Shankill Mirror

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D Day 75th Anniversary Poppy Pin Badge £2.50 now in. 177 Shankill Road, Belfast, BT131FP Office open 9.30am to 1.30pm Monday to Friday.


The annual Memorial Service will be held on Sunday at 2pm. The service will last approximately 45 minutes including wreath laying. There will be a number of Veterans in attendance who served with the 3 Boys. Please make an effort to attend and help us to remember the sacrifice of John, Joe and Dougald and their families. To Remember is to Honour.


Yes, believe it or not we are back to the polling stations today. This time it is for the European Parliament elections, a poll that no one wanted or expected. Unfortunately the Prime Minister decided to follow her own agenda as a Remainer and not the will of the people who said GET OUT and STAY OUT. The time has now past for discussions about the pros and cons of the decision taken almost 3 years ago to leave the EU. We are now facing a new challenge from republicans and... nationalists and middle of the road, sit on the fence politicians who want to do a rerun of the referendum because the didn't like the vote. Sinn Fein, SDLP, Alliance, Greens and all the others are arguing that Northern Ireland voted NO. Northern Ireland as an integral part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was part of the 17.5million citizens who exercised their franchise and voted. Have a look at this image - this is the unrepentant terrorist who had the cheek to say she was the voice of Unionists who voted to remain. The leader of the SDLP, in his election literature posted through everyone's door said, 'It is our people's vote. It is our chance to send an even stronger message to London' So who is 'we' Mr Eastwood, it most certainly isn't the people of the Greater Shankill and other PUL communities. The unrepentant terrorist wouldn't answer the question posed to her by George from the Shankill when he asked if Sinn Fein would use her vote as a tool to agitate for a border poll. SO THE CHOICE ONCE AGAIN IS YOURS FOLKS - SIT ON YOUR BACKSIDE, ADOPT THAT CAN'T BE BOTHERED VOTING ATTITUDE AND GIVE IT TO REPUBLICANS ON A PLATE. ON THE OTHER HAND YOU CAN GET OUT AND VOTE IN YOUR ORDER OF CHOICE FOR PRO UNION REPRESENTATIVES - DUP, TUV, UKIP, UUP.
Lets build on the success of our recent election for Court Ward, Frank McCoubrey topped the poll, with the combined votes of the 3 other successful candidates along with the votes wasted on other unionists and a push to get people out we could have taken an extra seat in Court ward from Sinn Fein. Let's stand up and be counted
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The latest edition of the Shankill Mirror (May 2019). Can we thank everyone who has contributed to the paper and a special thanks to all our advertisers. Once again can we say a huge thanks to everyone for the continued support of our LOCAL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER - The voice of the people. Click on the link below to view. r/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2044761 132313067


The latest edition of the Shankill Mirror (April 2019). Can we thank everyone who has contributed to the paper and a special thanks to all our advertisers. Once again can we say a huge thanks to everyone for the continued support of our LOCAL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER - The voice of the people. Click on the link below to view. r/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2005279 516261229


