Strength Coach Ni

Monday: 09:30 - 22:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 22:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 22:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 22:00
Friday: 09:30 - 22:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 15:00
Sunday: -

About Strength Coach Ni

Christopher McBride (MSc /BSc) Strength and Conditioning / Personal Training / Powerlifting /Private Tutor and Assessor. Please enquire for all services*

Strength Coach Ni Description

MSC Sport & Exercise Science,
BSC Strength & Conditioning, BWL / GBPF Coach, S& C Coach and Personal Trainer. Social media: @strengthcoachNI



How the hell can you win in this world?
... I often see people apologising for how they look to others or making excuses to justify their own lifestyle choices such why they are going to the gym, eating a particular way or maybe not drinking on a night out, simply to make others feel better about their own choices, peer-pressure is a bitch.
I find in this world if you do anything to better yourself, be it appearence, performance or work orientated, people will always try and bring you down or else make excuses for your success, it can never just be "fair-play, they worked hard." There is always a but or a negative remark to follow. Often clients have told me stories about their own friends and family bringing them down (the supposed closest support group) as they don't like the change, even though it's for the better, again because it challenges their own life choices. People want to see you do well, but never better than them.
Remember always, whether your an athlete, avid gym goer, health nut, whatever... why you are doing what you do, FOR YOU and never for others approval because I can assure you, you will never be satisfied otherwise, do it for yourself and never apologise in the process.
Thanks for reading πŸ€™
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Happy PRIDE Day!! 🦁
*Yes I will use any excuse to make a pun! πŸ˜…
SCNI is very Proud to say that ANYONE is welcome to be coached by me, regardless of sexual preferences, orientation, ethnicity or political background and the same can be said for Gain Forth Performance Centre, everyone is welcome in our gym. We are all equal and should be treated accordingly, it's 2018 and discrimination should stay in the past where it never belonged. So have a great day everyone I am sure Belfast will be absolutely buzzing! 😊


Soft Tissue Therapy Now available in Gain Forth, Check out Andrew's page πŸ€™


Strength and Conditioning is more than just lifting weights, there are other components to consider when imrpoving an athlete's athletic performance
- Overall Needs Analysis - Engery System Development - Speed, Agility, Quickness... - Plyometric components - Running, jumping, movement - Injury Prevention - Rate of Force Development - Power Production - Periodised Programming - Planning
This list could go on, but Strength and Conditioning Coaching is an Art form and a Science, an integral blend of the two. It is not a circuit class, it is not a buzz word gimmic and it needs to stop being abused this way. Likewise traditional sport coaches need to stop fearing S&C as you are only at a disadvantage in the modern era of sport. If you would like more information on how Strength and Conditioning could be used to help improve your or your athletes athletic performance, then please get in touch.
Thanks for reading πŸ€™
Photo credit: @careersport_fitness_academy
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For any enquiries,
Here's my card πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ- SQUAT SUNDAYS - πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ
Just like the Deadlift, not all Back Squats are created equally and no one size textbook approach should be applied. Stance width of an individual will be determined by a number of factors:
- Femur head type (which can be hard to determine without some form of scan).... - Femur Length (From experience those with longer femurs tend to find a wider stance more beneficial and those with shorter femurs a narrow stance, however deviation to the norm is always anticipated). - Joint Mobility and Stability (ankles, hip and thoracic spine especially). - Muscle pliability (tight groins ring a bell?) - Ability to hit depth, without sacrificing power. - Overall comfort of the movement, the squat is unique to each individual, coach it accordingly.
It's amazing how complicated a movement such as sitting down and standing back up again has become, however if it is something you are struggling with, try playing about with the movement at lighter loads and intensities to truly nail your form down, even work on some goblet squats and movement drills, don't be afraid to strip things back as an ego quarter squat impresses no one and will probably only end in injury. If you really can't seem to get it right then have a coach look at your movement for you, it can always be fixed.
Thanks for reading πŸ€™
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While we are on the topic of Deadlifts... did you know there is more than one way to lift the bar?
In Powerlifting the two most common styles are Conventional (narrow, approximately hip width stance) and Sumo (Wider, outside shoulder width, distance varies per lifter). Both are legal in competition and you generally find that individuals are predominantly suited to one style over the other via assessment of their biomechanical aspects and leverages such as limb length and to...rso size, the angles created in the lifters set-up and of course overall ability including mobility and stability of joints and where the athlete can produce the most force without compromising form. There can be quite a few variables to consider!
Here is Conor (Juniour U83kg lifter) @conorbond17 hitting a nice submax single: 190kg Sumo Deadlift, which is currently 10kg off his Conventional max, we are hoping the change will allow his back to stay tighter throughout the movement and engage more force through the floor. Looking forward to seeing what he will achieve in October πŸ€™
What way do you deadlift, are you happy with your current performance?
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Client @jemmaa_blair getting those heavy ass Deadlifts in today... she said it was tough, my response "But did you die?" Her response: "I seen a white light!" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ here is to 3 white lights come September's Competition 😎
Remember to tag @strengthcoachni or hashtag #strengthcoachni to let me see what you are up to in training and feature on the page πŸ€™
Have a great weekend guys πŸ˜ƒ


