The Sound Inside Holistic Wellbeing

About The Sound Inside Holistic Wellbeing

Caroline encourages and supports each person to make small, daily changes which can lead to optimum physical /mental health, happiness and balance.

The Sound Inside Holistic Wellbeing Description

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a holistic complementary therapy; it works to treat the whole person not just the prevailing symptom. There are natural energy pathways which run through the body, and correspond to all major organs, glands and systems of the body. Through stimulating reflexes on the feet and sometimes the hands, the body is encouraged to work naturally to restore its own healthy balance.
The human body is an incredible machine. It has thousands of parts and systems working together to keep the body functioning at optimum levels. The negative effects of everyday life, stress, emotions and diet can throw the body off balance.

The sole purpose of Reflexology is to return the body to homeostasis – a state of equilibrium and balance. Reflexology is a very relaxing therapy which restores balance to all systems on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.