Tandragee Soapbox Derby

About Tandragee Soapbox Derby

To share news about the TandrageeSoapBoxDerby



Hi you all, it’s the Old Man. As of October last year I retired from the organistion of the Tandragee Soapbox Derby along with the roll of the facebook. Age has set hard on my old bones and there is new blood biting at my heels to lead the way.
For over six years I have had fun sitting on my bum taking the mickey out of the crew members and race staff alike. It’s been rewarding seeing the event grow from paper to reality, seeing grown men and women making machines that would... put the law of physics to breaking point, but so proud of those of you who have raised so much for local charities while teams and individuals alike have gained a memory that will last a life time . God bless you all for taking this journey, putting up with my daft weekly news bulletins, and most of all for supporting the event.
Please go to the new Tandragee Soapbox Derby 2020 face book page and give the Tandragee team your 100% support. The Old Man.
Hot off the press. Been to Holywood yesterday to see a real gentleman called Leslie from their chamber of Commerce, who is looking into running their own soapbox within the town. Holywood if it’s a go, please give him and your committee your undying support. That makes six soapboxes the Tandragee crew have helped on their way over the last four years to for fill the aims of a soapbox. A community event that is free to spectators, placing their town on the map while supporting local retail outlets. Not bad for a very Old Man. Love ya.
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Hi peeps, loads of people looking for Soapbox karts. So if you have any for sale use this facebook page to advertise your once loved kart so others get ahead start for the next event.


OK people, get your fingers out. The soapbox world is getting wild and crazy with two new Soapbox events taking place this year in Northern Ireland. Run by fantastic people who are putting their hart and sole into making sure you have a fantastic time for all the family. First on the line is Comber with my mate Roy and the team, 17th August and then followed by big John in sunny Donaghadee on the 30th August. Teams you still have time to enter via their face book pages. Peeps loads more to see and do at each event. Teams get your paperwork in and grease those wheels. Loads of money to the winners, and a great chance to raise more funds for worthy endeavours. The Old Man PS will be at both events but will not be signing autographs.


The Soapbox is all about a night of fun for the community, a place where people meet, see friends and enjoy some crazy entertainment. But for a number of competitors it gives them the extra opportunity of doing something to help others. Seven teams this year raised funds on the back of the event for their own chosen charities. From the soapbox crew, can we say a fantastic thank you to each one of them for thinking of others? From a penny to a pound you are something very spec...ial. You may never meet anyone you helped, but knowing inside you have, makes you part of their lives. In no order, Trucking Nuts. For the Autism support Group Armagh £1351.00 Jurassic Hunters For The PBC Foundation £1163.76 Pure Flying For The Brain Tumour Charity £1472.00 Flanagans Flyers For Southern Area Hospice £220.05 The Sugar Daddies For Diabetes UK £340.00 The Erotic Jaguar For NI Air Amb and Southern Area Hospice £300.00 The Mis-Fitters For McMillan Cancer Support £836.00 Total at time of publishing £5731.76