πŸ€“ Knowledge is absolutely useless if you cannot communicate effectively πŸ€”
People skills will get you much further in this industry than a piece of paper ever could, no one has ever given me a job via solely my qualifications it has all came through reccomendations, that's a hard fact for some to digest. As a coach always remember:
- Empathy... - Application - Affirmation - Relationship
They say nothing kills a dream quite like self-doubt..... however the same could easily be said about arrogance, you are no better than others (your clients, those who matter) interpretation anyway, so do what you got in this job to do..... help people and in the long run you may just find it will only end up helping yourself obtain opportunities anyway, let's drop the egos, getting so damn tired of fitness snobbery, like my good ol Granny always tells me "manners don't cost a thing son".
Have a great weekend πŸ€™
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The sun is still shining in Belfast and it is Deadlift day... nothing makes me happier!!
πŸŒžπŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ What are you training today?


Online client Harry (England based) hitting a huge 220kg pb in his Deadlift at 80kg bodyweight on his last training block, he then went on hit a 230kg lift when testing, bringing him in to the 500lbs club, however I just thought this pic was really cool! 😜
Great work Harry, all lifts getting stronger and progressing nicely, keep it up πŸ€™πŸ‘


Client Lorraine @lorr2016 repping the StrengthCoachNI brand all the way over in Vegas πŸ€™
P.s the weight you have lost reallyyyyy shows here, I think everyone from Gain Forth Performance Centre would agree πŸ˜―πŸ‘πŸ‘ incredible work and a trip well deserved, enjoy!!!!


Took some time out from work and training lately and enjoyed myself with family and friends. As a coach I used to really beat myself up about that kind of thing and feel guilty about having a drink or fret about a night out and what effect it will have on my training or what my clients would think of me etc. as I know many other coaches and trainers do to.... this is no way to live! Are we just living to work or working to live?
Don't get me wrong I love my job and love trai...ning, it is everything to me and when it's time to knuckle down I know how to stay disciplined. But some down time is needed for all of us, stop beating yourself up so much about food, drinks and defining it as "bad stuff" or "cheat days" at the end of the day you are only human and life is to be enjoyed.... otherwise what the hell is the point! Find a balance and find content within yourself, because the truth is no one else actually really cares anyway.
Anyways I thought I would share this and I hope it doesn't come across as some life coaching bullshit, but it's not often my clients would ever see me smiling "heartless, emotionless, d#ckhead" come to mind πŸ˜…..... but here we are, smiling and stuff. Back to the grind Monday though, wouldn't have it any other way πŸ˜‰
Thanks for reading, enjoy the rest of the weekend πŸ€™
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Pink has never looked so good πŸ˜‰
Would love to say this t-shirt was for the ladies..... but I would be lying if I said I didn't want one myself πŸ˜…
Clients you are all absolutely killing it at the minute and make me more proud of this brand every damn day! Working on a small bit of rebranding and assessing the current direction of my coaching business and although it is always great to focus on the future, sometimes you need to take a step back and appreciate how far you have c...ome... in all aspects of life. So as always keep your goal in mind, stay focused, stay hungry, keep determined and enjoy the journey! Every small step leads to the peak of the mountain.
Have a fantastic weekend πŸ€™
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The weights feel heavy.... The body feels sluggish... You are tired........ You feel weak..... Why the hell are you even doing this for?
Bad days happen and with training it is no different. Sometimes the energy just isn't there and you feel like you can't lift yourself up off the sofa never mind heavy things at the gym..... it happens. How to deal with it?
Assess! Are you just being lazy, then get your ass up get on with it and get back to work loser!
Are you genuinely feeling lethargic and tired and weights that normally wouldn't be that difficult become a mammoth task. Then listen to your body! Have you been sleeping well, eating right, externally stressed? Well then if so either reduce the intensity or in fact rest and recover all together, get your eating right, get a good nights sleep and hopefully you can deal with whatever is causing you stress. Leave it for another day and come back even stronger! Enough of this "no pain, no gain" bullshit, listen to your body and adjust accordingly, we are in this for the long haul.
Thanks for reading, enjoy your weekend πŸ€™
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So I had a few hours to kill between clients today and decided to go and get a tattoo!
It's a Kanji symbol for 'Strength' which I got on my right leg above my metal ankle (metal plate, six pins and six screws in it) which I am hoping it transfers over to giving me some form of super powers for lifting πŸ˜…
Joking aside, big thank you to @riion_tattoo for the awesome work and the guys at Jax Wolf Tattoo @jax.wolf for being so welcoming and friendly, would highly recommend πŸ€™


