Staying Well In 2020

About Staying Well In 2020

Inflamation in the body is one of the main causes of illness and disease. Nutrition is the key.



Hi all ūüėć
I AM LOOKING FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1ÔłŹ‚É£ A newly engaged guy or girl who are ready to look lean and fit on their wedding day! ūüíć 2ÔłŹ‚É£ A new mum who wants to lose the baby weight ūüĎ∂ūüŹľūüôÖūüŹľ... 3ÔłŹ‚É£ Someone who wants to pack on muscle/gain mass ūüí™ūüŹľ 4ÔłŹ‚É£ An overworked and tired employee who needs more energy! ūüí•ūüĒč 5ÔłŹ‚É£ Someone who wants to earn extra income ūüíį 6ÔłŹ‚É£ A breakfast skipper who needs something quick and easy to have for breakfast while getting the nutrition their body needs ūüć≥ 7ÔłŹ‚É£ Someone who just wants to tone up and not necessarily lose weight ūüí™ūüŹĹūüĎÜūüŹĹ 8ÔłŹ‚É£ Someone who wants to live a healthier lifestyle and be that example for their kids ūüĎ®‚ÄćūüĎ®‚ÄćūüĎß‚ÄćūüĎß 9ÔłŹ‚É£ A parent who would love to get more nutrients/protein into their growing familyūüö∂ūüŹľ ūüĒü Someone who wants to do a cleanse and rid their body of toxins ūüćĶ‚ėē ūüĎáūüŹĽūüĎáūüŹĽūüĎáūüŹĽūüĎáūüŹĽūüĎáūüŹĽū üĎáūüŹĽūüĎáūüŹĽūüĎáūüŹĽūüĎáūüŹĽūüĎáūüŹĽū üĎáūüŹĽūüĎáūüŹĽūüĎáūüŹĽūüĎáūüŹĽūüĎáūüŹĽū üĎáūüŹĽ Post below which number YOU are!!! Share this post and help me find these people ūüíĖ
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Fancy losing weight but gaining £500. Well that could be you. Pm for more info


It still shocks me how people will do anything to "look" good. ūüôą Yet aren't worried about what's going into their body.ūüíäūüíČ They go to great lengths not knowing, or worse, not caring what goes into their body.
There is only one way you're going to get real HEALTH... Nutrition on a cellular levelūüĆŅūüíö
I'm so proud of what movement we are creatingūüĆć
... ‚ě°ÔłŹ Certified Organic ‚ě°ÔłŹVegan Friendly ‚ě°ÔłŹNo animal testing, No GMO + massive free from list!
ūüíöWith our CEO who has been in the industry 30+ years, and is most transparent ive seen!
ūüíöOur CEO professional training includes; Human Sciences, Biomedicine, Biochemistry, Pathologies and Nutrition at the College of Naturopathic Medicine, the leading college in its field in the UK.ūüĎá
ūüíöOver the years, Clinton became increasingly frustrated with companies in the supplement industry using misleading marketing, bulking products out with genetically modified fillers, using cheap poorly absorbed nutrients and mixing carriers, controversial sweeteners, synthetic nutrients and other commercially driven choices which were not conducive to health.
ūüíöAfter a successful career in the industry, he decided it was time to create the quality product and company that he had been searching for...ūüí•
ūüĆĪAnd oh boy! He has created that and more!!ūüĎŹūüíĖ
ūüĆćThe science, the testing, the products have been life-changing for myself and my clients.
ūüĎČFrom Chronic Health conditions, to energy, to plant based weight management! You name it!ūüí™ūüĎŹ
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My CEO and Katie. If you are interested get in touch. Our 2 products are amazing.


Free postage on my last 2 packs of superfoods and 1 pack of Protein Max. First come basis


