Team Magill: All Things Health, Life, Fitness & Family

About Team Magill: All Things Health, Life, Fitness & Family

We help busy parents get more energy have more confidence and become more than just 'Mum and Dad'

Team Magill: All Things Health, Life, Fitness & Family Description

1-2-1 body transformation specialist.
Sports and exercise nutrition coach
Online transformation coach fitness and lifestyle tips online training programs



Heartbreaking πŸ’”
This could have been me...
I remember sitting in a parked car, watching Claire phone me and I couldn't answer...
... I remember thinking her and the kids would be better if I didn't come home at all...
I remember sending a picture not unlike this...
I am so Grateful I did go home that day tho...
It was that day I decided I was the only one who could save me...
My " SUPPORT FOR DADS" group is so important!
Next Meeting-
▢️ Friday 3rd May ▢️ Our private studio Newry Street ▢️ 7:30pm ▢️ No judgement ▢️ Friendly and supportive atmosphere
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This is a quick mindset shift I have been getting myself in the way of recently.
Instead of 'reacting' in a negative state I ask myself at each point, 'WHAT'S THE OPPORTUNITY HERE'?
... You have the power to change the way you think - whether you dwell on positive thoughts or negative thoughts it is up to you.
Of course, it makes sense to choose the positive; why do otherwise?
If you have been in the Habit of negative thinking, stop right now.
The next time a negative thought dares to enter your mind, banish it by turning it on its head - think of the benefits of the situation and what can be learned, rather than dwelling on disappointment.
You will certainly begin to notice more positive habits and a quick change in mindset.
Give it a go ask yourself that one question multiple times today and let me know how you get on.
#weightloss #fitness #gym #fit #weightlossjourney #workout #motivation #fitnessmotivation #health #healthy #healthylifestyle #exercise #gymlife#transformation #weightlosstransformation #gains #healthyfood #fatloss #goals #affirmation #mindset #postiveattitude #ipreview via
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Love this πŸŽ‰
Age is only a number! πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ


❀️❀️❀️ Monday Vibes ❀️❀️❀️
I'm very lucky now I NEVER get the dreaded Monday feeling... in fact quite the opposite!!
I love Monday, I look forward to getting started with more training, helping people with their nutrition, setting my clients new goals, watching them smash them, seeing how far they have come, meeting new clients, enjoying the buzz that comes with exercise!
... Get up and love your Monday too πŸ’ͺπŸ‘
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⏳⏳⏳⏳ ONE SPACE LEFT ⏳⏳⏳⏳
πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ Bootcamp Space Available πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
We have ONE space available for our new term of bootcamp starting TOMORROW!!
... Do you want to?
πŸ‘‰ Become Healthier πŸ‘‰ Become Fitter πŸ‘‰ Become Stronger πŸ‘‰ Be More Active πŸ‘‰ Have Fun πŸ‘‰ Become More Confident πŸ‘‰ Lose Some Excess Weight πŸ‘‰ Become Leaner πŸ‘‰ Tone Up
Then book your space ASAP πŸ™Œ
Don't keep putting it off, make the decision!
If not now, when??
All too often sometime turns into never!
Do it for you πŸ’ͺ
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πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰The winner of the 8 week boot camp is......πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
Belinda Magennis..
Well done Belinda if you could pm me


Do you suffer from Destination Addiction?? πŸ€”πŸ€”
This is something I feel a lot of people suffer from πŸ™ˆ
Happiness is definitely an inside job πŸ€—
... Why wait...
Until the weekend?
Until Summer?
Until you reach a certain weight?
Until you wear a certain size of clothes? - - - What if...
You just felt great, had lots of energy, felt strong, were confident, were comfortable being you and felt healthy...
Then you would enjoy your journey, every day!
And because YOU feel all those things just being YOU, by looking after yourself...
Then it wouldn't matter where you were or what weight you were.
Happiness would be with you πŸ™Œ
And I can guarantee once you start really looking after yourself, in mind and body you will feel and look the best you have ever done.
You owe it to yourself πŸ’ͺ
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πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ Bootcamp Spaces Available πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
We have TWO spaces available for our new term of bootcamp starting TOMORROW!!
Do you want to?
... πŸ‘‰ Become Healthier πŸ‘‰ Become Fitter πŸ‘‰ Become Stronger πŸ‘‰ Be More Active πŸ‘‰ Have Fun πŸ‘‰ Become More Confident πŸ‘‰ Lose Some Excess Weight πŸ‘‰ Become Leaner πŸ‘‰ Tone Up
Then book your space ASAP πŸ™Œ
Don't keep putting it off, make the decision!
If not now, when??
All too often sometime turns into never!
Do it for you πŸ’ͺ
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So last night Claire booked us to go for a night in a hotel...
Without the kids.
We had been planning to go somewhere for months.
... Originally we thought a few nights away, a city break somewhere would have been amazing.
We picked the weekend in the middle of our 2 birthdays.
But as it got closer, we both realised a city break wasn't going to happen.
We have only ever left the kids once before overnight so this was a really big deal for us.
So Claire booked the LaMon in...
Well... not Bangor anyway πŸ™ˆ
For anyone who has seen my stories, you will understand πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I'm not going to lie, leaving the 4 little people behind was hard.
I always expected Claire to struggle but I felt nervous and anxious too, even though I knew they were in great hands with Claire's Mum & Sisters.
Anyway, as soon as we got to the hotel we both started to relax.
We had a few drinks, unreal food and so many laughs!
It was just what we needed, we have both been so busy with work and life that we knew we needed a break.
And as much as I love Claire every day for everything she does for us all, last night I was reminded of why I love her for just being her.
We got up early this morning, we had breakfast, a gym session, sauna, steam room, jacuzzi & swimming pool all done by 10am!
It was amazing 🀩
Then we were ready for home, feeling relaxed and revitalised!
Self care is the single most important thing any of us can do for ourselves.
We do the smaller things like meditation etc every day.
But sometimes you just know when you need something a bit special, and last night was certainly it 😊
I am so excited for this week ahead, so many new recruits and so many ideas for the sessions πŸ’ͺ
Let's do this guys! πŸŽ‰
Enjoy your Saturday Night πŸ€—
Ryan ❀️
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πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Friday Feels πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
These 7 things are something we could all be reminded off coming into the weekend πŸ™Œ
Once you live by them you will be happier & more content just being you 😊
... Be the very best version of YOU! πŸ’ͺ
And live YOUR best life 🀩
Have a great Friday guy! πŸ˜€
Ryan ❀️
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You won't regret doing it..
This is something that has really benefited me recently and I wouldn't go without one now.


Do you ever feel like you have hit rock bottom??
Because I certainly have.
And not just once, several times over the last few years.
... I have spent days, weeks, even months at a time down there...
It's not a nice place to be.
I have fought, I have battled and I have survived 100% of my worst days.
Even on the days I genuinely thought life wasn't worth living...
I made it.
And it taught me something important.
When you truly hit ROCK BOTTOM, and believe me you will know if you have...
The only place for you to go from there is up!
You just need to make the decision to change it!
Life will be whatever you make of it!
So anyone out there feeling low, down, or at rock bottom...
There is ALWAYS hope πŸ’ͺ
Make it happen πŸŽ‰
Ryan ❀️
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Something we all do regularly in our house and I advise clients to do too.
Not only great for recovery after training, but so many overall health benefits 🀩
"Taking a relaxing Epsom salt bath offers health benefits that have led many people for years to make soaking in the tub a regular routine. Epsom salt baths are fantastic for relaxing and detoxing your body and getting the health benefits of magnesium, but if you don’t have time to take a bath, you can get the same benefi...ts by doing an Epsom salt foot soak"
Highly recommended by all of #TeamMagill even add a few drops of Lavender Essential Oil to an Epsom Salt bath at night for an even more restful sleep 😴
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πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Not To Be Missed πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