πŸ˜©πŸ˜“ - 100% GUILTY - 😲😣
Eat crap, feel like crap, know this is fact...... yet we still do it anyway.
Why do we eat crappy foods?
... Because they taste nice, they are generally inexpensive and readily available, you can get a cheeseburger these days quicker than you can get through to a doctor on the phone. The truth is it's just pretty damn easy these days to be unhealthy, let's face it.
But in the long-run is that short term calorific gratification really even worth it. I've noticed lately I have really slacked when it's come to my own nutrition, hands up I have been just eating poorly and for convenience rather than my health and 3 things have suffered.
1) My mental health. 2) My performance in the gym. 3) My overrall quality of life and general well-being.
And I am sure I am not alone here, eat like crap, feel like crap who would agree?
I strongly believe that a diet should consist of atleast 80% wholesome nutritious foods and 20% of whatever you need to fill the void. Everything improves, you look better, feel better, perform better and sleep better, even help fight infection and disease... really the list of benefits can go on. We know all of this, yet we still don't do it.... why?
Humans will gladly invest thousands when it comes to materialistic products yet go for cheaper quantity over quality when it comes to food without question. If only we valued ourselves as much as the watch on our wrist. Yet sadly we still probably won't....
As cliche as it sounds "our health really is our wealth" and I think now more than ever with epidemics such as depression, obesity, both in adults and in youths being so paramount, that we really start to take that message on board.
Thanks for reading πŸ€™
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NEW CLIENTS: As I am now based at Gain Forth Performance Centre, I currently have availability to take on a Limited number of New Clients and will be offering Free Consultations and Complimentary Gym Inductions exclusively this week at the gym.
▫️All levels of fitness and ability are welcome and there are a range of packages currently available to suit your needs. πŸ‘‡πŸ»
... πŸ”ΉOne to one Personal Training.
πŸ”ΉSmall Group Personal Training (2 people semi-private).
πŸ”ΉSport Specific Strength & Conditioning.
πŸ”ΉPowerlifting Coaching (Offering an opportunity to compete).
(A full range of my services can be found via Strength Coach NI).
▫️All Packages include a full access Gym Membership (including classes), a completely Individualised Training Program, a Tailored Nutritional Guidance Plan and secret access to a private training support group!
Various price plans available. Get in contact for details.
πŸ”ΉOnline Coaching is also available, however only to previously trained individuals.
Discover and uncover your potential and Book your Free Consultation today!
Consultations are roughly 45 mins in duration and include a pre-exercise health screening, goal evaluation and gym induction.
For any further details or enquiries regarding my services and prices
please contact: 07706743183 E-mail: Social Media: @strengthcoachni
Thank you.
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Top top coach who knows his stuff. Always makes time to speak to everyone with a friendly and helpful attitude. Brilliant presence to have in the gym with a wealth of knowledge under his belt.


I found it hard finding a trainer to suit me and what I wanted to do I heard of Chris and was the best thing ever he's so good at his job and has help me so much roll on Monday for another great session


I came to Chris for online training, and I had quite a few issues to start with. I am a powerlifter but had hit certain walls in strength and could not get over them. I sent him videos of my lifts and he critiqued my form through video and was able to find every little issue and fault i had. He then gave me a detailed breakdown of information of where i was going wrong, and how to fix it. This was followed up with a unique tailored program to my exact needs of building up my weakness areas to work on and improve. I cant rate him highly enough. His knowledge is insane and soo helpful and breaks it down in a really easy to follow format. I look forward to working with Chris for a long time in the future.


Having studied with Chris for a few years during his time in England, I was fortunate enough to get a few training sessions in with the big man and always came out having learned something as a fellow coach. Chris is certainly amongst the most knowledgable and methodical coaches I know (and I know a few!) and his infectious appetite for hard graft brings out the best in the people around him.

I would 110% recommend training under Chris' tutelage, whether it be in person or a via a more distance based approach.


Great coach who is always really helpful! Always so approachable and really good at helping to set and achieve goals. Never had any problems.


Got Chris on board to program my strength work and competition prep for powerlifting. Guy really knows stuff, has a great attitude and you can really tell he loves what he does. Would highly really him to anyone looking to better themselves


Chris is a great PT who teaches the rights and wrongs of training. He pushed and helped me to achieve my personal goals. Was a great support when I needed it. A great advocate for what he does and couldn't recommend him enough. Keep up the great work!


Attended a seminar today led by Chris and have to say it was very good. His approach to how he talks to the audience is very well thought out and not over complicated so is catered to all levels of people who are into strength and conditioning training :). A lot of good tips and small manoeuvres shown also that can help improve in certain areas of training which was helpful :). Look forward to the next one Chris οΏ½


As a non 'sporty' person I was a bit apprehensive but Chris made it easy to enjoy going to the gym and ignited a love for lifting which I never thought would happen. Came to Chris for PT in the run up to my wedding and not only did he help me smash my goal he made it really easy to do so. His enthusiasm and love for what he does is can be seen clearly in his manner and approach to training , would highly recommend to anyone.


As a fellow coach, Chris has helped me with aspects of my own training and coaching, there is no ego, just a downright genuine coach who is one of the best strength and conditioning coaches I know! Would highly recommend anyone looking to gain strength or become educated on training to talk to Chris!


A well educated and passionate coach - 5 stars isn't enough!


Top top coach who knows his stuff. Always makes time to speak to everyone with a friendly and helpful attitude. Brilliant presence to have in the gym with a wealth of knowledge under his belt.


I found it hard finding a trainer to suit me and what I wanted to do I heard of Chris and was the best thing ever he's so good at his job and has help me so much roll on Monday for another great session


I came to Chris for online training, and I had quite a few issues to start with. I am a powerlifter but had hit certain walls in strength and could not get over them. I sent him videos of my lifts and he critiqued my form through video and was able to find every little issue and fault i had. He then gave me a detailed breakdown of information of where i was going wrong, and how to fix it. This was followed up with a unique tailored program to my exact needs of building up my weakness areas to work on and improve. I cant rate him highly enough. His knowledge is insane and soo helpful and breaks it down in a really easy to follow format. I look forward to working with Chris for a long time in the future.


Having studied with Chris for a few years during his time in England, I was fortunate enough to get a few training sessions in with the big man and always came out having learned something as a fellow coach. Chris is certainly amongst the most knowledgable and methodical coaches I know (and I know a few!) and his infectious appetite for hard graft brings out the best in the people around him.

I would 110% recommend training under Chris' tutelage, whether it be in person or a via a more distance based approach.


Great coach who is always really helpful! Always so approachable and really good at helping to set and achieve goals. Never had any problems.