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Staying on the subject from last week. Read all about it. Each year as part of the cleanup after the Soapbox Derby, I write a Post Event Report (PER). Placing on paper anything we have to improve on or lessons learnt. Below is paragraph 7 of this year’s PER document. 7. Summary of background support towards trade and normal activity within the town. a. It is calculated that between 200 to 250 people would be within the area on any normal Saturday evening during the time ...of the soapbox. (This includes food takeaways and bar foot fall). This year like the past 3 years, it is estimated that between, 6000 to 6500 people attended the 4 hour Soapbox event. b. A total of 14 (Supermarkets included) hot food outlets retail in the town. 13 of which, where open for trade on the night. Disappointingly only 4 of the 14 actively supported the event; Rumbles, Megan’s Bistro, top of the town SPAR and The Cosy Tea Pot. This gives a derogatory impression of local support to the event, with a moral issue especially seeing that 7 of the 14 extended their normal opening hours to take advantage of the event. One by 5 hours. The question being, ARE WE AS A GROUP WORKING FOR UN SUPPORTIVE RETAIL OUTLETS, SO THEY CAN PURELY PROFIT BY OUR COMMITMENT TO THE TOWN AND COMMUNITY? This lack of support is the third largest issue that can curtail community committees conducting events after legislation and funding. Volunteers can feel used and the organisers have to fight to remain motivated. In the end is it really worth the effort to support outlets that don’t support the community, but rely on the community to remain in business. On a more positive point, 4 Businesses sold alcoholic refreshments (This included off sales) 2 provided musical entertainment (Bars). 1 retail outlet closed early to allow the event to proceed by 1 hour (Garden Fresh). The Chapel used their alternative access so there Saturday night service could proceed. The extra income generated to those retail outlets open on the night is above my estimation, but realistically must prove to be a welcome dividend. A point to note in line with current social trends, a wide number of those attending did indicate that they would be attending social gatherings, such as BBQ’s, after the event, therefore supermarkets, butchers and off sales would have hopefully seen an increase income from the staging the Derby. Three teams did stay in local camping accommodation post race. Teams members from Ireland and Wales attended, and over 60% of teams came from outside of the ABC Council area.
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The Old Man. Personal Statement. This year four out of the seven hot food outlets in the town that are open on soapbox night, did not support the Soapbox Derby in any form, not even a thank you. This makes a mockery of one of the primary aims of the Derby. As a volunteer I volunteered to work for the Derby not outlets that don’t even have good manners. What really ticked me off was they didn’t even attempt to clean up the mess there customers made outside their outlets, leav...ing it to the council workers to clean up. This reminded me of three years ago when my son and I were picking up litter post race at midnight in the rain when a outlet owner walked by, clutching a bag of what I presume was earnings, and laugh at us, saying it was a good night can you run one again next week. Next year on race day I will not be standing in my normal spot on the course, I will be standing outside a number of premises in the town. It’s called boycotting, it’s legal, it’s justifiable and it will be effective. I will also name and shame, if anyone puts their prices up on the night. This is not about sponsorship it’s about sustainability and good manners. It’s about not taking advantage of people but the occasion. There is a difference. And you wounder why small towns need help regenerating. Short sighted comes to mind.
Paul Bowbanks (The Old Man)
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Loads of Thank you’s Starting with the crew of the Soapbox. To those that made the soapbox happen, thank you one and all. To the many sponsors who sacrifice their hard won earnings which allow us to run a Tandragee community event, again thank you. I assure you, we don’t take your generosity for granted and try and reward you by putting on an event that is worthy of your trust. To the council, a great deal of appreciation to the office staff and our very own councillors, (Th...e new chuckle brothers) but in the main to the workers on the ground. From the street cleaning party to the loo delivery man, you made it look easy when we know its hard work. To the racers and builders themselves thank you for your participation, you where without any doubt the stars on the night. And to all our visitors thank you for taking the time to come see us. Like all events, some things don’t go to plan and need addressing but we will put them right for next year, where undoubtedly there will be new ones to be foiled. But as long as we don’t have the same problems as we have had from the previous year’s events, then we will get bigger and better. To the teams that uses the Derby to raise funds for charity don’t forget to PM me with your total amount raised so I award the new trophy. You have till the end of June, same for the best vid and photo published on our face book page. From myself thank you one and all.
The Old Man.
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Okay folks, it's the Old Man's Daughter here...... I've checked the results and I can confirm the podium standings are correct as stated yesterday. My Old Man had typed Team Ferguson's race 2 result incorrectly, 24.67 was inputted instead of 21.13. I've introduced him to the world of excel spreadsheets and he was astounded to see it does the calculations for you and he doesn't have to use his fingers and toes in the future. Apologies for the confusion and getting your hopes u...p Coffin Dodgers. Thank you for your patience with him. If anyone needs the Old Man he's busy counting down on his abacus the days left until we send him to a retirement home. Natty
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So proud of the drivers who parked in the local Junior Primary school especially the one who left a £10.00. note. You donated in the bucket a few penny's over £153.00 which all goes to the school. The funds will be spent on the children. Thank You. The Old Man.


I am bewildered what the hell was I thinking about when i said I would help out running a Soapbox Derby in Tandragee then I see this. No comment needed.


To all Teams ref Timings. Sorry ounce again regarding the transfer of timings on to the posted form . Podium places no change. Will ask someone who is better younger at this black art of computer work next year. The Old Man .My deepest apologetic undertaking to The Coffin Dodgers. The Old Man


Late night entry come in The McRoberts Family from Blackskull. The Blackskull R and R Engineers. Number 24.


Morning All. Are you ready . 250 crash barriers to put out bales of wet hay, speaker system to test and a full day working with Matt and Ronnie, what a day to wear a bra and call yourself Priscilla. Weather looks good for this afternoon. Fingers crossed.