You are enough. 😌 In the world of perfect Instagrammers, fitness gurus and 'motivational' health advice, it's easy to feel inadequate, even overwhelmed at times. πŸ“Έ Just like we'd always advise an 'everything in moderation' approach to your food, the same goes for your approach and mindset towards exercise. ... πŸƒ If you have to force it, Let it go. 😳 Don't set unrealistic goals. Don't compare yourself to others. Celebrate yourself. Your journey. Your strengths. πŸ™Œ And give yourself some credit because you’re doing great πŸ’ͺ
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πŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈ What My Clients Are Saying πŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈ
If you are still undecided about joining my Bootcamp πŸ€”
... Then PM me to book your space πŸ’ͺ
What an incredible message to receive yesterday morning πŸ™Œ
This message totally reinforces everything I teach my clients πŸ€—
There are no quick fixes, just better choices 😊
It's a lifestyle change πŸŽ‰
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We are kicking off on Friday. If you want in.
Click the link below. No hanging around waiting for the right time. Start now and take action.
πŸ””πŸ””πŸ”” FREE 10 DAY CHALLENGE πŸ””πŸ””πŸ””
... Forget Skinny, Train To Be Strong
β–ΆAre you ready for a new challenge?
❓Do you ever see pictures of Instagram models and programmes targeted towards people who can " Look Just Like Them"
βœ…And think "yeah I'm sure I could if it wasn't for the family, job, social life and sleep that I have to fit in that stops me spending 2 hours per day in the gym.
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦I do, I know if I've got spare time around work if much rather be spending time with Claire and the kids than going to the gym.
πŸ’ƒMy clients would rather be doing things they enjoy too.
πŸ‹But they still want to transform the way they look and feel.
⏬And, if you click the image or link below TODAY
πŸ†“ FOR FREE ss
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πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Begin your 8 week Bootcamp now and be ready for summer πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺWant to win a free space on our bootcamp? Like share and tag 3 friends..πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
... Are you ready for the challenge?
Do you want to get up early and get your day off to the best start?
Do you want to socialise while getting fit?
Do you want to learn how to live a balanced lifestyle?
Do you want to de-stress after a busy day at work or with the kids?
Our Bootcamp is for you πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
The next Bootcamp will be starting on Monday 29th April..
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'Your lucky you do a job you love'
'Your lucky you can train when you want'
...Continue Reading


Ryan has been fab for helping me to get fit and change my lifestyle! A very supportive trainer who is encouraging all the way! Thanks Ryan!


Really good Personal Trainer..would highly recommend...very friendly and down to earth!if your scared of exercise don't be!Ryan helps with everything from technique to nutrition and is very realistic when it comes to individuals situations and goals!really enjoy going to do exercise now!!give him a shout!!


Love going to ryan every week with the girls..really pushes you..we all have a laugh while we get the work done..great fella.


I have just finished my first 8 week bootcamp with Ryan and I'm amazed at the results. I have tried every diet program and failed every time. I would highly recommend it to anyone. Ryan is great at what he does! Anyone thinking about signing up should definitely give it a go, u won't be let down. if it worked for me it will work for anyone ;)


Great help to keep you motivated and focused, always there to answer any questions needed. Always has an interest in your progress οΏ½


Attend the mummy Bootcamp with Michelle, it’s a great spot and well equipped!


Ryan has been fab for helping me to get fit and change my lifestyle! A very supportive trainer who is encouraging all the way! Thanks Ryan!


Really good Personal Trainer..would highly recommend...very friendly and down to earth!if your scared of exercise don't be!Ryan helps with everything from technique to nutrition and is very realistic when it comes to individuals situations and goals!really enjoy going to do exercise now!!give him a shout!!


Love going to ryan every week with the girls..really pushes you..we all have a laugh while we get the work done..great fella.


I have just finished my first 8 week bootcamp with Ryan and I'm amazed at the results. I have tried every diet program and failed every time. I would highly recommend it to anyone. Ryan is great at what he does! Anyone thinking about signing up should definitely give it a go, u won't be let down. if it worked for me it will work for anyone ;)


Great help to keep you motivated and focused, always there to answer any questions needed. Always has an interest in your progress οΏ½


Attend the mummy Bootcamp with Michelle, it’s a great spot and well equipped!


Ryan has been fab for helping me to get fit and change my lifestyle! A very supportive trainer who is encouraging all the way! Thanks Ryan!


Really good Personal Trainer..would highly recommend...very friendly and down to earth!if your scared of exercise don't be!Ryan helps with everything from technique to nutrition and is very realistic when it comes to individuals situations and goals!really enjoy going to do exercise now!!give him a shout!!


Love going to ryan every week with the girls..really pushes you..we all have a laugh while we get the work done..great fella.


I have just finished my first 8 week bootcamp with Ryan and I'm amazed at the results. I have tried every diet program and failed every time. I would highly recommend it to anyone. Ryan is great at what he does! Anyone thinking about signing up should definitely give it a go, u won't be let down. if it worked for me it will work for anyone ;)


Great help to keep you motivated and focused, always there to answer any questions needed. Always has an interest in your progress οΏ½


Attend the mummy Bootcamp with Michelle, it’s a great spot and well equipped!

More about Team Magill: All Things Health, Life, Fitness & Family

Team Magill: All Things Health, Life, Fitness & Family is located at 68-70 Newry Street, bt32 3ha Banbridge