Here‚Äôs Amies story so far ūüĎáūüŹĽūüĎáūüŹĽūüĎáūüŹĽūüĎáūüŹĽūüĎáūüŹĽū üĎáūüŹĽūüĎáūüŹĽ So, I thought I would share my proteinMAX journey with you all so far! I have been on this incredible product for 2 weeks and I am absolutely blown away by my results so far.
I started the protein solely for shrinking my mum tum after having a c-section 10 months ago. I am happy in my own skin I always have been, I was given this body, so embrace it. But I needed to shrink my overhang which was left behind from being absolutely huge d...uring my 2nd pregnancy and the c-section as it was just so irritating.
Since starting my proteinMAX I noticed a difference in my body within 4days, but I noticed an increase in energy on the 1st day! I started off just taking it for my breakfast and then on the 2nd day had it for lunch too. I've even started exercising which I haven't done since I was 19 and I'm now 27 almost 28 so it's a long time! This is mainly due to having 2 hip operations, and waiting on a 3rd, I've just not been able to. I've been on medication since I was 21 to control my chronic pain and nerve damage. But since I have been on superfoods and proteinMAX I have felt less still and that's due to all the goodness my body was clearly lacking before starting on these products. I've had more energy, I've had more clarity and I have issues with my bowels which I no longer have. I used to go once every 2-3weeks now it's daily!! Which is incredible because I've hospitalised before now due to this!
So, I took pictures every 2 days for the 1st 4days and noticed a huge difference ūüĎáūüĎá as you can see from the pictures below. This blew me away; I've got the results I want! Yesterday I decided to weigh myself (which I don't do often) but I was curious. The day before I started on my proteinMAX I was bang on 10 stone. 2 weeks after taking the protein I am now 9.5st! These results were achieved from protein for breakfast and lunch and working out, rebound and walking ūüôā I have to do exercise every other day to minimise risk to my hips.
Now it is all about toning ūüí™ūüĎäūüôĆ
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Think before you eat!! Time to stop ūüõĎ self sabotaging


If you would like to join us get in touch


Vicki Knight look at you ūüėć who wants amazing results like these ūüôčūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
Vicki has already committed to our next TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE on 4th March and I can‚Äôt wait to see her end results ‚̧ԳŹ
This is what she had to say
... ‚ÄúAs you know I‚Äôve been loving ‚̧ԳŹmy Protein Max journey.
For the first time I’ve actually realised this is a lifestyle change and to stop watching the scales.
You can imagine my shock when I saw these images next to each other ūüėĮ this just proves that inch loss wins, my body is completely changing shape as I gain my confidence back I‚Äôm well on track for my summer ‚ėÄÔłŹholiday ūüĎô
I was too embarrassed to share my before pictures but today I am embracing my new body shape and this is only the beginning, bring on the next 14 weeks till my jollies ‚ėÄÔłŹūüĎô‚ÄĚ
You look amazing my friend I’m so happy for you!
And good luck in the next challenge ‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ‚̧ԳŹ
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My testimony/my truth, For the past 2 years I was tired all the time. Totally exhaustedūüėĒ! Could sleep all day if my kids would let me. At night I would fall asleep only to wake up continually tossing and turning, thinking about stuff that didn't even matter. Was I to stressed? Was I depressed? Was my bed just not comfortable? Was I sleeping to much or to little? 