Just In. Big Red is starting a new business, meals on wheels. Catering for the more continental palate. He,s calling it The Flying Frankfurters. Don' t ask just sit back and wait for it to happen. Between Red and RJ my nerves are shot. Feel a suppository and a brandy coming on


Elaine the sister and her family of the late Alistair Flanagan who sadly passed away on 22nd December 2018 have very kindly donated a memorial trophy in his name. It is to be awarded for the most effected Local Charity Fundraising team each year who enter the Tandragee Soapbox Derby. The team who raises the most funds on the back of the Derby will have their names inscribed on the actual trophy and will be presented with a plaque for their achievement. Can I say a heartfelt... thanks from the Soapbox Committee in allowing ourselves to be part of this most generous gift.
Alistair was a true supporter and a fearless competitor. Our hope is that the enjoyment of the event made him smile.
Inscribed on the Trophy is
"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy."
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The Soapbox is all about a night of fun for the community, a place where people meet, see friends and enjoy some crazy entertainment. But for a number of competitors it gives them the extra opportunity of doing something to help others. Seven teams this year raised funds on the back of the event for their own chosen charities. From the soapbox crew, can we say a fantastic thank you to each one of them for thinking of others? From a penny to a pound you are something very spec...ial. You may never meet anyone you helped, but knowing inside you have, makes you part of their lives. In no order, Trucking Nuts. For the Autism support Group Armagh £1351.00 Jurassic Hunters For The PBC Foundation £1163.76 Pure Flying For The Brain Tumour Charity £1472.00 Flanagans Flyers For Southern Area Hospice £220.05 The Sugar Daddies For Diabetes UK £340.00 The Erotic Jaguar For NI Air Amb and Southern Area Hospice £300.00 The Mis-Fitters For McMillan Cancer Support £836.00 Total at time of publishing £5731.76

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The Soapbox is all about a night of fun for the community, a place where people meet, see friends and enjoy some crazy entertainment. But for a number of competitors it gives them the extra opportunity of doing something to help others. Seven teams this year raised funds on the back of the event for their own chosen charities. From the soapbox crew, can we say a fantastic thank you to each one of them for thinking of others? From a penny to a pound you are something very spec...ial. You may never meet anyone you helped, but knowing inside you have, makes you part of their lives. In no order, Trucking Nuts. For the Autism support Group Armagh £1351.00 Jurassic Hunters For The PBC Foundation £1163.76 Pure Flying For The Brain Tumour Charity £1472.00 Flanagans Flyers For Southern Area Hospice £220.05 The Sugar Daddies For Diabetes UK £340.00 The Erotic Jaguar For NI Air Amb and Southern Area Hospice £300.00 The Mis-Fitters For McMillan Cancer Support £836.00 Total at time of publishing £5731.76

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The Soapbox is all about a night of fun for the community, a place where people meet, see friends and enjoy some crazy entertainment. But for a number of competitors it gives them the extra opportunity of doing something to help others. Seven teams this year raised funds on the back of the event for their own chosen charities. From the soapbox crew, can we say a fantastic thank you to each one of them for thinking of others? From a penny to a pound you are something very spec...ial. You may never meet anyone you helped, but knowing inside you have, makes you part of their lives. In no order, Trucking Nuts. For the Autism support Group Armagh £1351.00 Jurassic Hunters For The PBC Foundation £1163.76 Pure Flying For The Brain Tumour Charity £1472.00 Flanagans Flyers For Southern Area Hospice £220.05 The Sugar Daddies For Diabetes UK £340.00 The Erotic Jaguar For NI Air Amb and Southern Area Hospice £300.00 The Mis-Fitters For McMillan Cancer Support £836.00 Total at time of publishing £5731.76

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The Soapbox is all about a night of fun for the community, a place where people meet, see friends and enjoy some crazy entertainment. But for a number of competitors it gives them the extra opportunity of doing something to help others. Seven teams this year raised funds on the back of the event for their own chosen charities. From the soapbox crew, can we say a fantastic thank you to each one of them for thinking of others? From a penny to a pound you are something very spec...ial. You may never meet anyone you helped, but knowing inside you have, makes you part of their lives. In no order, Trucking Nuts. For the Autism support Group Armagh £1351.00 Jurassic Hunters For The PBC Foundation £1163.76 Pure Flying For The Brain Tumour Charity £1472.00 Flanagans Flyers For Southern Area Hospice £220.05 The Sugar Daddies For Diabetes UK £340.00 The Erotic Jaguar For NI Air Amb and Southern Area Hospice £300.00 The Mis-Fitters For McMillan Cancer Support £836.00 Total at time of publishing £5731.76

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More about Tandragee Soapbox Derby

Tandragee Soapbox Derby is located at 12 The Square, BT62 2AD Tandragee