Terence Mccourt Solicitors

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Terence Mccourt Solicitors

Family firm with a track record of results for business and personal clients. We handle every case with individual care and believe in making a difference!



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In the current circumstances many victims of domestic abuse will find themselves more vulnerable than ever as they are isolated in their homes with their abuser. It can be extremely difficult for victims of domestic abuse or harassment to seek help.
Sadly in Northern Ireland we are no strangers to domestic abuse. The PSNI report that between 1st January 2019 and the 31st December 2019 there were 31,705 domestic abuse incidents in Northern Ireland. T...
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With the current situation we would ask all clients to contact our office by telephone the day before any scheduled court appearance and again on the morning of any scheduled court appearance to ensure that their attendance is necessary. The courts are still operating but they are attempting to do so as far as possible without members of the public having to attend in a bid to combat this virus.
If you have recently been served with a summons asking ...you to attend court we would ask that you contact our office immediately and we will arrange for a solicitor to speak with you. Do not assume that because you have received a summons from the court demanding that you attend on a certain date that you must attend on said date. Normally this would be the case however exceptions are being made under the current circumstances. We may be able to arrange for a solicitor or barrister to attend on your behalf. The Court Service are also currently looking at means by which solicitors and barristers can appear via videolink, or other means, to ensure that as few people are attending courts as possible.
Our Office number is 07710716905. We are fielding a high volume of calls through this number so please be patient if we are unable to answer straight away and leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You may also wish to contact us via email; our email address is info@tmccourt.com
Lastly and most importantly, on behalf of all the team at Terence McCourt Solicitors we wish you and your loved ones good luck and good health. Keep everyone safe and for the sake of all our amazing frontline NHS staff who are selflessly facing this crisis head on and without taking a backwards step, let us all help by doing our bit to flatten the curve!!!
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As the world is scrambling to deal with COVID-19 and as we move forward into the unknown, waiting for measures which may include school closures and a lockdown, we want to take this opportunity to wish everyone well.
Our Office will be closed on Tuesday 17th March for St Patrick’s Day and we will be working towards a move to working from home by the end of this week (hopefully as early as Wednesday). We would ask that you contact us by telephone on the office numbe...r 028 9267 8122 which will divert you to a member of staff or on our office mobile number 07710716905. We will not be facilitating drop in appointments or face to face meetings unless absolutely necessary. We will then take your details and arrange a call back from a solicitor at the earliest opportunity. We would ask you to send or copy all correspondence to us by email to ensure that same reaches us. Our email address is info@tmccourt.com
Our telephone lines will be open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. They will close between 1pm to 2pm for lunch.
These measures are being taken to protect our staff and our clients. Let us again wish everyone well. Don’t be taking any risks and keep safe.
Find the most up to date advice from the Public Health Agency at: https://www.publichealth.hscni.net/news/c ovid-19-coronavirus
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Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️
Special surprise from Scott who spent the week on work experience with us! Good luck to Scott and his future career!


Visit from very special quests today! 🐶🐶
Best day ever!!! ❤️
Olga Gajewska... Alexandra Gifford
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40 years ago this very day Terence qualified as a Solicitor!!! 🎉🎉🎉 40 years of fighting legal battles might have turned his hair grey, but it certainly hasn't knocked the fight out of him! He is still as dedicated, determined and argumentative as ever. Trust me, he argues with me all the time 😜
Congratulations to the chief!!!


The Easter bunny has been 😍
Happy Easter to all!!! We hope everyone has a good break.
Our office is closed until Wednesday 24th April. We are still on call for emergencies. Our office voicemail will give you the emergency number.


We are celebrating today!
Emmet McCourt Happy Birthday! 🎂
#birthday #birthdayboy #26birthday #solicitor #solicitors #lawfirm #solicitorsoffice #office #officeparty #cake #birthdaycake #carrotcake #solicitorslife #lisburn #northernireland #celebrate #presents 🎂🍰🥂


Sometimes we do normal things... Justice took the day off 😉


The guide to keeping yourself right!
Immediately after the accident...
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Happy St Patrick's day to all!!! ☘️☘️☘️
Enjoy the break everyone. Our office is closed on Monday but we are open again on Tuesday.
We are still on call for any emergencies over the break. If you need our emergency number please call the office landline and our voicemail will give it to you.


Miałeś wypadek? 💥🚗🤕 Pomożemy! Oferujemy darmową konsultację na której dowiesz się co możemy dla Ciebie zrobić. W skład usługi wchodzi: * kontakt z ubezpieczalnią sprawcy wypadku... * sporządzenie opinii medycznej (medico-legal report) w celu ustalenia faktycznego uszczerbku na Twoim zdrowiu oraz w celu określenia konsekwencji urazów w przyszłości * poprowadzenie postępowania ugodowego lub jeżeli to koniecznie postępowania sądowego * uzyskanie odszkodowania pieniężnego za straty materialne oraz odszkodowania za uszczerbek na zdrowiu
Oferujemy obsługę w języku polskim, nie będziesz musiał martwić się o barierę językową Olga Gajewska z naszej kancelarii może być obecna przy każdym spotkaniu, dodatkowo możesz kontaktować się z nią poprzez telefon 028 9267 8122, e-mail olga@tmccourt.com, a także Faceboka (Olga Gajewska - polski asystent - Terence McCourt Solicitors) w celu uzyskania dodatkowych informacji odnośnie Twojej sprawy.
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Dear Clients!
We would like to welcome 2 new members of our staff.
Katerina Zackova and Ekaterina Perova.
... From now on we offer service in English, Polish, Czech/Slovak and Russian languages! 🇸🇰🇨🇿🇷🇺
For Czech/Slovak please contact Katka at kate@tmccourt.com.
For Russian please contact Ekaterina at ekaterina@tmccourt.com.
For Polish please contact Olga at olga@tmccourt.com.
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Please follow the link below or send your CV to olga@tmccourt.com. :) 💻📧📚🖇
... https://www.jobcentreonline.com/JCOLFront /JobDetails.aspx…
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Heartfelt thanks to Andrea Dymus-Reporter / Publicist / Author / culture promoter, Nasz Express, consulate general of the Polish Republic in Belfast and for Mr Consul Pawel Majewski for the invitation to the opening of the exhibition about Polish hero Witold Pilecki. It was an amazing pleasure and a great honour to have Olga Gajewska of our firm personally invited to attend.
Here are a few pictures of Olga and Alex (who is our trainee solicitor) attending at the event.
We ar...e incredibly proud to have Olga and Alex as members of our team.
The exhibition can be seen from 2-16 November in long gallery in the Parliament buildings at Stormont. We highly recommend!!! 😊😊😊
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More about Terence Mccourt Solicitors

Terence Mccourt Solicitors is located at 19 Bachelors Walk, BT28 1XJ Lisburn
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -