. _ Of course I have my insecurities and things I want to improve on. But because I’ve worked so hard, I have just learned to appreciate my body and accept my flaws, I’ve even learned to love them too. _ If there’s one piece of advice I would give to anyone it’s, Take care of your body. Your body and your mind will thank you 🙏
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Why are you even doing it?
If there's one question I'm constantly asking myself when I'm programming for clients, its "Why?" ❓⁉️
Why am I choosing this exercise? Why 6 reps and not 12? It's so easy to just go through the motions in the gym and burn some calories. This isn't the right way to think though.
... For example, 25 stone Gurtrude doing bicep curls in the squat rack probably doesn't have a reason for doing so, nor could I find a reason for her to be doing it 🤔 She should probably be spending her time doing big 'bang for your buck' movements such as Bodyweight (assisted) Squats, weighted carries etc. and focusing on burning as many calories as possible.
Or 31 year-old Cathy who works in an office for 10 hours a day with really tight shoulders and traps should not be doing a load of bench pressing and front raises. I'd rather see her strengthening her lower lats and mid back to help with her postural problems. 🕵️
So next time you're in the gym, don't just exercise for the craic, choose exercises based on your needs and most importantly, ask yourself WHY! 😉
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GLUTE CAMP REBOOT! _ New Start Date: Monday 3rd September @ 8pm _... This is a 6 week course designed to grow your Glutes and improve your overall physique. It will be held in the studio in Club Vo2 on Mondays and Wednesdays at 8pm and will cost you ONLY £99.99 _ What's included? 🔹2 one hour classes a week (Mon&wed) 🔹FREE Bar Pad and Hip Bands 🔹Custom Progress Booklet 🔹Full Body Measurements 🔹Nutritional Guide 🔹24 hour contact with me _ You will also receive 20% off all of my personal training packages. _ Get in touch to book your space! ⏱️
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The Face you make when your client can hip thrust more than you 😂
Progressive overload is a vital part of training if you actually want to build muscle or add strength 💪
A common misconception of Progressive overload is that you MUST add weight to the bar every week and if you aren't you won't get better. That's just not true in my opinion!
... There are alot of other ways to progress, such as - 🔸Completing an extra rep 🔸Reducing Rest time 🔸Slowing the Tempo 🔸Improving form
Progressive Overload means to improve in some aspect each and every workout, so don't get bummed out when you add 5kg to the bar and you can't do it. Try improving in another area of the movement and smash that weight in a few weeks 😎
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As a PT I get asked every day about what diet is the best for fat loss.
I’ve made this video to explain it once and for all and I’ve included all the info you NEED to know to make a change!
As always, if you have any other questions, comment below of send me a message. Enjoy.


There seems to be a lot of people that are getting into intermittent fasting recently which is great. I think it's a brilliant tool you can use while you are dieting. 👍

As someone who has used it before (and still do use it sometimes without realising 😂) I'd like to give some Pros and Cons... that I found while using it to hopefully help some of you guys decide if it's the right option for you!
Pros - ▪️It gives you one strict guide line to go by so its really easy to follow ▪️Its great for people with a hectic work schedule as they wont have to think about food until their chosen window 👷 ▪️Great for people that dont normally like to eat breakfast. They can simply push their eating window forward in the day to suit their apeitite. 🚫🍳 ▪️Reseach has also shown that it may have some awesome health benefits too including, improved brain function, reduced risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes, reduction of inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. 👩‍⚕️
Although these pros may have won you over, there are some drawbacks to taking on the challenge that is Intermittent Fasting.
Cons - ▪️It can be impractical. Eating for a lot of people is a social opportunity to chat with friends, family etc. Having such a long period of not eating, may interfere with this. 👎 ▪️It may cause you to binge. Some people may go up to 20 hours without eating while doing 'IM' and their body may start to crave the wrong foods making it counterproductive for reaching your fat loss goals.🤢 ▪️ Some people who do not have a basic knowledge in the field of Nutrition and Energy Balance may use it thinking that it will help them lose weight while totally disregaurding the principle of 'calories in vs calories out'. They may still be in a calories surplus even if they are only eating within a 6 hour window everyday.
So in a Nutshell, IM can be an awesome tool but there are some things to weigh up before jumping into it.
If you need help with deciding if IM is for you, or have any other nutrition/training based questions then feel free to comment underneath or shoot me a DM 💬
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GLUTE CAMP is here! _ The dates and times have been finalised and GLUTE Camp is Finally happening 💪 _ This is a 6 week course designed to grow your Glutes and improve your overall physique. It will be held in the studio in Club Vo2 and will begin on Monday 16th July at 8pm.... _ What's included? 🔹2 one hour classes a week (Mon&wed) 🔹FREE Bar Pad and Hip Bands 🔹Custom Progress Booklet 🔹Full Body Measurements 🔹Nutritional Guide 🔹24 hour contact with me _ You will also receive 20% off all of my personal training packages. _ Get in contact quick as I've only 4 spaces left of the 8 that were available ✌️
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Are you lying to yourself?
I was talking to my brother recently and he was telling me about a guy he works with who is overweight. He eats salad every day for lunch, he goes to the gym regularly and plays Gaelic twice a week. Yet he's still over weight and his weight isn't going down either 🤔
He also describes himself as a "Slow Reactor"... He's heard the term 'fast reactor' and 'slow reactor' somewhere and this has given him a reason to believe that the condition his body is... currently in isn't his fault.
The truth is -
⏺️His salad may contain a lot more calories than he thinks
⏺️He could be snacking more than he realises after work
⏺️He might be going to the gym and playing Gaelic most days, but how much work is he putting in. Also how active is he outside of training?
Don't just give yourself a made up condition and accept a body that you aren't comfotable in.... Suck it up, and make a change! 👊
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Mini Cut - Done ✔️ _ 3 weeks between pictures. _ This cut was never to get crazy shredded. It has simply been to get a little bit leaner for holidays and to see what I could do in 3 weeks without killing myself with cardio and crash dieting.... _ Week 1 - I dropped my cals from around 3500 to 2600. In week one I was glad of this big drop in calories (being on 3500-4000 cals a day isnt as fun as it sounds). I also changed my training regime from 6 days a week to 5 days a week. _ Week 2&3 - I dropped down to 2200 cals and began the FODMAP diet. (essentially I cut out all processed food and food that may potentially cause gut inflammation). I chose this diet as I had been having some bloating as you can see in the pictures. As for my training, I didn't do any cardio or HIIT training. I just done my 5 weight sessions per week. _ 7.4lbs later, I feel like I'm looking a lot leaner and less bloated considering the time frame. Il be continuing the FODMAP diet for another 3 weeks when I return to really help improve my gut health and set a good foundation to start building some muscle for next year! 💪 _ Anyway, I'm taking all of next week off and heading to Portugal for a much needed break! Any enquiries about personal training will be answered next Sunday. See Ya 😎🏖
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Chris came to me 8 weeks ago and the first thing he asked me was, "Is 8 weeks enough to see any real change?", and I said, If you're willing to put in the work of course it is...
...and put in the work he did! 💪
... The Stats- Body Weight: 70kg ⬇️ 65.5kg Body Fat %: 29% ⬇️ 19% Waist Measurement: 37" ⬇️ 31"
Chris has also managed to put on over 4kg of Lean muscle which to me was the most impressive change. His confidence is now through the roof and I couldn't be more pleased for him.
The only regret he has is he wishes he started training sooner, but this is just the start for Chris and we're both excited to set some new goals after he's back from his holiday!
Il be taking on a new wave of clients starting the 2nd week in July. If you are interested or have any questions on what's involved, shoot me a DM. As always, I'm happy to help.
Have a Great Sunday! 😎
Ps. The back shot was taken at the end of week 7 which is why he has different shorts on.
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And on the 7th Day, he was Pure Dying! 😷
Sunday for me tends to be a nice mix between preparing for the week ahead and relaxing. I try to take it as a rest day from the gym as often as I can (as a mental break more than anything).
This is usually the day that il clean the house, get the shopping and sort out my schedule with clients. The reason why I do all this is because it gives me mental clarity and gives me more time and brain power to focus on other tasks that I need to... complete that week.
But, I am human too and the (very) occasional Saturday night il go out. I’ll wake up at 1pm and feel sorry for myself until 11pm that night and then il conk out.
My Productivity levels will suffer that week though. But that’s just me! There is no right or wrong way to do it.
What kind of Sunday are you having today?
Relaxing 😴
Hanging 🤢
Preparing 👨🏻‍💻
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Something I've been doing more of recently is "getting comfortable with being uncomfortable".
From moving out into my first house in February, to stepping out to work for myself full time and everything in between I've really been trying to push it this year.
The best things always happen on the other side of fear. Get yourself out of your comfort zone more often, I promise you won't regret it!