Statement from the Northern Ireland Veterans’ Association.
Ref Op Banner 50th Anniversary event in Lisburn on 17th August 2019.
To our dismay, we have heard rumours circulating about our Commemoration Service and Parade to be held in Lisburn on Sat 17th Aug. These rumours have unfortunately led to several Associations on the mainland to cancel plans to come to Northern Ireland.... We would like to put these rumours to bed and explain our actions, which may have caused some confusion. 1. One rumour was that our parade has been hijacked by so called Loyalists. This may have come from someone associating the bands that have signed up to take part in the parade and Loyalist terrorists. Of course in the ideal world, we would have loved to have had the bands of the Royal Irish, Irish Guards, Parachute Regt, PSNI, etc etc but the MOD have made it very clear to us that no help will be forthcoming from serving personnel and that they (the government) has thrown their full weight behind the RBL parade to be held in the NMA 3 days before ours. So we took the decision to hire local bands who have a very good reputation as musicians and who regularly take part in Remembrance day events and other military type parades including Armed Forces Day. The bands have also had to sign up to a very strict code of conduct, which includes, no colour parties on parade, no alcohol, they should treat the parade as a Church Parade, so only hymns and military style marching tunes to be played. So in fact we have gone out of our way to make this event a dignified Commemoration and indeed the PSNI have no objections to any of the bands that have signed up. 2. Second rumour was that NIVA will require anyone who was planning to attend Lisburn to supply us with your service dates and dates of NI Tours. To be clear, NIVA will NOT ask for these details. We have made it plain that it is an open invite to all Op Banner Veterans and their families and in particular widows and families of the Fallen from the Campaign. We believe the confusion over asking for details etc again comes from the RBL parade to be held at the NMA. They (RBL) HAVE asked for service details, NI Tour dates etc and in fact are involving the PSNI in compiling that information. So to close, we hope this clears up any fears or questions that have arisen from these unfounded rumours and we hope to see as many as possible on parade in Lisburn for a never to be repeated Commemoration.
NIVA Administration.
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The Patient and Client Council (PCC) are hosting a public health fair on Thursday 28th March in Grosvenor House, 5 Glengall Street. The event starts at noon and lasts until 8pm giving everyone an opportunity to get their health MOT’d, no matter what their schedule.
Involvement officer Sorcha Forbes says ‘The event is free and open to everyone, with lots of useful information and free health checks, so we are encouraging everyone to come say hello!’
... Local residents will be able to find out about services available in their area and get tips on how to maintain your health and wellbeing.
There will be a range of health representatives from national charities such as Action on Hearing Loss – who will be there providing hearing checks to all.
Crohns and Colitis UK, and Women’s Resource and Development Agency will be there with guidance on breast cancer screen programmes.
Mental health support will also be an important presence at the fair with charities Eating Disorders NI and Lifeline there to offer guidance.
For more information on our Health Fairs, please contact Sorcha Forbes on 07766120470 or email: 785822/
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‘Local Women Breaking Boundaries with Mental Health Workshop’ Michelle Dowd and Paula Matthews are on a mission to destigmatise mental illness with their BRAND NEW workshop. Tonight (March 28th) at the Old Tea Room, they will explore the health benefits of art and mindfulness as well as questioning whether art can be used a means to recovery. When asked about the event, Dowd replied “Paula and I have our own mental health struggles and we wanted to hold this workshop to destigmatise the taboo topic of mental illness and help other sufferers.” This event is being held as part of the Imagine Festival and you can book your tickets at…/michelle-a nd-paulas-big-l-e-a…/


The latest edition of the Shankill Mirror (March 2019). Can we thank everyone who has contributed to the paper and a special thanks to all our advertisers. Once again can we say a huge thanks to everyone for the continued support of our LOCAL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER - The voice of the people. Click on the link below to view.…


It is difficult to comprehend that ten years ago as we stood at White Brae to commemorate the brutal executions by republican terrorists we also bowed our heads in prayer for help, guidance and support for the families of the two corporals murdered at Masserene Barracks. Tomorrow, Sunday March 10th at 3pm we will mark the 48th anniversary of the 3 Boys at White Brae. The public service open to all will last no longer than 30 minutes and will involve a Bible reading, the Regi...mental Collect, the Exhortation & Silent Tribute and wreath laying. If you are planning to attend please do so from the Upper Crumlin Road (the airport road) as White Brae will be closed off. The weather forecast looks as if it will not be very kind to us so please wrap up warm. We will provide weather updates.
Tread softly there! Go reverently and slow. Yea Let your soul go down upon its knees And with bowed head and heart abased Strive hard to grasp the future gain in this our loss.
You who would stand here to worship God Think of our Brothers who before stood this hallowed ground And did not grudge in giving their lives that you in peace might live.
Ask for a heart to follow in the way of their Sacrifice and Duty and a heart to Pray. ( A prayer written by Regimental Drum Major Ronnie Hughes who served with John, Joe and Dougald)
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More about Shankill Mirror

Shankill Mirror is located at 177 Shankill Road, BT13 1FP Belfast