St. Columba'S Derryvolgie

About St. Columba'S Derryvolgie

We are a church who welcome, enjoy and praise God. We aim to make you feel at home, and to encourage you & us to draw nearer to God.



Starting this evening


We'll be meeting again on 14th February to pray for our children and the wonderful staff of Harmony Hill who invest so much of their time and effort in teaching and helping them. We'd love it if you could join us.


A snapshot of who we are, what we do and the journey we believe God is leading us on.


Join us on Sunday for the next in our "I am" series


We all have questions, whether it's "Why am I here?", "What should I do?", "How can I know that there is a God?" or dozens like them. Alpha is a great way of discussing these questions in a friendly and safe environment. We're running an Alpha taster session in Froth Coffee and Sandwich Lounge and we'd love you to join us!


Continuing our new series this week with "I am the light of the world"


WE'RE BACK!! We've all had a well earned break and we are excited to get back into this years programme. But we know that it's been a long tiring week for the kids, so what better way to round off the week than a FAB Movie Night?!?!?
See you Friday @ 6.30pm!


NEW SERIES STARTING THIS SUNDAY: Jesus has been called many things: prophet, teacher, man, God. But who did He say He was? And once you see who Jesus is, what does that mean for you and your life?


Often we wonder how we can purposefully make a difference in our children's lives. Taking time to pray for them is one of the most important things we can do. So whether you are a parent, grandparent, friend, aunt/uncle or simply someone who has a desire to see the best for the children in our care this prayer time is for you. It is a great opportunity to pray for our local school and community seeking that God's Kingdom would come in our time. Lets stand together and pray with all our heart that we would see a move of God again.


Toddlers Together would have been due to start on Tuesday 14 January but unfortunately due to volunteer health reasons we are taking some time off. Please spread the word and keep an eye on this page for when we will be back....


Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.
From all of us here at St. Columba's Derryvolgie we wish you a very happy and blessed Christmas.


As Christmas day comes quickly upon us, why not take some time out from the last minute present wrapping and the food prep and join us this evening at 11.30pm as we focus on Christ, his birth, death and resurrection and celebrate holy communion. See the poster for details.


Fresh from our carol service last night some of our intrepid carol singers went to spread done festive cheer in the local folds. They meet again on Tuesday evening in the foyer of Lagan Valley Hospital at 6.30pm if you want to lend them your voice! (Santa hats not obligatory, but they do keep your head warm in this cold weather!!)


It was great to have Murley Silver Band lead us in our community carol service this evening. A big thanks to everyone who came along and especially to all those who took part including our very own pop-up choir!


At our recent Harvest Thanksgiving we collected an offering that would not only help our mission and ministry here in Derryvolgie but also bless a local charity called EMERGE who help individuals and families in the area of mental health.
This Sunday, representatives from the charity will be present with us sharing a little of what they do and receiving a gift from us to help in their work. You can find out more about them by visiting 👇🏻 uk

More about St. Columba'S Derryvolgie

St. Columba'S Derryvolgie is located at 211 Belsize Road, BT27 4DP Lisburn