Got Chris on board to program my strength work and competition prep for powerlifting. Guy really knows stuff, has a great attitude and you can really tell he loves what he does. Would highly really him to anyone looking to better themselves


Chris is a great PT who teaches the rights and wrongs of training. He pushed and helped me to achieve my personal goals. Was a great support when I needed it. A great advocate for what he does and couldn't recommend him enough. Keep up the great work!


Attended a seminar today led by Chris and have to say it was very good. His approach to how he talks to the audience is very well thought out and not over complicated so is catered to all levels of people who are into strength and conditioning training :). A lot of good tips and small manoeuvres shown also that can help improve in certain areas of training which was helpful :). Look forward to the next one Chris οΏ½


As a non 'sporty' person I was a bit apprehensive but Chris made it easy to enjoy going to the gym and ignited a love for lifting which I never thought would happen. Came to Chris for PT in the run up to my wedding and not only did he help me smash my goal he made it really easy to do so. His enthusiasm and love for what he does is can be seen clearly in his manner and approach to training , would highly recommend to anyone.


As a fellow coach, Chris has helped me with aspects of my own training and coaching, there is no ego, just a downright genuine coach who is one of the best strength and conditioning coaches I know! Would highly recommend anyone looking to gain strength or become educated on training to talk to Chris!


A well educated and passionate coach - 5 stars isn't enough!


Top top coach who knows his stuff. Always makes time to speak to everyone with a friendly and helpful attitude. Brilliant presence to have in the gym with a wealth of knowledge under his belt.


I found it hard finding a trainer to suit me and what I wanted to do I heard of Chris and was the best thing ever he's so good at his job and has help me so much roll on Monday for another great session


I came to Chris for online training, and I had quite a few issues to start with. I am a powerlifter but had hit certain walls in strength and could not get over them. I sent him videos of my lifts and he critiqued my form through video and was able to find every little issue and fault i had. He then gave me a detailed breakdown of information of where i was going wrong, and how to fix it. This was followed up with a unique tailored program to my exact needs of building up my weakness areas to work on and improve. I cant rate him highly enough. His knowledge is insane and soo helpful and breaks it down in a really easy to follow format. I look forward to working with Chris for a long time in the future.


Having studied with Chris for a few years during his time in England, I was fortunate enough to get a few training sessions in with the big man and always came out having learned something as a fellow coach. Chris is certainly amongst the most knowledgable and methodical coaches I know (and I know a few!) and his infectious appetite for hard graft brings out the best in the people around him.

I would 110% recommend training under Chris' tutelage, whether it be in person or a via a more distance based approach.


Great coach who is always really helpful! Always so approachable and really good at helping to set and achieve goals. Never had any problems.


Got Chris on board to program my strength work and competition prep for powerlifting. Guy really knows stuff, has a great attitude and you can really tell he loves what he does. Would highly really him to anyone looking to better themselves


Chris is a great PT who teaches the rights and wrongs of training. He pushed and helped me to achieve my personal goals. Was a great support when I needed it. A great advocate for what he does and couldn't recommend him enough. Keep up the great work!


Attended a seminar today led by Chris and have to say it was very good. His approach to how he talks to the audience is very well thought out and not over complicated so is catered to all levels of people who are into strength and conditioning training :). A lot of good tips and small manoeuvres shown also that can help improve in certain areas of training which was helpful :). Look forward to the next one Chris οΏ½


As a non 'sporty' person I was a bit apprehensive but Chris made it easy to enjoy going to the gym and ignited a love for lifting which I never thought would happen. Came to Chris for PT in the run up to my wedding and not only did he help me smash my goal he made it really easy to do so. His enthusiasm and love for what he does is can be seen clearly in his manner and approach to training , would highly recommend to anyone.


As a fellow coach, Chris has helped me with aspects of my own training and coaching, there is no ego, just a downright genuine coach who is one of the best strength and conditioning coaches I know! Would highly recommend anyone looking to gain strength or become educated on training to talk to Chris!


A well educated and passionate coach - 5 stars isn't enough!

More about Strength Coach Ni

Strength Coach Ni is located at Gain Forth Gym, Unit 38 Argyle Business Centre, BT13 2AP Belfast
Monday: 09:30 - 22:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 22:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 22:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 22:00
Friday: 09:30 - 22:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 15:00
Sunday: -