One thing I see a lot of, and I've touched on this before is guys (and girls) coming into the gym and doing faarrrr too much volume.
Volume is the total of Sets and Reps performed during a workout or over a week of training...
So, how much volume should you be doing to build some muscle? 🤔
... A ball park Range of Volume to work within is 8 -20 sets per bodypart per week.
Its also important to periodise your programming within this range. Work your way to the top of the range and then Deload periodically by using the bottom of the range.
Happy Training!
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I don’t have time to cook fresh every day!
You have a life. You have a job. You may also have kids. Where the hell are you supposed to find the time to prep the next days healthy, fresh, nutritious meals?
My number one piece of advice for you busy people is, “Cook in Bulk”. Choose a day (or 2) out of the week and set aside 2 hours to cook your meals for the coming days. Knowing that you have a healthy meal sitting in the fridge waiting to be heated up in the microwave will r...eally help you stay on track.
Chicken Stir Fry with plenty of Veg for Lunch
Salmon Fillet with Garlic potatoes and Green Beans for Dinner
Couldn’t be simpler!
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Mondays... 💔
Whether you're scrolling down your Facebook feed or you've just arrived into work on Monday morning, people are alllllways complaining about Mondays! 😪
How about this week, look at Monday in a different light. Instead of dreading it and wishing your week away til Friday, see it as an opportunity to make yourself better than last week.
... Since forming this mindset, Monday is without a doubt my favourite day of the week! 😎
Now go grab life by the nuts and make this week YOUR week!
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Fitness and "being fit" is what you decide it is.
▪️Being fit is being able to run a 6 minute mile
▪️Being fit is being able Bench Press 100kg
... ▪️Being fit is being able to touch your toes while standing up
▪️Being fit is being able to be happy in your own body and mind.
Comment down below what fitness means to you and how it's affected your life 💪
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Something I've been experiencing with a couple of my clients recently is, they've been allowing themselves to get too caught up with numbers and percentages 🕵️‍♂️📊
While setting goals and hitting targets are both huge parts of our motivation to train at all, it's important not to obsess over them. It can be extremely unhealthy for your mental health and can actually prevent you from hitting your goals in the end.
The truth is, life gets in the way sometimes, and that's OK. Do...n't start taking a panic attack because you're 1lb up on the scale when you should be going the other direction.
Take it in your stride and learn to love the process, the rest will fall into place 🙂
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#Tbt Oct 2014 vs April 2018 69.3kg vs 80.5kg 21 vs 24 Years Old _... The truth is, building muscle does NOT come easy. Realistically it takes years of being consistent with both diet and training. _ Do it because you love it and you won't fail, trust me.
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Ryan not only loves his job but also loves to help others enjoy it too :D


Ryan is friendly, motivating, enthusiastic and passionate about his profession!


Ryan is an amazing personal trainer, he knows the ins and outs of training and nutrition! Plus to top the cake “he’s a damn good bloke” 💪


Ryan is a Fantastic guy. Really helps to put things into perspective, always professional and a brilliant motivator to reach your goals! Highly recommend!


Ryan help me out all the time and show me to do things the right way big thank you ryan


Ryan always finds what's best for you. He pushes you to the limit. He loves what he does and will always give 110%


Great Guy, Grest Service and Great Knowledge.


There seems to be a lot of people that are getting into intermittent fasting recently which is great. I think it's a brilliant tool you can use while you are dieting. 👍

As someone who has used it before (and still do use it sometimes without realising 😂) I'd like to give some Pros and Cons... that I found while using it to hopefully help some of you guys decide if it's the right option for you!
Pros - ▪️It gives you one strict guide line to go by so its really easy to follow ▪️Its great for people with a hectic work schedule as they wont have to think about food until their chosen window 👷 ▪️Great for people that dont normally like to eat breakfast. They can simply push their eating window forward in the day to suit their apeitite. 🚫🍳 ▪️Reseach has also shown that it may have some awesome health benefits too including, improved brain function, reduced risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes, reduction of inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. 👩‍⚕️
Although these pros may have won you over, there are some drawbacks to taking on the challenge that is Intermittent Fasting.
Cons - ▪️It can be impractical. Eating for a lot of people is a social opportunity to chat with friends, family etc. Having such a long period of not eating, may interfere with this. 👎 ▪️It may cause you to binge. Some people may go up to 20 hours without eating while doing 'IM' and their body may start to crave the wrong foods making it counterproductive for reaching your fat loss goals.🤢 ▪️ Some people who do not have a basic knowledge in the field of Nutrition and Energy Balance may use it thinking that it will help them lose weight while totally disregaurding the principle of 'calories in vs calories out'. They may still be in a calories surplus even if they are only eating within a 6 hour window everyday.
So in a Nutshell, IM can be an awesome tool but there are some things to weigh up before jumping into it.
If you need help with deciding if IM is for you, or have any other nutrition/training based questions then feel free to comment underneath or shoot me a DM 💬
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Ryan not only loves his job but also loves to help others enjoy it too :D


Ryan is friendly, motivating, enthusiastic and passionate about his profession!


Ryan is an amazing personal trainer, he knows the ins and outs of training and nutrition! Plus to top the cake “he’s a damn good bloke” 💪


Ryan is a Fantastic guy. Really helps to put things into perspective, always professional and a brilliant motivator to reach your goals! Highly recommend!


Ryan help me out all the time and show me to do things the right way big thank you ryan


Ryan always finds what's best for you. He pushes you to the limit. He loves what he does and will always give 110%


Great Guy, Grest Service and Great Knowledge.

More about Ryan Mcconnell Personal Training

Ryan Mcconnell Personal Training is located at BT62 1HA Portadown