2pm would come along and I would need to take a nap..... if I didn't take the time for the nap my body would shut d...own and I would find myself dozing off and probably end up with a migraine. I felt lazy, didn't feel like I could accomplish anything in a day. I was a sugar addict. I would feel myself needing sugar, sometimes even got shakes and sugar took that away (probably low blood sugar but any tests done by doctor came back normal). If I bought a box of cookies I would eat them all! My kids had to hide their halloween candy from me (parents are supposed to hide candy ūüć¨ūüć≠ūüćę from their kids)!!!! In less than a week on superfoods I was able to sleep like actually sleep ūüėÄ!!! Slept right through the night.This continued... I am now sleeping straight through the night and feeling rested in the morning. Plus no more sneaking off for a nap. My husband always told me to work out, you will get more energy.... how do I work out if I literally am running on empty? My doctor ran tests including my iron and thyroid everything in normal range she couldn't find a logical reason for me having no energy other than "you are a mom". Now I have energy I can work outūüí™, I can do anything. I can even pass up a cookie because I don't need them anymore. Of course I will still have a treat when I want to but I don't hide in the pantry eating that box of cookies anymore. Its more of a want than a need feeling. I Sleep better, more energy, less sugar cravings and its save for the entire family! Now I am EXCITED to see what can be accomplished when I combine SUPERFOODS and PROTEIN MAX! Xx Nicole Turner
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#Detox whilst waiting for your ProteinMax please feel free to start your journey with us by detoxing and eliminating toxins.
Food & Drink
Meats - grilled or boiled with fat cut offūüĎáūüŹľ
... Chicken ‚úĒÔłŹ Fish ‚úĒÔłŹ Turkey ‚úĒÔłŹ Prawns ‚úĒÔłŹ Tuna ‚úĒÔłŹ
Dairy ūüĎáūüŹľ Eggs Non dairy milk ‚úĒÔłŹ Non dairy yoghurts ‚úĒÔłŹ
After detox ūüĎáūüŹľ Cottage Cheese ‚úĒÔłŹ Halloumi ‚úĒÔłŹ Feta Cheese ‚úĒÔłŹ Greek yoghurt ‚úĒÔłŹ Natural yoghurt‚úĒÔłŹ
You can bring red meat back into your diet after the detox if you eat it just make sure fat cut out and it's limited.
Lettuce Rocket Tomatoes Cucumber Spring onion Water cress Avocado Peppers Onion Radish Mushrooms Beans Leek Broccoli Kale Spinach Cabbage Carrots Peas Cauliflower - this can be made into rice too! Celery Parsnip Asparagus Sprouts Butternut squash Sweet potato ‚úĒÔłŹ
You can add white potato on after detox just make sure it's limited.
Fruits ūüĎáūüŹľ Apple Orange Pears Blackberries Blueberries Lime Lemon Raspberries Strawberries Melon (all types) Banana Mango Grapes Rhubarb Grapefruit
Grains ūüĎáūüŹľ Brown rice ‚úĒÔłŹ Rice noodles ‚úĒÔłŹ Quinoa Wild rice ‚úĒÔłŹ Lentils Pulses
Nuts and seeds ūüĎáūüŹľ
Poppy seeds Sesame seeds Sunflower seeds Pumpkin seeds Flax seeds
Seasoning ūüĎáūüŹľ Fresh or dried is best
Oils ūüĎáūüŹľ small amount Coconut oil Olive oil Almond oil
Drinks ūüĎáūüŹľ Water Water with fruit in Green Tea Herbal Tea
Other ūüĎáūüŹľlimited.
Plain rice cakes ‚úĒÔłŹ Plain humus ‚úĒÔłŹ Stock cubes ‚úĒÔłŹ Manuka honey ‚úĒÔłŹ Peanut butter ‚úĒÔłŹ
Your plate should be 20% ingredients that are ticked and 80% the ones that aren't. Size of portion will depend on what someone is doing the programme for.
2-3ltrs if water per day preferably plus a lemon water morning & night.
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As a company we did a total body transformation competition
The winners become the faces of our protein max and also won CASH PRIZES ūüíįūüíį
We are now opening the doors to our next 8 week challenge
... This time it‚Äôs also open to the PUBLIC ūü•≥
Want to get healthier ?
Want to transform your body in the next 8 weeks ?
Starts March 4th
2ND PLACE = CASH PRIZE ūüíį¬£250
Taking part you get access to
FREE work out academy
Smoothie recipes
Food recipes
Full support
And you too could be our next WINNER
Let‚Äôs get involved and let‚Äôs get our customers on this ūüí™ūüŹĽ
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Total Body Transformation Challenge coming soon and this time it‚Äôs open to all our ProteinMax Customers ūüí™ūüŹĽ
¬£500 Could Be Yours ūüí∑ Just In Time For Summer


Congratulations to Michelle Howlett on winning ¬£400 in our Total Body Transformation Challenge ūüôĆūüŹĽ
Lost lbs and won ¬£‚Äôs ūüėā after dropping nearly 3 dress sizes in only 8 weeks....
Well done lovely xx


Hi guys
I have been asked a few times recently about the different nutrients in Superfoods Plus. Below are some of the vitamins and minerals which are present in each serving of Superfoods Plus. They are all naturally occurring and naturally vary slightly in their amounts. We do not publish the amounts of each. In fact, there are actually about another 15 trace minerals in addition to those listed below. There are also many phytonutrients too. We do not publish this full lis...t, but thought you might find it interesting xx
‚ÄĘ Calcium ‚ÄĘ Iron ‚ÄĘ Vitamin C ‚ÄĘ Beta Carotene ‚ÄĘ Folic Acid ‚ÄĘ Vit E ‚ÄĘ Potassium ‚ÄĘ Magnesium ‚ÄĘ Manganese ‚ÄĘ Phosphorus ‚ÄĘ Zinc ‚ÄĘ Selenium ‚ÄĘ Vitamin B6 ‚ÄĘ Vitamin B12 ‚ÄĘ Biotin ‚ÄĘ Niacin (B3) ‚ÄĘ Pantothenic Acid ‚ÄĘ Vitamin K ‚ÄĘ Antimony ‚ÄĘ Barium ‚ÄĘ Beryllium ‚ÄĘ Bismuth ‚ÄĘ Boron ‚ÄĘ Bromine ‚ÄĘ Calcium ‚ÄĘ Cerium ‚ÄĘ Cesium ‚ÄĘ Chromium ‚ÄĘ Cobalt ‚ÄĘ Copper ‚ÄĘ Dysprosium ‚ÄĘ Erbium ‚ÄĘ Europium ‚ÄĘ Hafnium ‚ÄĘ Holmium ‚ÄĘ Indium ‚ÄĘ Iodine ‚ÄĘ Iridium ‚ÄĘ Iron ‚ÄĘ Lanthanum ‚ÄĘ Lithium ‚ÄĘ Lutetium ‚ÄĘ Magnesium ‚ÄĘ Manganese ‚ÄĘ Molybdenum ‚ÄĘ Neodymium ‚ÄĘ Nickel ‚ÄĘ Niobium ‚ÄĘ Osmium ‚ÄĘ Palladium ‚ÄĘ Phosphorus ‚ÄĘ Platinum ‚ÄĘ Potassium ‚ÄĘ Praseodymium ‚ÄĘ Rhenium ‚ÄĘ Rhodium ‚ÄĘ Rubidium ‚ÄĘ Ruthenium ‚ÄĘ Samarium ‚ÄĘ Scandium ‚ÄĘ Selenium ‚ÄĘ Silicon ‚ÄĘ Silver ‚ÄĘ Sodium ‚ÄĘ Strontium ‚ÄĘ Sulfur ‚ÄĘ Tantalum ‚ÄĘ Tellurium ‚ÄĘ Terbium ‚ÄĘ Thallium ‚ÄĘ Thorium ‚ÄĘ Thulium ‚ÄĘ Titanium ‚ÄĘ Tungsten ‚ÄĘ Vanadium ‚ÄĘ Ytterbium ‚ÄĘ Yttrium ‚ÄĘ Zinc ‚ÄĘ Zirconium
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True Story ūüĎáūüŹĽ Sandra Hassen suffers from
ūüĎČūüŹĽFibromyalgia ūüĎČūüŹĽOsteoarthritis ūüĎČūüŹĽIBS... ūüĎČūüŹĽCFS
When I say Superfoods changes lives this is what I mean ūüĎáūüŹĽ this is what Sandra inboxed me this morning......
“ I decided yesterday it was time for a challenge.
The last time I walked the east strand Portrush I only made it a 3rd of the way and spent 3 days in bed recovering.
Yesterday I walked the whole length and back. I am so proud of myself. Not a single pain and even had the energy to go out for dinner after. Turbocharged by Superfoods. ūüćáūüćąūüćčūüćí ‚Äú
Life changing? You decide!
It‚Äôs about Real People ūüĎČūüŹĽ Real Stories ūüĎČūüŹĽ Real Results ūüĎČūüŹĽ
Share my post ‚̧ԳŹ tell all your friends and family who suffer with fibromyalgia ‚úĒÔłŹ Psoriasis ‚úĒÔłŹ Asthma ‚úĒÔłŹ IBS ‚úĒÔłŹ Insomnia ‚úĒÔłŹ Fatigue ‚úĒÔłŹ Acne ‚úĒÔłŹ Eczema ‚úĒÔłŹ Fining Hair ‚úĒÔłŹ Brittle Nails ‚úĒÔłŹ Menopause ‚úĒÔłŹ PMT ‚úĒÔłŹ Arthritis ‚úĒÔłŹ ME ‚úĒÔłŹ Aching Joints ‚úĒÔłŹ CFS ‚úĒÔłŹ
The list goes on!!! I have customers and reps that suffered (past tense) and after being consistent on Superfoods they have changed their lives!
Oh and did I mention Sandra has only been on the Superfoods since November ūüôĆūüŹĽ Happy Days ūüí™ūüŹĽ
#JustSaying #SuperfoodsForSuperheroes
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Happy Saturday ‚̧ԳŹ This is an OMG post ūüėā
So one of my very lovely customer sent me this photo ūüĎáūüŹĽ
So I asked her what have you been doing to achieve this she said.....
... ‚Äú Started my journey 4-5 weeks ago with protein max shake as my breakfast meal & the superfoods 1st thing in the morning waow what a diff these are my results ūüĎć feeling so much healthier & energised! Bring on the next 4-5 weeks see what results I see.
Total lost 1 stone 3lb I started at 13 stone 3!! “
Wow wow wow ūüėģ how amazing I‚Äôm blown away by her message and her results!
If you want to lose weight ‚úĒÔłŹ gain weight ‚úĒÔłŹ build your muscle mass ‚úĒÔłŹ just tone up ‚úĒÔłŹ then I can help YOU too.
Just private message me and tell me what your looking for and let’s see what we can do!
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Our Protein Max Sales have skyrocketed since New Year ūüôĆūüŹĽūüôĆūüŹĽūüôĆūüŹĽ
We need help!
If your looking for an extra income then retailing our Protein Max could be the answer you've been looking for ūüėć
... Message me to find out how this product has gone crazy globally, changed so many people's lives already and has left all our happy customers looking super sexy and in the best shape ūüėćūüĒ•
Be an Ambassador for products that are really making a difference to other people’s live......
Make a difference!
#HelpingOthers #NoSignUpFee #NoMonthlyAutoDeliveries
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More about Staying Well In 2020

Staying Well In 2020 is located at Bangor, County Down